The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 17: Slam (Bottom X1)

In the analysis of Fang Senyan before the battle, he only considered the possible crit chance of the mountain monster, so he also used that axe to parry, but he did not expect that the power gap between the two sides would be crushed. This special effect! Such a terrible incidental attack is indeed very powerful, and it seems that every attack will be hit, and it is even more terrible to ignore the defense for additional judgment! If it wasn't for his tough talent, otherwise this blow would probably kill him!

In addition, Fang Senyan could avoid the frontal attack of the mountain monster almost every time just not because of his agility but because of his perception of the mountain monster. Once the mountain monster swings out the giant stick in his hand, its attack degree is not slow, but it is only an early-level legendary creature after all. The preparation action before the move appears a bit sluggish: for example, the mountain monster's attack is The stick comes out every 5 seconds, then it takes 45 seconds to raise the stick to gain momentum, but it only takes o.5 seconds to swing the stick. This is also the main reason that Fang Senyan can avoid its frontal attack most of the time.

Although Fang Senyan also witnessed the scene where the mountain monster stepped into the trap while being beaten, he vigilantly confirmed that the mountain monster did not have a genius master to take the opportunity to chase after he took out the "malaria vodka" from his arms. Two sips of gurgles, the life value recovered a little bit, and then immediately used the high-quality bandages wounded from the Banks gangster: Vante's U.S. military to bandage the wound. The effect is to restore the point within seconds of hemostasis. life value. Finally, the life value was increased to more than%, so I planned to approach the battlefield again to see how the battle situation believes that the people of the Symbiosis Association at this time will not be able to notice their existence.

As he approached the battlefield cautiously, Fang Senyan remembered the situation at the beginning. He was a little scared: the so-called plan could not keep up with the change. He did not expect that he would be knocked by a mountain monster for more than 20 meters. He had no chance to fight back. If the mountain monster hits and flies, he will not fall into the trap after he has a genius, if the mountain monster will continue to pursue, if this guy is reluctant to give up the food he has already got ... then there is no doubt that the crowbar group of **** have a great chance Will stand idly by, and he is also fierce.

However, Fang Senyan thought about it and was relieved: because he had no good intentions from the beginning. Among the good plans that Fang Senyan had planned, if there was any accident, he would be the first to ambush the symbiosis. People sold "" ... a good one, he can't run the mountain monster, but as a famous black belly expert said: in front of the hungry squash bear, I only need to run past you "" "" Once the mountain monster has With food, opportunities for escape naturally appear. Since you all treat others as stepping stones, it is not excessive for others to be discarded by you.

Fang Senyan did not rush to the battlefield with a talented master, but instead went around a large range and found a tall tree in the downwind and climbed up. In this way, once the mountain monster wins with absolute advantage, it will not be able to smell its own smell to chase itself. The big tree was about thirty meters away from the battlefield. The fire light in the battlefield passed faintly, and a mottled shadow was cast on the tree. The roar of the mountain monster and the stinky odor were also scattered.

At the moment when Fang Senyan was hit, the hearts of the crowbar and others were already sinking.

Fang Senyan's failure meant one thing: the risk of facing the monsters had to be passed on to the Symbiosis. And they have already seen the power of the mountain monsters, and they absolutely do not want to taste the taste of the giant stick came from the big tree.

Who knows at this time the peaks and turns, this monster actually fell too far into the trap because of too much force! This caused a feeling of ecstasy in their hearts. However, the mountain monster was originally a humanoid. When the foot it stepped on stepped into the trap, the entire huge body naturally fell forward and fell. In addition to the continuous screaming in the throat, both hands were in the air. Waving wildly to grab something.

As a result, when the group of people dug the trap, they missed one thing, that is, the huge stick held by the mountain monster. This thing was originally the strongest part of the trunk of a tree. It is also four or five meters long, and it just happens to be stuck on the trap ... "The mountain monster was about four meters long and infinitely powerful. He dangled his own giant stick with his hands, and kicked with two thick legs. Peddle the dirt on the wall of the trap, and if you continue like this, the trap will be destroyed in a matter of minutes!

Seeing such a situation, the crowbar was originally a person who was longer than the plan but lacked on-the-spot changes. In his heart, he immediately regarded the giant stick stuck in the trap opening as a thorn in his eyes, and he jumped out from the ambush site to three The grenade threw it.

After the booming booming noise came, the monster's screaming pain was mixed with the smoke. The three grenades thrown by the crowbar were calculated very accurately, and they just collapsed the trapped wall of the trapped stick by half, and dragged the huge weight of the mountain monster. Suddenly the stuck stick was dragged into the pit. In the rolling rocks, the mountain monster completely fell into the trap, and the angry roaring sound shook even the surrounding leaves.

"Success!" Crowbar! Leaning up and shouting, "Let's go together!"

Of course, the people in the symbiosis are afraid to fail, but the faster one is still Das, and he doesn't know where he was hiding. Once the mountain monster fell into the trap, he had already appeared in the dark, left hand Hanging on a horizontal branch of a large tree 20 meters away, the right hand is a single-handed gun. With a standard tactical posture, pull the trigger downward and shoot!

"Papapa" Three crisp gunshots sounded, and the muzzle flame of Mauser's rifle illuminated Dass's indifferent cheek. It can be clearly seen that the three bullets he fired had a slight spiral at the back. The smoke-like trajectory flew over the left ear of the mountain monster, and shot deeply from the **** into the left eye of the mountain monster!

Although Fang Senyan could not see the specific damage in this attack, looking at Shangua's distorted and deformed painful expression, he knew how powerful it was. Immediately after the grenades, darts, etc., these murderous weapons were shot out from the hands of the Symbiotic Society's part-time long-range attack men. Only Das hung indifferently in the village, firing one or more bullets with a steady and boring firing interval. The sound of the gun, although not sounding, has a kind of reading that shakes the listener's lungs and even the internal organs. Just listening to it, I felt like I was coughing up and vomiting blood, which shows the horror of the power of the bullets.

"This guy really has arrogant capital." As soon as the so-called expert shot, I knew whether there was a genius master. After Das showed his true skill in shooting, not only did the eyes of the Symbiosis Society change a bit, but even Fang Senyan spied secretly. Das' shooting movements and rhythms are like a piano master's interpretation of famous songs. They are full of artistic beauty, and add a sense of beauty to the cruel thing of killing.

In the previous confrontation with the Banks gangster, Das suffered a double-handled attack. The left and right sides looked very embarrassed and could not show their personal real strength at this time. At this time, the crowbar was even more slow-minded. According to the strength shown by Das at this time, I ’m afraid that after opening the distance, Vant, who is known as the flying peak, may not be his opponent!

With that in mind, the crowbar couldn't help winking at the men next to him, asking them to be more careful. Although the two parties signed a temporary contract, there was more room to drill into the hole. If it is naive to think that a contract can be kept worry-free, then it is really a place to die without burial! A few people in the symbiosis society looked at each other and quietly moved to Darth's side, of course, the purpose was to play a blocking role, to prevent the card from being blocked in advance to avoid killing the mountain monster, the key dropped by Darthi Pick it up for a while.

Fang Senyan in the distance sneered ~ ~ The symbiosis group is really fascinated. Others have said that the river tears down the bridge and the bird hides, but at this time, the river does not pass the bird and the end, it starts to count the friendly forces, this kind of Behavior can no longer be described in terms of stupidity.

Sure enough, Das was already in a condescending position, showing all the surrounding movements at a glance. He was not a fool. He immediately sneered from the dead tree and re-entered the darkness with an indescribable speed.

At this time, Fang Senyan also saw it. Obviously, Das took an unconventional gunner type with equal agility and strength. This gunner can not only have a good mid-range attack, but also be able to fight with the enemy with a bayonet in melee. The buttstock will not suffer at all, but the shortcomings are lack of stamina, lack of perception makes them almost give up the possibility of mastering high-altitude, high-tech long-range weapons, and it also occupies a disadvantage when encountering high-sensing enemies of the shooting category, but for the early stage For long-range attack contractors, this route not only greatly improves their chances of survival, but also takes into account shooting and attack power. In any case, survival is the first priority.

While being suppressed by the fireman, the monster in the trap seized the opportunity. It screamed, stretched out its arm and stomped forward, and caught the edge of the cave wall next to the trap! The legs were pedaling wildly, and the thick, pointed nails were like a shovel to mop up the dirt on the wall of the cave, trying to escape the trap forcibly.

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