The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 49: More energy perverted

Fang Senyan sighed and slowly let go of his foot on the accelerator, because it didn't make much sense to step on it.

Listening to the faint sound from the brand-new twin-core engine, it really can only be described by the old man's coughing cough, Fang Senyan knew that no matter how hard he tried to give oil, it was useless.

Because the problem is not with the oil, the scale of the fuel tank just checked before leaving is still full, even if it is still more than half,

The poisonous gas and acid xìng gas emitted from the dead have quietly corroded the engine of this vulture chariot. At the core where jīng denseness is most needed, the potholes that have been corroded make it capable of outputting power. It became a joke.

"Time is precious," Fang Senyan said to himself.

He jumped out of the cockpit and looked at the surface of the mottled vulture chariot that had been corroded by acid and poisonous mist. The fingertips of the fingers suddenly became long, sharp, and became a silver-white knife like a movie. The liquid metal man in Terminator 2 did the same and then effortlessly cut a large piece of the chariot's seat leather, and finally made a simple mask to cover his face.

Deadly, he poured its acid mist and poisonous gas on Fang Senyan's body. Yes, this unrelenting and harsh environment still began to conquer the creatures in front of him. Fang Senyan, while striding forward, frowned while observing the speed of his health drop, and finally came to a conclusion:

That is, even if he is strong, if exposed to such a harsh environment for more than ten hours, he will die.

One thought of this. Fang Senyan couldn't help frowning. He couldn't help looking at his skills again and murmured:

"If it doesn't work, you can only put it on first. In this case, you should be able to extend your survival time by about five hours."

Fang Senyan's examination of this ability is derived from the powerful ability of the virus king: Eclipse wound!

And this is the name of this ability. Is it being? ? ? Instead, because it combines with the ability that was previously obtained from the Pandora's box that can be tailored for the owner, something has changed! So now under its name is a progress bar that is counting. It has now reached 89%.

There is no doubt that the combination of the two also takes up a large part of the solar ladder's capabilities, so. If Fang Senyan temporarily suspends this progress, I believe it can persist for a long time.

In the face of the terrible survival crisis, Fang Senyan has begun to consider the problem of supporting as long as possible. Given that it may go a long way in the future, Fang Senyan did not rush to start, but cut off after making a cottage mask. A few pieces of leather were wrapped around the legs and tightened, and then they took a step forward, moving towards the distance at a uniform frequency.

Less than ten minutes after Fang Senyan left this abandoned vulture chariot, a figure quietly appeared beside this scrapped vulture chariot, which was transformed by ST. The killer's messenger appointed by the queen.

At this time, it has evolved again against the "dead" **** environment.

Its upper and lower exoskeleton-like exoskeleton has faded, replaced by a nutshell that is generally airtight but light and flexible skin. Acid mist and poisonous gas cannot erode into this layer of skin, and the filtering system in its respiratory organs has been increased. Four floors.

Simultaneously. For the convenience of chasing the enemy, the muscles of his legs and hands appear more developed, and the agility is obviously improved. The evolution corresponding to this feature is that the bone spurs on the body of the pain messenger have also increased, and it also shines on it With a little dark green light. Obviously with a strong poison, it is clear that if there is a huge advantage in terms of speed, then the long-range attack to kite the enemy to death is the best choice.

After confirming that the vulture chariot was the one Fang Senyan drove, the messenger of the pain clutched his body, twisted his teeth around the vulture chariot twice, and then sniffed where Fang Senyan had stayed. Smelling, then, this guy started screaming and roaring wildly, tearing the abandoned vulture chariot into steel fragments with his paws and teeth! Brown Sè's blood spilled out in the process, but even this guy lost his teeth and broke his paws in the process of tearing!

This is the origin of the name of the Angel of Pain, which pains the enemy, and also makes itself painful, and does not let go of all the opportunities that cause pain. For it, pain is the power of life, the root of the battle, either the enemy is pained, or it More pain for myself!

In the end, the messenger smashed the energy box fiercely, and issued a sharp hissing sound, which was extremely penetrating, and seemed to pierce the sky and fly to the universe.

At this time, Fang Senyan had already walked out of a full fifteen kilometers, although the sharp wind like a devil's cry lingered in his ears all the time, although this **** environment was eating his life all the time, but He still kept enough jǐng vigilance, not to mention that there is still a strong sense to remind Fang Senyan at any time that the danger has not receded?

After the painful provocative roar issued by the Angel of Pain, despite numerous hits and reverberations between the mountains, and still being stirred by the harsh wind, it was still faintly introduced into Fang Senyan's ears, and his brows frowned. Wrinkled, and then couldn't help muttering:

"It's coming fast .... No! There seems to be something wrong."

Fang Senyan is also a very sensitive person on the battlefield. After thinking about it carefully, he immediately realized what went wrong, and that was style.

If a big figure like Queen of Blades comes to chase herself, then she already regards this as a shame, so she will definitely not yell and provoke such a provocative roar, killing herself without a word. It should be her style.

"The Queen of Blades actually replaced me to kill me? Yes, this is another thing that I didn't expect. This woman is not easy. Every time, I can make measures from my blind spot! And according to her xìng In general, the people sent must have the power to kill me. Who is going to chase me down? Heroes swift beasts? Heroes thorn snakes? Heroes mammoths? Heroes flying dragons ......... No, these conventional arms Maybe the strength is above me, but it is impossible to be judged by the Queen of the Blade to kill me ... "

Fang Senyan suddenly saw the weapon he had plundered, the weapon that carried the Queen's memories: the unpopular C-10ster spiked sniper rifle.

"That **** is a Zerg leader who has changed from a ghost soldier, and SNAKE is also a ghost soldier, who must come to kill me ..."

After thinking about this, Fang Senyan stopped. He is not a person who likes to be chased and beaten, especially if he runs away like a bereavement dog. So he was already thinking about counterattack, and he had to weigh the opponent's weight. Harmony of time and place, if there are a few minutes you can use to set up the battlefield, then even if it is not defeated, it will not be too difficult to escape.

Therefore, Fang Senyan watched the Angel of Pain swiftly run from a distance. Its long legs and long hands that are almost deformed are like poles of pole vaulters. It can be easily relaxed in the air without any effort. Borrowing power, and then, a flash of light, a series of data appeared in front of Fang Senyan:

Angel of Pain: Primate anthropoid subfamily infection (must have special mental ability to be transformed)

Genus xìng: Ominous.

Vitality talent: The predecessor of the pain messenger was a powerful ST. His mental power was transformed into a powerful concentrator, so the surging and active living xìng energy flooded into each of his cells. Any healing effect will be enlarged to 1000%, and the self-recovery speed will be increased by an additional 300%.

Abilities: Bone spear shè, details are unknown.

Abilities: Stinger guides puncture, details are unknown.

Ability: Unknown.

Passive ability: The pain is boiling. The messenger can gain extra strength from the enemy or his own pain ~ ~ Whether it is the damage suffered by himself or the damage caused to the rest, then the pain messengers are Will gain a certain increase in attack speed and movement speed.

Explanation: The blade queen Morrigan was originally only a small ST, being valued by the dominator, and turned into a monster that looks like it. There may be a coincidence in it, but it has a strong power with Morrigan. ST ’s jīng divine power is also no suspense, and now Morrigan has finally got another ST's "toy". Although her modulation process is crude and simple, it is combined with her own strength and a little luck. The current messenger of pain.

"This is the case. No wonder the Queen of the Blade is so confident that she doesn't even care about the bad situation of the dead. It was this thing that was sent to hunt me down!" Fang Senyan looked at and murmured a series of instructions.

At this time he also felt tricky. Because Fang Senyan's biggest advantage is energy consumption, which can drag, but at this time he has to face a guy who seems to be more capable of dragging energy, and suddenly there is a kind of anxiety that is suppressed.

And this anxiety suddenly reached its peak when Fang Senyan counted down to 37 seconds, because he saw the appearance of the painful messenger from the chase, and he couldn't help but have an illusion of fear in his heart.

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