The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 53: Deathmatch in High Wind

> The Painbringer seemed to be much less affected by the storm. He fixed his body with the tail of his bones, and then began to use his long-range attack ability to fire on Moriyan. This first shot was really unexpected, except that the bone spear that it fired was also affected by the fierce wind. After all, there was a gap, so Fang Senyan avoided it in time.

This miss was immediately caught Fang Senyan a great opportunity to counterattack!

The pain spear's bone spear is extremely powerful, so it cannot be used as a one-time launcher, but with a dark red neuromuscular tendon cluster behind it. This stuff can not only shoot the bone spear back in time, but also when it is shot. Orientation is still being adjusted in the air. After all, it is still the horrible winds of twelve levels and above, which makes it almost a hit.

Fang Senyan grabbed the dark red neuromuscular tendon cluster at the end of the bone spear, and immediately pulled it hard!

Under this tear, the messenger immediately made a scream of screaming. The dark red neuromuscular tendon cluster caught by Fang Senyan was almost similar to the veins of the egg. It can be imagined that he was possessed with more than a hundred forces of terror. Fang Senyan caught the taste of the egg pulling hard, which is almost the taste of the messenger at this moment ...

But for the messenger of pain, the more painful he is, the stronger the power that erupts in the next second, so Fang Senyan actually does not want to cause pain for him, but he is very vicious to drag by this Power, tore the Angel of Pain from the stone pillar next to it. Then, this hurricane will solve all the troubles for Fang Senyan.

Fang Senyan pulled again! The messenger trembled violently all over his body. His long bones rubbed against the rocks with a "creak" squeaking sound, and it looked like he couldn't hold it any longer.

But Fang Senyan also underestimated the embarrassment of this maggot. When Fang Senyan exerted his strength again, the pain messenger actually popped up his neck again, and bite off this dark red neuromuscular tendon cluster, bursting out amazing power in the acute pain. , Fiercely rushed towards Fang Senyan. -

After all, the Angel of Pain is the guy who has the mighty power of the Queen of Blades. And it is indeed two steps higher than Fang Senyan. With this full blow, it can be said that it has exhausted the huge power from the whole body. Therefore, although the wind was howling, and there were still many sharp stones, the Angel of Pain still pointed at Fang Senyan and pounced on it. It looks like it is desperate to pull Fang Senyan into the water!

Fang Senyan's face was not panic-looking at this moment. In other words, the reaction of the messenger of the pain was completely expected, so he had already made up his mind. It wasn't until this guy reached within ten meters that Fang Senyan's face half-hanged on the wall showed a sneer, and the flipped wrist of his hand held a silver-white firearm.

A weapon full of divine meaning!

ruling! !!

The mouth of the black hole of the gun was aimed at the messenger of the flutter in the air!

The reason why Fang Senyan did not use the G-point to swallow the ruling is because the ruling also has the opportunity to continue to grow. After being swallowed by the G-point, it is not known whether there is that valuable attribute. And as a long-range weapon, the switch is also very fast with a dedicated equipment bar.

"I judge that the creature in front of me is a pagan!"

"Repent in this wind!"

Then, Fang Senyan hung on the cliff with one hand and calmly pulled the trigger!

A little sacred light burst out instantly, magnificent if the court bell rang. The majesty of the final sentence!

There was a loud noise, and the Angel of Pain screamed screamingly. There were more than a dozen black spots on the body, and then the black spots were quickly burning and emitting black smoke. The damage that this gun caused him was also It's quite amazing, and Fang Senyan can also get huge benefits from this attack to restore health!

Even more terrible is. The huge impact of this gun also caused the pain messenger to deviate from its previous position. He clearly aimed at Fang Senyan and rushed over. Now he was more than a meter away, but it still seemed to be able to get Fang Senyan.

It's just ... the verdict is no longer single shot! While the Angel of Pain was still struggling to reach out to Fang Senyan, Fang Senyan tried to stabilize his body in the strong wind, but the hand holding the verdict was rock solid, the muzzle moved slightly, and the trigger was pulled again!

boom! !!

The pale cyan smoke was instantly annihilated by the strong wind, but the milky light point was not affected by the strong wind. At least a dozen of them hit the body of the Angel of Pain again. Under the huge impact, it was intended to be obtained. The claws fluttered half a meter away from Fang Senyan, and were swept away by the wind.

A smirk smile appeared on Fang Senyan's face, but this smile was frozen on the face in an instant, because the sharp tail of the pain messenger turned out to be lightning at a strange angle from below. The spine stabbed up, and it grew stiffly from the spine half a meter, with fresh flesh on it.

It is precisely because there are so many off-site factors that the tip of the bone tail suddenly penetrates Fang Senyan's left wrist!

That left wrist that slammed the edge of the rock!

Fang Senyan immediately felt that his scalp was tingling.

Suddenly suffered such a severe blow, Fang Senyan's five fingers suddenly relaxed, his body was immediately swept by the wind, and swept fiercely into the sky!

In such a strong wind, I don't know how many violent rolls I have to experience every second, and even face a violent collision with the mountain peak! Even if it is a powerful wakener, the brain can't withstand such an amazing conflict in an instant, so Fang Senyan was completely unconscious.

Before he lost consciousness, he saw that he was caught in the sky, and at the end was a smaller and smaller mouth, like the end of a funnel that came upside down, strange and colorful, psychedelic!

When Fang Senyan woke up again, he found that he was sitting on a chair.

He just felt that his head seemed to explode, and it seemed as if he shook it gently. There would be thousands of porcelain pieces crashing in the collision. For a while, he couldn't think at all. If he wanted to stand up, he realized He was tied to a chair, with a restraint on his chest and a restraint on his waist.

However, it seems that the bond is only to fix Fang Senyan, and does not mean to imprison him, so Fang Senyan did not have any effort to release the bond, and then took a few steps, because of the drama on the head He fell on the ground with pain.

This severe pain is caused by experiencing too violent shocks when in a coma. It is like putting tofu in a bottle and shaking it violently, and the tofu must be completely messed up. Fang Senyan can not die under such a degree of damage, and it is really not easy.

He breathed heavily, pressed his forehead against the cold and smooth ground, and lay flat on his back on the ground, feeling that the blood flow gathered on the head began to spread flat to the limbs, and finally he felt more comfortable. feel.

Next, Fang Senyan simply found a place similar to the anatomical test bench. Although it felt unlucky, he lay down, but began to hang from the neck, his head was suspended in the air, and the whole person showed a high head. In a low state, I immediately felt that a lot of pain disappeared.

At this time, Fang Senyan had time to look at the surrounding situation. The materials here are sturdy and full of lightness. The lines are streamlined and full of beautiful feeling. However, some smooth and beautiful symbolic decorations show a scent. .

If it is reminiscent of Fang Senyan waking up and being fixed into a sitting position and other details, then there is no doubt that the place he stayed at this time came to another Protoss base and was not malicious to him.

The reason for Fang Senyan to sit is like human beings like to put injured people on the bed for cultivation. The Protoss have no bed, so Fang Senyan can only sit and cultivate in this way.

Next, Fang Senyan did not dare to change her sitting position, but continued to carefully maintain the current trend. The tenacious heart continued to pump blood. Under the constant flushing of blood, Fang Senyan's physique slowly recovered. The headache also got better.

The next series of events made Fang Senyan realize that Doom hadn't left yet. He first looked at himself and found that his talents had actually entered the CD state. This is enough to explain one thing, that is, when he was in a coma ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ the situation is much more imaginary than I imagined, if not for my luck is quite good, otherwise most of them will not survive.

At this time, Fang Senyan began to notice that some patterns on the wall and things similar to the symbols are very sharp. They are telling the phenomenon of the opposition between light and darkness, and even more secretly, there are many thin things that are curved like blades. Watching everything.

Seeing this, Fang Senyan couldn't help remembering some of the information that he had previously made up, and couldn't help muttering:

"This ... is it about the war and change between light and shadow? Is this the light and shadow council that has long since died out in the legend?"

At this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the bottom of Fang Senyan's heart.

"I never expected that I heard the four sacred words of the Light and Shadow Council again from the mouth of a humble human being!"

Although Fang Senyan could not see his figure, he immediately retorted:

"Sir, humble and unrelated race, nobility comes from the soul!"

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