The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 23: Wake up

This kind of meeting specifications and the unfavorable situation of today's war also made all the teams participating in the war pay great attention to it. Everyone understands that there is no reason for the egg to fall under the nest, so none of the team leaders should come. under.

Jax did not speak at first, but used the most concise data style. With a few simple charts and numbers, he fully showed the seriousness of the situation at the moment, but did not show anything out of the ordinary. Fang Senyan's unexpected dry goods.

"As of now, our chance of victory is two days before the start of the war. Once the Rohan cavalry from a long distance enters the battlefield, then it will be a turning point for us to turn the attack and defend, and the form on the battlefield will also become Leaning to the garrison, once we wait for the prince to lead the Ghost Regiment, it is almost impossible for us to win. "

Jacks looked at all the team leaders very seriously and said very seriously:

所以 "So, the victory time that belongs to us is actually only half a day left this afternoon, and then there will be a whole day tomorrow, so we must make breakthrough progress in these two days!"

His argument obviously has the support of most people, and Reef secretly asked Fang Senyan Road in the team channel:

"Boss, what do you think of his statement?"

Wu Fangsenyan nodded silently:

"Basically nothing is wrong, except that I still feel that something critical is missing. And I still have a crucial link that I don't want to understand!"

At this time, the audience suddenly exclaimed. In order to convince the leaders of the major teams, Jax finally came up with a very convincing thing.

Jaina is a 3D holographic map.

The magnificent holographic map of Minas Tirith! !! !!

The height of this map is more than three meters, which is exactly a miniature 3D model of Minas Tirith, and it is still transparent. It is as large as the exterior of the castle and as small as a storage room. It's all clear. However, some places are black, which is an area that has not been explored.

Jacks said lightly:

"This is the latest information sent back by our people. Everything that appears in front of you can be guaranteed to have personally inspected the information. Today, the other party showed the tricks of the earthquake, but it definitely did not affect them at all. No, please see the comparison chart. "

As Jax's voice fell again, next to the latest 3D Minas Tirith modeling picture, there appeared a pair of Minas Tirith modeling picture that looked very similar, but marked The time was 8 o'clock yesterday night. You can see from the comparison of the two. In the latest version of Minas Tirith's modeling map, many passage buildings collapsed, although the appearance does not seem large. Change, but to be honest, Minas Tirith's interior has suffered a similar impact.

Jacks pointed to one of the thickest-looking walls in Minas Tirith:

"Here seems to be the strongest place in Minas Tirith, but at its base, two deep cracks of more than ten meters have appeared! Although it has been repaired, everyone knows that repair The things that have passed must not be as strong as the original. Therefore, the strongest place in Minas Tirith is actually one of its most lethal weaknesses. Therefore, there is only one way for us to win, and that is to find a way The catapult aimed at that gaping bombardment with perseverance must be successful! "

Jacks finished talking in one go, then looked around the audience, suddenly, someone stood up and asked:

"I don't mean to intentionally disrespect your Excellency, but what if the news is false? If the person who delivered the news is already under coercion, or the enemy's mind is controlled, then it is not to hope completely Dismissed? "

Another man in the red cape also stood up and said:

"From the perspective of the response of the other party, since they have the ability to make an earthquake, they naturally have a large number of relevant soil magicians in this area. Even if the information you give is no problem, then believe this There are also many people who know about the other party's contractor, so they have no reason not to use the soil magician to repair the crack. So your so-called weakness, it is difficult to say whether it still exists. "

Jacks seems to have long considered someone questioning, so he has the right answer:

"We put a total of six people into the alliance of each other, and they did not know each other, so the probability of being controlled after being discovered is very small. As for why not use soil spells to quickly repair the city walls The problem is that when building Minas Tirith, the King of Gondor at the time relied on the power of the gods, so the city walls were blessed with the power of gods, and the spells could not affect it. Therefore, we don't want to use earth-based spells to collapse the walls of Minas Tirith, but the guys don't expect to quickly make the walls indestructible. "

Hearing Jax ’s statement can indeed be verified with the two-phase detection of Kurut fruit before, but Fang Senyan is not convinced because he knows best that the highest state of falsehood is not ten sentences. There is a false word in it, that is, all ten words are telling the truth, but they can mislead people to think elsewhere. what? You say such a thing is absolutely impossible?

Okay, let me give the simplest example: San Shao and dancing have never done base!

Hmm ... how about, has it been misled, wow ha ha ha.

Then someone came forward to ask questions one after another, but they were persuaded by Jax one by one, especially the one sentence he asked back was very powerful:

或许 "Maybe your better idea?"

Many people who were asked this sentence were speechless. Yeah, it might be simple to veto one thing, but after vetoing it, it would be more difficult to give a more appropriate solution. Already.

In this situation, although everyone still has various questions, they also barely reached a loose agreement alliance and began to implement it. But this atmosphere always feels weird and unreliable, because the first Blu-ray team did not show their strength, and secondly, their solution may seem too simple, so the persuasiveness is really too Easy.

After Fang Senyan and Jiao Shi returned to their premises, because they were broadcast live through the team channel throughout the entire process, there was no need to introduce them in various situations, just some specific matters still need to be introduced.

Fang Senyan has been silent since he came back. When he walked into the tent of the station, he took a cup of drink and drank slowly. It seemed to be thinking about something. Everyone knew that he must have found a breakthrough or said I was caught in an infinite loop and I didn't dare to disturb him.

Suddenly, Fang Senyan stood up and frowned:

"What's so smelly?"

He didn't say it was okay. As soon as he said it, there was a wind blowing, and he suddenly became dizzy. Then he felt a slight vibration on the ground, and all the eyes were widened. Ogres: "Black Ears", "Big Noses" and "Legs" actually hummed and came over carrying a lot of wood and stones. It didn't take long to build three eateries near their camp. The characteristic stone wooden house where the **** lives.

Sanzi walked over to Weidao:

"What are you three doing?"

His black ears patted his big belly, and he said:

"Our ogres are excellent creatures that must be rewarded. See if your little body is on the battlefield and you will certainly be stunned by the enemy. We are here to protect your kindness in order to repay your kindness."

"........." Everyone looks at each other, and adding three ogres is not necessarily a good thing. First of all, their follow-up behavior is not certified by the space, that is, the enemy ace team they kill will not get the contribution. . Secondly, if the Ace team is not good enough, they will have to pay for their food. More importantly, although the ogre is a melee melee, the key is that they have not been given a chance to melee at all.

However, looking at Sanzai's happy eyes, Fang Senyan couldn't say anything about rejection. It is not a bad thing to add three more rammed goods, but the attitude is almost crazy now:

"It's okay for them to lean on us, but let these guys take a bath first, oh god, they have the habit of peeing everywhere!"

Sanzi hurriedly said:

"Okay, ma'am, I will definitely communicate with them. These guys are very smart, and I can convince them."

Suzi suddenly turned red, annoyed:

"What are you talking about?"

At this point, Sanzai ran away with a smile and exchanged feelings with "black ears", "big noses", and "crimped legs". Although the strength of the two-headed Cyclops was too strong, Sanzai could only have one summoned creature. However, as an ordinary contractor, Sanzi can still have servants, and it is no wonder that he is so happy. The strength of the ogre as a close guard is indeed a good hand.

At this time, Fang Senyan on the reef road:

"Now we can ship. The purchase price of wood and stones is bound to have risen to a very high level. Selling the previously hoarded stuff can make a small profit."

At this time, the posture came to Fang Senyan's side and said:

"You don't forget that there is one more thing. Space requires us to make a choice. If we give up the power to return at any time in the dark hall, we can give the task an additional promotion, and time is coming soon."

After she said this, she found that Fang Senyan was not quite right, and seemed to be stuck. Looking down Fang Senyan's gaze, he found that he was staring at a bunch of things upright. This thing turned out to be food. Shemale's big nose just pulled a bunch of Yoneda on the ground without shame! !!

But in Fang Senyan's eyes, it was as if he had seen a peerless treasure! !!

"You are ill!" Zi is really speechless, biting his teeth and hatingly poking Fang Senyan's forehead with his finger, but just when his finger was about to poke Fang Senyan, Fang Senyan exhaled deeply and sighed. His hesitation was swept away, his backhand hugged him and kissed deeply.

Suzi suddenly suffered such a surprise attack, and her body was very stiff. It would be nice without a momentary force barrier to knock him out. But when Fang Senyan kissed, Zi smelled the strong masculinity on his body, and suddenly there was a feeling of sweetness and shyness. He couldn't help getting soft and closed his eyes slightly. Ren Fang Senyan's hands were honest. Siege on her bumpy body.

After a long time, Fang Senyan released his posture, looked up at the thick gray clouds in the sky, and narrowed his eyes and smiled imperiously:

"The last link was finally understood by me, hahaha! Yes, there is no battle that is undefeated, and the key to victory is definitely here!"

Wu Fangsenyan now appeared in the Dark Source Hall again, but this time, it was for that final decision. Before they came to Sauron's magic eye ~ ~, they also chose to advance the task, and immediately got a series of tips:

Contractor 1018, you and your team have chosen to advance the task: extermination of the country.

Quest: Promotion has been promoted to become the main gold task without increasing the difficulty. If you complete this task, you will get relevant special rewards that only the main gold task can have.

After the Jin Xian mission, even if you enter the dark source hall, you cannot return to the nightmare space. However, you will still enjoy a series of bonus special effects brought by the Dark Source Hall.

Hint: Special creatures in the Source Hall of Darkness at this time

Special props

Special combat gear purchase options have been turned on for you.

Hint: At this time, your status in the Sauron's army will automatically increase, and at the same time, you will get Sauron's appreciation. Your total attributes will be increased by 10.

Warning: If the Hall of Dark Sources is taken down, all self-contractors who still exist in this world will die.

Looking at a series of prompts, Fang Senyan was in front of them:

"Surely there are special items to buy? Suddenly go to check. Suddenly, there are several purchase options that have left a deep impression on Fang Senyan."

In the biological category, there are three more special purchase options.

The first type is called the half-orc arsonist. They can conduct long-range attacks. Although they are closer than the archer's attack distance, they are good at throwing lighted torches. They cause a good range of damage while creating a foul smell Smoke and flames greatly affect the shooting accuracy of the enemy. What's more, they are cheap to exchange and require only a twenty-point contribution.

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