The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 38: Suppress everywhere

Fang Senyan may still think about the antecedents and consequences of this order, but the people here should be completely Wu Aji's brain remnants. With a sound, the sword and fire in front of him will also jump. [Ye Zi] [Yu * You] Fang Senyan is very uncomfortable with this enthusiastic atmosphere, so he can't help but find an ally.

Fortunately, although Aldaris is a bright priest of the Protoss, it seems that his heart is still a dirty contractor, so Fang Senyan saw the sight of the inquiry, and the two sides quickly exchanged views with their eyes. Although the two said that personal relationship was somewhat contradictory, but at this time it was due to business, and Moriyan also accepted the old odd task, so he nodded ...

In the base, a number of high-speed Protoss troops have been assembled, accounting for about one-third of the mobile force at this time, mainly ground troops, zealots, dragon knights, and bright officials.

Then under the Dragon Knight's arch guard, several fully loaded transport planes are flying at low altitudes. Under normal circumstances, they are to ensure that slow-moving but powerful arms such as the gold beetle and the bright templar. Speed ​​will not fall behind, and any enemy trying to attack the transport aircraft from the air must withstand the baptism of photon shells from the surrounding dragon knights.

This is also the standard configuration of the Protoss during ground warfare. This configuration has been selected from thousands of gold and oil combinations after countless trials of war. It can cope with any dangerous situation --- of course, it is in the force The same or even the difference is not too much.

At this time, Fang Senyan was dressed up as a fanatic and walked side by side with Sokkada. The latter was forced to abandon the iconic sledgehammer and red cape, and he was expressing his strong dissatisfaction with a continuous series of grunts.

Dochego is mixed with a large number of dragon knights. It has two extra legs and it is not too conspicuous among his fellow citizens. Especially after deliberate camouflage, the transport aircraft carried There are only a few of the hero units with obvious characteristics. The actual loaded gold beetles and lightning soldiers (bright templars). (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)

As for the ace driver of Phoenix, Di Wenna, of course, stayed in the base. She has the high mobility to support her at any time.

Fang Senyan brought Ramtas at this time. He wanted to use his servant's sense of smell to gain the greatest benefit for himself. Suddenly, there was a violent explosion and the sound of fighting in the south of the base. This unit did not move because they knew that the distance there was too far. The only thing they could do when they rushed over was to watch the Zerg disappear into the darkness.

This army that has inherited the plan of His Excellency Ulraki is the most important time to choose to cut in. What is important is that there must be gains in the attack! Otherwise, he would rather lurk in the darkness.

Yes, they are doing a seemingly stupid thing, that is to stand guard.

Waiting for the next wave of Zerg offensive in the nearby area, and then chasing it out in a hurry! !! !!

The man who replaced this unit led by Ur Aki is staying in the heroic transport plane that has been specially concealed. He also has an extremely strong mind to pass his will to each unit. Fang Senyan hasn't seen his true face at this time. Even this guy is not a member of the Protoss. He can only feel that he is also a very powerful guy. He was like a vigilant spider who gently pressed his forefoot on the web, holding the entire army tightly through the dense spider silk!

Suddenly, Ramtas, who was also disguised as a fanatic, twitched his nostrils twice, then looked at Fang Senyan calmly, and fisted in his left hand. The right hand was released and the left foot was slightly deflected, which means that he had smelled the Zerg breath, and it was in the direction that his toes pointed.

Of course, Fang Senyan would not sound a warning at this time, he just wanted to test the accuracy of Ramtas, and sure enough. [] Twenty seconds later, the explosion of photon artillery shells, the shouts of the enthusiasts, and the screams of the Zerg savage beasts have sounded in that direction.

The whole army moved at once. If the arrow of the string flew out and cut into the battlefield, if the most patient hunter waited for half an hour, it was like the fiercest beast. Strike at the Zerg raids who think they can!

The attack area selected by the Zerg is not far from here, so when the zealots in front of the charge arrived, they could just see several defensive zealots attacked to death, and turned into smoke, and used to defend the photons. The turret was also broken by a group of fast beasts, and the body burned with a light blue flame.

But the Zerg triumph is over. Normally, a Zealot's combat power is equal to three fast beasts. In other words, even if the Protoss occupy a certain disadvantage in quantity, the elite troops can make up for the quantity. Insufficient points, not to mention that even if the number of protoss troops coming to aid at this time is enough to crush the incoming Zerg units?

Twenty or so fast beasts, and thirty spiny snakes became **** ground in an instant, but this could not satisfy the bloodthirsty desire of these gods at this time. For them, the incoming Zerg army was Like the octopus tentacles sticking out in the dark, although the front end has been cut off, the remaining tentacles are rapidly retracting.

And what they have to do is very simple, that is, chasing the zerg army withdrawn in a hurry, pounding Huanglong directly, and giving the enemy a lesson that ca n’t be forgotten!

This incomparable force quickly chased down the Zerg army left behind, and chased into the darkness without hesitation!

The zealot's light knife pierced fiercely into the body of the Hydralisk, and the thick green body fluid was sprayed out and quickly evaporated. The Dragon Knight's particle light cannon exploded on the fierce beast and smoked it into a ball. Scorched black stinky trash ...

Such a crazy protoss army broke like a bayonet and chased the Zerg army fiercely, setting off a **** storm in the darkness!


Until the arrangement before the Queen of Blades left played a huge role!


Fang Senyan rushed out a bit embarrassed. Behind him, there was a strange sound of such a fierce steel impact. It can be seen that the soil on the ground rolled up, and a sharp half-meter-high sharp air wave surged like a tide. Moved up.

This thing is not simple vigor, but the stalker blade containing terror killer. As long as it gets under the ground, the stalker can shoot their thorns to the target through the land. These spurs do the same damage to all troops on the way to the target.

Fleeing a stalker attack, Fang Senyan was considered a coincidence, but before the second stalker attack came, he had no way to hide his strength, because a scorpion snake with a yellowish body appeared in the distance. This guy seems to be fun in the east and the west.

However, Yu Guang, who was in the corner of Fang Senyan's eye, caught this Hydralisk, and his mood suddenly sank, because every time the **** special Hydralisk spit out, he was pinpointing the dying Protoss unit, and he would kill someone!

Seeing this far-flung Hydralisk has begun to turn towards this side, moving his body slowly, Fang Senyan couldn't help screaming,


His shout was echoed by a slight "ding ding". In this messy battlefield, everyone knew the meaning of this clear sound.

This is the "ding" sound from the "prospector" of the Protoss. These small drones can be used to scout vast undetected areas, or observe and record battles for Protoss wise men in the archives. research.

Because they have a very complex sensor array installed, there is no extra energy to defend, but they can easily detect magical invisible or hidden troops, which makes them much more important on the battlefield. .

And the explorers usually do not carry any defensive system when exploring the surrounding area at low altitude, but if they are used in the combat area, they can be equipped with a layer of slightly invisible force field to prevent being detected by the enemy. Like arbiters, they do not require additional energy to maintain this layer of stealth force fields.

With the emergence of this "detector" who can detect invisible units, the stalker hiding in the underground attack also revealed his shape, which was behind a rock 40 meters away!

This is enough.

Fang Senyan had been fighting tenaciously with this completely invisible enemy before. Although it was only ten seconds, it seemed to be a long time. And this time, when its subject appeared in front of his eyes, Fang Senyan sprinted halfway, and then fell on one knee, curled up and down, resisting a jagged attack of a stalker, splashing on his body. At the same time as the blood came out, it broke out and broke a distance of tens of meters, and raised his fist fiercely on the soft soil!

The earth was flying ~ ~ The underground stalkers felt the powerful strength and pain from above, and gave out an unwilling wailing, feeling that the frustrated Fang Senyan's venting roar slammed down seven Eight punches until the underground sneaker screamed "Buzz" and burst into blood on the beach.

But at this time, Fang Senyan found that he had been followed by a fierce enemy ... it was the lazy yellow thorn snake! This guy is actually a hero unit! This is why the entire expedition has a large number of hero units and still struggles.

Because although the queen of the blade Morrigan was gone, she obviously expected this move of the Protoss,

So she also left enough Zerg hero units! !! !! !!

Elite to Elite, Hero to Hero!

It seems that not only in strength, but also in tactics, the blade queen Morrigan is better than the legend of the protoss Ul Urki! RQ

Yoyo leaves the fastest update, please.

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