The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 100: 3rd base reached

Of course, a woman with such an arrogant posture could certainly not express her unhappiness at this time, let alone mention the word Wuge. She just raised her chin and gave Fang Senyan a glorious and provocative look. [] There is still wrath and charm in this eye ... but Fang Senyan read only the provocation ------- Sam, the sister is just sitting here, can you be stingy?

"You don't have to go in ...."

Fang Senyan's mood is very bad, but at this time there are still people who come to challenge him ... ..... This man has no way to use his fists to learn! So Fang Senyan turned around at once, half-knelt on the ground, his hands on the walls on both sides of his head.

The posture of the two at this time is very ambiguous. The distance between eyes and eyes, lips and lips can only be calculated in centimeters, and they can even feel the warmth of each other's breathing ...

Fang Senyan's purpose for this purpose was to put a hard word, but after entering this posture, he suddenly found that his mind was suddenly blank. Because this is the first time that Fang Senyan has approached the delicate and noble face of such a pose, and for the first time, she smells the female fragrance that is emitted by her body after being heated by the body temperature, and is mixed with the kind of shock that she first saw With a slightly shy expression.

Yes, for the first time, a man has cut into his own space so powerfully, so she was shocked. As for being shy, it was just a woman's instinct. The factor of surprise was to occupy 80%.

"You **** woman, I reminded you to get away." Fang Senyan at this time had begun to feel like a fire was burning in his heart. And it was very uncomfortable, and he was a simple and straightforward person, so the next move was very gentle and impolite.

Fang Senyan kissed the slightly opened red lips, and then put his tongue into it with a thunderbolt, while his right hand was inserted into the back of the pose to embrace her, and his left hand was embraced. It was honest and polite to grasp it and tell the truth. (Following the novel, it is Ye Zi · Yu ~ Yu M) Fang Senyan has been thinking about doing this for a long time.

"It's amazingly tender and flexible." Fang Senyan couldn't help but admire in his heart at this time, he thought, while trying his best to taste his lips.

The position suddenly attacked was still at a loss for a while. It seems that I did not expect to encounter such a thing at all, and then I felt the abnormal softness from the bone marrow all over my body, the feeling of laziness as if soaked in warm water. The heartbeat also began to accelerate with it. What's more weird is that the body seems to be very enamored and enjoy this feeling, so the posture is in a state of confusion, and even let it go for a while ...

It wasn't until Fang Senyan's hand ran to the third base honestly, the illusion that the tightly clamped legs were tried to be forcibly opened, and the posture suddenly appeared, and the "scrambled" struggling suddenly found out that This kind of behavior is very futile, just bite it hard ...

Fang Senyan suddenly made a painful cry. Then he stopped the behavior of siege and siege on Zi, saying indignantly:

"What are you doing?"

Zi gave him a scornful look, and began to sort out the messed up clothes:

"I despise those who are at risk."

"Riding in danger ... …… .. It seems that I am crying here to vent my emotions! You ran over to deliver to your door, and now you actually say that I am in danger? Where are you in danger?" Fang Senyan angrily thought of this series Something, but he had no intention of saying it at all. Because fighting with a woman is actually a time when men lose or lose, regardless of winning or losing, plus Mori is also hot at this time -------- Can it be hot? Changing to any man with normal sexual function must also have the same response -------- so Fang Senyan ignored the posture at all, but flung up again!

Alas, in order to avoid being bitten this time, Fang Senyan changed the kissing place to the neck, and then tried to feel lactating very nasty. []

obviously. Zi is certainly not willing to follow suit, but Fang Senyan suddenly said something in her, Zi suddenly became stiff, and the intensity of resistance suddenly became symbolic.

What Fang Senyan said was:

"My current strength is 110 points, and my health is more than 4,000. The distance between us can only be described in centimeters. Great mage, in this case, do you think your resistance is useful?"

In fact, Zi has faced more than one attempt to be rude, but with her own super strength, she often makes the guy with bad intentions die unsightly, so she always behaves calmly, but ............ Fang Senyan reminded him so suddenly that Zi Zeng realized that his original credentials were not suitable for the current situation.

"Unfortunately, why did you forget this thing?" At the same time that his slender legs were forcibly separated, Zi could not help but burst out such an idea.

So women are really amazing creatures. Men can never guess what's in their heads.

The next wheezing, crying, depressing groan, and popping sounds need not be said. After a while, the sound went from low to high, then reached a peak level, and finally slowly Back down. At last, she came out of the pose. Although her expression was pretending to be calm, her heels were rattling on the ground, but the redness on her cheeks had not calmed down, and her awkward looking walking style completely betrayed her.

For Zi, she has been mentally prepared for this to happen. First of all, she is a normal woman in need, because there are no men around her who can see her, only Fang Senyan is slightly better than the others. One point, so Fang Senyan is cheap, so the attitude of posture is to play a man, so if you carry out a deep analysis, it is almost sexual. Fang Senyan's status is on the same starting line as the female masturbation device.

Alas, as for the adventure in the nightmare world, public is private and private, and attitude has always been a public and private person, otherwise it is impossible to manage the es consortium in an organized manner, so she will not open any in the nightmare world at the moment of life and death Kidding.

However, Fang Senyan had an indescribable feeling of emptiness at this time ... This feeling is a mixed experience after being hollowed out and exhausted. After feedback to the body, there is only one effect, that is nothing. Willing to think, not willing to do anything, just want to lie down lazily, and then go to sleep.

Fortunately at this time, Fang Senyan still had a trace of reason and perseverance, so he insisted on climbing up, squeezed out a trace of extra energy from the body by taking a shower, and then returned to the real world with a shake, climbed up the stairs and lay down I fell asleep in bed, the trauma I had suffered in the heart, and the exhaustion that accumulated deep in my body, and slowly began to heal during this deep sleep.


I don't know how long I slept, but Fang Senyan smelled a scent in the nose. The scent is very familiar and quite seductive. I couldn't help but pressed my sleepiness and turned over, and I saw the senior uncle Happily smoking the hookah, looking at him with a smile, very kind. The scent comes from a large blue and white porcelain bowl on the side table, which is a bowl of shredded pork noodles.

The shredded noodles made by uncles are actually made with very common ingredients. The noodles sold in the noodle supermarket, the soup is cooked with a piece of fish mixed with boiled meat, and the shredded pork is three points fat and seven points thin. , Cut into different thicknesses, then pour soy sauce, sprinkle with MSG salt and green and white onions.

But for Fang Senyan, in the memories of childhood and teenagers, being able to eat a bowl of shredded pork noodles is a very happy thing. The noodles with a bite of strength, ate into the belly, and then in A sip of fresh soup is simmered in the aroma of green onion, and by the way, the green greens that have just been watered up are eaten. When it is eaten at the end, Fang Senyan's habit is to eat noodles first, then drink the noodle soup, and then there is a large left at the bottom Heaping fresh and tender shredded pork and finally eating the remaining half-fat lean pork shreds is truly unforgettable.

Uncle Da's craftsmanship may be slightly rough, but a bowl of broth broth is destined to be delicious. In addition, the selection of shredded pork is three fats and seven thin. It does not feel dry and dry, so it is also Fang Senyan. Appetite is wide open.

At the end of the meal, Fang Senyan actually chewed a few brined cuttlefish eggs at the bottom of the shreds, which had strong teeth and elasticity. When he bite hard, the delicious juice immediately marked out from the gap between the teeth. The mouth is full of delicious flavors lingering on the tongue, but the price paid is that the teeth and tongue will be dyed black. This is also a specialty that can only be enjoyed by the sea. If this stuff is cured and dried, it will be inferior in terms of color and fragrance.

"Ada, has Sanzi got up?" Fang Senyan drank the last noodle soup with satisfaction and asked his uncle. When no one was there, he would call him in his father's dialect.

The senior uncle said:

"Get up early, he also said that you are tired, let me not disturb you ~ ~ Fang Senyan smiled and nodded:

"Then what is he doing?"

"It seems that you are booking a flight, aren't you saying that you are going to do business on the mainland?" Uncle Senior said puzzled.

Fang Senyan hurriedly lied for San Chai Yuan:

"Yes, yes, I just fell asleep, and my head is still a little unclear."

Fang Senyan said, but suddenly there was a thought in his mind. What is this guy going to the mainland to do?


Recommend a book of competitive gods: the winner is king, hehe. Lin Hai's new book is of assured quality, and I am jealous of my chrysanthemum on the weekly recommendation list. (Welcome your support, it is my greatest motivation.) RV

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