The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 59: Unlucky Ronnie

At this time, Dungs had quickly planned for help and escape in his heart. He felt one thing clearly from the process of Fang Senyan's care of lifting his attack lightly:

That is, the hidden strength of this person in front is really a bit horrible, as if it is an iceberg floating on the surface of the sea. It seems that the part floating on the surface of the water is very small, but the part hidden under the water has an immeasurable amount. Pangran!

Then Dongs saw the weapon shining with blood red light,

He has already begun to estimate his own life value and be able to live to the present person. Of course, there is still some eyesight. In his assessment, Fang Senyan's weapon is definitely very powerful, but after the sword is cut, You should also restore your ability to act anyway, and of course it ’s the honor potion to fully recover, and by the way perform forced stealth, sprint, and then send a signal to ask for help in one go ... Just drag it for ten seconds, and your neighbors will be siege Come, let him three heads and six arms can not escape his own group of wolves like crazy chase!

Then, Dungs began to fall. Then, exactly as he expected, the opponent's red sword light flashed and penetrated his right thigh. The sharp blade easily cut off the tendons and blood vessels of the thigh, causing serious damage. Injury. Although the power is amazing, it is also within the scope predicted by Dongs.

After landing, Dong Si immediately instinctively rolled away, so that although the leg injury will be aggravated by this, the honor potion will be used immediately in the next second. In short, it should be restored to the max state of health at one time. Therefore, he didn't care about these details.

However, the script that Dongs built here has gone astray! !! !!

Because after using the honor potion, he climbed up confidently and used sprinting, and then stepped out, feeling that his right leg was completely unable to bear, and the whole man fell down to the right.

At this time he was even more frightened to discover. His life value is hovering on the danger line, and there is no sign of rising at all, that bottle of honor potion seems to be in vain! !! !!

Dong Si immediately fell into a state of coldness and falling into a nightmare. He was still a calm and quick-minded person, so he went to check the combat record the first time, so he saw that line of ruthless tips:

"Your legs are affected by the force of extinction."

"You will be acquiesced that your body is not digitized. As long as the drugs in the nightmare space are ineffective, the wounds can only be treated by conventional medical methods, and the healing rate of normal humans is restored, and the disability effects caused by the wounds are extinct Until the power is gone, it cannot be recovered by space or any medicine. "

Seeing this, Dong Si immediately thought of one thing, one long, long time ago, a legend he heard:

"The power of extinction ... ???? This weapon is the magic sword Apophis ????"

"Magic, sword, Ah. Bo, Fei, Si ... No one answered him. The last scene Donce saw was the blood-red sword flashing again. Then he fell completely into the darkness.

The death of Dong Si gave Fang Senyan three points of merit, and then the big silvery wrench also burst out. It looks pretty good.

This silver story weapon was strengthened to +7, so it probably made up for the lack of attack power, and then there are three very valuable features.

The first feature is that when attacking any mechanical creature, the damage must increase by 200%. And turn half of the theoretical damage into real damage. "

The second characteristic is that when this thing attacks the enemy's head, it has a 33% chance to stun it.

The third characteristic is that when using this gadget to attack the enemy, there is a 10% chance to knock the enemy back.

However, its weakness is also obvious, that is, it is judged as a tool, not a specially created murder weapon, so the basic attack power is very low, so to speak, this thing +7 attack power, It is almost comparable to the ordinary unstrengthened silver story weapon ......... So, Dungs uses it because Dungs has the ability to enchant fire to increase his damage, and the 33% chance of stun is very good.

Under normal circumstances, this thing is just collectible, only when it encounters a specific enemy, such as the Transformers world, it is a great killer.

Therefore, this gadget belongs to the kind of "selling the goods" so that you can get a good price, otherwise, even if you barely sell it, it is a low price. It ’s like the “hornet” Chevrolet Camaro in the real world. Generally, it ’s for movies and Autobots. If you remove this factor, not many people will spend this money to buy this car. .

Therefore, Fang Senyan threw this equipment to point G for a meal. This was not only to enrich the relevant database, but because switching between different weapons / equipments at point g also required energy. Where does the energy come from? ? Still not to rely on swallowing these equipment?

Of course, weapons / equipment without instrumental spirits will consume less energy and more energy with instrumental spirits. However, the supply and demand relationship between them is not tense, devouring a silver plot equipment, enough to support a high-intensity battle.

After killing Dungs with a thunderbolt, Fang Senyan returned to see Ronnie, and found that his condition was really bad. Not only the **** parasites on the limbs began to counterattack, but the parasites on the trunk were Start trying to invade the internal organs.

If it is based on the speed of Fang Senyan's current amateur treatment level, even if the parasites on the body can be cleaned up, it will take enough time for the parasites on the limbs to penetrate into the body.

Faced with this situation, Fang Senyan sighed and looked at Roni:

"You're out of luck."

After Fang Senyan said these four words, he raised his weapon very simply. Alas, he still did not forget to change the **** weapon Apophis to +13 to West, otherwise, Ronnie would be really useless. ... Next, a few seconds later, the unlucky Ronnie turned into a stick again. His cut off hands and feet lost the protection of the contractor's digitalized body, and he completely rotted in just a few minutes. If it's rotten, even the hardest bones are rotten.

And those weird parasites that have got enough nutrients are starting to grow crazy, spewing out "nourishing" acid, even the rocks are corroded, not to mention flesh and blood, and these parasites can well control the amount of acid And the scope of corrosion, an understatement is to etch out small holes that can be drilled into the rock.

In Fang Senyan's eyes, Ronnie's limbs quickly decayed completely, replaced by a bunch of yarns that were entangled together, and then drilled into the nearby rocks, quietly No trace, it is estimated that once someone passes, it will be parasitic.

The parasites in Ronny's body also seemed to feel the crisis, and there were irregularities in some parts of his surface from time to time. Fang Senyan pinched a worm's wriggling tail, and then clamped it with a pair of forceps.

According to Fang Senyan's eyesight and hand strength at this time, he pinched it without any effort, and then pulled it out. I did not expect that the living parasite is very different from dead, and it will struggle frantically when it is clamped. Fortunately, Fang Senyan has an advantage in strength, clamped it firmly, and slowly pulled it out.

What I didn't expect was that Ronnie groaned suddenly. The parasite felt panic and started vomiting the acid directly and desperately ... Ronnie was suddenly stunned.

After fixing this parasite, Ronnie seems to have removed half his life directly. If he is fascinated, Fang Senyan thinks about it, cuts his flesh with a knife, and finds a tail that the parasite is shaking. , Shot like electricity, caught suddenly, and then pulled out with the same speedy method! !!

Suddenly, the parasite didn't even have the chance to spit out acid, so it jumped out and jumped out, while Ronnie didn't seem to get much damage. When Fang Senyan saw that there was a door in this way, he repeated. The three principles of "cutting the muscles" + "looking for worm tails" + "lightning unplugging" pulled out 30 or so strange and vicious parasites from Ronnie's body shortly afterwards.

It is said that if ordinary people have suffered severe injuries ~ ~ plus Moriyan tossing so much, it is really not to die too fast, but Ronnie was originally a data body, and his hands were broken. The wound will contract and stop bleeding in an instant, so the wound will not be too serious. At this time, Fang Senyan will exhaust the internal problems, so he actually began to slowly recover his life.

After Fang Senyan cut to Ronny's abdomen, a fist-pack of dense white worm eggs the size of a fist came out of it, and finally saw that the "parasitic" abnormal state of the pupa was eliminated and fell into a deep sleep. among.

However, Fang Senyan's expected attack did not come. After he killed Dungs, he originally expected that the next wave of attacks would come within ten minutes, but now there have been no changes until twenty minutes have passed. It seems that these people Although in the squatting position, the vigilance is really not high.

In fact, Fang Senyan also blame the squatting group. Although they are contractors, they have never received such boring squatting training before. This group of people squatted here for more than ten days. The previous few days were okay. These days, they have been boring and exhausted to the extreme. They are all speculating that Ronnie died in the trial, which has long been uneasy. (To be continued)

Peerless Tangmen

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