The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 67: See also the artifact

"Such an attack ..... is particle flow! It's the most nasty defense attack, **** it!"

At this time, Fang Senyan was thinking about preparing to use the glorious healing once, but this means that if he encounters the blade queen, the life-saving hole card will be one less!

However, the anticipated intense heat and pain did not come, and the particle flow was intensely rubbed beside Fang Senyan's cheek, and then accurately hit the air behind ..... Oh, no, it should be a Dark Templars emerging from the rear.

The astonishment on the dark Templar's face turned into anger in an instant, but then, a more violent stream of positive and negative particles hit his body again, breaking his body into dots of particles, and then star In the air!

Fang Senyan called out a long breath and couldn't help smiling:

"You guy, just missed the best time to kill me."

From the side of the hole, a white giant light ball drifted slowly. It was Aldaris who was in a transformed state. He hummed:

"To kill you can't be easier, just don't want you to die unclearly, to return the love that owed you before, and it feels more killing."

Fang Senyan laughed, grabbed a large piece of metal next to his backhand, fearing that there were hundreds of kilograms, and then threw it back to the back, listening to the sound of crunches and screams from behind Later, suddenly facing Artaris:

"How is your physical strength?"

Altarius said suddenly:


Fang Senyan smiled. Without speaking, he turned and ran to the distance. Aldariston came to his senses and couldn't help yelling:

"Hey, aren't you mt? Go up and kill the chase behind!"

Fang Senyan ran easily in front:

"Let's stay a little bit. If you are delayed here and miss the most exciting scene, you will lose money."

"What's the best scene?" Aldarius asked immediately.

At this point he hit another stream of particles by hand. The road behind was collapsed and crashed, and then hovered in the air and chased Fang Senyan.


At this time, Fang Senyan knew that the main purpose of Aldarus's current visit was to earn enough credit to exchange for something that was important to him, that is, the shield strengthening device.

As mentioned earlier, Aldarez became a bright archon. You will get a very amazing energy shield, which is not good enough. This energy shield is set to 0 defense by default.

And this shield strengthens the device. It is also possible to make that energy shield also inherit the physical defense of Aldarus! It is equivalent to greatly disguising his survivability. In the previous battles, Aldarus relied on the advantage of fighting side by side with Fang Senyan, and the mental storm did not require the money to explode, so he quickly earned a lot of credit.

Before he came out this time, he had exchanged all his credits for cleanliness, which was probably the reason for the protoss internal chaos and civil war that year, so the relationship between them was quite strange. Even Aldarius betrayed at this time. It is only tacitly assumed to betray the Uraki family, and the personal relationships he established previously will not be affected.

This sounds quite a bit like "public affairs will not affect personal relationships". Like the two brothers of Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Jin during the Three Kingdoms, one is Shu Hanzhong. One is Soochow's brachios. On the surface, it is against the enemy, but the private friendship must be counted separately, so there is no psychological burden on betrayal.

At this time, with the help of Aldarius, plus the dodge of the commander, Fang Senyan knew the power of Fang Senyan, and was very slack. Therefore, the pursuit of the Protoss became very light. It is unchanged. In this way, the power of the Zerg is naturally weakened by disguise.

You know, the Zerg are also fighting with the Protoss at the same time. The battle between the two sides was originally in a small-scale intensive, completely relying on the follow-up troops produced by the continuous supply of supplements. It became immediately apparent.

Therefore, while the Queen of Blades scolded the Protoss for betrayal, they could only helplessly reduce the intensity of the attack. Otherwise, once the guard strength around her weakened, the Protoss would never mind missing the siege of the Queen of Blades who besieged and killed. opportunity!

In this way, fighting and retreating, Fang Senyan gradually began to approach the core area of ​​the city, where there is a majestic building, from the perspective of the shape, three straight pillars are distributed in the shape of a character, and the ends of the pillars are one Big open hand.

These three big hands are pointing upwards at the same time, there is a giant crystal that is more than thirty meters high, and the crystal presents a stunning deep blue like the sea, which is extremely deep, and there are many delicate decorative patterns like plants around. The architectural style is still sharp and smooth, and there is an indescribable splendor that makes people see the urge to worship.

According to Fang Senyan's information from the Lost Temple, the three big hands represent the three powers of parliamentary leaders, similar to the human legislative, executive, and judicial powers. This is the disparate system of three powers, which is closely related The relevant aristocracy lives in the corresponding one, and the crystal held in the center of the three big hands is considered to be the residence of the gods and gods, which is extremely sacred!

At this time, Fang Senyan saw this scene and couldn't help but think of the spirit of looking down at the entire city among the giant crystals! King's Land!

At this time, Ardarius suddenly turned to Mori Rock:

"Hey, what did you mean by missing a good show?"

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"You should know the existence of the lost temple on this planet."

Aldarez said:

"Of course, this is the secret of the Protoss. I know that there are a total of seven lost temples recorded in the universe, but in the past three thousand years there is definite evidence that there are only four signs of life."

Fang Senyan continued to laugh:

"Then do you know that these lost temples are completely worthless compared with the mainstream forces of the Protoss, so what is the reason for these insignificant forces to bargain with the mainstream forces? Are they parallel? "

Aldarez's face became serious:

"I don't really know this, I just heard that there are huge secrets hidden among these survivors, which is said to be a powerful lost technology."

"Strictly speaking, it's really like this ..." Fang Senyan pinched his chin and said, "It's reasonable to summarize that gadget into a kind of technology, but it's just beyond the age of too many technologies."

Altaris' complexion changed, and he groaned:

"What is the thing you said?"

Fang Senyan looked at him and smiled:

"Why don't you really know why this dynamic planet got this look? Don't you know the root cause of the horrific storm that swept the entire planet a few days ago?"

"It seems that you also know the existence of the artifact." Ardarius said.

"Of course." Fang Senyan said calmly. "This should be why the survivors can really compete with the mainstream forces."

Aldarez said:

"But what do you mean by mentioning this stuff at this time?"

Fang Senyan looked at the huge blue crystal in the distance, revealing a solemn look:

"This great city was frozen into time between the abrupt and even solidified for tens of thousands of years, and all life in it was evaporated in an instant, and no corpses could remain ----- Didn't you think of any connection from it? "

Suddenly, Aldaris was stagnant. Many things were separated by a layer of paper. Once broken, it was not worth mentioning:

"All life suddenly evaporates ......... the terror power frozen into time suddenly, don't you mean it!"

"This city also has a magical artifact! And the power of this magical artifact is likely to be related to time. At least for now, it is already strong enough to confine the entire city to tens of thousands of time. Tens of thousands of years-of course, the price is that all life in the entire city has evaporated! "

Fang Senyan said lightly. Altarius opened his mouth and seemed to want to refute Fang Senyan, but the retort came to his mouth, but he couldn't explain it! Because he himself found out that although Fang Senyan's speculation was very bold, it was very possible to think carefully about

"Since I want to get this, of course the Queen of Blades and the current Protoss leader also want to get this, and the position of the descending artifact must be very obvious, in the blue crystal." Fang Senyan said indifferently:

"So, I didn't plan to go to this muddy beach, because I don't have the corresponding strength yet."

"But." Fang Senyan said here and then changed his mind: "Have you seen the symbols on the three giant palms side by side, the triangle should be the representative legislative assembly, the circle is the executive assembly, and the pentagram, It means the judicial council. The most powerful force should be in the hands of the judicial council, so I am very interested in that building. "

"Do you think there is the power you want in there?" Aldarius said:

Fong Sen Rock Road:

"I'm just speculating, but I think if there really is something like a star colossus that's abnormal at the same level as an aircraft carrier, then it will definitely appear there." (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome You come to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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