The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 15: Defeat

The reef shivered backwards, and there was blood spilled between the cracked teeth gaps. Every time he stepped back, the place trampled under his feet seemed to explode, blasting out large groups of yellow sand and stones, The surface of his dark gold shield has already burned with a blazing flame, and there are still very clear dents on it, and even clear cracks have appeared on the shield!

This is the price of the reef alone blocking the full blow from eight people! !!

The enemy's ambush is not precise, but their vision is poisonous. First, a woman aimed at Fang Senyan's half-orc laborer, and once these fragile guys died, Fang Senyan's mission would fail.

And the woman deliberately paused when she shot, but the purpose was simpler, because her blow seemed to hit the opponent's seven inches, but the enemy's most vulnerable but bound to rescue Position, so even if she knew the other side's mt will definitely save the orc labor.

The reef did exactly that, holding the shield in front of him in the face of the orcs' hard work that was still unaware. However, the bullet fired by this woman suddenly exploded before hitting the reef, forming an overwhelming slime rope net, and the reef was bound in place at once!

This is the first link of their plan, mt would not be too agile at first, and once bound at this time, it is almost impossible to dodge again.

So, the second ring planned by this team comes out!

The four strongest attackers in their team, plus five strongmen seconded from the remaining three teams, all set fire on the rocks! !! Some of them also have **** weapons, which can greatly reduce the healing effect. Together, these people are going to break through the strongest point of the other! Even the opponent's mt must be violently spiked. In this case, the next fighting spirit given to the enemy must be a heavy blow, and then it will almost become a thorough hunting battle!

The person who made this plan is definitely not a mediocre person. His plan can be said to be inextricably linked. They are intertwined and cleverly analyze people's psychological weaknesses. In his conception, this plan can be said to be foolproof, and there must be no omissions.

And with this plan, they have destroyed a team before. Tasted great sweetness.

But ... but ... !!

Change is not as planned. The nine strong men's joint attack failed to kill the mt holding the dark gold shield in front of him !! Even more perverted, he even had no signs of dying and using drugs! !! !!

"This .........!" Suddenly the plan was disrupted, and the ambushers were caught in a brief panic, but they didn't know that they were facing a perverted double-mt team, and found that the other party was actually in Fang Senyan When he wanted to dominate the reef, he sneered with a survival technique: the protection mark of the survival sticker was posted! Coupled with the reef's own aura of divine grace can also suddenly increase the health of 1500 points!

"Naive .... The blind cat encountered a dead mouse once and killed an inferior mt. I thought I could eat it all day long? We even want our reefs to seconds?"

The reef was originally mt, and the defense was extremely high. In addition, Moriya quietly used the survival and wake-up technique to help him share the damage. So in the eyes of others, it was his horrible hardship. Just a few steps back is not a big deal.

Even more frightening is that the reef counterattacked in an instant. His entire body was hidden behind the dark gold shield, but he stretched out his right hand! The nightmare mark on his chest was also full of light, and a beautiful cross-tower shield appeared.

When the rest of the people didn't know why, a clear illusion suddenly emerged around the right palm of the reef. The illusion was a large giant palm wearing a paladin's gold armor, aimed at the air, and suddenly held it. A contractor who first attacked the reef heard a scream of screams. They had been hiding in a hidden place, and there was a lot of obstacles between them, but they were weirdly flying in a parabolic form. Caught in the air dancing! !! !!

Divine Grip! !!

The sacred grip of the reef actually pulled the enemy out of the cover in an instant and was exposed to the firepower of his team. In the enemy's heart, the reef that was supposed to die was not only lost, but also the most critical time. Made a very powerful counterattack! !!

The one who was torn over was a legal contractor who had cast the hand of flames. The damage he caused to the reef was the highest, so who wouldn't pull him? This guy's strain can't be unhappy, he can see several flashes of light flashing on his body instantly, there is a fiery red flame shield, there is a khaki defense increase, there is a blue healing light, and even a prism Like sharp rays ...

However, both Fang Senyan and Sanzi have not yet shot. Attitude, Ronnie joined forces to strike, and the legal contractor went directly to dying. Then, before the team skills were activated, he was hardened by the continuous damage brought by the divine grip. Life and death pinch, turned into blood-stained smoke! !!

The legal contractor was the representative of attacking the high and the low. Ronny would kill him by two or three swords. In addition, the sacred grip of the reef would have caused good damage -------- The sacred afterglow produced by the broken palm of God will cause the enemy to receive sacred damage of 100 + caster strength X2, and cause it to take a total of 300 sacred damage in the next five seconds ------- equivalent to posture, Ronnie, the three together hit one! How could he be spared.

Killing failed, and was actually killed once again. How could this kind of thing not keep the ambush from being shocked and angry? But at this time, Fang Senyan had thrown a few bottles of cursing potion, and the dense green mist covered the battlefield of hundreds of square meters. Aldarus's homeopathy is a mind storm directed at the place where the enemies are gathered up and thrown away. The blazing **** grid is covering the ground lowly, and the dry grass on the ground twirls a scorching atmosphere. The sound of crackling currents is endless. .

Suddenly, exclaiming and screaming sounded, if the six or seven shadows were scattered like a scared hare, Fang Senyan's eyes froze, he really felt itchy at this time, and if he tried his best at this time, it would be impossible Fortunately, they can wipe out the enemy.

However, he suddenly glanced behind his back. On the grassy grassland in the twilight, there did not seem to be any abnormality, but Fang Senyan had long noticed a small group of air with strange fluctuations, just like the scenery appeared when the car exhausted. Slightly distorted.

So Fang Senyan held his shot, and suddenly moved a step, blocking in front of the posture, it looks like a normal vice mt, trying to absorb the damage for the team members. At the same time, Ronnie's ghost-like figure flickered again and again, and in the void burst out dripping blood, but he was chasing after his merciless tail.

The number of enemies has the advantage and snipes it violently, but for Ronnie at this time, he has been strengthened by the potion and the team ability, and his resistance to attack can even catch up with those who dare to rush to the front line. Berserker, after a few hard attacks, the dark red **** short knife flew out of his hand, and he circled in the void in front of him. Suddenly, a **** figure fell down from the air with his hands covering his throat. His eyes were almost You have to bulge out of your eyes, and you can't live!

The group of ambush continued to fight with Fang Senyan for less than five minutes. The more they fought, the more they felt chilled. Seeing that the other party was under the care of mt and deputy mtm, often the killing blows would be subtly resolved. There was no death, but in order to pursue a powerful attack, they did not bring mt, but their hands fell. A total of four people have been killed until now! If you continue to fight, it is the end of the entire army.

"They are about to run away." Ronnie was the first to notice this sign. "The boss can start disease, and the world looks weird. Although it is not mentioned, it seems that there is no way to launch emergency return items. We need to wash them in blood!"

Fang Senyan said calmly:

"No, you can just step up the offensive. This is just the beginning. There are more eyes on us on this **** battlefield than the **** pulled by the half-orcs. Now let's expose the strength of the team. early."

For Fang Senyan's decision ~ ~ Everyone has long been accustomed to obedience, posture, Ronnie, Aldarus shot more fiercely at this time, unbridled! During the enemy's evacuation, two people were apparently dying and triggered the most common and most useful "random teleportation" team skill. They were teleported randomly to a point within a kilometer, but still Killed alive by the continuous damage that comes with it!

After this battle was fought, a little statistics were made, and they killed the other two awakeners, four hunter hunters, and the reefs still had a feeling of inexhaustibility, as if they had just finished the warm-up exercise. However, the harvest was good. There was actually a **** equipment, which was the cloak behind it. It could absorb 15% of the damage from the contractor and reduce the chance of being hit by 5%.

Fang Senyan did not pay attention to the harvest of the equipment, but asked Zidao:

"I just didn't see anyone using the plot props to leave the battlefield. Is it impossible to return here directly?"

Zi closed her eyes and sensed:

"Yes, the space-time vortex here is very strong, it is almost chaotic, it is almost difficult to locate the space, and it is not impossible to return directly, but the failure rate of using props is terribly high!"

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