The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 47: Accumulate


Endless darkness!

There seems to be a thick, turbid breath in the darkness, and a dull and crazy heartbeat. What's worse, it seems that hearing and vision are completely lost, completely filled with that crazy darkness, filled with exhaustion!

After Aragon entered the Hall of Dark Sources, he suddenly felt the serious consequences of the five senses, and his heart sank.

However, Aragon went through hundreds of battles. In his life, he traveled around the Middle-earth continent for at least ten years. He then concealed his identity and joined the Gundo army. He quickly became a famous general "Star Eagle" and wiped out Ukraine. Mba's pirate, and then became the leader of the wilderness ranger, the **** walker!

In the battle of Fengyunding, Aragorn was extremely powerful. He resisted the five precepts with his own strength. The power of the precepts originated from the darkness and fear in the enemy ’s heart. This shows how powerful Aragorn ’s strength and psychological quality are. !!

He immediately took a deep breath, and clenched his holy sword, Anduril. More importantly, the luxury of Aragon's equipment was also outrageous, and the accessories hanging from his waist It also emits a white faint light, dissipating the darkness around the body.

This emerald inlaid on the silver eagle-shaped base is also equipment, which is the elven gem left by him by the Queen of Light of the Forest Valley, called elessar. The thing of the Queen of Light is naturally the enemy of darkness.

In addition, the Twilight Necklace on Aragon's neck is the Horcrux of Lover Irwin, and the double-headed snake ring worn on his fingers has an ancient and vast flavor. That is the treasure that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, the pinnacle of legendary equipment. Ballach's Ring is a symbol of the inheritance of the Noumeno royal family! In the dark, even if Aragon did not use its power, you can faintly hear the majestic rebuke issued by the emperors of the royal family of Noumeno!

With constant response, this is Aragon's response. He took a few steps back, put his back against the wall, and the sword across his chest. Tight defense.

He believes that the enemy will never be able to trap themselves for how long, this is their last counterattack, as long as they get out of trouble, it is their end!

Unlike the calmness felt by Aragorn, once Fang Senyan dropped Aragorn into the depths of the Dark Source Hall, and arranged such a fleeting and insane situation, Sauron's will felt it all. Suddenly it became violent and fierce.

It's not just the darkness that overflows in the dark source hall. The lasing covers the forty or fifty meters near the hall. It's as amazing as the black mist that can't see five fingers. Even Mordor, thousands of miles away. The location where Lun's main body's flame magic eye was at this time was also the flames. The doomsday volcano also ejected a thick black dark witch, and the eyes of the flame demon eye were several tens of kilometers away. The place where it was watched did not grow grass, and the earth was torn and dry.

At the same time, Sauron's roar sounded in the minds of all the living contractors of the dark side:

Kill him! Kill him! Sacrifice to me the flesh and soul of the only remaining sin of the Noumeno royal family! I forgive all your sins!

Explanation: Aragon is in the Hall of Sources of Darkness. Suffering from the curse of Sauron, once killed by the contractor. Then there will be amazing burst rates.

It is no wonder that Sauron reacted so fiercely when he realized that he had the opportunity to kill Aragorn, because during the Battle of the Baradodo Fortress in the Third Age, Sauron had a great chance to successfully conquer the Middle-earth .

He was as aggressive as Lu Bu. He first killed Gildor, the supreme king of the Noord elf, and then crushed Elendil, the strongest human warrior, but it was almost here. At the peak, Elendil ’s son, Ldur, was runaway, cutting Sauron's finger with the slashing blade of Nasir, causing him to lose the Lord of the Rings, and approaching the highest goal. When I was pulled down fiercely, a face defeat!

At this time, Aragon, the legendary sabre held in his hand: Anduril was recast with the shard of the holy sword Nasir! And Aragon is the bloodline descendant of Esiduo! As the saying goes, seeing real people, now Aragon is giving Sauron a double stimulation!

Of course, in addition to the old hatred, Aragon led the ghost army to smash the orc army and the war elephant army of the southern Hadrin. This is even more new hatred. New hate and old hate are intertwined. Lun red-eye! !!


Fang Senyan's fury of the horns stopped at the half-shot. Although time was so precious, he still stopped.

Because at this instant he heard a prompt from his ear: Aragon was in the Hall of Dark Sources, and suffered the curse of Sauron. Once killed by the contractor, he would have an alarming explosion rate.

Fang Senyan cannot see the future, but he believes two things.

The first thing is that the human heart is very greedy. The second thing is that Aragon is definitely not such a killer!

So Fang Senyan stopped and did not forget to apply medicine to his teammates protected by the doomsday volcanic magma, and at this time he got a good news from the blood loss at the Dark Gold Water Margin, that is, he had at least three more Ten seconds to kill Aragon without interruption.

At the same time, the dazzling white light shone, tearing the darkness fiercely, followed by a series of screams, and even a few warm splashes in the darkness, hitting Fang Senyan's face, there was a faint It hurts.

There is no doubt that there are not only ace teams but also skull people in the entire Dark Source Hall at this time. They should have recovered in the cold magma state. They will definitely be able to bear the huge temptation. Attack.

But who is Aragon? Now that you know that you're in an ambush, it's definitely a big move at this time, if you don't, it's an extremely powerful counterattack! This is why Fang Senyan has to take it easy, so that those greedy guys can absorb Aragon's ready counterattack, and at the same time get a chance to breathe.

After the screams subsided, Fang Senyan slowly walked towards Aragorn, looking calm, determined, and not impatient. At the same time, the g spot on his right hand continued to dissolve and changed from gloves to that. Put the dreaded weapon: the magic sword Apophis!

"Do you know why I'm not in a hurry? Aragorn?" Fang Senyan slowly walked and said slowly, the darkness of the Dark Source Hall had no effect on him, so he could clearly see The sight around Aragorn was very tragic. The entire two contractors were chopped into pieces of seventeen or eighty by him. The flesh was blurred and blood was everywhere!

And Aragon ’s waistband sent out a soft white light and wrapped him inside, like a white egg shell to contain him inside. That is the power of the Queen of Light of Lin Gu to protect him, so that It is not eroded by darkness. Although Aragon's sight can only be seen about half a meter away, it is better than knowing nothing.

After hearing Fang Senyan's words, Aragorn originally didn't want to answer, but immediately realized what he had to say. How could the mighty King of Kings not even retaliate the words of the enemy? Not to mention that my best friend is right there, and there are tens of thousands of troops outside!

"Probably you know that no matter what you do, you can't escape justice and light rulings, believers in darkness," Aragon said lightly.

"No." Fang Senyan said earnestly: "That's because I have planned this trap for 18 days and 21 hours, and the remaining time is enough to kill you."

Aragon faintly said:

"Almost a dozen people dared to speak like this in front of me, but their end is the only one, their heads were cut off and hung on the tree, used to warn everyone that the fall is this end."

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"When you went to seize control of the Ghost Corps, you were already intercepted by our people. Since then, the strength has declined from Quansheng. Maybe not much, but there is at least one layer. Otherwise, it cannot be intercepted. Nearly a dozen hours. "

"Next, you lead the Ghost Corps to travel thousands of miles ~ ~ against the Hadrin and the Orc Corps, the strength has dropped at least two more layers, right? This is still calculated in the light. Battle, but the tenacity of the Dark Warrior will definitely not disappear so well. "

"After the battle, you rested, probably restored to 80% strength, but the three consecutive impacts on the Dark Source Hall should make you badly hurt, my teammates' strength is very clear, they consume a little of your three levels of strength No exaggeration. "

"Then, at this time, I have to face only Aragon with half strength, and more importantly! Aragon, I know and can crack your greatest trust, that is the fate of your king! In my In front of you, you are just a powerful Dunedan! "

As soon as this sentence was finished, the momentum of Fang Senyan had accumulated to the peak, and he directed at Aragon with fierce incomparable force! He also holds the sword with both hands, unstoppable! Seeing the seemingly ordinary weapon in his hand, it was only sharp when the blades were in contact. Aragorn also roared up to him because he knew that if he retreated, he lost it. Not just geography, but more likely confidence.

The first attack of both sides did not dodge at the same time, Fang Senyan cut off Aragorn's shoulder with a sword, and the legendary sabre: Anduril penetrated Fang Senyan's left leg!

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