The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 5: Premium goods on the black market

The standard buildings that constitute the slum area are all official low-rent housing forms, which is a building model that maximizes the use of space ---- Of course, what are bright and bright air scenery and so on are not among them , The designer's only idea is to repeatedly emphasize n times from the bloated superior mouth that has a larger belly than the soil:

"I * have only one requirement for your design plan. It ’s enough to plug me in as much as possible! Stopper, stopper, stopper! Stoppering to the point where even a stamp cannot be squeezed in, go to * Art , Beautiful, comfortable! Even if you build this into a presidential suite, the poor ghosts who live in these houses will never pay a penny! "

It is said that a total of 230 design proposals appeared at the time, and the final winner was an unknown designer. The only reason for his shortlisting is to refer to the architectural layout of Tokyo, Japan on the ancient earth when it was the most prosperous ... ….

Therefore, all the residential areas in the North District are the same. Everyone should have seen the modern chicken farms. The buildings in the North District are similar to the chicken cages in the chicken farms. Many chickens, plus construction materials are durable and practical, so the same thing is black, so there is another name in the North District, that is, black chicken cage.

The giant conveyor belt was not spread to the North District, because the cost of this gadget is also not low. After Fang Senyan and Old Charlie walked down the street center conveyor belt, they saw a very chaotic and noisy area, which was almost as busy as the vegetable market. Various people talked to each other with false smiles on their faces. What he said was very hidden or even ridiculous. For example, Fang Senyan heard someone asking, "How much are two eggs?"

Ok, the question may be wrong, but it looks normal, but the answer is very abnormal. Another voice answered:

"Forty ears ..."

Later, Fang Senyan knew from the "translator" of old Charlie that the so-called "egg" refers to a grenade. The ear refers to a kind of local pasta, which is made like the shape of an ear. Such a weird way of talking. Almost all of them are on par with the bandit before the liberation.

As Old Charlie took Fang Senyan deep into the area, Fang Senyan noticed. After this ghost place is deepened, because the sameness of the building is really easy to get lost, all the eyes see the same building, and of course there are people with different skin colors who seem to be bustling.

And there are a lot of strange eyes staring around, there are doubts, envy, doubt, disgust, and anger ... Fang Senyan felt that most of these eyes were directed at his strange face. Fortunately, I changed clothes before going out, otherwise I'm afraid the feeling of being watched will be stronger.

However, Fang Senyan was calm and unconcerned, and Old Charlie shrank quietly behind his coat and hat, without even raising his eyelids. After the old Charlie broke the fingers of two thieves who were less than ten years old, they were able to move on.

Soon, Fang Senyan finally saw a different building, but the difference of this thing is also limited. To put it simply, it is a bad building. If you want to get in there. Both Fang Senyan and Old Charlie also paid the price of thirty imperial coins, which is almost equal to the purchasing power of three hundred yuan.

After entering this smashed tailgate, old Charlie finally broke the silence:

"Master, this is the best place you want to experience. After a while someone will come in to deliver food. After dinner, there will be almost a black market auction today, and then you should almost go back."

Fang Senyan nodded and laughed:

"Auction? Then I have to see if I have enough money. I know that in the slums, the richest man is born."

Fang Senyan said this is not baseless. There is a very strange phenomenon. Often high-educated people work for low-educated people. Jobs was an abandoned baby and stayed in an orphanage in a slum area before being adopted. Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who is also a member of the Premier League team, is from an ordinary businessman's family, so if you look down on the underground black market in the slums, you really have to be careful.

Fang Senyan talked with old Charlie and was led in by him. Then he realized that the rotten tailgate was only an external cover, and it was actually built into a pretty small theater form. It can even be seen from the top of the box seat. On the street ... Although there is nothing good on this street, there is still a kind of high-minded pleasure when looking down at the crowd of people with a numb expression.

At this time there were not many people sitting in the box. It wasn't long before someone sent you something to eat. First, a basket of steamed cakes came out, but the processing was rough. Although it tasted slightly fragrant, , But lacks delicate texture.

This stuff is made from cassava powder, mixed and fermented and steamed. It is neither hard nor soft. When it comes out, it is eaten with a side sauce. The sauce is a gravy called nyama. The soup is made of chicken. Wagyu beef can also be used as gravy for the rest of the animal.

Old Charlie reminded Fang Senyan that it is best not to dip the gravy here, because with the expansion of the population, the supply of necessities such as food will inevitably be in short supply, so the meat for seasoning is likely to be mouse meat. Things like mouse hair and internal organs don't matter.

Next, I put on a fruit that made Fang Senyan feel that the way of eating is very novel. This thing is about the size of a grapefruit, cut off the top cover, and then pour a few drops of soy sauce into it. The combination of soy sauce and pulp has a very strange taste.

After being full, I gave a cup of brown-red wine, called Hanis.

According to the introduction of old Charlie, on the eighth star of Andromeda, there is a Hanis tree in the strange climatic environment in the north, which can bear unique sour fruits. Every spring and early summer, people on the planet collect Hanis fruits Get up and extract the pulp for sweetening and fermentation.

The extracted Hanis wine is then stored in oak barrels for 2 years to be mellow, and finally, the mellow wine is perfectly blended with fresh cream, thereby making this smooth and unique flavor. Grow wine.

Fang Senyan stood up and took a sip, only feeling thick and sweet. After drinking it, he drank it. The tip of his tongue first tasted the sweetness of milk, and then the taste buds on the sides of his tongue noticed a bitterness similar to coffee. When the wine reached his throat To hot enthusiasm.

When Fang Senyan was eating, the seats in the field were already nearly three-quarters full. A thin-looking bearded man came to the middle, and after a hat-off ceremony, he said:

"Sirs, because we have just received the news, a big man is visiting this sinful and full of opportunity, and it is estimated that the security control will be implemented soon, so we will not wait for anyone to hold this auction in advance. "

With a dull percussion, three women came up first, alas, naked women. Although Fang Senyan is an adult man, because of the pose as a reference in the front, the requirements are definitely higher. I am not interested in these vulgar powders, of course, pass directly.

The next auction was nothing more than drugs, weapons, and other contraband. Fang Senyan was lethargic, but fortunately, special products smuggled from some planets began to appear soon. Fang Senyan was surprised to find an unknown in these auctions. Goods, but also the kind of high-end goods that can be sold for 5 points of merit!

This unknown strange object comes from the eighth Centaur planet, where the air density is very high, and almost living things move in it, just like wandering in the water. On that planet, there is a creature with few natural enemies called an elephant whale.

The unknown miracle obtained by Fang Senyan is that another parallel world begins to overlap with the main plane, the point of entry is exactly on the planet, and an elephant whale was hit by a space-time crack derived from it, and of course it died immediately, but its huge Ya didn't know why, but it was preserved in that terrible turbulence.

When it comes to economic value, this thing is certainly worthy of mention, but the waste in the eyes of others is invaluable to Moriyan. Fortunately, no one fought with Fangsenyan. ~ ~ What to sell next makes Fang Senyan cry and laugh! People who buy it are still eager to buy it generously. The original auction turned out to be a clipped video material! This information is nothing else. It was a series of experiences on the planet Elops that was photographed with the eyes of the old Charlie at that time. However, the place where the battle was fought must be afraid to scare the investors. The richness of the minerals was carved out, and of course, the natural environment on the planet Elops and so on.

This thing was finally sold at a sky-high price, of course, it also proves that the subject here is indeed superb, and even this kind of thing can be obtained.

The finale that was thrown out later surprised everyone, it was a miniature single-armor mech, and it was still in the army! Although the increase of this thing is only seven times, it still looks like a brand new state. The various weapons are intact, and it is definitely not the castrated version!

Obviously, nine out of ten people who were present at the moment wanted to start this thing. Who would think that the power of his own is too small? But just as the sentiments were surging, a hoarse voice screamed:

"I want this thing, send it to me." R

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