The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 83: Rampage (880 ~ 930)

Although the room door was strong, how could it stand up to Fang Senyan's full kick? Immediately, the whole piece of lime concrete nails pulled down from the wall flew away, and it was clear that there was a clear crack in the middle of the wooden door, and it crashed into the opposite wall and fell down. After getting down, Fang Senyan's figure slipped, and Li Xianhai had been rushed into this room, and then turned into the inner bedroom. A hot string of hot bullets came late, but only on the carpet and walls Several hot bullet holes were left on it.

The room where the two fled did not have anything like the genius master balcony, only a large bed and furniture. Fang Senyan also suffered a few minor injuries on his body at this time, losing nearly thirty lives. However, he didn't care, he took out the "endless vodka" metal jug, and sighed as he raised his head, and sighed with satisfaction, not only replenishing the lost health, but at the same time Also activated his title "Drunk Man", and the crit rate suddenly increased. At this point Li Xianhai also felt that he had been brought into the Jedi, and his face was of course very ugly. Fang Senyan looked at him with a small smile and said, "Mr. Li?" Li Xianhai still did not lose his grace at this time, although he was desperate in his heart, he managed to squeeze out a smile. At this point the robbers had arrived at the door. They were afraid to suffer an ambush and proceeded carefully. Fang Senyan said through the air: "You should now see that I have no genius and evil spirits? Otherwise, you can't live without me at all." "Thank you." Although Li Xianhai was desperate by this time. , Still graceful, appears extremely educated. Fang Senyan thought carefully and naturally could see his thoughts in his heart. He shrugged and said easily: "I'm only 22 years old this year. Do you look like I'm a self-seeking person?" Li Xianhai suddenly, the air has been thrown in A smoking thing is just another grenade. And the robbers saw the ability of Fang Senyan to kick the grenade. At this time, he deliberately held it for three seconds before throwing it. The purpose was to make the grenade fall to the height of one person and explode. Squatting and crouching are all mortal.

These robbers did not know that Fang Senyan's perception is several times that of ordinary people. This grenade can also threaten his life, so he made an early response and jumped up to make a volleyball interception action. The grenade It was as if he had been sent to the front of his hands, and he was thrown back with a fist before he even fell. Before Fang Senyan fell from the air, there was a loud explosion in the outside room, and the screams were endless. Fang Senyan smiled at Li Xianhai, revealing his white teeth: "Stay here well." Somehow, Li Xianhai, a big man who can see through life and death, saw Fang Senyan's smile, and a heart emerged involuntarily. Indescribable chill. Then Fang Senyan kicked his legs and rushed out. When he went out, the screams outside died out. In a few tens of seconds, he disappeared silently, accompanied by the sound of gunfire from a distance. There is a mysterious silence that cannot be said. Not long after, blood-covered Fang Senyan brought a golden-colored external dart into the bodyguard. The left arm of the bodyguard was seriously injured, and a piece of clothing was raged into a bandage and tied to his body. When he saw Li Xianhai, he was pleasantly surprised: "Boss, you are still alive!" Li Xianhai saw a familiar face, and his hung heart was relaxed. He smiled and said, "Well done, Dick. What about other people? "Li Xianhai usually pays attention to the city of vigor, calm style, and waiting for idle people will never get him a half sentence of praise. Dick is very pleased with such a praise, but he heard the last sentence sadly:" They are all dead Now, if not ... "He looked up at Fang Senyan, who was very calm. I didn't know how to call it for a while, it was only when Li Xianhai kept the hole card secretly, and it was also the last trump card! Respectfully said: "This gentleman suddenly rushed in to help, so I could not escape." Fang Senyan smiled and threw over two bottles of pure water: "Now the robbers go after the other two groups who fled Mr. Li can take a break and drink a few sips of water, Dick, you can bandage the wound again. We'll wait until there is still a fierce battle. "

Fang Senyan suddenly said: "So, it seems that Mr. Li should be their important goal?" Dick nodded and said, "The new Prime Minister He Jiren is the boss's cousin. If the boss is in trouble and fails to leave any last words, then The inside of the family is bound to fall into pieces. Prime Minister He lost his family's economic support, so he would have to succumb to the failure to hold on to his term.

At this time, the door rang, and suddenly another Malay soldier who was searching the room broke in and was about to shoot with a gun. Fang Senyan's feet staggered, and he was already in front of him. He was a trained man after all. Soldiers, knowing that the enemy was extremely dangerous when they reached out and pierced the barrel of the gun, they immediately abandoned the gun and pulled out the military dagger. After all, Fang Senyan is not agile, and it is difficult to dodge this kind of melee combat, but he has already practiced LV2 at this time, and when he turned his wrist, he would grab the stabbed military dagger alive. The dagger was cut into the palm, and it couldn't move on the bone! The Malay soldier was terrified, and suddenly felt that a strong force came from his right hand holding the dagger, but he couldn't hold the dagger and was taken alive by the past. Fang Senyan bent his knees at the same time, but actually bumped him up. It was half a meter high, and the left hand holding the captured military dagger wiped lightningly across. The Malay soldier flew out without a whisper. The neck was smooth and the wound was warm. The bright red blood splattered a terrific arc directly on the wall!

At this time another soldier rushed in, raised his gun, and aimed! Fang Senyan grabbed the barrel of the gun and pulled it. The man fell into the muzzle, and the muzzle had blasted out flames, making the carpet squeak, and the debris and wool fluttered. Fang Senyan gently touched his back. Fuck, this man immediately fell forward to the ground, and he was still lying still. Only his eyes were round and he looked very unwilling. Dick pounced on and checked slightly, then turned to Shen Xianhai and said, "He was stabbed into the heart from the back and died on the spot." Li Xianhai said calmly: "What do you think of his skill?" Dick's eyes Admiringly said: "Very powerful, only the special training instructors in the delta that I have seen in my life can be compared with it. UU reading" At this time Fang Senyan turned around, Waving them to keep up. Although Dick broke one of his arms, he still showed a very high military quality, quickly collected the rifle ammunition on the dead, and threw a rifle to Fang Senyan. Fang Senyan caught it backhand and threw it back to him, but Dick suddenly saw Fang Senyan saying lightly: "This thing is not useful to me, you take Mr. Li to follow!" When I went out and saw the direction of his progress, he rushed into the auction hall that had just been killed! Under the confusion of Dick, he could only follow and rushed up, but there were only a few gunmen left in the auction hall. Seeing that their greed was mostly grabbing money from the corpse, Fang Senyan rushed straight through, like a head The bull-like madness came, and the enemies hit by him all flew up one or two meters high, tumbling and bouncing, and then fell to the ground and moaned loudly. It looked half-dead even if it was immortal.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the hall, Dick used a single-handed gun and bursting shots to kill the flustered guys one by one, really as easy and pleasant as hitting a fixed target during training. Fang Senyan smashed a goalkeeper as a shield and opened his way in front, really feeling invincible. He didn't rush towards the elevator, but ran straight down the fire path towards the stairs. Dick gave a secret praise in his heart and helped Mr. Li flee downstairs, but was stopped by Fang Senyan and calmly said, "Let's go up." Dick was amazed, but Li Xianhai's eyes showed the color of admiration, and the final word: "Yes, let's go up!" Even if something happened in the evening, it changed in advance. While everyone is watching, don't forget to vote for monthly votes and recommendations, thank you!

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