The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 16 Chapter 51: The endgame is coming!

(Apologize first, the previous article should be Anduin River, miswritten as Andes)

The horrible river swept through, surging and rolling with muddy yellow mud. It seemed that there were countless angry monsters hiding underneath, and they were dying.

Because of the unpreparedness, dried alfalfa leaves surrounded by white foam can be seen everywhere on the river, the anise of the house, the woven sheets of reed mats with Gondor characteristics, and even the river surface is flooded. Amazing fishy smell almost makes you vomit.

Such a scene can be said to be completely different from the impression of the blue sky and white clouds and white sails of the Anduin River before. Fortunately, although the flood seems to be sky-high and flooded on the vast Palano Plain, the water level is not deep --------- Shallow places reach the calf, and deep places are at most It ’s waist-to-toe. To tell the truth, this degree of flood is estimated to be the greatest threat to Jade, and the rest only need to keep themselves from being overwhelmed, and the chance of being drowned is very small. .

In the final analysis. After all, the Anduin River is the first longest river in Middle-earth, and the Mississippi, Amazon, and Nile rivers above the earth are all one-level, so if you do n’t need heavy construction machinery to stop it, then use it for flooding. The Seven Army is very unrealistic.

In fact, as early as in the previous nightmare space, the jazz team of their think tanks proposed a plan to block the water, and it was rejected because they calculated and analyzed that the water attack can be said to be confidential. Under the supervision of the 200,000 Orcs, a large defeat was theoretically impossible. In theory, it is at least along the flood channel that Minastiris makes every year, passing the Palano Plain once. Water, just apply fertilizer once.

------ What good can it do?

It seems that the orcs drink water. Rolling in the mud looks cool, but! Don't forget that the very important supporting army in the Human Alliance is the Rohan Cavalry. Without them, the Human Alliance would never insist on the return of the ghost army led by Aragon.

So, for the Human League, it would be disgusting to water the Palanno Plains at most and only disgusting the orcs. However, it is still extremely unfavorable behavior for them!

Think of the plight of the poor Rohan Cavalry who lost their impact in Zeguo, so when the Jazz's think tank team proposed this plan, they were not only quickly or otherwise required to keep confidential. These people keep asking each other not to think about this key element.

Hong Feng rushed past, and the morale of the remaining soldiers of the Human Alliance gradually recovered, because they found that this torrent had washed away dozens of people except for the first few waves, and then it became weaker. Even at the highest peak, the water level reached the waist at most, so a horrified heart began to slowly let go.

but. As it is said, the less you know, the happier you will be. At this time, the jazz will be more dim in their hearts. In fact, they already know that these guys in front of them will definitely have a backhand. And if the chain is ordinary, interlocking, very vicious backhand!

Soon, those who were crawling in the muddy water saw the dense rafters and rafts driving in the distance! These small boats are probably very shallow. It is estimated that you can drive at will in the swampland without exception. All of them are loudly excited pirates! !!

These pirates are dressed in horrible looks, with disheveled hair, and their clothes are mainly black, and they are very tattered, because a parasite similar to fleas is prevalent on the Middle-earth continent, and they like to hide in their hair, causing a lot Trouble and spread the disease, so about 30% of pirates are bald, shaving their hair to prevent the breeding of this parasite.

However, the pirates are wearing standard leather armor, so it can be seen that the ambassadors of the ambassadors have almost formed a country. It is not a rumor that those leather armors are made of two layers of animal skins, and the local red coconuts are placed in the middle. The mats made from the fiber of the tree have a very good protection against arrow clusters and swords. At the same time, they can prevent the spread of flames. Some boats are also lit by blazing fire buckets, which seem to be used to ignite torches and light rockets. use.

For the faithful left by Fang Senyan, to persuade these skeptical pirates to do things very smoothly. It is natural. Compared with the **** killing opposite the scene of the war, they still think that the first way to weaken the enemy is the most cost-effective way. ---- In fact, if it wasn't for the Dark King Sauron's faith in the war, this group of unruly guys might have been smashed away.

It can be seen that the biggest weakness of the pirates is that there is no organized discipline and a rogue group. In the competition with the regular army, such black people are often underestimated. If under normal circumstances, these tens of thousands of Onba pirates on the land with thousands of elite remaining in Minas Tirith, will inevitably be a complete defeat.

It's no wonder that the sense of existence of the Pirates of Umba is so weak that it is not unreasonable to be regarded by everyone as low.

However, under the plan of Fang Senyan, the waste iron must also shine its own light, that is, a piece of toilet paper, and it must be wiped first, then the table, and then the buttocks before it is discarded. It must be used to its fullest. Usefulness!

The ambassador of the ambassador was chaotic at this time, but was swept up and down by the flood. One by one, the Minas Tiriths are like the mud monkeys. Is there any discipline? Fang Sen Iwaki has any way to make the Amba pirates discipline and order in a short time, but he can find a way to make a well-trained enemy mess up!

This is the chaos of self, the chaos of fighting the enemies, and the pirates still came by boat. They had an advantage in the heavens and made up for the lack of combat effectiveness.

What's more vicious is that the amount of water accumulated in this short period of time is ultimately limited. You only need to wait another ten minutes, and the water will slowly fade from the higher level of the Palano Plain, which will change within two or three days. Into a temporary moorland!

This means that the pirates are not good at seeing the opportunity. When morale collapses, they ca n’t do the boating and escape. In this muddy environment, the motive force of both sides is weakened to the extreme. Once the battle occurs, the vulnerable people want to The chance of escaping is very low, so the weaker party is destined to fight desperately!

Fang Senyan is going to fight such a chaos! Fight the enemy in a fierce attrition battle in the form of a match. Remember Fang Senyan's original battle plan? The strength of the individual is insignificant in the face of the battle. The strength of Fang Senyan's team is in the battle of thousands and tens of thousands of people. It is like a small wave, which will be quickly annihilated. At most, it can only affect one domain. However, when this battle is over, the ace team's own strength plus their contribution will be very important! !!

The endgame of Fang Senyan's original idea has already begun to take shape!

Of course, as the so-called sacrifice of success, what is left of the ambassador of the ambassador, he has thought about it. Tens of thousands of pirates can save a thousand people to provide the source of darkness. Faith is enough, and I believe that the great Dark King Sauron will not bother with these last days ...


Compared with the previous battle, this **** battle may not be enough exciting, but the terrible atmosphere is extremely killing!

According to Fang Senyan's calculations, neither side had too many retreats, and they could only detonate outrageous killings. On the Palano Plain after the flood receded, the high places were extremely muddy, but the low places would stay. The sinkholes, but the areas covered by these sinkholes are all shocking bright red, and you can see the horror scene of loss and defeat after fighting each other.

In this muddy environment, it is really a paradise for long-range attackers, and it is difficult for the opponent to dodge the attack, which is almost a hit. But if attacked, this is a nightmare hell.

In this environment, Fang Senyan is also incapable of the elven prince Nalegoras. He has a sharp long bow that almost has the upper hand, and even the news rushed to the sea alliance and the Blu-ray team who wanted to beat the water dogs. There are also a dozen people who died tragically under his arrow!

You know, none of the people who can survive to this day is the core person in the team! Dozens of people have died in these two teams ~ ~ It can be said that they were greatly injured. Of course, the Aziz, Posture, and Aldarez in the Fang Senyan team also got amazing benefits.

In the end, with the solo dance of the elven prince and the jazz's contingency, several contractors who are good at soil spells and abilities have created a dry road. Finally, the troops that escaped into Minas Tirith still have one or two. Thousands of people, but more than half of these fighters were redeemed by the contractor.

Compared with the regular army, the biggest disadvantage of these exchanged soldiers is that they belong to a large number of different masters and fight for themselves. The war is to die. However, the selfishness of the contractor is often much larger than the rest, and it will often make the plot soldiers. Top on the front. Because of this, it can be considered that at least the combat effectiveness of the soldiers exchanged by the contractor and the plot soldiers is 2: 3. The soldiers exchanged by the contractees need three hundred people to be able to stand up to two hundred soldiers. So the more soldiers belonging to the contractor fled in, the more happy it was for Fang Senyan.

In comparison, the Emba pirates have actually survived close to 3,000 people. It must be said that this muddy area seems to them as home, with great advantages. Fang Senyan is not just brutal coercion. Those guys who can survive will not let them be siege of cannon fodder, just do a good job of defense. Their role is to provide faith to the dark source hall to keep it unbreakable and ok. .

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