The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 43: 1 to 2

The thought of going to the Queen's Boudoir in Fang Senyan's mind was very hot. I believe that readers are also eager and surging -------- The paragraphs that came back to the Dragon Cave full of tack are old-fashioned, but they cannot help saying It's really refreshing and unpleasant. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

In essence, the two issues of rushing to the Dragon Cave and rushing to the Queen's Harem of the Blade should be similar, and the individual strength of the Queen of the Blade and the dragon will not be too far away. If you can, you can bring your younger brother. It is estimated that the dragon will die as much as it comes.

But the difference is a lot: everyone knows that dragons like to collect glittering things, baby **** horses, and never consume them, so wealth will grow rapidly over time, and the increase will at least exceed any current financial products from any bank ... ........

The queen does not say whether she has a hobby for collecting treasures, but it is undeniable that the queen is definitely a woman ------- It is well known that even ordinary women consume cards to explode. There are things, so even if she has a hobby of collecting treasures, but it is likely to consume faster than the speed of collection, so the chance of Fang Senyan risking nothing and running away is quite amazing.

While he was walking, Fang Senyan suddenly saw the old and respected Charlie next to him and couldn't help it:

"Yuan Fang, oh no, what do you think, old Charlie?"

Old Charlie said calmly:

"I know what the host is worried about, but according to the principle of space, if there is no profit in the Queen's residence. Then we should not take too much risk."

Fang Senyan said in his heart:

"Even if the Zerg base is empty, there will definitely be some protective forces. If I do not deal with it properly, I will be trapped inside."

Old Charlie said calmly:

"According to my inference, the Protoss and Zerg will no longer engage in large-scale battles at this time, but will be in a stalemate. The queen may lead the army to retreat. It is very small. There is a great chance that the night will be able to use that kind of cannibalizing tactics again. At this time, you can return to the Protoss base to pay for the task and get the reward, and then rest the troops of the confluent race to the Zerg base. This is the most secure. "

"Human troop?" Fang Senyan wondered.

Old Charlie said earnestly:

"After you left, SNAKE did not return. At this time, Pantan actually played a great role. He even promoted again, and then improved a number of technologies. It has cleverly improved the efficiency of mining, and now the entire human base It is beginning to take shape. "

"He was promoted again?" Fang Senyan wondered.

Old Charlie said:

"Yes, the potential of this guy Pantin is very good. When you promote him, he is about to break into an elite unit, so after you upgrade it, this guy is also one step away from the hero unit. After intense work and hard environment training, and under great pressure, this breakthrough is also normal. Of course, this is also related to Pantan itself, which is the most basic V promotion. "

Fang Senyan groaned:

"If you are right, it is really impossible for the Queen of Blades to return before dawn, and the reason she was able to arrive in time should be related to the spiritual connection between the red brainworm. Now the protoss chaos It should be able to fight for us for a while. Then I fled back to the Protoss base to complete the task while going out, and it was too late. "

Old Charlie said:

"So I'll go back and mobilize Pantin to help? Master, do you go back to the task?"

Fong Sen Rock Road:

"Yes, let Ramtas go with you, your fighting ability is still too weak. (You can go to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M when you read the novel.) We meet at the coordinates of XXX and XXX."

Soon, Fang Senyan re-entered the Protoss base, at this time five kilometers southeast of the Protoss base. The main forces of the Protoss have recovered from the chaos, forming a fixed formation and fighting and retreating.

Obviously, Ulraki also began to intervene in commanding the troops. The loss of the defeat was too great. He could not afford it anyway, and could only adopt such a slow and effective retreat.

The Zerg army led by the Queen of Blades is hungry and chased behind. Once it finds a flaw, it will jump forward without hesitation, tearing a large piece of flesh fiercely.

Fang Senyan sorted out her appearance, worked hard to make herself look less embarrassed, and then entered the furnace laboratory, which was still very delicately arranged, with beige flooring, well-proportionately long lines, and the kind of close to large Natural music has the ethereal feeling of being penetrated into the soul.

In addition, there is a faint fishy smell in the air. Fang Senyan is no stranger to this smell. It is the breath of the Zerg body fluid and the Protoss body fluid on the battlefield.

After entering the bar, Fang Senyan immediately knew the source of this breath. It turned out that there were already three or four tired Protoss casualties in the bar at this time. They had been treated and were slowly recovering. They were still bandaged. Wound.

One of these Berserkers was also assisted by Fang Senyan, so when he saw Fang Senyan, he immediately stood up and asked him to have a drink. Of course, Fang Senyan would not refuse the goodwill of others, but still chose Qingshui in a non-mainstream way, and then drank it in the surprised eyes of the rest of the protoss, then hurriedly pulled Lao Qi to the back.

It is worth mentioning that the protoss in some aspects are somewhat similar to horses. They like to stand and sleep, and some protoss choose to sit and fall asleep. As for lying down, they do this only when they are forced to do so. , So there is no bed in the old room of Qiduo.

However, when they fell asleep, they had the habit of holding a small Pandora crystal on their foreheads, so in each Protoss bedroom, a pillar inlaid with Pandora crystals was essential.

This is Chapter 1503 of Fang Senyan, this guy must be the head elite. "

"Fist-sized thorny snake's lymph nodes !! It's so exciting, I think it must have stepped into the realm of heroes."

"Well, although it is the incisive teeth of the ordinary mammoth beast, you are considered to pass."

"Wings of a predator? Did you jump into the air to kill it? Oh? The gravitational line of the Phoenix battleship made it fall, haha, this one is really powerful."


"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, kids, have you seen these, these are the gifts I use to sacrifice you, let these **** zerg **** go to hell! Humans, you are really powerful and beautiful!"

With the words of Lao Qiduo, Fang Senyan got the hint:

"Hidden continuous task I: Old Qiduo's anger is completed."

"Lao Qiduo's evaluation of you is: A +."

"Task content: Most of the Zerg you killed are guys with sufficient weight. Although this result can not be called perfect, but Qi Duo, who is bloody, is also quite satisfied."

"Mission description: Do you want to collect the reward immediately (randomly draw a silver plot equipment) or accumulate the reward into the next round of hidden continuous missions?"

"Warning: The next round of hidden continuous missions is likely to be more difficult, and you must have incomplete thought preparations."

The mission evaluation was A + Fang Senyan was psychologically prepared. On that horrible battlefield, his strength is too weak. If the team is in, then I believe they can help them get S. As for the reason why you choose to accumulate rewards, it is entirely because randomly drawing a silver plot equipment is really not attractive.

After Fang Senyan chose to continue, Lao Qiduo sat on the chair, wiped the murky tears, and spread his hand:

"I know you're an ambitious person. You don't look down on the rewards in this area ------- No problem. My life savings are jealous even the devil, as long as you can keep Satisfy my desire, then I will definitely get what I want! "

Fang Senyan shrugged his shoulders and said:

"So, what else do you want? More wreckage?"

"No no no, I'm tired of seeing these dirty flesh and blood, more importantly, the terrible reproductive power of Zerg is always a nightmare ~ ~ you kill one, and in the distant mother's nest Will immediately hatch both ends out, I want you to solve this problem from the source! "Lao Qiduo gritted his teeth.

Soon, follow-up missions popped up:

"You get hidden continuous missions: Old Chido's expectations."

"Mission: Kill a zombie mother nest within 48 hours, at least five hatching organ buildings, and return to life after completion."

"Mission Statement: Kill as many Zerg buildings as possible to make them wither."

"Warning: This is a very difficult task, so if you have completed the previous task relatively well, you may wish to talk to Lao Qiduo."

Fang Senyan continued to talk with Lao Qiduo for a while according to the warning. He mentioned his difficulties many times, and finally got two things. The first thing was a crystal bomb. This thing is a task prop and can only be placed. Inside the mother's nest, and then detonate, you can kill three-quarters of her life. (Welcome your support, it is my greatest motivation.)

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