The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 12: 20 cm critical point

However, Fang Senyan's heart is even more clear. Mungo may feel that he is scorched and very annoyed. However, what really wants to make him scorched is still the same as a time bomb. Once it is triggered, , Then there is no doubt that Mongo will feel how happy the present time is. 【叶 * 子】 [悠 * 悠]

As soon as he thought about it, there was an idea in his mind, that is, he couldn't do the thing that he did unintentionally, and the **** bowl would be transferred to the royal family!

Yes, the death of important members of the Arno family at this juncture will undoubtedly give artificial meaning.

Could it be that Fang Senyan jumped out from the first to confess that the Cong'anuo family didn't believe it ..... who the **** did you coax, so the coincidence encountered the auction? So coincidental to see the money? So coincidence to kill? ? Billowing, directly explain the mastermind behind it, otherwise, you will be raped and killed, then raped and killed ...

So at this time, Fang Senyan called Haha to express his sincere understanding of Mongo. Although he actually came to save people, he was not in a hurry at this time, because the Alpine Base 7 was already in need. Set off a terrible storm.

And Fang Senyan is also very confident in Roni: he is both an agile elder and a good avatar, and since he has not been killed by the raid, he has been given a chance to breathe. Big problems, at least should be able to persist until they arrive.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by Archer, Fang Senyan visited some of the military restricted areas inside Alpine Base 7. In the process, Fang Senyan saw a horror dock under construction! The height of this sturdy steel stuff even reached five kilometers!

What is this concept? ? ? ? A dock at half the height of the Himalayas! !! Think about how amazing this data is, and this means even more: the spaceship to be built will be huge to an unimaginable size!

Seeing the scene in front, Fang Senyan pressed his hand against the thick porthole, and felt the delicateness and coldness of the porthole glass immediately passed along the fingertips. (From the novel to Ye Zi · Yu ~ Yu M) Yes, he was shocked by human imagination and creativity at this moment, just like when people first saw the Great Wall. Admiration of such a great building as the pyramid!

At this time, the dock was only half-built, and from a distance, there were a lot of engineering robots flying around in space. Like a hard-working bee, the dazzling arc light cuts through the darkness like lightning from time to time! Such a booming scene, the background of partial birth is still the vast and impassive deadly cosmic space, thus forming a strong contrast.

Fang Senyan watched for a while, and suddenly said:

"It seems that the Empire's determination this time is very strong. The construction of such a huge spaceship here should not be built with the blueprint of a battleship."

Archer glanced at Fang Senyan in surprise:

"Yes, the volume of battleships is not larger and better. The decline of battleships on ancient Earth is actually proof that the volume of battleships is huge. It is mainly to accommodate enough energy to generate a reactor. This is a degree when energy is generated. After the system has reached saturation, the larger volume is completely wasted -------- Well, okay. I saw your blank eyes, so I change it. "

"In figurative language: According to a report I got when I was young, at least 72.3% of men were not very satisfied with the size of a certain part of them, which hoped to become bigger and longer. 99.98%, but clinically we will always persuade the oversized size proposed by many patients to be treated, because this is not the bigger the better. Twenty centimeters is the critical point, which exceeds this size, then at least in women From a perspective point of view, it is too late ----------- For the current interstellar ships with combat as their main target, the Pacific-class system is the critical point. "

Fang Senyan nodded if he realized, he suddenly said after a while:

"Archer, what did you do before joining the army?"

Archer stunned:

"Otaku. (You can go to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)"

"Okay." Fang Senyan sighed. "So what is your family doing?"

"My dad is a veterinarian." Archer's eyes looked reminiscent. "My mother opened a famous plastic surgery clinic. I couldn't help when I was there to help, so after that, many of the operations were mine. Father did it. "

"... Go to your mother's clinic now and ask for a 20-centimeter tip package. Can you give me 50% off? Yes, you must not ask your father for a knife!"


After a series of conversations, Fang Senyan was secretly shocked, because the progress of the Empire on the planet of Elops was far greater than he imagined! Since half a year ago, the Empire has carried out a "migration" plan at all costs!

Migration was originally a cyclic activity in which fish gathered spontaneously in specific seasons or physiological conditions. For example, salmon in the North Pacific ceased to eat during the breeding period, and they face thousands of kilometers a day with a current of tens of kilometers per hour.

In the process of migrating, the school of fish has to face the hunting of natural enemies, changes in the environment, and great physical exertion. When they reach the spawning ground, they often do not exist. What makes them successful in migrating, that is the composition Tight schools of fish. In this way, when encountering hunting by natural enemies, the fish on the periphery will be on top. When the schools of fish are traveling, they can also form inertial water currents to save swimming energy.

So to be straightforward, the Empire's migration plan is actually to form a huge fleet of hard rushes to pass the meteorite belt at an extremely high price, and to ensure that a small part of the core can be reached with an amazing casualty rate.

The migrating plan has been implemented very miserably. Although most of the outer space ships are scrapped warships, they must always form a fleet. The first migrating plan failed completely, but only reached the middle of the meteorite belt.

However, the first failure has aroused the puppets of the upper and middle class empires! The second migration plan was quickly put forward, this time it was an active battleship!

Moreover, the empire used the rare authority of the emperor, forcing the major military regions that had become a separatist to take out 400 active battleships, and the empire headquarters sent a hundred! After making it clear that the war potential of each military region was to be weakened, a second migration plan was successfully organized.

The process this time was still very tragic, but finally a root was built on the planet Elops, and a small base was built.

However, this base only existed for seven days, and a sudden cosmic storm struck, which cut off the fragile connection between the base and the headquarters, and then it could not be contacted. Obviously, it was already a lot of bad luck.

The third migration plan changed the fact that warships were the main force, but began to prepare the giant ship plan.

Yes, the defense of the battleship at this time can be said to be almost all against the energy shield of the energy weapon, but the crazy impact of the meteorite is physical damage, which is why the battleship cannot stay in the meteorite belt for a long time.

Therefore, if you want to increase the physical defense force, then increase the thickness of the armor! Thicker armor means extra weight, and of course, extra huge energy systems and propulsion systems. Therefore, the huge ship named "Mariana" built here actually has six times the size of Pacific-class battleships.

And its horrible steel + energy shield hybrid armor is enough to cope with the impact of meteorites below 50 meters in diameter! !!

The 376 bomber particle guns on the boat are responsible for crushing any meteorite with a diameter of more than ten meters within three hundred kilometers. According to the first-hand data collected in the previous two "migration" plans, The proportion of meteorites with a diameter of more than 50 meters in the entire meteorite belt is only about 2.3 per thousand.

After hearing these data, Fang Senyan couldn't help groaning:

"So, as long as the construction of Mariana is successful, it is basically no problem to conquer the planet of Elops?"

"Yes." Archer said: "And the Empire has officially set up the UNDP to form various structures, and according to the latest news of last month, a Jerusalem spacecraft tried to continue to fly to the planet of Elops and was destroyed by the Empire. The siege was ordered, and as of now, there is no follow-up news. "

Fang Senyan narrowed his eyes, and synthesizing the various news he has received, he suddenly thought of a possibility, a great possibility. When he thought of it, Fang Senyan would be unable to bear some dilemmas: if this idea is true If it is ~ ~ So what should I do?

Archer next to him saw Fang Senyan's mood suddenly abruptly. Only when he thought about the comrades who had been killed on the planet of Elops from the giant ship in front of him, he no longer asked, but Bring Fang Senyan to the workshop he hosted, and then ask Fang Senyan to choose a military ship that is currently in service, and then prepare to tailor it for him and improve it into a future transportation tool.

At least three or four hours have passed since this messy incident was solved. Archer is a real person. Although he is busy with his official duties, he has always been with Fang Senyan and listened to his opinions and requests. At the end, Archer felt something weird, but he looked at the time and wondered:

"It's weird. Lieutenant General Mongo should have completed the reception long ago. Even if negotiations were to take place, it would certainly not be possible to talk about the outcome immediately. In any case, he should make time."

Fang Senyan laughed secretly in his belly, because he knew that most of the incident happened, and the members of the Arno family disappeared. This is a big thing. Mengge now estimates that there is no time to eat and drink. Where can I still see myself? (Welcome your support, it is my greatest motivation.)

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