The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 30: Battle ride

Although Sauron's powerful magic obscures the sky and prevents the sun from entering, preventing the orcs and ogres from being hurt by the sun, the colors between the whole world and the sky seem dark and gloomy.

However, this time the tide-like charge of the cavalry of the Luo Khan Kingdom immediately formed a layer of pale golden light, as if covered by the sun that had broken through the darkness, as if covered by the sunlight that had broken through the darkness. Their morale and fighting spirit are comparable to the sun. They must break through all the cages that are in front of them, and change the color of this great mountain!

Seeing this indescribable power, those contractors who immediately followed the Orc's regular army suddenly felt a little bad, and even developed a feeling of wanting to retreat, while their faces and reefs were swollen. Looking towards Fang Senyan, he felt that it was prescient that he placed the team's battlefield position here, and Sanzi was even more strange:

"Brother Yan, how did you know beforehand that the opponent Cavaliers are so powerful?"

Under normal circumstances, there are not a small number of contractors who are good at melee. In the previous city offensive and defensive battles, the melee manpower has always been a hero useless place, so the spirit in my heart will naturally be violent. The close combat opportunities of King Eudon's cavalry are bound to be vented in scramble. This is also human nature, but Fen Fang Sen Yan can endure his heart and calmly shrink to the end. If there is no reason for this, it is really unbelievable.

Fang Senyan faced the expectation of some people, but shrugged his shoulders with a bitter smile:

"If I told you, I didn't expect King Heydon's knights to be so powerful, you would certainly not believe it?"


"Middle finger ..."

"Do not believe."


Faced with the collective rebound of this dry man, Fang Senyan sighed helplessly:

"I really don't know the strength of King Heyton. I just feel that there is no need to put energy and spirit in this level of battle, because there are ten times more fierce battles waiting for us at the back ... "

"More fierce fighting? When breaking the city?" Ardarius finally could not help but asked out loud.

Fang Senyan sighed and smiled, because he was only pushing the overall situation towards his own intentions. Whether you can really achieve the idea in your heart is still because the most critical step has not been taken, so you are afraid to pack your tickets and say it again. It is always 10,000 times better than saying it.

But just when the ace team was still talking and laughing. King Heydon's cavalry has already entered the trap area. It can be seen that on the body of the large cavalry in the forefront, if there is any cyan light, it is the elegance of the magical wind being cast. Under the effect of this divine magic, the war horse can jump lightly between the traps. Although there are occasional horses being injured and sizzling to the ground, it is far beyond the slight damage as expected.

The following impact on Orc slaves and hard labor can only be described as smashing bamboo!

And the defeat of those defeated slaves and laborers. It is the back of the Orcs regular army! Disturbing the battlefields that are waiting to be fought, the so-called one or two lines of defense can be said to be almost as paperless!

Only the third line of defense formed by the Orc regular army has given great pressure to the King Yoyton Cavalry. Their offensive can be said to have been contained until now, but it is only contained. For their part, their previous plans to face the scattered and exhausted cavalry were simply naive!

At this moment, they are still facing the fierce impact of the mighty formation cavalry!

At this point, looking down from the sky, it was a giant torrent of cavalry. Rush into the orc sea ahead! !! It stands to reason that it is the pattern of the hundred rivers returning to the sea, but this torrent is inexhaustible, and the orc's ocean is ruthlessly cut through! What a terrific gesture!


Back in the trap area, Fang Senyan took a breath. Even though he had enough estimates for the bad situation, he never expected that the power of this King Yoyton cavalry would be so powerful!

When the cavalry was in the midst of orc slaves and hard labor, Fang Senyan said clearly and slowly:

"Sanzi. I guess we have to open another hole card today."

Sanzi said rudely:

"Is it? It's time for Kurutko to make his debut?"

At this time, Kurutuo always appeared as a masked mysterious soil mage, although others can know that he is a creature controlled by Sanzi. However, they all think that it is a powerful soil mage, and they prefer to assist.

Facing Sanzi's question, Fang Senyan nodded decisively:

"Yes, and I am very suspicious that even if Kurut go all out, we might not be able to carry it, and it is possible for me to go all out.

After hearing the words, Zi was surprised:

"Are these cavalry really powerful?"

Fang Senyan narrowed his eyes:

"The strength of these cavalry is not unexpected, but ... ... the people on our side seem to have missed one thing. Since all of us can set off to intercept Aragorn, then, the opposite It is also possible for people to dispatch reinforcements to intercept us! "

After hearing Fang Senyan's analysis, Ronny immediately took a cold breath:

"Do you mean ... our reinforcements, Haradlings who can control the mighty mammoth war elephant, are likely to be late?"

Fang Senyan nodded:

"Yes. This means that King Herod's mighty cavalry is likely to cause a devastating blow to the orc army, and Harald Lynn's War Elephant Army will be late at this time, and at this time, It is possible that King Heyton may even join the defensive forces in the city of Minastiris! Minas Tirith's weight and other things are enough to supplement them. The wounded and archers can also enter Minas Tirith! "

Just when Fang Senyan was talking, Kurutguo had begun to exert his talents. The ground in front of Fang Senyan began to bulge slowly, and finally formed several interlaced thick stone walls. This stone wall and It's not high, it's about three meters. But the thickness must also exceed three meters, and the length is about ten meters or so.

As soon as these stone walls appeared, they must not stop the cavalry like a tidal stream, but the cavalry was not an armored regiment after all. Horses are also intelligent creatures. With training and encouragement from their masters, they can step on the enemy fiercely without hesitation, but they cannot be stupid enough to be hit by stones in front of their bodies.

Therefore, these lines are crooked. The seemingly messy stone wall can bypass the tide from the left and right sides like a reef in turbulence, which can also reduce the enemy's charge speed.

After Kurut fruit squandered his power value, he growled in a low voice, and the whole person inflated. From the image of a thin, tall man wrapped in earthy robes, he quickly changed to the image of a monster that was five big and three thick. After the transformation stopped, he had become a head more than four meters tall, and his skin was brown and black. And the skin above each muscle presents a horrible two-headed monster with swirling battle scars!

An imposing majesty emanated from Kurut's body. This was the natural oppression of the lower creatures by the higher creatures, followed immediately. Kurutuo bent down and inserted his left hand deep into the soil, almost to the point where it was flush with his shoulders.

This pose looks very much like the fisherman touching the fish in the water. When he pulls his hand out again, the ground is shaking violently. A terrifying rock stick has been pulled out of Kurutgo's muscular left hand, and the end of the stick is red, and even red magma drips from above from time to time!

At this time almost all the contractors who have not been attacked look at this side. When I felt Kurutgo's powerful strength, I took a breath, and no one expected it. The Ace team still has such an amazing hole card at this time!

Some people even have a vigilance in their hearts. Such a powerful legendary creature in the wild wasteland has almost even reached the extreme of the smelter, and the strength exerted in the siege will never be inferior to a giant. On the trebuchet, the leader of the ace team couldn't bear the temptation not to play this card for greater benefits. How deep is the city government!

At this time, King Yoyton's cavalry, together with the front of the Orc Corps and even the contractor's team, broke through, and the tide was madly hit. Fortunately, the position chosen by Fang Senyan is also very good. He cleverly avoided the area of ​​the arrowhead of King Hiyoton, but located on the side, almost the left edge of the arrow. Above this position, he encountered the elite The odds are very small, of course, the stress should be the lightest.

This is so. When Fang Senyan stood on the heavy stone wall and saw the cavalry charge of Cheng Jianzhi, he could still feel the kind of fierce and fierce sharpness. As long as the entire cavalry regiment was still in the shock of Cheng Jianzhi, It feels like a whole ocean, and the pressure is overwhelming! It's as if the people who witnessed must resist the violent impact of these eight thousand horror war horses with their own strength!

However, when these cavalry galloped close to fifty meters from Kurutuo, the horses stood up, screaming and decelerating, apparently sensing the pressure of this terrifying creature. This warhorse was also blessed with various divine magic, but at this time after entering the arrogant realm of Kurutuo, they also had strong induction and influence.

At this time, Fang Senyan would certainly not be polite. The force of the posture barrier. The collision, the storm of Aldarez's mind, etc. all poured out. Suddenly, a man turned over, and the front was hindered, but the rear cavalry was not fast Decreasing, the rider in the front will immediately become an obstacle to the rear and be trampled on. The cavalry will rely on this horrible and relentless impact to advance in the battlefield!

Under the impact of the cavalry's inertia, Kurut's coercion is not omnipotent. No matter how panic the horses can be, they can only be carried forward with the current. At this time, the painstakingly made before are extremely strong. The stone wall, or more accurately, the stone wall should have a great effect.

The height of the granite rock barrier is more than three meters, but the width is almost four meters. It is almost impossible for the cavalry to overwhelm the cavalry. Therefore, it plays a good role in containing the cavalry. On the open space between them to work.

Of course, the dark side's contractor is not a fool, and this method is not difficult, Fang Senyan can think of. Others also figured out that it wouldn't take much soil magic to make a few similar stone walls.

It's just not difficult to make a few similar stone walls. The key is that after the Cypriot King's cavalry was deployed, the impact surface reached several kilometers in front of the general situation. There are few practical uses for a few similar stone walls. More importantly, among the knights of King Heydon, there are also cows. This stone wall can be intercepted by horses. But for those high-level cavalry generals, it is estimated that it is a matter of time to pick up a fight or put on an impact technique.

Instantly, the area in this small battlefield was covered by a thick pale green mist. Fang Senyan is still faithfully playing a supporting role. Throw the medicine first and then talk about it, but Ronnie is like a fish at this moment. In the chaos of the muddy water, he touches the fish, and a scarlet light flashes from time to time, harvesting the Knights of Heyton. life.

Suddenly, a Hiyuthan rider slowed down and walked around the stone wall next to him.

Hiyoton, even an ordinary knight, has a strong personal style. The horse's body is covered with leather armor, which can play a good defense role against bows and arrows. Of course, the high-level generals will use slightly heavier fish scale armor to make horse skirts, and the knight's left saddle will hang on one side. Wooden inlaid iron shield. In the center of the shield is the royal symbol of Hiyoton, and the weapons they use are mainly long-range throwing spears, close-range axes, and swords.

In order to avoid adding extra weight to the horse. Therefore, the upper body is often protected very tightly, with an iron helmet. Hard leather armor inlaid with iron in important parts such as the heart and mouth is standard, but the protection of the lower body is not so strong.

After seeing someone, the Yoyton Knight instinctively speeded up his horse, but was slammed into the face by a huge invisible wall, and immediately burst into tears, even the mount sent out a terrible misery. The hissing stood up.

Immediately, although he couldn't see the object, he could smell the smell of a ogre. The knight instinctively fought a shield, which just blocked a chain hammer with a big nose and smashed it, but it was solid. Because of this, the shield broke apart! The mount is a constant retreat.

At this time, the knight's body was sore and numb, but the ribs were painful, but he felt in horror that the strength all over his body seemed to flow out from under the ribs, and his eyes only saw a ghostly figure with dark red. The knight's light receded, and the knight, who was already on the verge of death, was about to awaken his life and finally give up a courageous blow. A light blue lightning fell from the sky and killed him completely!

This is how Fang Senyan's entire team's pipeline operations are similar to the killing method. First, the long-range bombardment of the posture is used to remove the opponent's impact, and then the brutal ogre is used to break the opponent's defense. Play his high-attack mode, go straight to the point, and lethal. Finally, in order to avoid the enemy's mortal counterattack, Aldarus harvested by long-range attack.

Because the ogre has to take the most strenuous blow, every time he swings the heavy chain hammer, he will be replaced by the next ogre.

This arrangement can only be described in three words:

Efficiency, coldness, machinery.

This is the killing plan formulated by Fang Senyan. At the same time, the reefs, Fang Senyan, Kurutuo, Reef's Servants No. 7, Ramtas, and two rotation ogres are back cards. Unknown conditions, including even the anti-eyes from their own, so the ace team under his command, as if a meat grinder, quickly harvested the life of King Heydon, the contribution of these guys is not low, Fang Senyan was taken aback when he was just hunted. An ordinary knight can also earn ten to fifteen points of contribution!

This ratio sounds terrifying, and the combat power of an ordinary knight can even exceed more than ten ordinary soldiers. In fact, the conversion is similar. Considering the current astonishing battle conditions, even under defense, King Heydon ’s 8,000 cavalry has messed up at least 150,000 orcs, and has even messed up into a pot of porridge. Even these 8,000 The cavalry's combat power is no less than 150,000 orcs.

However, if 80,000 ordinary human soldiers and 150,000 orcs are waiting for battle, it is absolutely impossible to achieve the current results, or even only one result, that is to be destroyed!

Therefore, in such a conversion, the contribution of killing an ordinary knight is ten to fifteen points, which is definitely not an extra high price. Under this torrent of flesh and steel, I want to pounce on a piece of meat, so what is the risk?

In less than ten minutes, the bodies of thirty-four knights fell down near Fang Senyan, smelling the strong **** breath, and the whole body was filled with big noses in the steel armor. They were violent and excited. The strange monster roared, dragged the horse's body and chewed, drinking blood and eating meat, very cruel and happy.

However, Fang Senyan noticed that with their eating, some wounds on his body recovered quickly. It can be seen that these monsters are indeed born warriors. They typically rely on war to support the war. With this ability, as long as they are not dead on the spot, they have sufficient Food can quickly restore combat effectiveness.

I probably noticed that the offensive was blocked here. A cavalry general who wore chain armor woven all over him rushed over. This guy was one size bigger and had a gray cloak behind him. More importantly, he had a horn on his waist, and behind him were more than a dozen keenly knights.

Fang Senyan moved his eyes when he saw the horn. After investigation, King Heydon should have at least two pieces of legendary equipment.

The first is his sabre Sirugin m, which is a quaint sword. Its scabbard is inlaid with gold, embellished with emeralds, and because it is tempered in dragon blood, it has a great deterrent to various creatures.

Second, of course, is the big horn that has just played.

After the trumpet blew, more than a hundred trumpet horns should be reconciled, covering the whole army with the power of the trumpet horn. This guy can master a trumpet horn, so it must be a figure with a head and a face in the army.

After the cavalry general rushed over, he was very cautious. He led his men to bow down and take arrows, and shot the arrows in a rainy way. This attack can be said to have just hit Fang Senyan. Their weakness -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

And the way of projecting is from the sky, which can avoid the obstruction of the stone wall. Kurutuo hit more than a dozen arrows in a row. This arrow cluster is specially made, and even the skin of the mammoth beast can penetrate, and suddenly Roared.

Fang Senyan suddenly looked at the reef ~ ~ The two lives are dead and dead, and they have cooperated for a long time. Naturally, they don't need language, they nod their heads!

At this time, just after Kurut had been in pain, he roared, and there was already a huge rock in his hand, and there was a raging flame on it, aimed at the cavalry and threw it.

The cast was very fierce, and after the flame rock flew out, it shattered into several pieces. At once, several elite cavalry were beaten up and screamed, and their faces couldn't help it. A look of horror appeared.

The cavalry general's response was extremely fast. When he noticed that a boulder was thrown, he immediately made the most correct response ------- when the others were on the horse, it was obvious that the horse could only use a turtle to back off. Quickly call it, then you can only move forward ------- Immediately lying on the horse's back, and then pinching the horse's belly with both feet, the whole person rushed out.

This one is to save lives. I must go all out to avoid running too slowly, but this guy is very cautious. He has always kept a distance from Fang Senyan. He tried to run forward but only ran for thirty or forty meters. There were still more than 30 meters to the enemy. I felt that it was a bit wrong, so I turned the horse's head and escaped, but suddenly I saw the burly man holding a shield, looked at it, and then extended his right hand and aimed at him. ………….

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