The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 61: Kill with a knife

Pan Tan is a rough man without any thoughts. Although he has commanded and controlled the entire base, he has the same respect as the other side.

At this time, he was indeed facing a difficult problem, and immediately after seeing Fang Senyan, he seemed to have caught the life-saving straw. After the secretary in the short skirt brought coffee, he was impatient to let her out. , And then asked Fang Senyan to sit down and frown:

"Sir! One thing has been bothering me lately. I don't know what to do."

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"You said."

Pan Tan sighed:

"Although our current base is far from being able to discover and mine Pandora crystals, in terms of its size, it has almost exceeded the relevant limits."

Fang Senyan raised his eyebrows and said:

"You go into more detail."

It turns out that human beings now have a severe war situation (must work together with the Protoss to deal with the Zerg), so they have implemented exploration and protection regulations among the people.

That is to say, even if it is a civilian, as long as it can afford Pandora crystals, it can also employ most of the army's troops and military weapons to conduct exploration and battle in the universe, and the General Staff will never have any constraints or say It is a random act.

Now Pantan is the beneficiary. Although he is an active serviceman, the troops currently established have actually not passed the General Staff, but have used the abundant Pandora crystals in his hands, and directly exploited the privileges granted by the exploration regulations. Buy soldiers in the teleporter.

For example, 50 units of Pandora crystals can buy a machine gunner. This machine gunner is a brainwashed prisoner and resolutely obeys orders. A brand new siege tank only needs 150 units of Pandora crystals and 100 units of rare gas-associated mines.

If the base is established in accordance with the exploration regulations, Pantan is directly a leader because of his heroic unit, and those units purchased are completely subject to him, but these units are the most expensive. Second, due to the lack of command of excellent officers, they can often only play 80% of their combat effectiveness.

The problem for Pantin is. The amount of force he now has was told to exceed the standard, regardless of the size of the base or the number of troops.

And for example, if you want to have an advanced Wagre air-to-space combat ship, the atomic bomb. The space cruiser must pass the review and evaluation of the General Staff ......... Pantan has been clearly informed that in view of the current violations, the General Staff will send an investigation team, and everything he currently obtains may be Nationalized.

The difference between the status quo and the nationalization of the military is that after passing the General Staff, if the above feels that it is of strategic significance, it will send a large number of troops to the airborne. Officers, all powers are controlled by the General Staff. Honor, after that, you can just mine and want to go home and take care of the elderly ..... and then collect the Pandora crystals and submit them directly to the treasury. Troops are dispatched and transmitted by the theater, of course, without spending money.

Of course, Fang Senyan was reluctant to be deprived of his power, and thought about it:

"When will the investigation team come?"

Pantin dejected:

"It has been clear that I must respond within three hours, otherwise an investigation team will be dispatched after three hours. I transmitted it using a unidirectional displacement transmission device, and I think the General Staff is very interested here, so these investigations The regiment is likely to be a member who directly replaces my rights, which means that I will soon lose all my rights.

"I didn't expect that I would have the attention and investigation of the General Staff only if I had more than thirty ghost warplanes!" Pang Tan smashed into his desk angrily. "This makes no sense. I know that an interstellar farmer has even managed a unit with more than a hundred ghost fighters."

Fang Senyan explained:

"This shows that the General Staff has focused on this star field. So we will pay attention to some small changes ..."

Pantin said with annoyed hair:

"But I don't know that."

Fang Senyan suddenly narrowed his eyes and said:

"Perhaps something happened to the investigator?"

"Damn, before the General Staff ordered it, they quietly sent some troops over. With the presence of these gendarmerie troops, once I do anything under their surveillance, these guys hired will not Obey orders to attack the army, "said Pantan, depressed.

So Fang Senyan's first suggestion was to stop the expansion, but Pantan said that it would not help, because the General Staff has already paid attention to it, like a dog who has smelled the aroma, no matter what you will carry next The bones inside are much tighter, and it always runs over to sniff.

Fang Senyan thought about it for a while, and he needed some intelligence to investigate. This can reflect the benefits of human's powerful reconnaissance ability. First, he opened the road with a radar, and then used a ghost fighter that can stealthily and fast for aerial photography. The investigation into the fighting between the Protoss and the Zerg was quite clear.

It was a long time before Fang Senyan said to Pantin:

"If that's the case, then it can only be thrown to the General Staff a mess, a mess they are not willing to take over, and these guys naturally have no interest."

Pan Tan said suddenly:

"What a mess?"

Fang Senyan groaned:

"Humans have an advantage, that is, buildings can also fly in the air, and now you are mainly air forces, and they are very mobile ..."

So Fang Senyan then smiled and said, "I have observed that since the Zerg Feilong suffered heavy damage, it is really tight to add the rare gas ore, so it simply gave up the air forces, mainly ground combat plus airdrops. . We can kill people with swords like this ... "


After two hours,

A queen suddenly found the blade queen recovering from the nutrient solution in the hatchery.

It rested its tentacles on the forehead of the blade queen.

The blade queen suddenly gained a brand new perspective. This perspective is to observe the external environment from a human ghost fighter pilot. The reason why this effect is achieved is because the unlucky guy was secretly ejected by the queen. Infected.

This parasite does not cause harm to the host, and even has the benefit of enhancing resistance. It is also very secretive and will not be easily detected. Its only general purpose is to let everything that the parasite sees. All shared with the queen.

Then the Queen of Blades saw a small human base, and more importantly, she also found that there were two Pandora veins that had not been mined out! !! You know, at this time when the veins currently owned by the Zerg and Protoss are about to run out, these two seemingly barren veins are likely to determine the outcome!

So the queen of the blade immediately evaluated the protective power of the human base. She has decided to personally lead a small number of elites to level this human base. In this way, the army will not be attacked by the opposite protoss because it is too large. In this way, a decisive victory can be achieved unconsciously.

The Queen of Blades did not consider this a trap, because if it was a trap, it would be at the cost of the heavy loss of the human base and even being leveled.

To put it plainly, if there is no pressure from the Zerg, humans will be at war with the Protoss. Unless the commander of the Terran is kicked by a donkey, this kind of self-denial will be done.

Three hours later, the Queen of Blades led a group of powerful men into the human base, and the other side showed no fighting spirit, it just resisted a little (the gendarmerie troops resisted), and then rose up incomparably. Base, fled by a transport plane. The Queen of the Blade wanted these two veins and quickly settle the battle, so there was not too much hunting, but at this time, a group of belated aid troops came out of the human base that seemed to have been abandoned.

These seemingly flustered guys also killed seventeen or eight worker bees sent by the blade queen to occupy the veins. The angry queen has always been exhausted regardless of his spirit ~ ~ directly throws a note Her signature technique: Red Storm of Hearts, roasted all those who are really members of the General Staff's investigation team into coke.


The Queen of the Blade also did not expect that this scene of her great power had been filmed and then sent to Fang Senyan.

And Fang Senyan was outside the Protoss base of Ur'aki at this time. After getting the video data, he rushed into the Protoss' base and asked to see Lord Ur'aji. Although Ul Archi did not wait to see Fang Senyan, at such a great opportunity, he also did not hesitate to launch an attack on the Zerg base in front of him!

I have to admit that the Queen of Blades is indeed a legendary leader. Even in this case, she still left the backhand. Although the troops left were defeated before the Protoss offensive, but! It is more than enough to hold the Protoss until the Queen of Blades rushes back! !!

However, at this time, a human force that suddenly inserted into the battlefield became the last straw that crushed the camel. This human force was almost purely air force-based, thirty ghost warplanes, and six Wagre air pairs. The Space Fighter destroys the Zerg poor air force, then kills the Zerg host on the battlefield! !! !! . . )

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