The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 1: The most unfavorable ... news! (930-980 ...

After receiving the prompt to enter the space, Fang Senyan took a deep breath, and was not eager to enter the world immediately, but closed his eyes and began to fall asleep, and waited for a full meal after the next morning. Well, I took a bath and a sauna. He also called for a few masseuses to massage his body all over, and his body's various functions were adjusted to the best state. Then he slowly entered the side stairs.

At this time, Fang Senyan had entered the nightmare space for the third time, and the various processes were also very familiar. He returned to the space without much effort. There is still a faint red light in the space, and it seems that it will never go out. It feels like blood is entraining life with blood. After entering, the various types of equipment that were forcibly removed from the body were either placed in a private space or returned to the body automatically.

At this time, there were more people in the space square, and they were shuttled around the trading booths. They should have sufficient status and ranks. They can already view the relevant story world that the next world will experience, and purchase some targeted items for this. Come as help.

In the Caribbean world, there is no doubt that the insight ability has greatly helped Fang Senyan, and his high perception can just enhance the ability of insight. Therefore, although this is a temporary payment capability, it is still urgently needed by Fang Senyan. In addition, the current military rank of Sen Yan is not high at all, and the specific information of the next world can be learned without much time in advance. Therefore, when entering the world adventure, Fang Sen Yan still intends to take a random approach to adventure.

What's more, it must be noted that, although insight is a paying ability, random selection of the world has a bonus reward of +%. In fact, this is not a loss. After Fang Senyan inquired about the Nightmare Mark, he felt that although he already had 8 points, there was still no improvement in genius, and he could only get simple information about the next world half an hour in advance. So once again, the idea of ​​random adventure was firmed up.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to enter the world for a while, Fang Senyan also came to visit the Exchange Square. On the one hand, he collected price information, on the other hand, he felt that the class of drugs that he had seen before might come in handy, so he collected them specifically-- He currently has only a little potential to use, and his purchasing power is really very limited.

Just when Fang Senyan was about to end, he suddenly saw something, and immediately pointed at the whole image of the thing to the seller:

"how much is it?"

The seller glanced at it weakly:

"One general point, the cost price is all points, do not counter-offer."

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"How do you know the cost? Did you make this medicine yourself?"

"Oh, *, can't you? Before I count to three, you either take out the **** universal point to pay the bill, or get out of it! The farther you go, the better, God, please forgive me, I will use all the vicious language Come and curse those **** test tubes, alcohol lamps and primitive microscopes! "

"Even though your sales pitch is unattractive, I still intend to take care of your business." Fang Senyan shrugged. "Give me three of these drugs, and you will get a whole lot of common points as compensation."

"You idiot! Would you like me to repeat it again? Please order one universally, because its cost price is universal. If you sting again, I will stuff your toes into your abominable mouth.

"Then I can only tell you with regret that the final destination of these drugs can only be your duodenum."

6th floor

"Wait, come back! Okay, okay, I'm fed up with these **** medicines, where is the general point you promised?" Soon, Fang Senyan got three medicines called "rotten eyeballs". This medicine The shape is a little black and black, about the size of a pea. From time to time, it will exude an indescribable taste, like the liquid in a spittoon being boiled by the fire. If you think of the smell when you eat it, you will vomit immediately if it is not good. Its properties are as follows:

"Rotten Eyes." (Condition: Poor)

"Category: Indirect adjuvant drugs."

"Rarity: Blue."

"Effect: Use to confuse the enemy."

"Conditions of use: None."

"Explanation: Failed products made after learning the relevant formula."

"Specific use effect: After taking it, it can have a confusing effect, causing the enemy to make a wrong judgment of your strength." "Warning: After using this drug, there is a 75% chance to camouflage the user's various values ​​to make it produce Superficial weakening / strengthening for five minutes. "

"Warning: Most of the drug's abilities have been invalidated. Currently, only the selective camouflage weakening effect is available, and this effect can only take effect on the contractor. If the contractor's perception is too different from your perception, then it will be seen Odds. "" Evaluation: You definitely don't want to taste it carefully. "

What Fang Senyan wants to buy is this kind of camouflage auxiliary drug. Although the current three drugs have lost their effect on the characters / creatures, they still have value to start with. After getting the three drugs produced by the contractor, Fang Senyan prepared a series of entry matters, and soon, he received a prompt from Yu Mengyu:

"You can get information about the next movie world to experience."

"You can also choose to randomly enter a certain movie world."

Fang Senyan, who had long considered it, naturally chose randomness, and the insight ability returned to Fang Senyan. At this point, Fang Senyan already had experience, waiting early in the center of the nightmare space, after the oval white light door appeared, he stepped inwards:

"Starting into the nightmare world ........."

"Start matching data ..."

"Start Randomly Assigning Worlds"

"World Selection"

"Begin to assimilate characters to this world ..."

"Starting to enter the world ..."

The mystery of the devil is hidden behind civilization

Mixed race

Modern advanced technology is just a phantom of a bubble

The terrible ghost is looking for a chance to rise again

The old white man supported the order that was about to collapse.

Waiting ... Waiting for the scarred boy to grow ...

Fang Senyan was awakened by the noise.

He opened his eyes strenuously. At this moment, sleepiness still hovered stubbornly in his head, supporting his body as if an office worker was hearing the alarm clock from nine to five. This place has white sheets, neat floors, a vase on the table next to it, and fresh carnations and eucalyptus interspersed in it. The whole room looks neat and fresh, making it feel comfortable at first glance.

Through the side window, you can see wires crossing the sky, and from time to time, the sound of car horns came. The spire building in the distance is full of European style. Fang Senyan is as calm as waking up every morning. He rolls out of bed, pours a glass of water in the electric kettle next to him, and drinks slowly.

There is a telephone on the bedside table. This telephone is imitated to the appearance of the early twentieth century. From a distance, the material is very high-grade, as if it were made of ivory and gold. Crafts for future generations. Suddenly, the phone rang violently, as if it would never stop as long as it was not answered.

Fang Senyan calmly held the receiver, slowly picked it up and put it in his ear. A voice indifferent came out: "Contractor No. 18, welcome to the nightmare space.

"This is the second nightmare world you have experienced"

"You get the main task: interview"

Task description: Follow your professional manager to the interview. "

"Mission Tips: If you do not complete the main task of this series, you will be deducted from the general points, but your stay in the world will be extended by one week. If you do not have the points deducted from the general points, Will be obliterated. "

Hint: This world you entered as a random world, you gain the ability: insight.

Tip: You can get the following milestones in this world (including this world and extended world).

"Smart: You have accumulated three unique magic abilities in this world. (Including passive abilities)

"Fearless: You have killed and killed a powerful legendary creature in this world." (Including not limited to unicorns, three-headed dogs, adult mountain monsters, Norwegian ridgebacks, etc.), your direct damage to the creature Must be over%.

"Extremists: You killed Muggle.

"Broker: You cumulatively killed a wizard." (The wizard's ability rating cannot be lower than the third year of Hogwarts College)

"Collectivism: You bought ten different wands at the Oliver Wand Store ~ ​​ ~ Diplomatic Messenger: Your relationship with an alien is respected. (An alien includes, but not limited to: Centaur Tribe, giant, goblin, dragon)

"I love Quidditch: start with a light broom.

"Because your honours were insufficient, you did not look at the remaining milestones."

Fang Senyan looked at the series of messages, his eyes were helpless, and he couldn't help sighing. He already knew which world he came to. But this is the world he least wants to enter! In this world, the magic has even spread to the aspects of clothing, food, shelter, and transportation, occupying an absolute dominant position, which means that Fang Senyan's talent: the tenacity will be completely invalidated in many cases! Compared with the last random encounter with the Caribbean world, this world is full of restraint for Fang Senyan!

"This is a world where the magic completely overrides everything! Including swords, including gunpowder, and even everything in technology!"

"This is-the magical world of Harry Potter!"

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