The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 44: The killer is coming

The biggest feature of the giant scull sailing boat is the configuration of two points. The first is that the jib can let the ship go zigzag to provide power even when the wind is upwind. The second is that there will be twenty-four long slurry near the waterline. If power is needed, then the oarsman can move out to provide extra power to move like a fly. www. dyzww. network)

These two characteristic configurations bring extremely high maneuverability to the giant scull sailing boat, but also bring about a disadvantage, that is, the existence of the paddle chamber will inevitably lead to the defense part of the hull becoming weak, Freight volume will also be subject to certain restrictions.

At this time, Dingyuan was dragging the white waves behind, violently impacting, first of all, the amazing flames spewed out from the bow's head ignited the opponent's ship, and then it collided violently!

There was a rattling loud noise, and the broken mast and even the sailor on the opposite giant scull were splattered by the huge force, and flew directly into the air at a height of twenty or thirty meters with a flame, and the screams were endless!

The gigantic scull sailing ship that was the first to be bumped into the back was actually slammed into two! !!

Half of them were pushed by the waves and stranded on the shore, and half of them ran into the friendly forces next to them, crunching. The surviving pirates have been frightened, yelling and crying. The next boat climbed ashore.

Dingyuan succeeded in a blow, making a big bend on the Anduin River, and then began to accelerate coldly, but this time the collision seemed to be avoided by the target, as if it were dangerous for the two ships. Pass by.

However, the captain who was hit was wiped with cold sweat. Then he shouted and shouted as he jumped over the jetty to poke at these **** assholes, and a series of rattling sounds sounded. That sounds like the sound of the Dingyuan ship being quickly lowered.

Immediately afterwards, twenty-four black iron continuous firing guns on starboard blew at the same time. The light blue smoke and deafening loud noise immediately covered the entire river surface. When the smoke cleared away, those Amba pirates who were planning to help out immediately It turned into a blood gourd rolling on the ground, and a scream of screams rang through the deck!

By the time Dingyuan turned the bow again, not only the remaining three giant daggers had already seen the ghost and hurried to the side, even those pirate ships on the wall were terrified. Stay away! No one dares to face its front face!

Fang Senyan knew that Liwei was almost at this time. He just relied on the power of the Dark King Sauron to calm the ambassadors of the ambassadors. He must pay attention to the degree, otherwise, once the anger is provoked, the Dingyuan will be stronger. Hundreds of ships, large and small, swarm up Only for running.

More importantly, he didn't come here to kill many people. Instead, he came here to seize power. Now Fang Senyan is about nine minutes away from his calculations, but only one final kick ...

So he gestured for Dai Qisi, dropped a small boat from Dingyuan, and settled in the middle of the river, Fang Senyan stood on it. Immediately after the magical image was reproduced, the sound of provocation spread to all the pirate's ears with uncertain faces:

"Alasson !! Don't take your own life in front of yourself. Do you dare to come down and fight against me! I will go if you win!"

For Alazon, today Fang Senyan has been severely beaten. Prestige can be said to have fallen to the bottom of the valley. Even if Fang Senyan did nothing to retreat at this time, there might be an internal conflict within the Pirates of the Onba to question God. Does Song have the ability to lead everyone.

At this time Alazon was desperate. Fang Senyan suddenly threw a heads-up opportunity, didn't he give him a lifeline that was almost desperate?

The drowning man even saw a straw. It is bound to be seized fiercely.

Therefore, Ala Song decisively jumped out of a small boat, pointed at Fang Senyan, and drew in the past.

At this time, Fang Senyan smiled, shrugged his shoulders at Ala Song, which was dozens of meters away, and apologized and opened his hands to maintain regret.

The next second, the gunner Nanuk on the Dingyuan smirked and tore off the cloth, jumped onto the Greenland weapon at the bow, and a magical light flashed on the whale-finned whale rib. I shot out and pierced Alazon's chest! !!

A black light flashed. After being penetrated by this gun, Alazon shot hundreds of meters away, and was finally nailed to his own flagship bow at the rear! !! !! In the waves, even the flagship was shot back more than ten meters!

Ala Song struggled, his eyes wide open and seemed to want to shout, but a mouth, the flesh was ejected, sobbing in the throat, this move completely killed him.

The Greenland weapon is designed to hunt terrifying monsters in the sea. Even if Alazon is powerful, can it be compared with the defense and vitality of high-end legendary creatures? Obviously impossible!

This is the last step of Fang Senyan, to leave all the ambassadors of the ambassadors, is the impression of strong, shameless, cruel, cunning, unscrupulous!

Perhaps for the troops of the Rohan Cavalry, Fang Senyan's behavior can only be cast aside by hate, but for the Umber pirates, his last behavior can only make them fear and awe! This group of bad guys will only take orders from stronger and more evil villains than them!

The river of Anduin continued to flow quietly, and the deadly Alazon was pierced on the bow of his flagship boat, and the blood fell drop by drop into the river, exuding a large group of dirt, and all the embarrassing ambassadors could bear. Can't help but began to be scattered into several groups, surrounded by fear, they were obviously really afraid at this time.

Fear Wyward.

Fang Senyan passed these four words in his heart. In a hurry, it is impossible for these guys to feel their kindness, and it is good to fear their majesty.

To do this, Fang Senyan has no plans to make Liwei anymore, but directly communicates through magic:

"Are you going to disobey the will of the Dark Lord too !? Continue to stay here for three hours and destroy the city! Then rush to the war again. Need me to repeat it once again? Her Sauron's demon eyes are watching you guys!"

There is no doubt that this popular order was quickly implemented. Every Umber pirate witnessed Sauron's "god" before setting off, knowing that he was going to join the battle, but it is always a good thing to be able to join the battle later. The biggest advantage of joining the battle later is that it is possible to join the battle after the battle is over.

At this time, Fang Senyan was also very clear. To say that the Pirates of the Umba have been looking at their horses since then, that is just a nonsense. What they can stand on is the identity of Sauron's messenger, and this identity is still false. It just occupies a righteousness, and it is absolutely impossible for them to make a ban immediately.

Therefore, if you want to give orders, then all pirates must think that they are in their favor.

Fang Senyan only needs this permission!

After half an hour,

Fang Senyan has embarked on a small scull boat known for his speed. Although small, it is also equipped with twelve oarsmen. If this thing goes smoothly and paddles. Soaring speed is definitely not slower than a motor boat.

This ship was of course sponsored by the Emba pirates, at this time Fang Senyan also said to Dai Qisi:

"... That's it. When I'm away, you can use the magical imagery to command these guys, right, right. It's that simple, just follow what I said, and you should be on the signal arrow on the ship. You should You know, this is the preferred method of contact. As soon as I see the signal arrow I shot, I will act as planned. Old fur seal, red beard. The two of you are candidates. If the signal arrow fails, then I will use the previous one. Contact method. "

In order to control Dingyuan, Fang Senyan can contact the people on the ship even if they are separated from different planes. The alternative he said is this method, and he also delegated the heavy responsibility to three people. Someone may have concentricity, but the chance of three people having concentricity at the same time is zero.

After finishing this, Fang Senyan left Dingyuan and took the small triangle paddle boat down at high speed!

The most lively place, how can it be without me!

If this battle seems to be a drama, then this drama has reached its climax. At this time, how can it be without me!

Hold on, reef, hold on, hold on, my buddies!


At this time under Minastiris, a terrible **** storm was setting off on the vast plains of Palano.

Seeing that the Orc Corps was still in a tenacious battle, it had been completely suppressed by the elite cavalry of the Luo Khan State. The powerful cavalry, under the leadership of Io Mo, continuously formed a triangular formation to pierce, and the Orc Legion's casualties reached amazing To the extent that Gesmo was seriously injured, the nine precepts before joining the war fell to only three remaining!

However, at this time, the War Elephant Army formed by the Haadlings from the south finally came out! !! The mammoth war elephant must be at least ten meters high and run at speeds of more than sixty kilometers per hour. The war elephant's teeth are tied with sharp spikes, and the back of the war elephant is even made of wood. The sturdy fortress of Hadrin can shoot from the middle.

The impact of the mammoth warrior running, I am afraid that 10,000 iron riders can't stop it. A war horse has just reached its instep. This stuff buryes its head and shakes. The two dozen meters long teeth and nose are big. Killer, a mountain in front can also knock you down, and many war horses will even be trampled to death!

A total of thirteen mammoth elephants lined up in a row, followed by Hadrin's chariots, spearmen, and axemen. If the elite cavalry of Luo Khan State is in its heyday, it is estimated that there is still strength to fight, but there is no chance of winning, let alone a tired soldier at this time?

At this time, Feng Shui took turns to the dark side and beat the water dog painfully. No matter how heroic the cavalry of Luo Khan State, under these conditions, the heroes must die faster, do n’t forget. At this time, Luo Khan State There was only one Io Mo remaining alone, and with the cooperation of the contractor, Io Mo was finally attacked and killed at the scene.

However, when the cavalry of Luo Khan was almost wiped out, there was a torrent of torrents on the sky in the distance.

Amazing torrent of yellow-green! !!

In front of that torrent, the king of Aragon came galloping on horseback. His costume looked a little embarrassed, even with traces of smoke on his face. Although he was late, he couldn't compare it. Well, because the famous Minas Tirith is smoking black smoke, but has not yet fallen.

As long as there is no fall, there is hope!

The ghost army that was banned in the mountains for three thousand years stormed into the army of the Haadlings. Although one side has a mighty giant elephant to support it, the other side is relying on the physical immunity to rely on it. Therefore, the result of this battle is early It's already doomed.

Under the offensive of the Ghost Corps, even the mammoth war elephants were wailing madly and rushed up by hundreds of ghosts like torrents, wailing and fell to the ground, and then directly raised their noses and wailed into corpses, in this crazy attack Next, Zi and Aldarius tried a French attack, which is useful, but these ghosts are basic soldiers who have been trained for 3,000 years and have at least 100,000 lives. What if the French attack is useful?

Fortunately, Fang Senyan had expected this situation before ~ ​​ ~ so he had already explained how to deal with it, that is, hiding.

Where do you hide? What good place to hide on this vast plain? There really is one in that place, which is the crux of the dark camp! Fountain of Darkness Hall!

As long as there are people in that hall, it is an impenetrable fortress, and it is the area where the will of the Dark King Sauron is directly focused! The Ghost Corps didn't dare to approach!

At that time, a group of people questioned what the ghost army did not dare to approach, but Fang Senyan's answer was justified:

"Ghost Legion is so powerful, then good steel will be used on the blade. Why don't Aragon mobilize them directly to the Doomsday Volcano to destroy the old Orc Legion of Sauron. In short, Sauron has not been substantiated yet. Is it that Aragorn is a Fool? Of course not! "

"The truth of the matter is that Sauron originally had a name called er Necromancer, which means that he could control the undead. On the Palano plain, Sauron's power was beyond reach due to limited distance, which drove the undead to the doomsday volcano. Fighting is undoubtedly sending meat to the cutting board, so in the Hall of Darkness, the strongest force of Sauron, the undead are afraid to approach. "

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