The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 26: Grund

Although the Alliance did not know the intention of Sauron for a while, what is the use of using valuable trebuchets to fill the soil in such a critical time-even if it fills the muddy area? The city walls have not been broken. Is it that the mainland's first strong city has a reputation? Did they try to fill the first wall with the bodies of the orcs?

However, the alliance also knows very clearly that every second is as if it is golden. Now, the contractor on the opposite side of Sauron is absolutely impossible to do nothing, so they are still desperate to attack The giant trebuchet below -------- although these trebuchets only wanted to bombard the area in front of the city wall, they have already retired from Minas Tirith

Catapults on the ramparts were out of range. www. {dyzww. {网 {m {

However, at this time, the jazz ordered the sniper to control the giant trebuchet. Although the strong orc is thick and thick, but if it doesn't take a second, then two snipers will be sent together. If two people don't fall, they will be on four. One hit kill.

This attack will undoubtedly make the Soulon's contractor bloody, but what will happen after the shooting? Can only spend a lot of contribution to bite the teeth up. Finally, on the eve of sunset, a thick layer of sand and gravel from the Anduin River was laid on the muddy ground outside the city of Minastiris.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of orc slaves rushed up, each of them carrying a wooden board, and paved the way to the gate of Minas Tirith with the help of a huge stone thrown outside the city! !! !!

As a strong city on the mainland, Minas Tirith is certainly extraordinary. It is divided into three layers:

The first layer is made from the body of the oak demon Mugrondos, which is as famous as Shu Hu, immune to any fire attack!

The second layer is made of pure gold mixed lead forging, and almost all ranged attacks will be absorbed in this layer.

The third layer is made of 13-year-old hazel tree mixed with Mithril silk. It is said that the 13-year-old hazel tree can make the most powerful magic wand, plus Mithril silk with high sensitivity to magic. , It is the four magics of "renewal", "self-healing", "deflection force field" and "high sliding" that can be permanently fixed on it.

Therefore, it is actually quite a mistake for the enemy to attack the gate, because the gate is far more protective than Minas Tirith's walls.

If a hundred megaliths hit a place on the wall of Minas Tirith, then the wall may not be able to withstand such an impact, but. If the one hundred boulder is smashed on the city gate, everyone can pat their **** and say that they will be safe.

Therefore, the wall of Minas Tirith is known as "the wall that never breaks". From the point of view of the garrison, if the enemy focuses on attacking the city gate, it can even gather defensive power above a point, giving the enemies below the city a more powerful and direct killing!

But there are exceptions to everything. There is no unbreakable city in this world, but after a while, when the orc garrison outside the city sounds a deafening scream, the sound even goes straight to the sky. . Cover all noise.

They were shouting a word at the same time, the voice was religious and faithful. As if the humble believer was shouting omnipotent deities! !! !! !! !!

Ge, Long, De ...

Gronde ...

Grande! !! !!

At that time, when the army of Modo was led by the Angmar Witch King, the head of the spirit, to cross the Middle-earth continent, the biggest enemy to face was the horrible gate defense of the Kingdom Capital.

For this reason, with Sauron's personal intervention, a huge and amazing city-breaking hammer was built with black iron and fine gold. Its length is as long as a century-old sacred tree, and it is trained by a thick and **** light. Shake.

Mordor's blacksmiths worked at least 170 years to mold this terrifying weapon. Its tip is cast into the shape of a roaring wolf's head. The crevice, darkness, and cruelty, the crevices of the teeth that the wolf's head gnawed out, will always be ignited by the horrible flames, which are from the high temperature of volcanic lava in the end.

Sauron personally engraved the dark secret lines on it. Permanently used the four powerful destruction spells of "Death of Disaster", "Breaking the Enchantment", "Deflection of Field Force Field" and "Wave of Wearyness". In honor of the ancient Hell's Hammer, they named the city-breaking hammer Gronde. Four unicorns slowly crawling out of the quagmire in the south dragged it, surrounded by many half-orcs, and the Gaogang ogre elite from the mountain area was responsible for the use of the entire device.

At this twilight, the Grund's city-breaking hammer was crushing the land of the fertile Palanno Plain in the dark, when the darkness was approaching, and appeared in front of the people as the King of Destruction as the king of the world. .

The length of this sledgehammer is even more than forty meters, and the height will never be less than ten meters. Mori Hei Qingyou's torso and the water-like light converge on the mountain. At least thousands of strong orcs surround it. Towed by it was a dark unicorn beast, panting heavily and snarling angry and low.

A total of seventeen names were engraved on the torso of Grund's Citybreaker, all of which were the last kings of the capital of Wangdu, which was smashed by Grundde's Citybreaker. When the darkness is coming, there will be a ghost of the king imprisoned in these names, and howling. And their pain and fear will add huge power to Gronde's siege hammer!

Obviously, the time and opportunity of the attacking party was also quite good. Depending on the propulsion speed of Grund's breaking hammer, when it entered the range of the slinger on the wall of Minastiris, the sky was exactly complete. Black down. Darkness also has a great effect on defenders who are good at using long-range weapons to attack.

The orc arsonist even relied on the cover of darkness to reach the battlefield one step at a time. Everywhere they went, they were filled with fire and smoke, making the firing of the defenders even more disturbed. Darkness and smoke , And the flickering light, at least to reduce the attack accuracy of all enemy forces by 10%, for the Minas Tirith defenders who rely entirely on long-range attack output damage, this is already a very remarkable weakened.

At this time, from the front of the Sauron Legion, the nine ringing knights took off again on the terrifying snake-necked bat dragon. Both the Spirit Knight and the Snake-Necked Bat-Dragon are abnormal dark creatures. Since they are dark creatures, they are naturally not affected by darkness!

However, the giant eagles that can restrain them during the day have no way to maintain a high level of fighting at night!

Because vision relies on visual cells on the retina, and humans and birds have different visual systems. Humans have two types of visual cells, cone cells and rod cells. There are three types of cone cells in humans: red, green, and blue. The main function of cone cells is to sense strong light and color, in other words, to have vision and color sense during the day.

The rod cells mainly sense weak light, that is, light perception in the night. However, most birds only have four kinds of cone cells, ignoring rod cells, so they can't see anything at night. Obviously, the giant eagle is neither human nor has any blood relationship with bats and owls. Therefore, this is a biological species. The flaw is that people are inherently unable to breathe underwater like fish.

At this point, it can be seen that the Blu-ray team can be selected by space to dominate the battle. It is definitely not unreasonable.

The status of the contractor has a lot to do with their strength. Because the reefs and Aziz have shown great strength, their status is also rising, and it is convenient to ask about something.

Fang Senyan learned from the reefs that the Blu-ray team has specially formed a staff group, and the offensive launched today is motivated by them, known as a four-way attack. It can be seen right now that the appearance of Gronde's siege hammer is all the way, and the strength of the ring spirit is unchanged at night, but the strength of the giant eagles from the misty mountains has plummeted, so they can also be the main force of all-way attack.

"The third offensive ...?" Fang Senyan groaned. "I should have inferred it!"

At this moment, the excitement and shout of the strong orc suddenly came from the distance. It turned out that it was not just the alliance that had a powerful mage, but Zeus was in the limelight at this time. His specialty was gravity control. This guy joined the right After Gronde's siege hammer team, directly reduced the gravity near the extremely heavy siege hammer to the lightest!

It is well known that ~ ~ the defenders will definitely fight to interfere and gather on the part of the siege hammer close to the wall, and after reaching below the wall, the attack will not be so strong because of the angle of shooting, so It can be said that the journey from the siege hammer to the enemy's range, and then to the bottom of the city, is the worst path to death. The longer the delay, the more people will die.

At this point, Zeus suddenly halved the gravity of the area around Grund's siege hammer, so more than double the movement speed of this giant? What's more, all kinds of ogres, soldiers and so on nearby have become as light as swallows, and they can dodge better!

While most of Minas Tirith's attention was focused on the advance of Gronde's siege hammer, in the dark, there seemed to be something huge moving until it subsided. A bit of flame was ignited.

That's for the brazier to ignite the oil bomb! And there are countless half-orcs busy.

Near the brazier, twenty-five giant trebuchets actually appeared! !!


Yesterday's update mistakenly wrote Jazz as Jax and hereby correct it.

♂m net--♂

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