The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 2: New title

Although the mission was shown in front of Fang Senyan, he was not eager to accept the mission, but carefully considered afterwards:

"I have a few questions that need to be determined."

Nightmare space is still the same:

"If you are in your rank, you will be answered for free, and if you need to pay, you will be prompted."

Fang Senyan thought for a while and said seriously:

"Is this task a solo task or a team task?"

"Single person, if it is a team task, it is equivalent to publicly declaring war with zb419's subordinate Noah Space f at this time." Space responded quickly.

Fang Senyan then asked:

"So does my task time overlap with the next time I enter the world? So it will prevent me from entering the next world with my team members?"

Nightmare spaced ten seconds later and said:

"If you can coordinate with the military over the Empire, then don't use it."

Fang Senyan Qidao:


Nightmare Space Road:

"The awakener zb419 performed the inheritance of the Dark Templar, then the world he entered should be the world of the Star River team. According to the first-hand information I have obtained, the world of the Star River team is the same as the world of the iron fighter Start to erode the empire's main plane, so you can try to take the aircraft from the empire's main plane, fly through the weak place of the time and space barrier, and then enter the world of the Star River team. In that case, it will be with you It's the same for the last emergency task, and it doesn't have to take the time for the next task. "

"I see." Fang Senyan nodded, and then suddenly said, "Why do you accept Ronnie? Is he really strong? Why don't I think?"

Space's response was also very concise:

"Because he is a candidate and has good potential."

Fang Senyan suddenly narrowed his eyes and said slyly:

"How did Judah get the dinar?"

Suddenly, an indescribable majesty came. Fang Senyan felt that he couldn't compete with this power at all, but he didn't intend to resist, the cold way of space:

"Unknown. Contractor 1018, any attempt to betray the subordinate space is a very shameful thing!"

Fang Senyan smiled. But it is a helpless way out:

"You misunderstood, I just asked."

Space's response reappeared:

"Do you want to rescue the awakener zb419? If you don't accept it, then this task will be sent to the remaining strong contractor?"

Fang Senyan suddenly said:

"There should be more powerful contractors in this space than the refiners. Why not let them perform this task, wouldn't they have greater grasp?"

Space Road:

"That's because of the barrier of strength. If a high-level contractor with a disproportionate strength is dispatched in a low-level task, the damage to the space-time barrier will be even greater, and the total gain will be worth the loss. The suppression of the barriers will instead fall. It is like the best way to catch a rat that is looting at home is to put a cat in, instead of letting the workers demolish the house to prevent rodents. "

Now that he understands these things, Fang Senyan also chose to accept the task quite simply. He told this to the people in the team. The rest of the people didn't have much opinion, but they thought for a while, and together with Sanzi, they made up five pieces of 炋 element strips that Fang Senyan had not sold before.

Obviously, this stuff is hard currency in the empire, if not. If you want to give away the white wolves with empty gloves, then you really have to go through a lot of trouble. In this way, it is naturally much better to take the initiative.


Although the saying goes so well, if you save people, Fang Senyan has no plans to save people in such a hurry at this time. The first thing to do is to strengthen his own strength first. Instead of saving people, put yourself in.

Obviously, this time Ronnie was chased by a few enemies, and he will go to a world similar to the giant battlefield Xinghe, the survival rate should be the first guarantee, and more importantly, the last time Fang Senyan them The experience of the Starship Team world is against the Zerg, this time according to Ronnie's hint, maybe they have to confront the most mysterious Protoss in the universe!

In the face of these races, atypical pneumonia and sars virus may not be able to work, because the zerg and protoss have wood and lungs is still a problem. For now, Fang Senyan needs the disease to delay the enemy's ability.

Therefore, Fang Senyan still intends to raise his rank first, and then said that the bloodless Major General A's unparalleled ability, whether it is hunting and saving lives, is extremely powerful! And because of the relationship with the people of the empire, the **** seem to have a tendency to racial discrimination, so the higher the rank, the more naturally they will have an advantage.

However, just as Fang Senyan was about to leave, the old Charlie stood up and said respectfully:

"Master, according to my observations, it seems that the probability of success is relatively high when we combine titles."

Fang Senyan said "Oh", strangely:

"Is this also a time period?"

Old Charlie nodded:

"In space, there is a special place for synthesizing titles. I went to observe it for a while, and judged the result of the synthesis through some details. Usually, when the synthesis result is ideal, the pace of people coming out will be lighter. There will be significant fluctuations in mood, and the reaction of those who fail to synthesize can be seen in subtle ways. "

After hearing this, Fang Senyan could not help but nodded slightly:

"Yes, you go on."

Old Charlie said:

"Then I'll talk about the key points directly. According to my observations and analysis of 137 samples, the result is that in the interval between 6 pm and 8 pm every day, the success rate of the synthesis will be 7% to 13%. Now it ’s exactly 7:30 in the evening, so if the owner is n’t in a hurry, then let ’s do the title synthesis first. ”

Now Fang Senyan has obtained a total of sixteen titles:

1 master tasting

2 Pirate leaders

3 feedback from the tree guard pot

4 Bloodthirsty 1

5 Butcher Shop Owners

6 penetration

7 Marauders


9 outstanding employees

10 Pirate Captain (Black Iron Class)

11) Fearless

12) Smuggler

13) the invaders

14) Scavenger

15) Mechanical enemy

16) Friends of Sanitary Napkin

17) The big collector

(The above statistics may be missed, please face and tap ...)

Of these sixteen titles, most of them must be burned. The basis of synthesis is naturally two black iron titles: Captain Pirate and wine tasting master. The specific synthesis process has been mentioned before. Here it is. Needless to say anything. It is worth mentioning that the friends of sanitary napkins are summarized into special titles, which can only be used for synthesis and cannot be burned, so they are abandoned aside, and finally a bronze grade title is synthesized:

Bronze Title: Son of the Sea

Synthesis times: once

Equipment: All attributes +3

Equip: Increase all your damage by 8%

Equipment: Gain a chance to drop advanced equipment / enhancement success of equipment to increase by 10%.

Equip: When you get any recovery effects, you will immediately get a 8% increase in critical strike rate, and get an additional 10% of the maximum health healing effect (this healing effect takes effect every 300 seconds, and can not be high) (At 500 health), the critical strike increase effect lasts 60 minutes.

Equipment: You have the ability to breathe underwater like a cetacean, but you must breathe at least every hour, and you will be as smart in the water as you are on land.

Equipment: You and your appointed pirate official increase the deterrence of ordinary pirates by 200%, coercion +3.

Equipment: When there are rivers, lakes, and oceans within one kilometer near you, you can effectively increase the attack / defense power of your allies within one kilometer by 25% and increase the movement speed by an additional 40%! (This effect only applies to the characters in the plot, and does not stack with the rest of the special effect bonuses.)

Equipment: Private plunder permit. When you successfully seize / kill the rest of the ships and enemies at sea, you also have a chance to view and get the precious special parts / precious special materials / precious special equipment special related to naval battles above. ability.

Note: The private plunder license can increase your chance of discovery by 33% and the quality of the discovery by 33%.

Tip: You can upgrade this ability to: Royal British Private Plunder Permit by donating money to the Queen of England.

Tip: If you own (note that you have ~ ~ not equipment) after this title, your vigorous ambition will be revealed, and it will be difficult for you to join the rest of the pirate forces.


To be honest, this synthetic title is quite good. It can be said that it is amphibious, and each attribute is quite practical, but when I turn to think of the hardship and accumulation of Fang Senyan when collecting these titles, he can be relieved.

However, according to Sanzi, some contractor teams are mainly attacking titles, and their titles are estimated to be much stronger than Fang Senyan's.

The main advantage of the title is also very real, because if the equipment is played, it will also involve the issue of distribution, but everyone who has obtained the title is fair! It is also stable and powerful for the improvement of team strength. Secondly, it will increase the evaluation of clearance.

For example, in the last 2012 world, the person who attacked the title can only meet the most basic requirements of the main task, and then complete the title task. You know, in the 2012 world, there are five ordinary titles at the beginning of the world alone. A bronze title too! After a full six titles, the final promotion can be said to be absolutely equivalent to everyone in the team getting a silver plot equipment. (To be continued.

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