The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 21: 3 legendary firearms

"A big pit ..." In the face of such a dangerous situation, even Fang Senyan's heart couldn't help feeling a sense of weakness.

The countermeasures of the other party are originally a unique approach, starting from the impossible, and strengthening their own advantages into victory in one fell swoop! Weaken the enemy's disadvantages into defeat! !!

If the Sauron side had a seven-point victory before the start of the war, now the defensive side will have a seven-point victory in turn, and the form will be completely reversed within half an hour! You know, this is the first day of war!

At this time, to be straightforward, the response of the orc commander Gismo from beginning to end was all in the anticipation of the contractor of the opponent, and he also accurately gave Gismo the most lethal blow.

But now Gesmo is facing an even more distressed situation. Breaking the city is not a matter of thinking for the time being, but whether to save people.

The half-orc family was originally a talentless group on magic, and the magic of turning mud into rocks for the floor car has almost exhausted their magic, which means that it is almost impossible to counteract on the magic.

If Gesmo didn't save people, the painful cry of those who were badly hit by soldiers in the mud was enough to completely destroy morale, and healthy half-orc soldiers would inevitably think that if the war continues, then I will fight After the battle is wounded, it will fall into this kind of being abandoned.

But if Gesmo sent someone to save it, it meant that he had to use incalculable human lives to fill it in that swamp! And it may not be able to achieve the strategic purpose to save it.

At this time, Gesmore was completely in a dilemma. It seemed that any response he made would become a weakness that was used by the enemy to attack!

As a coach, Gusmo's weakness was exposed again, but it was not decisive enough.

At this time, thousands of people were exposed to the enemy's long-range firepower. The morale of the garrison in Minas Tirith was boosted. The boulder thrown down fell like a raindrop. The contractor was fully fired. It was horrible that those siege machines were attacked by black oil fire bombs. Misplaced.

At this time, every second of hesitation by the coach will cause His Majesty's soldiers to die at an alarming rate. Whether to make a desperate attempt or break the wrist of a strong man, the fastest decision must be made.

As soon as the trap was launched, Fang Senyan had already judged Gesmore's next move, no matter how long he considered. In the end, it will inevitably be rescued.


Because the orcs' legion has a horrible 200,000 number. But the ogre has only a hundred heads in total.

Now, at least two-thirds of the more than one hundred ogres are trapped in the swamp area because they want to push the heavy building cars! These fat monsters who have adapted to living in high latitudes are struggling in the quagmire, and even hit the quagmire frantically, unfortunately, all these actions are futile.

Gesmore can accept the loss of five or six thousand elites in the orc legion on the striker line. However, he absolutely cannot accept the tragic failure of losing two-thirds of the high-end combat ogre!

Therefore, he could only choose to send troops to rescue.

However, Fang Senyan confirmed that Gesmore would make this decision as early as five minutes and eleven seconds, and more importantly, before entering the world. The think tank formed by the three major forces, Stockholm Team + Silverwing Team + Moses, has also determined that: Gesmo will make this decision in this situation! !! !! DH's mood at this time is like Haizi above the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the reflection is the blue sky and white clouds and snow peaks, and he is experiencing the cold wind and the coldness of the bones.

He looked at the monster in the sight with such a cool mind,

That monster known as the ogre.

The monster's skin is covered with scabies like scabies, although this thing can cause uncontrollable itching when it grows on the body. But it can also make the ogre born have the ability to save 10 ~ 13% from physical attacks. The monster's body surface is slightly rippling because of the thick fat under the skin. It is angry to attack the mud buried in the thigh. Easily move hundreds of kilograms of rock.

Suddenly, a lot of longitude and latitude lines appeared on the sight, and then a few red dots shone on the surface of the ogre, the largest red dot was located in the third of the ogre's forehead. The smallest red dot is at the crotch. At the same time, the system prompts are also sent:

"Your ability: Let the bullets fly ready!" DH aimed directly at the smallest red spot on the ogre's body surface, then pulled the trigger. Although the smaller the red dot, the harder it is to hit, but it also means that once it hits, the more damage the number is, and even a spike is possible.

This conclusion is not a word of mouth. In fact, as of now, the increasingly powerful DH has killed a whole three ogres. His powerful ability to let bullets fly makes him a powerful monster with a rough skin. Occupied a unique advantage.

The latest statistics show that the total number of ogres killed by DH alone has reached a fifth of the total number of ogres currently killed!

The ogre in the sight was suddenly stagnant, and then his body trembled violently, so it fell down without any damage. Only DH himself could see clearly. When the bullet he fired shot in the air, suddenly Split into five pieces and shot into the eyes of the ogre, the mouth, and the lower body. With such a blow, the vitality of this monster that still has most health is wiped out.

Looking at the pop-up series of general tips like screen swiping, and rich and incomparable contribution, DH opened the bolt with a click, then filled the bullet, then tilted his head again, squinted his eyes and looked into the sight. And start looking for the next prey.

Suddenly, there was something in the sight. If the blood was red and the red color filled the entire horizon of DH in an instant, he immediately raised his head and saw a jazz holding a crystal cup standing in front of him. His every move was still so elegant, his expression was relaxed, but what he said was undeniable:

"I think you can take a break first, m, I have to admit that I underestimated you, if you kill it like this. The pighead idiot will probably feel that the number of ogres is completely unworthy for him to increase his troops." DH The answer was unruly, and he continued to tilt his head and aimed:

"So what does it matter to me ... Sir, you know, I hate to hear nonsense and lies."

Jazz narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed. But soon smiled bitterly:

"Okay. It ’s the other two team leaders who protested to me, hoping to focus on the big picture and let you kill a little bit. After all, the ogre has a chance to drop the Middle-earth badge, and this thing is in exchange for high Essential equipment / creatures. "DH sneered:

"What's this? The people in their teams add up more than the output, but I need to exert upper-level pressure? Jazz, when I joined the team, nobody said that the Stockholm team still helped outsiders to suppress it. Your own tradition! "

Jazz didn't seem to react, however. There are already several cracks on the crystal cup that he holds in his hand. How could he not know that it is unpopular to do this as a team leader? Imagine, don't forget. All of Fang Senyan's g spots were stolen from his deputy!

Jazz itself is a very strong person, but it has also made a lot of concessions in maintaining the entire league system, because only the Jazz will clearly understand at any time, even if it is not his own advantage, as long as you can get this The victory of the battle is still a great victory!

Unfortunately, many people cannot see this. Moreover, it is still in the carnival of harvesting, in that incredible downturn! There are very few people who can keep their heads. After seeing the greed and flame in the eyes of the other two team leaders, the Jazz knew that he could not convince them. At this time, the alliance must not be broken!

So, the only way for the Jazz is to choose compromise.

------- A compromise for the purpose of damaging one's prestige!

But the Jazz felt that everything was still under his control.

At this time, almost everyone in the Stockholm team started to look at this side, watching the relevant trends, but the jazz was comfortable holding up the goblet, drinking red wine like blood, calmly said:

"This is not suppression, m, this is my request. You have the right to continue shooting, and you have the right to give me face."

As he said, he stretched out his palm, and there was a necklace of bright golden light on the palm. The girl's eyes around HD had already revealed an intoxicating light.

"Oh, God, is this Venus' love?"

"Yes, Miss Se, it's yours now." The jazz smiled.

Watching Se take the necklace, DH can only close the gun suddenly, the jazz bowed gracefully, but his heart was sneer, of course, it is not the DH ------- the sharper the knife, you need to hold it The more people have measurement --- but for the two leaders of the Silverwing team and the Moses will make the leader faint. After this battle, he will dig ten times more profit from those two teams!


"This is a clear perimeter rescue strategy." When the battle continued for a certain period of time, the opponent's purpose was already revealed. In the quagmire area below the city, many people were rescued before they entered. That ghost place completely formed the terrible meat grinder battlefield.

At this time, the Blu-ray team is conducting data analysis in the way of large-screen stereo projection:

"According to the latest data analysis we have just obtained, in the just five minutes, the main target ogre rescued only had two casualties, and its death rate reached the lowest point since the invasion! And at the beginning of the war, the ogre The death rate was like 15 blowouts / five minutes! "

"Obviously, since the other party can ignore the problem of insufficient ammunition and weak attack, then this downward trend of ogre casualties is caused by humans. They hope to keep a certain number of ogre alive there, and then keep it there. The pig's mind has a weight, and it continues to send reinforcements --- Oh, no, it should be a contribution point. Therefore, our best response at present is to wait or return to the camp to sleep. "

"Shut up." Suddenly, two words smashed out. The face of the Blu-ray team speaker looked extremely ugly. He immediately glared angrily, but saw where the voice came from. A burly, lonely, indifferent figure pushed away and walked out, behind him, carrying a seemingly old-fashioned rifle from World War II.

m1 Garland semi-automatic rifle.

However, the rifle followed the figure to the distant battlefield. But began to emit a silvery white light.

Legendary weapon? ?

Legendary firearms! !!

Saw the weapon behind this man. Not only was the spokesperson of that Blu-ray team look ugly, but even the mysterious leader of the Blu-ray team surrounded by the distant crowd was alarmed. In the cloak, there is a very weird mask on his face, like a smiling Buddha!

He suddenly looked at Zeus next to him:

"There don't seem to be many people wearing legendary firearms. It looks like that person from your team, Aziz?"

At this time Zeus's face was quite ugly, because in the team channel, Aziz asked him to cover him!

But let's not say whether it is worth it to be a protagonist. Not to mention that it is taking great risks without gaining anything. Secondly, if it helps in the past, it means to completely tear up the face with the Blu-ray team, which is too expensive!

So Zeus chose to be silent, but is Aziz the kind of person who dare not go without mt cover?

He sneered, but was directly mixed into the half-orc warrior who went to reinforce.

Not long after. On the first wall of Minas Tirith, a very discordant phenomenon suddenly appeared. Among those garrison soldiers who performed the attack as if they were all carnivals, a person suddenly fell from the wall. !!

At this time, when the Sauron side is absolutely inferior, there are not many opportunities to fight back against the defenders on the wall, but it must not be said that it is not. For example, the angry strong orc throws his weapon against the wall --- ---- So Shou Fang didn't take this matter to heart. No matter whether that person stumbled or was killed by a counterattack that could be ignored, it was as if a small wave set up in the ocean was ignored and ignored.

However, Aziz is a man who must not be ignored!

Even if strong Fang Senyan, dare to face Aziz. I dare not say that I can ignore him.

Those who dare to ignore Aziz, even the forces, must pay an extremely heavy price without exception!

After a while, another person fell on the wall. This person did not even move his hands and feet when he fell, apparently paying the price of his life before falling. However, the dead man was originally a plot character, and a giant building car on his side could not stand the smoke and flames, and it collapsed suddenly, with an amazing momentum, so he was ignored again.

Immediately afterwards, two giant building vehicles collapsed. In this neutral position, three soldiers shooting down with long bows were killed one after another.

There was no suspense that caught the attention of snipers on the wall.

They found the target right away, yes, what did the sneaky orc carrying the bow and arrow want to do? But the orcs' talent in shooting is as famous as their brutality. How could a strong orc make such a standard bow gesture?

So in the next second, the head of the strong orc exploded and was hit by three full sniper rounds.

But at the same time, two more people were headshot on the wall. Horrible, one was a contractor! !! The screams of terror before his death spread far away, and when everyone's eyes gathered around him, if a silver bullet flew out of the sky, shot into his open mouth , Burst his head directly into a circle of blood mist!

In front of many strong men, in front of nearly a thousand contractors in the alliance who have the absolute upper hand at this time,

--------- Living headshot! !! !!

What a provocation this is, and what a hesitation, hesitation, madness, arrogance! !! !!

Suddenly, an indescribable emotion spread all over the contractor on the city wall, it was anger! The gritted anger gathered by thousands of covenants can not be overstated as the sea tide swept through.

However, at this time, when the thousands of covenants on the city wall widened their eyes in search of the murderer, the murderer came forward. With a careless provocative gaze!

Aziz simply held his Garland rifle with one hand, and the half-orcs around him were thrown away by fierce air waves, exposing a large area of ​​open space around. Then, Aziz actually aimed at the city wall ..... raised his middle finger! !! !!

------- This is definitely not something a normal person would do, but if Aziz was a normal person, how could he be a normal person to challenge the most powerful United States of America on earth? ?

This moment. At least hundreds of people aimed at Aziz at the same time. However, the faces of these hundreds of people became very wonderful at the same time when they locked Aziz. It can be said that they were intertwined with anger and humiliation, because they also received hints from the Nightmare Mark:

"The target is protected by the powerful power of legendary weapons. Your weapons are not of sufficient grade to cause effective damage to it !!!"


The real name of this legendary Garland rifle is called Ryan's courage.

And this weapon plus the Walter PPK pistol used by Hitler for suicide --- the head of the head, and the single-handed pistol when President Lincoln was assassinated ------- the last day of the president is also called three Big legendary firearm. (Three legendary firearms have pictures on Weibo)

To get Ryan's courage is quite difficult, the requirement is in the world of "Saving Soldier Ryan". One of the eight members of the rescue team cannot die, and then successfully rescue Ryan, you can get the key props that trigger the legendary firearms mission-similar to the one Fang Senyan brought from Drogba. That screw.

Then get this legendary weapon through this series of missions.

At this point, Aziz's ability to exhibit is Ryan's courageous firearms skills: we are with you! !!

The eight members of the rescue team and Ryan are summoned in an instant, and all enemies who dare to stand in front of you are wiped out with fearless courage. The summoning takes five seconds. It is not possible to move, cast, or use items during this time, but at the same time, the caster will be protected by Ryan's courage and cannot be damaged by attacks from below the legendary level!

The eight members of the rescue team and Ryan quickly appeared on the city wall. This brave and powerful team with a silver light showed its powerful strength in an instant. The standard equipment of the US Army set off a storm of blood on the city walls. They were also unable to be harmed by attacks below the legendary level. Fortunately, the duration was only sixty seconds.

It can be seen from this that although Aziz is a lunatic, he is definitely not a fool. Obviously, after careful and meticulous investigation, he got accurate information about the opponent who did not have legendary weapons, so he dared to run out and slap the Alliance side on the wall of Minas Tirith!

However, the power of the individual cannot compete with the collective after all.

No matter how bad Aziz is, he has only one person. He may be able to fight one team, but there is absolutely no way to fight two teams.

And on the wall of this magnificent city of Minas Tirith, there are more than 20 teams? ?

No matter how strong the legendary weapon ’s signature technology is, it can only kill ten or twenty people. Aziz ’s behavior can only be said to be a fierce blow to the contractor of the Sauron side, but also Unable to determine the victory or defeat of the battle, after all, it is still impossible to recover the situation of the overall defeat.


"You must not let that **** escape!"

"kill him!"

"Legendary weapon, legendary weapon !! Do you want it?"

"If he lives, we will be ashamed in the future!"

"That's Aziz. If you can't kill him under such a great opportunity, it is likely that you will be killed by him in future battles!"

The covenants on the wall of Minas Tirith growled wildly. If Aziz could still survive in such a situation, it would be the lifelong shame of these space covenants.

However, the location where Aziz chose to appear was very particular. The place where he appeared was only about 20 meters away from the city wall, and he was still 100 meters away from the left side of the city wall of Minas Tirith. Once he waited for the call After the soldier Ryan, they immediately aimed at the city wall and swooped up.

Aziz was an agile man. He could go straight to the bottom of the city wall after he tried his best to save it. Several unexpectedly caught bullets fell into the air, and as soon as he got below the city wall, it was equivalent to blocking the wall near 80 The shooting angle of% of people, after a few tumbles, ran to the end of the wall on the left side of Minastiris.

The wall of Minas Tirith was curved, so once Aziz reached the end of the wall. If you continue to run against the mountain wall, the pressure on you can be said to be even smaller. But although everything seemed to be going well, just as Aziz Kankan was about to run to the end of the wall on the left side of Minastiris, the sound of the sniper rifle sounded.

The guys who can only hold back until now are naturally no exception. They are all top conceited shooters!

"This guy has the equipment to suppress the hit rate ... I missed it." A sniper with dark eyebrows said blandly about his failure. It didn't seem to take the matter to heart, although he might have passed by with a legendary weapon.

Another sniper blew annoyingly:

"He judged it was time for me to shoot ...... **** it!"

"I hit him, but the rank of this guy completely squeezed me two levels! But this Aziz thought this would survive? Naive! The top three people haven't shot yet!" This name After the sniper finished speaking, he couldn't help turning his head and looking at the third wall of Minas Tirith. According to the direction of Aziz's escape, he could still be intercepted on the third wall, and At this time, there are several people on the third wall, all of them are top players in the league without exception!

And that person has killed m of eleven ogres, and has already put his eyes on the sight!


Aziz felt tear-like pain in his shoulders. He could clearly feel that the bullet had penetrated under the scapula and shattered. Several sharp shrapnel were breathing and running, stubbornly and firmly cutting the muscle tissue at the wound.

But for Aziz, he was already used to this pain. He was more concerned about his back at this time. The colder chill that passed from the back of the head! !!

Also killing intention!

"The **** still have a few brushes." Aziz's face felt a little hesitant, and he had already begun to start the teleporting props already prepared, although the cost of starting this thing once was troubling. Take a breath, but it's better than a headshot.

"If Zeus' **** would come, how could I be forced to be so embarrassed?"

But Aziz suddenly stagnate because he actually saw a "corpse" not far away and blinked at himself! As a sniper, the most important thing is eyesight. So even though the "corpse" was wearing the thick Orc-style thick leather armor and the disheveled hair, Aziz instantly recognized the true identity of the person, and hesitated at this moment. I saw the "corpse" aimed at himself and stretched out his hand. Then, in the golden light, an invisible big hand suddenly held Aziz and dragged him in an instant.

hand of God!

At the moment of Aziz's landing, three sounds of sniper rifles that seemed to ring through the sky also came. Three long-planned smash shots, and at the same time bombarded Aziz's body! !!

This is the last chance for the Alliance on the walls of Minas Tirith,

So this is also their most powerful blow!

But after Aziz was hit, there was a circle of translucent yellow and clear light around his body. He froze and remained stagnant. He didn't seem to be harmed in any way, and then actually turned backhand. After a **** passed, it finally jumped into the dead end of the shooting.

The three strong men who opened fire had different expressions, and one took a deep breath:

"It actually prompted me to shoot the target in an invincible state ..."

"Same," said another strong man slowly.

Only DH didn't say a word, but his heart was not as calm as the surface, because he had recognized the reef-the mt who had fought side by side in the world of Pandora! !! Just the former comrades-in-arms have become endless enemies! He couldn't help sighing:

"Sure enough to confront them ... Since this reef is here, where is that sailor now? That is a **** that can work wonders ..."


Fang Senyan was uncomfortable at this time.

The cold muddy water had long been poured into the half-orc leather armor he had sloppy, spreading the coldness and humidity all over his body, and even more abominable, at the same time, he had to sniff the man all the time. The pungent, pungent odor was as if the corpse had stung as if it seemed to be a normal odor, and he could have been drinking coffee in a large tent.

Frighteningly, Fang Senyan couldn't even move at this time, because from a physics perspective, the corpse he played at this time was an important part of the formation of this temporary bunker. In a more direct way, Fang Senyan can just block enemy offensives from more than seven floors in front!

So although there are still so many powerful enemies attacking at this time ~ ~, it seems that the ogre here is ready, holding his head with his hands, his buttocks raised high, and his appearance is like a burglar ... This cunning ogre has been stunned here since he broke a thigh, hoping to survive.

Fortunately at this time, the contractors in the city were merciless. Only the defenders continued to shoot out waves of dense arrows, but you are welcome to say that these weapons that are deadly to humans are thick to the ogre. The skin, and the defense of Fang Senyan, did not have much effect.

The only reason Fang Senyan appeared here was that he was attracted by the milestone "Hedgehog". The pig's head commanded a reinforcement order, and Fang Senyan put on the clothes of a half-orc soldier and rushed to his death.

Because he didn't know the depth of the opposite side, Fang Senyan also acted very carefully. Every step was like walking on thin ice. In order to ensure that the life link could be triggered in time and persisted for a longer time, the reef was not shot, and the corpse stayed not far.

However, such a contrition is also worth it. At this time, he "acted" for such a while, and the number of milestone requirements was reached! This is why thanks to the charm of the ogre and the tireless shooting of the defenders.

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