The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 16: Overwhelming

"Hey, that should be the elite of the Arnold family! Yeah, their standard equipment is Andromeda's special steel armor. These guys are all veterans who have contaminated many lives on the battlefield of the Alliance. , Forcibly separated from the active duty and enriched into the private army of Andromeda, and by convention, a fully-formed squad of the iron cannon can reach 1.5 to twice the regular army, but ... What have I seen ??? Three full squads, thirty-three people! Actually ......... in 8.6 seconds ... it's all gone !!! "

"The target's data has been calculated. He can tear steel with his bare hands. Although it is not known as solid alloy steel, it is estimated that the power and explosive power have already exceeded our beast-class soldiers several times. He has previously performed The peak speed of the instant burst had already exceeded 900 meters / second! I really do n’t know what his muscles are, and it broke out so amazing! (These people regard the anger burst of the horns of the pretty monster pupil of the Fang Senyan ring as an explosion. His normal speed)) "

"The detection results show that the target should not be equipped with any standard armor, or that our detection effect is too backward. [] No signs of energy weapons or gunpowder can be seen on his hands, if there is Weapons, at best, are like finger gloves. "

"This powerful force has comprehensively surpassed all the reformers in active service and mixed half-human machinery. It is expected that only the most powerful test body in the Big Ben Institute may reach this level ... ……. Inform Your Highness Immediately! "

"No, I'm here." The seemingly stiff steel wall suddenly slipped away silently. A deep passageway was revealed inside, the passageway was square, and a row of pale yellow lights flashed under the hardened tempered glass floor. Prince Bombaru had quietly appeared behind the open steel sliding door, and was standing by. A frosty woman looked reckless to anyone. []

At this time, in front of his relatives, he restored his unbridled character. Her hair was disheveled, with one-piece pajamas on and off, and a pair of flip-flops that looked very precious under her feet. The fluffy calf was also exposed, and only the black cross cigarette between **** was glowing, the special breath lingering on the nose of the person. It is as if the fingers of a feminine woman www.7ket is touching the heartstrings of the person, and then the heart begins to slowly expand and ferment.

Everyone stood up to salute, and as a result Prince Pembaru pressed his hands in a virtual press, and then sat down. Some people in this group had already shown joy on their faces. There is no doubt that Prince Bombaro used this image. Appearing is enough to show that he regards himself as a confidant ... just like your boss is in front of you, and you can only do so if you look at you and trust you.

Prince Bombaro will wave his hand. Then I started to replay the video just now, and saw that person's sharp breath of decisiveness on the screen. His decadent temperament has changed for him. In his eyes, it was replaced by an indescribable fiery!

"This person is absolutely impossible to transform, and the modulating creature in the Big Ben Institute may be stronger than him, but the breath is more different. Those artificial monsters are full of madness on their bodies. And the feeling of self-destruction, but this person feels vibrant. Even vitality seems to be so strong that his hands and feet are cut off, and the broken hands and feet can grow into new individuals! "

"Then, his identity can be exaggerated. This kind of violation of the laws of nature can still grow vigorously, and only the ancient ruins of Noah Space can do it. He should be a powerful fighter sent from space. It ’s really strange, how did the Arnold family get into this kind of monster ... Without pressure, they kicked the members of the Iron Fang team in front of them, and Fang Senyan continued to move forward, step by step, step by step! Very tragic!

But his forward speed has never changed. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

At this time, a scream of sirens came from a distance, and nearly twenty shuttle sky chariots had rushed over, and instantly floated in the air, encircling Fang Senyan in the center. The sky tank has a powerful levitation ability, the highest floating degree can reach 20 meters, and also has amazing speed and thick armor, which can often play the role of a main battle tank in ground combat.

In the Sky Chariot, it is obviously Mengo, but this is also what the two parties said in advance to perform a play. At the far end of the screen, the head of Prince Bombaru, who is in charge of the base, frowned slightly. The people next to them naturally understood the words:

"Should we stop the people in Mungo? At this time, the entire base's energy supply is in our hands. Even the reactor keys and passwords of all warships have been changed. As long as the power supply is cut off, the sky tank is A piece of scrap iron. "

Prince Bombaru suddenly smiled secretly:

"No need, if the identity of this person is really like I guess, then there is no way these sky chariots can take him, not to mention ... mongo is a dog thing."

At this point, a severe warning sounded again:

"Invader, you have violated the provisions of Chapter 134 of the Empire Constitution. Immediately hold your hands on your head and kneel down against the wall. Now start the countdown. After the countdown ends, if you still refuse to obey the order, then we will Open fire, you bear all the consequences. "

Fang Senyan's lips showed a sneer, facing the muzzle of twenty charging guns that were already emitting light blue electric light. He suddenly reached out his hand and tore off the black-red siege surrounding it. Fierce Cloak! !!

Under the light, all the soldiers participating in the battle took a breath of cold air! !!

The fierce **** in front of him was wearing a brand-new brigadier uniform, the half of Venus on his shoulders was clearly visible, and the impeccable empire general was originally very majestic. With the madness of the continuous killing of Mori above, it was even more bloody. Deterrence!

No matter what the military is, they are very particular about their seniority status. The so-called following is only an example. Moreover, Emperor Ji is extremely strict. It is an iron law to die of the offender!

Fang Senyan, a veritable general, was put on his body. If he wanted to move him, then according to the laws of the empire, three major generals plus one lieutenant would be able to deprive him of his current position. As for life and death, it must be military The court ruled that no one should be unauthorized.

Fang Senyan revealed this general suit and immediately shocked the audience, and at this time he loudly said:

"My rank number is: Z03861. If you think it is counterfeit, you can immediately check it on the spot. Just now those irregular troops dared to attack the Brigadier-General. According to the Holy Empire Law Article 1875, my self-defense counterattack should be no crime!"

Fang Senyan's words were understatement, but it caused a storm, and his voice echoed in the field. The surrounding soldiers immediately entered the verification code according to what he said, and his face immediately became weird. Obviously the person in front of him said that Really! !! !! And the guards of the Arno family are indeed retired veterans. Although they are far more elite than the regular troops, they were spilled by the waste water of Fang Senyan, obviously saying that their irregular troops are right.

The aggressive men immediately softened immediately, but this was also a cut scene arranged in advance. It was to confirm their identity to the Arno family and let them be apprehensive, especially at this time. Under the supervision of Prince Bombaru, then they are forced to do things according to the laws of the Empire! If there is any act that dares to violate the laws of the empire, I am afraid that it will be piled on the desk of the General Staff in five minutes and become a criminal evidence that the local military seized power without authority!

In just a short moment, the sky tank quickly dissipated at a faster speed than when it came, and it tasted a bit of a runaway. Fang Senyan embraced his hands with his chest, facing the Arno family in front of him. Everyone proudly said:

"Let the guy in you who stole my **** armor be out! Otherwise ... what else would you do?" Suddenly, out of the deep darkness, suddenly came out alone!

This man is very stout and looks a bit masochistic, because his joints are nailed with thick stainless steel bolts, and even white steam is sprayed out of his nostrils, and his back has two horrors. Scars, but it seems that the giant man's behavior is quite flexible, it looks agile and ordinary people.

Even more horrible is ~ ~ His right hand is wrapped with a thick steel chain, connected with a horrible sledgehammer, dragging on the ground and making a harsh sound, the sledgehammer looks heavy Even at least two tons!

After seeing this guy, Prince Bombaro watching on the monitor for a moment:

"It turned out that this debugging product was actually bought by the Arno family. It is just a good show."

Facing this big guy, Fang Senyan raised his chin indifferently:

"Lao Tzu is a Brigadier-General of the Empire. What are you, dare to be so presumptuous in front of me? Report your identity, military rank!"

The guy's voice was suddenly dumb, but his pupils contracted in the next second, because Fang Senyan rushed to him in an instant, and cold words came over:

"It looks like you don't have a military rank, so you have to salute me first!" RQ

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