The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 15 Chapter 82: Escape cabin

Because the power of this crystal explosion is too great, it formed a violent chain reaction, and Fang Senyan was at the same time on the side facing the shock wave, so despite having a full ten seconds of buffer time, he There is no time to escape to the back. I can only choose the nearest anti-gravity escape cabin logo, and then take a hard shot at the emergency button.

The red light flashed rapidly. Immediately, two steel rings popped out of the ground and pinched Fang Senyan's fetters. This was to locate his own position.

Next, a loose life-saving stool like a boss chair was automatically delivered to Fang Senyan's hips, let him sit down, and then quickly drag along the rear slide rail, during which the sound of the seat belt closing crackled endlessly. It almost tied Fang Senyan firmly.

Immediately after, Fang Senyan's face was dark, and a large-mouth airbag enveloped him, and he was immediately installed inside, followed by a fierce hood covering several airbags, filled with gas, and finally Fang Senyan felt After a while spinning around, it has been sent into the rescue capsule and ejected at high speed.

However, this is the case. The rescue capsule flying out is still affected by the aftermath of the explosion. At this time, Fang Senyan does not say that his physical strength is more than one hundred. Even if it is more than two hundred and one thousand, there is not much difference. If it is in an explosion The core of the same must be reduced to ashes, even if it is on the edge of the explosion, it will also be unconscious in a fierce shock!

Fortunately, this time Fang Senyan's coma also belongs to the kind of mild coma. Although the consciousness is already a bit vague, it still has a certain basic perception of the outside world, similar to the senses when a person sleeps to a hazy state. Someone who pushes the door can feel it vaguely.

So, when Fang Senyan felt that the rescue capsule stopped moving, he began to struggle, trying to restore the lost control of the brain to the limbs. Soon, his efforts paid off, starting with the index finger and then the thumb ... ¨ Then the bones and skulls all over his body began to recover from hibernation like a snake, then wriggled, and then the whole person Control of the body is restored.

Fang Senyan's initial recovery was tactile sensation, and she felt a piece of hot water on her forehead, and then gradually became cold. This should be a sign of a head injury and continuous bleeding, and then she felt several hot wounds on her body, as if it were Was burned in general.

In the end, his vision began to recover, from a blur in front of his eyes to a double shadow, and then gradually became clear, and he found himself in a valley that looked very desolate, with rocks and broken rocks everywhere.

The appearance of the rescue capsule that protects Fang Senyan is quite ugly. It looks like an orange that has been roasted for five or six minutes. A small bounce on the skin will peel off a large amount of black ash. Even the appearance of the rescue capsule was tattered, as if it had been swallowed by many beasts with sharp teeth. It would look even more embarrassed if the steel plate was not exposed inside.

Because the lid of the rescue capsule had been cut off directly, Fang Senyan was now directly exposed to the cold air, and a large pool of dried blood appeared in the area near his head, and even changed. It became purple and black. Obviously, this is not very good. The obvious pungent breath of blood can easily make the olfactory creatures trace.

The good news is that the built-in computer in the rescue capsule is not broken, and the emergency supply package is also complete. Fang Senyan took a brief look and found that the construction water of Pantin was accurate. According to records, before the disintegration of the catastrophe beast, a total of six ejections were successful, all of which were successfully ejected. They are on the front of the shock wave, so their current situation is definitely better than Fang Senyan, so they can rest assured.

At this time, Fang Senyan also saw a scene of the camera. When the queen of the cut blade was gliding like leaves from the air, countless zerg raced to jump up desperately, using her own body as a shield for Her Majesty. Under the horror explosion, even the most powerful mammoth beasts were swallowed up by the light in an instant ... But they still have no complaints and no regrets.

But at this moment, Fang Senyan suddenly heard the sound of stones falling not far away, and then two people talked to each other:

"Hey, is this right? Are you sure you are right?"

"Yes, it must be here, and I will definitely not read it wrong."

"Did you say there would be any danger?"

"There is a danger of fart. You can see the power of the explosion. Even if we are seven or eight kilometers away, we have not been restored to the present. What can the rescue capsule do?"

"But, Gray, Etimits clearly let us track down for any changes in the West. If we were here to get some money and she knew it, the consequences would be very serious."

"You do n’t say, I do n’t say, she knows the fart! I tell you Gavin, do n’t be stupid enough to be confused by her big and ass, even if this woman of Artemis is very coquettish, but you think about it, you can Is it your turn? If the man who wants to do her is lining up outside. Besides, Ronny ’s idiot is so fascinated that he can't be compared with him? Can you see his end? So Say I tell you, it ’s kingly to be full, what good is that woman ’s favor? ”

Just when the two men were whispering and talking, suddenly, the rock next to them burst, and a huge figure broke through the cover all at once, like a tiger descending into the mountain, and came out. The cracked stones hit Gavin's face next to him, making him scream, it was Fang Senyan!

He bumped into Gray's chest as soon as he hit it, and then caught the gray!

However, Gray also made a reaction that no one had thought of in the first time. Fang Senyan's hand was just exerted, and it suddenly felt quite bad-because of the place where it was started, the thing held was not like a human hand at all. However, if the balloon is inflated, Fang Senyan's hand is boosted, and he suddenly feels that the thing he is holding is exploding. The air is splashing, the dust is violent, and there is even a leaf. At the moment, Gray's body was already more than ten meters away.

In the hands of this short man, I don't know when a long box has been added. When he grabbed it with his backhand, he took out a long gray whip from the inside. This whip looked carefully, as if it were human. The bones are connected in series, and suddenly there is a feeling of overcast wind.

Gray didn't talk nonsense at all, and threw the whip with a loud bang. Fang Senyan's eyes flashed in shock. The whip seemed to be inconspicuous. He just shook it, but it was clearly torn. The blue and white electric light is shining! Then there was a crying sound!

Fang Senyan leaps forward again, of course, Gray is just a whip hitting his head. Fang Senyan has a g-point change in gloves to protect his arm. He bravely continued and rushed forward, and the whip was wrapped around his arm in a circle.

Fang Senyan suddenly shivered, just felt that a black hole appeared in the place surrounded by the whip, and his body temperature and other things were swallowed in by the whale, even more terrible. Less than a few seconds later, a thick layer of ice had formed on the arm, and an unpleasant smell was emitted.

Immediately after that, Gavin also pulled out a bazooka and aimed Fang Senyan and pulled the trigger! Fang Senyan's most taboo is that this kind of weapon with slow rate of fire and high power will not dare to pick it up in a situation where the enemy's details are not clear.

In desperation, he had to roll on the spot in order to avoid its sharp edge, but when he turned his head and looked back again, he saw that the rocket had also turned obliquely, and Gray did not actually Knowing where to pull a whip, killing like a torrent of turbulent rivers! With such an understatement, he hit Fang Senyan fiercely! Suddenly, the armor of the interstellar machine guns worn by Fang Senyan suddenly shattered like butterflies, and pieces flew up! !!

"Boom", the rocket exploded violently, the smoked Fang Senyan suddenly rushed out of the smoke, the g spot on the left hand began to transform into the magic sword Apophis, and Gray whipped over again ~ www ~ Fang Senyan uses Apophis. I did not expect that the whip is flexible. Although it is blocked, the whip can continue to bend strangely. A "snap" in Fang Senyan A blood stain was drawn on his face, and a long strip of flesh was removed!

What's even more horrible is that the whip seems to have the ability to **** blood, and even a little blood can not flow out from the wound, and the flesh around the wound has become dead rotten flesh, and even spreads around, if it is not scraped in time If you fall, then you are afraid that you will get more serious.

Next, Fang Senyan supported a few more times, and found that if he was playing tricks, playing weird, and playing nimble, he was not the opponent of these two guys! !! Instead, he still suffered a lot of losses, so he immediately took a deep breath, and if his feet suddenly took root, he pierced into the dirt!

The horrible sun-staircase illusion began to sway continuously. If the whip was waving like a tentacle ... countless viruses that were not visible to the naked eye spread cheerfully and spread in the air, and Fang Senyan's eyes revealed a sharp touch The stinging look extruded a few words from the tooth gap:

"Stupid guy ... sars virus ... attack ...!"


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