The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 66: Executor

The assassin was originally fighting at home, crawling around, seemingly embarrassed, but secretly no longer know how many mysteries are being performed. If it is displayed in other places, maybe the soul has run to the rest .

But he managed to catch his breath, and when he looked back, he saw the fierce figure behind him, and even more strangely, a clear third eye appeared above his forehead, staring at it deadly. If you are yourself, it seems that even the soul is locked by the enemy!


He hadn't finished his words yet, and he had seen Fang Senyan pounce on his body. The feeling was like watching a giant beating volley on the ground up close! !! Almost not hit yet, almost choking! It is not that there is no way to breathe, but even the gas in the heart is squeezed out alive.

Fang Senyan is already wielding the magic sword Apophis in his hand. The sharp light flashed and fell straight!

The assassin rolled over, but found that he could not escape anyway, and could only raise his dagger to make a hard attack. A loud noise made his palm almost numb. He wanted to follow the force of the shock and escape, but felt as if he felt that the soul should be locked by the horrible eyes. Take the enemy's next cut.

Fang Senyan cut it down three times in a row. The assassin felt that his arms were not his own at all, and the meaning of paralysis spread to the upper body! He knew that he couldn't continue like this. When he bit his teeth, he was struck by Fang Senyan as a chest stab.

After the blood splattered, the assassin's dagger also drew a **** cross in the air, and the blood was deep and deep, as if it had become another world in its own right.

The assassin suddenly rolled into the Scarlet Cross. Disappear!

And on him, a dark yellow piece of paper fell down. It was a weird puppet with a face exactly like this assassin, and a stern wound on his chest, which looked very weird. It seems that instead of being able to withstand the majority of the attacks, it disappeared.

Fang Senyan suddenly stopped at this moment, because he found that the breath of the assassin had not disappeared, but he was lying in amazement around him. His message became long and meandering, inextricably linked, faint and not weak, hovering around himself, and seemed to choose someone to eat at any time!

Simultaneously. Fang Senyan even felt that there were four powerful breaths swooping from a distance, and he locked himself in the distance!

Of course he knew at this time that the first priority was not to fight in love, but to meet with his teammates, but it has been confirmed in the team channel, after all, it was the body of Noah Space e. It is not easy for Noah Space C to fully restrain its power with flesh armor.

The side of this invasion will always suffer obvious restraint in some places. This is not reflected in the direct reduction of the combat effectiveness, but the contractor from the "air attack" is mostly separated.

The so-called "splitting" refers to being isolated. The Noah e space can interfere with the senses of the contractor, creating a situation where you can walk far and far. In this case, even if you see acquaintances struggling in the distance and want to help, it seems that they can't rely on them as if they were standing still.

It is not difficult to destroy this situation. They just need to do a good job of Noah C's destruction of their required job. Killing is enough. After the damage reaches a certain level, an energy bad point will appear, and the nearby energy supply is naturally blocked, so you can escape from this situation!

This is actually the terrified Noah e space's defense of drinking and quenching thirst, because it has discovered that the enemy is not bragging, the creator's rule loopholes have actually been found! Yes, that is the contractor to which the space belongs! Because of the influence of the contractor's conversion to the space mechanism, the creator screen cannot wipe out all the contractor, and can only be confirmed by the hostility.

Such a loophole would not actually be a loophole at that time, because even if there were individual contractors invading into the body of Noah's space, it would be enough to obliterate it only by the will of its space, let alone a large number of contractors in the space? The Creator did not even take into account the possibility that such a Noah space would be completely suppressed by another Noah space, and even the contractor in its space would be one step lower!

So, although the interference delay of Noah Space e is very effective, in fact, it is using itself to perform a costly delay, and for the other side, Moriyan, at the same time cope with the contractor who is also a temperer, plus a seriously injured assassin. is it hard? ?

Fang Senyan sneered and took out an item, an item purchased from the end of the last world!

Exclusive rewards for the Gold Quest: Azizol-Kruka-Lu Ion Complex High Energy Injectable! A powerful item that can make his rank rise again!

When such a sparkling golden syringe pierced the neck, and then deeply injected the substance like mercury rippling into the body, Fang Senyan experienced not pain, but an indescribable joy.

A voice who did not know where it came from whispered in his ear:

You have reached the threshold of exerting your maximum power, but having power does not mean that you can use it correctly, just like giving the same amount of money to different people, it is likely that some people will rely on this Money becomes a rich man, but some people barely break even, and some people can even lose their money!

So you need the power of the performer! !! Performers can distribute their power most precisely where it is most needed!

The position of Fang Senyan's mutation is the third eye in the middle of his forehead! At this time, after he was temporarily promoted to performer, he immediately felt that from the third eye, there were numerous tactile threads of varying lengths, transparent and colorless, like sponges in water. These tactile threads replaced the five senses Can give the most clear feedback of the surrounding environment.

And the assassin, who could not be seen by the naked eye, was nothing more than a touch of this invisible tentacle!

"Blood pressure: 110/60."

"Heartbeat: Ninety times per minute."

"The blood loss is more than one-third of normal blood, so the temperature dropped to 35.90 degrees."

"The right hand is 1.7 times more muscular than the left hand, so threatening attacks are expected to be launched from the right hand."

"The space he hid in was not stable. One of the most unstable points was just three meters and fourteen centimeters away."

"One of the four people who came here was very familiar with it. It should be the Cardinal who had played against him before."


Looking at this series of prompt information, Fang Senyan suddenly stepped to the left, and at the same time, he abandoned the most powerful magic sword Apophis, and transformed into a weapon that has not been used for a long time! That big silvery wrench obtained in the interstellar world!

He was doing this at this time, but farther away from the assassin.

Then Fang Senyan half-knelt on the ground, and punched fiercely in the ground! The flesh flew, and the sturdy appearance of flesh-mechanical mixing suddenly appeared on the smooth and intact floor. Then Fang Senyan raised the wrench and blasted at the protruding mechanical structure below.

With this blow, the super strong characteristics of the wrench on the mechanical device are fully exerted! When attacking any mechanical creature, the damage will inevitably increase by 200%, and half of the theoretical damage will be converted into real damage! !!

After this attack, Fang Senyan immediately rolled away and escaped. The place hit by the large silver wrench was an important node. The horrible energy electro-optical laser was suddenly radiated. If the python swept around, one of the energy electro-optical waves would be swept away. After passing through the subspace where the assassin was, the assassin could not stand up, and was blasted out, and he was severely injured when the subspace broke.

When he finally managed to stabilize his body from the explosion, an indescribable sharp blade had been affixed to his throat with longing and joy. It was the re-transformed Apophis, Fang Senyan gently wiped, The smelter, who was so embarrassed and even nicknamed the servant of the **** of death, entered a state of dying ~ ~ Although it was teleported, it was quickly killed by the subsequent bleeding ...

To kill him, Fang Senyan only did three things. He bombarded the ground in front of him, attacked Noah Space e with a wrench, and then swiped it lightly. He did not even use extinction. Even the majority of the assassin's health was consumed. In the fierce turbulence where the space he hid collapsed!

"This is the case ... Is this the true meaning of the performer? The terrorist strong who is good at using the most effective fighting method, although the strength is not too far away from the refiner, but the fighting skills are very different!"

Fang Senyan raised his head and breathed deeply the rich **** smell in the air. It was the smell of Noah's body fluid and the blood of the contractor, as if it was so exciting! As addictive as a solo product, he felt the four powerful breaths in the distance, and suddenly thought of the past when he and Aziz were persecuted by the replica of the Cardinal to almost extremity, but in his heart it was An indescribable excitement and expectation is born!

"Come on!" Fang Senyan looked into the distance, his eyes blurred, feeling everything around him with his tactile threads, and muttered exhilaratingly with a nearly burning voice: "It's really exciting, Azzi, this bastard, must be jealous of my luck! "

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