The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 14: ambush!

Fang Senyan has just received a lot of information from the Blu-ray team, so he is thinking and analyzing repeatedly:

------- For example, killing an enemy's ordinary infantry gets a little contribution.

Although it sounds like a casual sentence, but thinking deeper, you can infer a lot of things from the conversion ratio:

Five ordinary enemy infantry must be killed before they can be exchanged for a half-orc. And what an orc is, it ’s just cannon fodder. No matter how many orc corpses, it is impossible to fill the abnormal seven walls of Minas Tirith! It can be said to be the cheapest arm.

But now it is the city offensive and defensive battle!

Even if it is strong, Fang Senyan, it is definitely not easy to kill five ordinary human infantry soldiers with wall protection, let alone another contractor! Is it so difficult to exchange a cannon fodder half-orc? Is this battle a war between remote contractors? Of course it is impossible!

Therefore, from these details, Fang Senyan has inferred that the people in Minas Tirith may not just stand still! Very likely there will be very intense hand-to-hand combat, and this will also be the main theme of the war.

The best defense is offense. The best way to defend Minas Tirith is not to build catapults, but to rush out and destroy all enemy siege equipment! In this way, the two sides naturally have the opportunity to face-to-face combat!

From a small exchange, and then infer the specific tactics to be adopted by the enemy commander ...

Therefore, if you observe carefully, it is not too difficult to know what happened.

So to be straightforward, Fang Senyan has carefully studied each piece of information and analyzed the pros and cons of it.

And now these sudden emergence of information burst into the brain, it really looks like a duck filling, so that Fang Senyan has the feeling that his head will almost be broken.

He shook his head with a bitter smile, closed his eyes and drank himself a vodka, forcing his mind to blank, recollecting the hot taste in his mouth. Thoughts slowly calmed down. The brain also began to return to a state of calm, tranquility.

Suddenly, Fang Senyan's nose smelled an indescribable breath. The breath was a mixture of sweaty smell / body smell / rotten taste, and he slammed into his nose fiercely.

Rao was calm and calm by Fang Senyan, and suddenly made a "chuckling" sound from his throat, his hands waving wildly in the air. Wolverine crawled and escaped a few meters. Only to find that there was a strong orc in the place where he had stayed before.

This strong orc was very fierce and strong, and he wore a very precise and heavy armor. His nostrils kept twitching. His eyes looked at Fang Senyan's jug and showed a very greedy look, which was obviously bad intentions.

However, after seeing Fang Senyan's face clearly, he suddenly became very frustrated. Obviously, this was originally an idea of ​​grabbing. However, the horrible +3 legend behind Fang Senyan dispelled this idea.

Fang Senyan looked at Ronnie resentfully. Why didn't he remind himself that he was smoky with poisonous gas?

Ronny shrugged and looked helpless. After all, this is the place of the orcs. This magpie looks like an elite half-orc. What can people do to maintain order?

Fang Senyan took a few deep breaths, then walked with endless vodka and talked with this strong orc, but did not get any valid information. The only thing he knew was that this guy was a stronger creature than the strong orc elite. Known as the strong orc growler, it has very amazing strength. Of course, in Fang Senyan's mind, how amazing this strength is, but it is impossible to evaluate it without obtaining concrete actual combat data.

The person next to him watched Fang Senyan's movements and couldn't help but sneer:

"Want to buy information with just a few bottles of wine? Is there anything wrong?"

Ronnie jumped immediately after hearing this sentence, and stared fiercely. It's a bit of a humiliation.

Fang Senyan heard this guy's words, but did not feel any stabbing, but felt that there was a lot of articles, and directly traded a little contribution. Interested Road:

"Why, has anyone tried it?"

This person froze, after all, reached out and did not smile at the smiley person, and looked at the contribution side and said patiently:

"Our boss has researched half-orcs before entering, strong orc habits and recipes. A total of hundreds of good things have been redeemed from the space, and our boss's charm value has exceeded one hundred. Rao It ’s like that, you just got seven pieces of useful information. You just want to put a bottle of vodka on it and it ’s really rash. ”

Fang Senyan moved in his heart, knowing that this space is also a hidden dragon and a tiger, and it can be said that it is quite difficult to break such a charm, because the equipment that increases the charm is not too much. In this way, their boss's naked charm should be at least a breeder who changed jobs after 40 o'clock!

At this time, Sanzi also rushed over. Fang Senyan looked very nervous on his face and couldn't help but let him sit down and talk about it. Sanzi came over and sat down beside Fang Senyan and whispered:

"I brother, I probably discovered the big secret of space!"

Fang Senyan calmly said in the team channel:

"Well, I see. You slowly tell me, don't miss anything."

San Chai Road:

"I just received a related task suddenly. It is a special task given to the selected person. The content of this task is already very demanding. In terms of the task, Gandalf will call when the spirit rides on the snake-necked dragon. The giant cormorants growing on the snowy peak near Isinger are fighting. Three of them are pregnant and about to lay eggs. My task is to obtain the eggs in the belly of the giant cormorant and tame them as riding beasts. "

"Only in the **** battlefield created by the joint development of multiple spaces, when this giant grows to the advanced level, it may have a natural ability to form a self-sufficient shield on the body surface, in any environment I insisted on flying for 30 seconds. In this way, when our Noah space traveled through the turbulence of time and space and was injured, I could ride a giant salamander to transport some supplies to replenish the space. "

Fang Senyan listened carefully and carefully, then suddenly said:

"This task is very important! If possible, we will do our best to help you achieve this goal. The more you help the space, the more it will not let you die. The more you can help in your own authority! This But there are a lot of articles to do! Even the tilt within the authority is good news for us. "

San Zai nodded, and then said seriously:

"The mystery I found was at the beginning of this mission -------- The beginning of the mission reads, Top Secret File: Zhi Lie Ji (space 139 calendar ~ space 142 calendar) selected number 6513A."

Fang Senyan listened to the series of materials that Sanzi said, and gradually outlined a contour in his heart. The original doubt was also explained.

Fang Senyan had been thinking before. Are there only those contractors who are participating in the Lord of the Rings at this time in Noah Space? Why don't those stronger people send in to help? ?

It's hard to explain with just one rank barrier. It's hard to explain simply by saying, "Why are excellent people bound?"

"The three words of the fierce epoch are worthy of study." After thinking about Fang Senyan, he first said:

"The word Lie usually means that it is difficult to combine with the epoch. However, in the construction of large granaries in ancient China, the eight words of heaven and earth and yellow space were used to organize the granaries. For example, the warehouse in Tianzi represents Warehouse No. 1, and the warehouse in Bad Character represents Warehouse No. 8. "

At this time, posture also rushed over and said in surprise:

"Then what you mean is. Lie is actually a number represented, so the following description refers to the specific period of the Lie era?"

Altaris suddenly said:

"In my real world, there is a very famous basketball player named Kobe Bryant. He joined the NBA league through the draft in 1996. Among the basketball players of the same year, many famous The emperor superstar. So, people later called the golden players (96) who appeared this year. This should be similar to the Epoch Times. "

Sanzi smiled bitterly:

"After I heard this statement, I thought of reading up one after another when we were studying. For example, when I graduated from junior high school, it was 2000. A description will be added later (1997 ~ 2000).

"That's right," Fang Senyan said seriously:

"At this time, it is almost possible to determine how the space assigns the contractor the principle of fighting, then it should be against us, most of them are our contractor in the first period of the epoch of the epoch! Only the strength The barriers are like the formation of a national football team. The first consideration is the age group of 20 ~ 35, and then whether to draw people from the super or A A, so that the contractor in the same period can be guaranteed to the greatest extent. Not to be pulled too far. "

"Then at least at this stage of our time. The contractor between the epochs should not be in a mess. The cardinal who drove us very horribly before should be the people who first entered the epoch, and we, It should have been entered at the end of the hot era. "

Suddenly Zi Zi said:

"So, what happens when our group reaches the height of the epoch?"

Fang Senyan smiled:

"Of course it is graduation, further education, after finishing junior high school, we have to go to high school and enter the last era of the epoch, but I guess we will definitely have extra privileges, like a promotion horse from AA to Super League, total Will be taken care of. "

Next, Fang Senyan and they talked about the task related to Sanzi again. At this time, a strong man and a strong horse felt that this task might be difficult, but it was absolutely impossible to say that there was no opportunity at all.

While discussing and communicating, Fang Senyan also received related tasks:

Contractor No. 1018, you and your team get a mission that can be promoted: extinction.

Mission Summary: Destroy Minas Tirith's logo: Clean White Tower!

Task Tip: The city of Minas Tirith was built in a unique way. The city is divided into seven floors, each of which has independent walls and entrances, but these entrances are not continuous. Part of this special landscape is Part of the natural mountain landscape is the magical work of ancient artisans.

You must break through the horrific seven walls and seven gates before you can reach the ruling hall and the holy spring garden in front of the Jingbai Tower. Overlooking the great plain below a thousand feet. The destruction of the White Tower is a sign of the fall of Minas Tirith!

Note: This task is a promotion task. After the option of performing the task of advancement, even if you enter the dark source hall, you cannot return to the nightmare space. However, this task will be promoted to a gold main task without increasing the difficulty!

Warning: You must choose within 24 hours of entering this world, otherwise the options for advanced tasks will disappear.

Warning: If the Dark Source Hall is captured. All self-contractors who still exist in this world will die.


Tip: You can get the following milestones in this world (including this world and extended world).

Legendary nemesis: You participated in a battle that killed any two of Gandalf / Aragon / Gimbol / Legoras.

Title reward: Legendary +1 point. "

Enemies of the city gate LV1: You have destroyed at least one city gate of Minas Tirith. This milestone can be upgraded. For every additional gate destroyed, the title reward will also increase. Theoretically, a maximum of seven are destroyed.

Title reward: Increase damage to buildings by 100% ~ 700% (up to the highest level)

Hedgehog: You have been shot 5,000 times by the plot character (the arrow cluster must hit and deduct blood), currently 0/5000.

Title Reward: You will waive 90% of the ranged character ’s ranged attacks

Chef LV1: At present, due to the creation of siege appliances, the Orc diet has a major problem. They cannot find enough dry wood to cook food. So please help the Orcs on at least five stoves to cook the food. Help (0/5). The milestone is refreshed every 12 hours. Can be completed up to 3 times.

Title Reward: Fire damage increased by 5% / Chef LV3 reward: Spell damage increased by 15%.

Coolie LV1: To capture Minas Tirith, it is far from possible to use only stones and blood, so the transportation power now becomes a big problem, assisting the orcs from the Anduin camp. Ten pieces of all kinds of wood and stones were transported back. This milestone is refreshed every 12 hours and can be completed up to 3 times.

Title reward: 1% increase in movement speed / coolie LV3 reward: 4% increase in movement speed

Rich wealth: Your total contribution through the exchange has exceeded 10,000 points.

Title reward: You can get free privileges to redeem any creature / props / equipment worth less than 1000 points in this world, and you will always get 15% discount when you trade.


Looking at this series of milestones, Fang Senyan first focused on the "hedgehog"! The property of saving 90% of the long-range attacks of the characters from the plot is indeed a great temptation for MT! Especially the support of Fang Senyan's talents, it is very likely that those bow and arrow attacks will only force a little damage and cannot be broken. That's really blessed.

For all law-based contractors, the title of chef must be started, and the title of coolie is a good thing for all ages. No one will ever disapprove of running faster in escape or pursuit. .

At this time, the dark source hall finally became much free. Fang Senyan had already obtained the method of querying the contribution before, so he waited deliberately until now, and walked directly to the eye of Sauron in the middle of the hall, seeing that no one around him noticed, and then let a member of the team surround himself. He got up and pressed his hand on the crystal ball.

A sharp and evil voice suddenly rang in Fang Senyan's mind:

"My powerful warrior, my dark equipment, and the powerful secrets that I have accumulated for thousands of years, cannot be distributed directly to a waste, so you must pass my test ......... Ah !!! A powerful soul! I Like a powerful warrior like you, eh? There is such an extraordinary legendary experience ............ oh, well, you have my approval and can contribute to your full quota. "

Fang Senyan immediately understood Sauron's intention, and estimated that he would get a lot of contribution, but at this time, the contribution he received was not obtained through war, and this contribution can be real money. To exchange for Sauron's fighters and secret treasures, so Sauron has to test it himself, so as not to spoil his efforts.

This is like a young man in his twenties who was suddenly airborne to a high level at the bureau level (the main characters of the starting point official novel are many). Of course, the hearts of the direct leaders will inevitably have to play drums, and they must interview first to dare to delegate authority One truth.

"Contractor 1018, because of the current camp, I must regret to inform you. Your servant: Fog Song. The Sunstrider and its related forces cannot be summoned by you and enter this world. Therefore, according to your previous Lord of the Rings world With all the special experiences in it, you will get an initial contribution bonus of 871 points. "

"You have passed the baptism of Sauron's pupils. The additional contribution of 871 will be paid in full!"

"A hundred and seventy-one o'clock !!!" Fang Senyan was shocked in his heart. He was so abnormal that he needed a member of the ring team to pack away the ogre. Only 380 additional contributions are required. If converted, this would have made him have two ogres!

Although the two ogres seem to be of little help to the siege warfare, according to Fang Senyan's inference, it is absolutely impossible to be in hand-to-hand combat, so this kind of preferential treatment is really true and has a plane at the beginning of the Pandora World The powerful AMP land mech is almost there.

But at this time, suddenly a fierce explosion rang out! !! !!

When Fang Senyan rushed out, they saw seven or eight craters with a diameter of two or three meters. The crater is shallow, but it is the type of spattering incendiary bomb that has fallen into the ground. It has become a sea of ​​fire within a few hundred meters. Many orc shacks have been ignited, and there is no shortage of thick black smoke. There were half-orcs on fire.

but. Even in this case, the attacked half-orc camps seemed to be well-organized, and the on-orb who was on fire fled in a panic and called. They were soon overthrown by the remaining half-orcs, splashing water, and the burning flame. It was a few orc wizards who caught a few toads as a casting medium. Soon a lot of sticky, white smelly foam appeared in the curses that they jumped like the gods, and soon the flames were extinguished ...

More importantly, after realizing that the enemy has such long-range capabilities. With the order of Gesmore, the entire camp, which was not dense, expanded again and became more sparse!

At this time, the contracting parties participating in the battle were all hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Someone soon determined that the scope of the incendiary rocket attack was an attack using a self-propelled rocket launcher. The cost of the launch was estimated to be at least 2,000 universal points. However, At best, it directly hit and killed six or seven half-orcs at the impact point. If it is used during the siege, it can be said that the harvest should be at least ten times, how can it be a big loss and a special loss!

This tentative attack stopped shortly, but absolutely does not mean that peace has come temporarily.


In the sky with clouds accumulating, it was only about four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky quickly dimmed.

The wind was turbulent on the plain, but Fang Senyan was comfortable wiping a sweat in the wind, and then kicked himself on the side of a mountain-wheeled wheeler, facing the strong orc officer Sisco who was in charge of the inspection. The dog's ear barked:

"Hey! Stupid, give me something clear. There are three pieces of stone and two pieces of wood! Twenty-five points of contribution, a little less I cut your skin!"

The strong orc, who usually has eyes above the top, heard Fang Senyan's rude threat, but was an abnormally timid, shouting:

"Yes, sir."

On the eve of the war, the most important thing is logistics. Whether it is a siege or a defensive city, there will never be too much wood and stones, so a stone / firewood can be exchanged for a high price of five points of contribution.

However, the Gondorians guarding the city are not stupid. The wood and stones near Minas Tirith and even the entire plain have long been cleared by the wild walls. Therefore, it is necessary to travel at least seven or eight kilometers to reach the production of stones and wood The place.

Perhaps the Gondor, who feels that they are understaffed, can only sit back and watch the half-orcs supplement their strategic material. However, the number of hostile contractors who have the upper hand does not think so. Therefore, when the main plot forces on both sides have not yet taken the initiative to launch an attack, the brutal small-scale battle has already begun in the distant Rosanac Valley!

"We should be able to come a few more times, and the contribution of the entire team will soon exceed 1200 points."

Reef excitedly said:

With Sisko Inu's nod, the 25-point contribution flowed into the team's account again. Compared with Fang Senyan's one-time contribution of more than 800, the rest of the team received less contribution. More, it adds up to about 1,100.

However, although there is no way to fight and kill, the whole team is good to work hard together.

But Aldarius couldn't help it:

"There were a dozen teams logging wood and stones. Eight of them were attacked. Even the team of the beast that started behind us was attacked once. I can't get used to the look of those guys frowning ... … .Why can't we pick it up? "

Fang Senyan smiled gently:

"Although the beast team has just been considered a complete victory, the team has also cut down on two people. Of course, it is nothing for their team of twenty. Maybe they are still marginalized. But this is the beginning of the battle. ……… .More importantly, one of the eight teams attacked also died! The number of the contractor of the other party is several times as much as ours, so we must now take a long-term view. Don't be afraid that nobody will kill , I'm afraid that in the end, the enemy will not be able to kill the clean, that is the most difficult. "

Altarius seemed to want to say something, but when he saw Zi was looking at him coldly, he closed his mouth immediately.

Speaking of such an arrogant and capable guy, there are really not many team leaders who can make good use of it, but in the ace team, there are two people who can hold him, but he still Just willingly stayed away ...

Fang Senyan motioned for the four half-orcs laborers to drag the empty wooden giant wheeler, then motioned towards the Rosanaki Valley.

On the way through the camp, Fang Senyan saw the half-orcs among the shacks cooking and cooking-the so-called cooking is to consider everything that the half-orcs can eat, such as bran, bread, Fur, meat, wild vegetables, leaves, rotten internal organs, filthy blood, etc. are thrown into the cauldron, and then made into a pot of "colorful and fragrant" dishes, each half-orc holding his own pot "Xili Hulun "Drink.

Seeing this, Fang Senyan suddenly asked:

"Attitude ~ ~ Aldarus, is your chef milestone completed?"

Both Zi and Aldarez nodded. Previously, the team specifically gave two hours to separate actions to complete these milestones that were obviously given away. As the people talked, they continued to go to the valley. relaxed.

But just five minutes later,

Just on the way to see the smoky smoke from the orc camp cooking!

Just four or five kilometers from the orc camp,

The entire ace team was suddenly ambushed! !!

Extremely fierce ambush! !!

The last time the Ace Team was ambushed, it was still in the 2012 Doomsday World. The battle was extremely fierce and Mogansha died! Almost all of the reefs, postures, and Sanzis were beaten to death. If not for luck, even the mass destruction is normal!

This time they will face the premeditated ambush again, what will they do? ? (To be continued)

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