The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 30: Hero unit

At this time, Fang Senyan suddenly stepped on and beat it a few times, and began to circle around the earthworm in a clockwise direction. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu) Obviously, this behavior is a very laborious and painful action for the earthworm. After following many rotations, it roars a few times in anger. , Then suddenly wanted to grab Fang Senyan counterclockwise.

However, Fang Senyan had long been wary of this trick. After all, humans are at least several times smaller than the ground worm, a dozen times, so they ran counterclockwise at once, and the ground worm could only continue to rotate helplessly. Suddenly persisted for thirty or forty seconds and suddenly fell down silently, six legs facing the sky, twitching violently, as if an unlucky child who was being shocked, and a large amount of white vomited out of the mouth Foamy, nauseous and pungent.

Faced with this weird situation, Fang Senyan laughed, and immediately turned and fled. This situation was already expected by him.

It turned out that as early as on the planet P, the black family Zerg had discovered that the brain of the earthworm had some kind of congenital defect, that is, the gray matter in the vestibular hyperplasia was quite insufficient, so the circle of rotation came in Imperceptibly caused a huge burden on its poor brain, and then the direct consequence was insufficient blood supply to the brain, and it fainted directly to the ground ... presenting the severe symptoms of human madness.

Of course, this method adopted by Fang Senyan is also not used as a conventional tactic, because it is not uncommon for earthworms to run out and be singled out. Usually, this thing is either used as the main force of the mammoth to attack the hybrid snake. Swift Beast Use. Or it is a group of people creating artificial earthquakes on enemy positions.

It seems like this time the heads-up was totally a special case. If it was normal, Fang Senyan would circle around there, and he would not be beaten by the fast beasts like snakes or earthworms.

Fang Senyan escaped five or six hundred meters and looked back. (From the novel to the leaves · Yu ~ Yu M) I found that the other enemies I expected were embarrassed and angry, and the offensives that had been pursued did not appear. Those who spit white foam were still spitting white foam, and those Zerg who had been watching were also ignored. Fang Senyan's behavior has yelled at the position of the protoss and rushed up.

The reason for this is also very simple: the Zerg's earthquake offensive has once again suffered a huge setback!

With the climbing of the science and technology tree at this time, another powerful creature of the Protoss was also created, and quickly entered the war. This kind of creature happens to restrain the earthworms perfectly!

Yes. Regardless of its name or appearance, this creature has something in common with earthworms. Its name is the gold beetle!

Unlike the Brute Agility of Earthworms. The gold beetle was very slow, attacked slowly, and even had no feet. It crawled on the ground and looked fat and stupid. but. It can rank among the high ranks of the Protoss with its only ability.

The gold beetle is one of the few creatures that can directly chew crystals and devour them. After swallowing fifteen units of crystals, if it wants to. It can be transformed into a peculiar life-like body, and then stored in a huge plump belly.

This life-like body was vomited by the gold beetle. You can do all kinds of unbelievably smart actions like the most smart missile. Attacks the target specified by the gold beetle. More importantly, this thing has a very high attack power, and it still has range damage!

A gold beetle shell theoretically has no suspense for killing a team of puppies.

Therefore, under the chasing of such life-like shells vomited by the gold beetle, even if the earthworm can quickly escape into the burrow, but its huge volume will always leave a deep and wide underground passage. Life shells are chasing after them. After an artillery shell explodes, the earthworm is often severely damaged, and its range damage characteristics will cause landslides. It is obvious that the gold beetle will fight with the input. [] Above the position of the Protoss, from time to time there are a large number of pillars of smoke and dust bursting open and scattered high, mixed with the flesh of the earthworm and the shriek.

However, for the Zerg commander, the first onslaught has already destroyed at least one-third of the defense infrastructure of the Protoss. This assault by the Earthworm has once again destroyed one-third of the defense infrastructure of the Protoss !!

His strategic purpose has been achieved. On the horizon in the distance, the black tide-like Zerg army rushed again, and the first line appeared to be a dense cloud-like host! !!

Since Fang Senyan has personally commanded the Zerg battle, he is also involved in all kinds of tactics of the Zerg. After seeing this scene, his pupils suddenly contracted a bit, incredibly:

"Putting the host with no combat capability on the front line ... and it doesn't seem to be applying large-scale airdrops, is it to hide the murder behind it?"

Speaking of time and time, the Zerg's advancement seems to be on the front line with a dense and incomparable host, but it can not be found until it is near. It is actually mixed with a weird membrane creature, like a blower. Generate thrust floating in the air, yes, that is the Zerg's non-combatants, Queen!

Obviously, the commander of the Protoss also realized that he was wrong, and immediately ordered the gold beetles and the bright temple warriors to withdraw from the front line! Unfortunately, these two types of arms are not masters with a speed, and it is difficult to escape even if you want to escape!

A large number of hosts burst into flesh under the attack of photon cannonballs, but they won the casting time for the subsequent queen. Their skin film suddenly ejected a mass of high-speed flying shadows from the mouthpiece. Instantly They flew for hundreds of meters over a long distance, hitting the gold beetle and the bright temple warrior who fled with great accuracy! !!

The body of the unit hit by the shadow immediately rotted, fell to the ground, and leapt two hexapod giant worms from the wreckage of its corpse, fiercely pounced on the surrounding enemies. This is the special ability of the Zerg Queen: spawning! A brutal, immortal effect on the enemy!

At this time, less than a third of the protoss defense facilities were left! !! In addition, the gold beetle and the bright temple warrior who were the most restrained against the zerg were also killed by spawning. Most of the zerg army came out of the nest and cooperated with the remaining ten earthworms to form a three-dimensional offensive ground in the air.

Obviously, if there were no accidents, the fall of the Protoss base was unavoidable.

At this time, in the Protoss spaceship dock, the light shone. An aircraft that Fang Senyan had seen before appeared like a heavy swallow arbiter! This represents the most advanced technology of the Protoss aircraft finally landed on the battlefield.

However, the newly emerged arbiter only has the ability of group invisibility. Neither the teleportation nor the frozen battlefield technology has been developed, and even if it has been developed, it has just emerged without any energy to release. More importantly, the cheap and vast host of Zerg is born with anti-stealth ability, but its natural enemy!

What's the use of this arbiter? ?

It flew directly to the unconventional strategic building of the Protoss that has been fully formed!

The building has been fully formed at this time. It is an image of a giant claw growing from under the ground. It has the futuristic style of the Protoss's bright and simple lines. However, the dark red blood color and the decoration on the surface Good fangs and sharp claw armor, and some Zerg crickets! !!

The giant claw immediately held the flying arbiter, and then the arbiter emitted a little light in the center of the claw, and began to break down into light spots, and a layer was plated on the surface of the claw. The glaze-like smoothness and light, like the infusion of soul, made it come alive.

Then, this giant grab actually made a strange action of "clamping" and "releasing". With this action, one of the twelve crystal towers built around the giant claw suddenly burst, A blood-red portal appeared! !!

From this portal, one protoss warrior started to come out!

The number of these Protoss warriors is not large and they are different arms. Just twelve people, a squadron, but Fang Senyan immediately discovered that these twelve Protoss warriors look different from other conventional arms.

For example, the one who walks first is a fanatic.

Fanatics, as a basic unit, are cannon fodder, rushing to the flesh shield that absorbs damage in the first line.

However, this fanatic's appearance is not the same. He is very fierce at first glance ~ ~ The ordinary fanatic looks agile, but he is a muscular man with a tie behind him. The red cape, and not holding a light knife, but a horrible two-handed sledgehammer!

He rushed into the battlefield in the first time, and the first Zerg unit attacked by him was a mammoth monster representing the Zerg's conventional strongest ground combat power.

This hammer knocked down the mammoth beast to the ground, struggling in the dust! !! !! It can only be described with mighty domineering.

Walking in the second one is a dark templar, commonly known as a hidden sword. Other dark templars are holding a sickle of death, he is holding two directly! And you can continuously throw the sickle of death to the left and right, and then spin back, wherever you go, you can kill a bunch of fast beasts at once!

The third one is a dragon knight. This dragon knight seems to have stomped one leg, and it walks crookedly and sloping. Slowly, it seems that it will fall at any time. At that time, a group of flying dragons rushed to the photon battery nearby. The dragon knight also raised a turret to attack the dragon. (To be continued ...) ^-^ Read without popup ^ _ ^

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