The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 27: Deathmatch

---------------------- Of the twenty-five giant trebuchets, fifteen were made by Mordor's craftsmen after one afternoon. The ones that came out were just kept silent but hidden in secret. Together with the remaining trebuchets before, and the giant trebuchets exchanged by the contractor, a total of twenty-five vehicles were collected, and they were quietly transported under the cover of the night, and then Quietly assembled on the front line!

At this time, the city of Minastiris had been stirred by a grueling gruel by the nine siege knights in the siege hammer of the Grund and the sky, and for a while it was not aware of the movement here.

When an order was issued, twenty-five giant trebuchets raised their spiral arms severely and hurled the flaming petrol bombs and stones at the wall of Minas Tirith. Under the circumstances, the combined power of the 25 giant trebuchets is absolutely not to be overlooked. It is used as the main force of the third offensive, and it is also a duty not to let it go!

"Then the fourth offensive ..." Fang Senyan was already clear. With his strategic vision, it would not be so far that he could not even see the opposite card of the think tank. He looked at the figures that had begun to gather in the darkness. It has been recognized that the third and fourth offenses should be complementary.

Yes, that is the only arm that can threaten the walls of Minas Tirith, the half-orc arsonist!

The 30-meter attack limit makes them have to sneak under the wall to launch an effective attack. The giant trebuchet is not a cannon. Whenever five or six rounds are thrown, it is also necessary to check and replace the piso. If it does, don't break too fast, so there will be a ten to twenty minute firepower vacuum period during this period.

During this time, the orc arsonist can lurk under the wall, aiming at the devastated first-tier wall to continue the continuous fire attack, spreading fire, poisonous smoke, and stench on the battlefield!

The four offenses are intertwined. They complement each other, and Fang Senyan can even see that the seemingly most powerful offensive, the Gronde siege hammer, is actually a false move. The real killing was still on the wall where the intelligence of the Blu-ray team stormed.

Why is it that Gronde's siege hammer is a false move, because it has already appeared in the movie and has been deeply impressed, then for the jazz they do not know the battlefield. In terms of detail, the terrain and geological conditions near Minas Tirith have been examined. It is absolutely impossible not to leave behind to deal with this move.


"Do you think there is any loophole in my plan?" Fang Senyan half-lying in bed, eyes closed suddenly said.

At this time, only Charlie, the ruthless old housekeeper, was accompanying him. He usually followed Fang Senyan's side like a shadow. There was no sense of presence, but it was real when Fang Senyan needed him to play a role Can play out.

After listening to Fang Senyan's inquiry, the old Charlie silently said:

"It's almost gone, but the risks are really too great!"

Fang Senyan only said five words lightly:

"Wealth in wealth insurance."

At this time, a fierce battle is underway in the city. Fang Senyan stayed alone in the tent, thinking over his plans over and over again, until he was sure that there were no general loopholes, and then he fell asleep on a simple bed.

This is not Fang Senyan's laziness, but because if things really happen if he expects to develop, then he doesn't take a rest now. It's likely that I won't be able to sleep afterwards.

Now that you have a little more energy, you can have a better chance afterwards.

The fierce battle that night was far beyond Fang Senyan's surprise. Except for him, the rest of the team participated in the battle!

After relying on Gronde's giant siege hammer to advance below the gate, of course Minastiris's garrison could not sit idly by, and directly hoarded heavy soldiers on the wall of the gate. Crazy dumplings of stones and feather arrows passed, almost spitting and spitting several people.

In this case, Zodiac's Force attacked, Aldaris' Psychic Storm. In addition, Kurutuo's extremely powerful sling attack can directly attack the enemy. The reef is responsible for their safety.

Ronnie, who has greatly increased in strength, rushed forward. For him who has become a temperer, the first wall of Minas Tirith, which is nearly twenty meters high, is not too big for him. Obstructed, during a charge, use a short knife to pierce the city wall as a support, then you can easily climb up.

The alliance's contractor is generally one order lower than the Sauron's contractor, but the number has an absolute advantage, so once Ronnie climbs up the city wall, he will not fight, it will immediately become a ghost of the avatar. flash!

A clear, stern, straight ray of light emerges where each of his avatars passes! !! The eleven bright lights are heading in different directions, seeing everything as nothing penetrates the past! If you look down from above, you will find that the scene is as weird as a monster flower! And where the giant flower is blooming, combined with the passive ability of the **** weapon in his hands to force the suppression, it is the sorrow and sorrow, the blood flow into the river!

The Ace team relies on strong personal strength, and the contribution they receive is also rising rapidly, and most importantly, because the reef does not need to be slain on the front line battlefield, it is only responsible for blocking long-range attacks, and in the emergency, the hand of God Therefore, it is the relatively easiest one, and it is precisely because Fang Senyan considers that his heroes are useless on such a battlefield, so he stays in the camp to cultivate energy.


Although the white and beautiful city has been smeared by smoke and smoke, despite the blood flowing into the river near the gate, the corpses have even accumulated several meters high, almost half of the wall, although the first fire on the wall has not gone out Although there are ordinary people who are almost tortured by the fear and howling of the spirits ...

However, until the dawn of the dawn, Minas Tirith ......... After all, it has not been broken! !! !!

Both sides of this offensive and defensive battle were extremely fierce. Although the ace team did not reduce staff, it was built on the powerful team ability bonus, and of course, the precise hand of the reef God's rescue ability. More than one-third of the remaining contractors were killed or injured.

As for the famous plot characters, it is also difficult to escape the doom of death. In the ridicule of death, there are also strong heroes withering, whether on the Sauron side or on Minas Tirith.

High-end combat power in the city.

Sauron's side was first destroyed by the siege hammer of Gronde. This so-called indestructible weapon was first subjected to a blizzard magic attack jointly performed by a group of mages, and then covered by the magical meteor fire and rain. Shrinking principle, just destroyed this fierce siege of the legendary siege!

What's even more amazing is that the jazz obviously has a targeted arrangement for the ringing spirit. With Gandalf's help, two powerful ringing spirits have fallen!

Then, of the 25 giant trebuchets that attacked the city, only two were able to operate normally at this time. Most of the rest were completely damaged because they exceeded the intensity of use. Only a few were destroyed, but the consequences were all It is the same and cannot be used. Most importantly, this also means that the Sauron's reserves in the manufacture of combat equipment are exhausted, and it is difficult to restore the old view without a few days of savings. But now, the Sauron's lack of It's time!

The only half-orc arsonist who could barely launch an attack on the city wall also died seven or eighty-eight, and it was almost impossible for it to become a system again.

Killing all the way, it was all frustrated! And it's the kind of frustration that hits the stone wall and breaks the blood!

Of course, everything has its gains and losses, and the Sauron side has suffered such a heavy loss, is the price paid by the Alliance side smaller?

Gandalf was seriously injured. Although he was conscious, he could not fight for three days. In the madness of Minas Tirith's regent King Dinaiser II, Gandalf could only become a spiritual leader.

The Royal Guard guarded Beregon and died. Perhaps this guy's fame is not great, but after his death, the people who attacked him scored an average of 1,300 contributions. The Sauron badge X1 can be seen from this. After his status, the morale of the defenders weakened by 30% immediately.

In addition to this ~ ~ A small team won the lottery prize, and they dropped a stone thrown by a giant trebuchet purchased by iron and hit a member of a guard team ------ Skin of Paladin Hire ... The halfling died on the spot, and it is estimated that it is difficult to leave the whole body. No one knows their specific benefits, but is recognized as the person closest to the legendary equipment.

In addition, driving away the ring spirit and snake-necked pterosaurs and killing them are two completely different things. Therefore, in the extremely unfavorable conditions of the night battle, a total of twenty-three giant eagles died and thirteen died. Seven heads were seriously injured, and the remaining giant eagles refused to execute any orders.

Because humans require them to fight in the extremely unfavorable darkness, this has led to such terrible casualties. In other words, in the face of the remaining seven ringing knights, the city has lost effective means of restraint, but for the ringing, the annihilation of the two companions should also make them more vigilant, not Unbridled again.

With the dawn of the dawn, the half-orc's offensive retreated like a tide, leaving only corpses across the field, scorching green smoke, and even hungry and crows flew to the battlefield to pecking carrion, which appeared for a time. With a weird security posture, both sides are like beasts that have been hit hard. They growled and snarled while hating each other, licking their wounds. ______________________

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