The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 4: Miracle land

After hearing the miner's analysis, Fang Senyan was not surprised. Instead, he felt a sense of success, because Fang Senyan was not a stupid person. The various clues he captured before seemed to be pearls scattered everywhere. But the miner's words at this time connected the pearls one by one like a silk thread. www.} dyzww.} 网} m}

He suddenly thought of one thing:

It was a **** invitation that he had seized in a **** battle.

The **** invitation came to the end, and there will be a character like Cardinal. Although the guy is a replica, at this time it seems that not only the fighting consciousness, but also the entire body should have evolved into the most The strong man who is suitable for giving play to his strengths is even higher than the current one!

Obviously, the Cardinal did not appear for no reason at all, and it was able to make the rest of the space shred his face and violate the rules to **** it. At this moment, it must be something terribly important.

From the appearance of only one cardinal, it can be seen that the price paid for such an illegal operation is also very alarming.

After all, Noah space was not created by heaven and earth, but was created by life, so even if they have a high degree of freedom and execution, they must be restricted in the rules and methods of action. For example, Tu has a height of one meter, sixty-eight and a weight of one hundred and sixty-eight kilograms, but in theory, if at all costs, you can also do a big split, and of course, you will have to pay for a thigh ligament strain The cost of a torn muscle.

"So, from the perspective of space's importance to **** invitations, maybe this stuff is a voucher for space to compete for some vital resources!" Fang Senyan suddenly realized!

Immediately afterwards, his thinking was like a snooker hitting the edge, it seemed to have reached its destination, but immediately ejected, and suddenly turned to another aspect:

"Yes, I feel that since then, the Noah c space I belong to has become more and more powerful. Then, this time, multiple spaces have been jointly killed on the **** battlefield. Hidden danger! "

Although Fang Senyan's speculation is still inconsistent with the facts, it is not far off.

You know, the instinct of Noah's space is evolution, creating various difficult environments, squeezing people's potential to make them evolve. There is a saying that manpower also has exhaustion, but this only refers to human physical strength! It is definitely not to say that human spiritual power has reached its limit.

Among normal human beings, Einstein's inexperienced person has a brain area development rate of just over 30%, and ordinary people can pass 14%. It is good that the more developed the brain area, the more difficult it is to evolve and improve. .

For example, from 10% to 20% of brain domain development, only 10 points of source energy are needed, then 20% to 30% of development, then at least 50 points of source energy are required, and from 30% to 40%, 500 point sources Not all can be taken down!

When Noah Space develops the contractor's brain domain and makes it evolve, as a living body, they also face the severe crisis of evolution! The end of the evolutionary road, look at the end of dinosaurs, mammoths, saber-toothed tigers.

Therefore, in order for all Noah spaces to evolve, they must absorb all kinds of strange things, materials, and even light from the outside! To them, these things are nutrients.

And these evolutionary key substances often even appear in wormholes, black holes, and even the vortex of time. They are extremely dangerous, even if they are extremely powerful Noah space. If you want to mine these things, you only need all Noah space Unite and spare no effort!

This is why all the contractors can experience the nightmare world after a period of time, because the Noah space must first ensure their survival and needs, and then use the source energy to enter the nightmare world.

Noah Space ’s “hunting” and “mining” behaviors require almost all Noah Spaces to join forces. However, how to distribute the obtained food and energy in the future is not completely evenly distributed. .

First of all, half of the catches were taken out and divided equally, which is similar to the minimum guarantee. The share of the guaranteed bottom can maintain the basic survival activities of Noah Space and not starve to death.

The remaining half of the hunted product was divided into one hundred shares. How much each specific Noah space can be obtained is determined by the contractor cultivated in each Noah space.

The stronger the contractor's ability is, the more obvious the higher the hunter that was cultivated by his Noah space, the faster the evolution!

Of course, evolution is not easy, and it also needs to go through many difficult and tortuous roads, even detours, and do a lot of useless work. This makes the backward Noah space also have the opportunity to overturn and catch up.

Like the last invitation to the **** world, it is to decide how many high-level contractors can be sent to Noah c space to participate in the battle. Obviously, the more you fight, the less you will have greater control. So Noah c space was hugely cheap.

This is also the case with the **** battlefield this time. The increasingly powerful Noah c space has forced the remaining space to unite against it, but both sides have bet on their own! The combination of the other spaces is a powerful sniper and suppression for Noah C, but they also put all their bets on them. Once they pass, this sniper and suppression will be transformed. For the nutrients of Noah c space, further, it is really a vast sky!

After a long talk with the miners, Fang Senyan finally understood his current situation. Some people would think that Fang Senyan was so painstakingly wasting time trying to find out what's going on inside, isn't he going to play to kill?

But there is a sentence that is very good. If you don't seek all people, you don't have a moment; if you don't seek the whole situation, you don't find a domain.

If you don't even know the root cause of why to fight, then you are destined to be a chess piece.

The fate of the chess pieces is divided into three types. The first is to eat the opponent's pieces. The other is to share the opponent's pieces with each other to form a match. The last type of fate is the most sad. Just become abandoned!

Of course, Fang Senyan only wanted to make the first type of pawn, and the fate of the other two was completely impossible to accept.

The information obtained from the miner's mouth is to enable him to grasp the commands issued by the space more accurately and better understand the intention behind it!

* After this long talk, Fang Senyan hastened his time again and returned to the real world. This time he was accompanied by the girl Wuge and an old man. The identity of this old man is very special. He is not someone else. The powerful sacred oak tree Sindaro.

This old thing has a very powerful induction, and also has the ability to gather spirits, which can absorb the aura in all directions. Even if the mountains and rivers are poor, once this old thing has taken root, it can be called a blessing.

So the old man who was coaxed by the cow just entered the earth, and immediately sneezed seven or eight consecutive times, and his tears were flowing. He looked very sad. Then the old guy ignored the danger of identity exposure, what purification, rejuvenation, and wildness Imprints, underwater breathing, and other auxiliary spells don't throw money at your body, and finally murmured a bottle of potion that looked very precious and actually precious, and finally calmed down.

At this time, it was said that Fang Senyan, Yalishan University, rolled her eyes and took the bag next to her, and delivered the masks, gas masks, etc. that had been prepared long ago. Seeing the exaggerated performance of old things, Fang Senyan already vaguely felt that he was wasting time.

Then they went to the first alternative point:

Mount Cook, New Zealand, Southern Alps.

Okay, here, the girl from Wuge and the old man from Xindaro can finally try the feeling of free breathing, but the price is that the little and cute nose of Wuge girl becomes red and itchy after a while, it looks like dust Allergic, so she quickly put on the mask again, and no matter how Fang Senyan persuaded, she was also shy and determined to take it off ...

Seeing this, Fang Senyan reluctantly directly checked off the next three targets in turn: these three targets are the original rainforest in the Amazon Basin, the French country house, and the original jungle on the Yarlung Zangbo River in the southern foot of the Himalayas ... The last hope is pinned near the coniferous forest in the cold zone, specifically the deep Xing'an Mountains at the junction of China and the Soviet Union, where Fang Senyan's last hope is.

However, this last hope is also shattered as if it were soap bubbles. In the case that the girl of Wuge refuses to take off the gas mask ~ ~ Old things can only bring a kind of despair and With a tragic expression, he took off the gas mask, and then took a bit of Ling Ling's cold air, immediately put his head like a rattle:

"No! No !!!!"

Then he put the gas mask on his head in a hurry, but in the sigh of Fang Senyan, the sacred oak tree Xindaluo suddenly stopped. You can see that the gas mask was ten centimeters away from his face. Then Actually stiffened there, it seemed to freeze.

After a while, Xindaluo just returned to his thoughts, and the wrinkles on an old face seemed to be stunned in shock:

"How could this be, how could this be !!! Why did miracles appear in this extremely filthy world !!!"

Fang Senyan's eyes narrowed slightly. The surprise of the old thing was definitely not pretended! And the sacred oak tree Sindarau's sharp eyes looked northwest! !!

Northwest of Daxinganling! !!

(To be continued)

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