The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 21: Rebellion (1,230 to 1,280)

When the mountain monster that was blind-eyed was completely discharged, it was a mess in the surrounding tens of meters, and it also fell into the muddy water, wheezing and breathing in place, like the sound of a worn and ringing bellows. ten times. And the gray and thick skin on the mountain monster was also damaged in the previous madness, especially the elbows, knees, etc., all clearly revealed the flesh inside. If you count the minor injuries caused by previous members of the Symbiotic Society during the offensive, then they can be counted as scaly injuries.

The crowbar first checked the condition of Das, who was in a coma, and confirmed that he had indeed been severely wounded on his head, which caused him to wake up for a short period of time before standing up. This change was so abrupt that Gree next to him suddenly developed a strange feeling. It seemed that the big guy around him suddenly changed his face.

"Now is our great opportunity!" The crowbar ran ahead, and he clenched his fists and waved. "This **** monster is completely blind, and now it is stormy, and the noise is very heavy. We only need one person to attack and one person to make noise next to it, then the natural risk will be reduced to the limit!"

Although the crowbar was very hot, Gree inevitably thought of the three dead companions-the scene of them turning into flesh and blood and the tragic end being digested by the strange gastric juice of the mountain monster. Shuddered, could not help but shouted:

"Boss ... won't you wait any longer? The monster is blind, or it will bleed or die."

The crowbar's face suddenly gloomed, and angrily:

"Wait a second? You idiot, Mountain Monster is also a legendary creature after all, very adaptable. Now it is still in a state of blindness and fear. Once it gets used to this state and learns to use its ears to find the enemy, then we want to kill If you drop it, you will have to fight for it again. I will go up first! When I return, you shout loudly to disturb its hearing. "

At this point, the crowbar finally took out his own melee weapon-a hook that looked quite sharp, and it looked like a dark blue light flashed on it-this East and West Fang Senyan saw a lot in the last Caribbean world, Many pirates with physical disabilities will install iron hooks or wooden legs on the residual limbs, which does not look much different from normal people. However, iron hooks that can reach dark blue are really rare.

The crowbar fell down, the iron hook in his hand flashed a dark blue light in the cold rain, and rushed towards the huge monster in his breath. I saw him wield an iron hook, and the cold light flashed, and the sharp hook stabbed in from a cracked skin wound on the right foot of the mountain monster, and then pulled hard and pulled, and a large mass of flesh was alive. Tick ​​it down.

The mountain monster suddenly seemed to be scalded by the fire, and screamed and jumped up. At the same time, it made a painful cry. With its teeth grinning, it pointed at the source of the injury and grabbed it. But when the crowbar shot, he already rolled away on the spot, and Gree yelled a few times to cover up the sound of the crowbar escaping. As a result, the next few crazy attacks of the mountain monster were blindly useless except for splashing ground mud and water!

"Come on." The crowbar was full of mud and looked rather embarrassed, but in the eyes there was an indescribable madness and excitement. He wiped his own hook and directly and fiercely stared at Gree, obviously not tolerating Gree Possibility of resignation. Gree was forced by the situation, and his eyes also showed the fierce light of fighting. He pulled out a sharp serrated sabre while he was waiting, and when the mountain monster restarted to sit down and breathed, he slowly touched it, then Suddenly pointed at the fierce wound of the previous crowbar, and then stirred!

This fierce stab screamed the Mountain Monster screaming incisively, and the large tendons and blood vessels at the Mountain Monster's feet were cut off alive. Gree even omitted the time to pull out the knife, and rolled it away very simply. At the same time, the crowbar shouted aloud, disturbing the mountain monster's hearing. So Gree escaped quite thrillingly the first time, and the second downhill monster chased the mistake. The sawtooth saber also fell out of the mountain monster's wound. Gree had time to pick up the knife and escaped without injury.

In this case, the mountain monster was attacked by the two men in turn, slowly harvesting its life, but the mountain monster was empty and had nowhere to show its brute force. At the back, even the screams were weak and weak. Especially at the right foot crotch, the crowbar has always identified a part of the attack, and even exposed the bones of the forest, even standing up and shaking.

Of course, as the mountain monster gradually adapted to the blind situation, its counterattack became more and more threatening. The first thing was that the crowbar couldn't dodge the shot and flew. Although it was not severely injured, it was a shock of cold sweat. Gree was kicked by the monster's wild attack in the process of fleeing after the attack. There are all over the face, and the health value is directly reduced from% to the critical value below%!

At this point, both sides can be said to be almost exhausted, but the difference is that the two of the symbiosis can slowly delay time, waiting for the remaining drugs and recovery items to cool down after a period of time to restore life, while the mountain monster can only rely on its own recovery Force slowly gasped. Therefore, the two crowbars can be said to have an advantage in terms of consumption, but at this time, the crowbars and other Gree restored a bit, still tough:

"Let's attack the fetters one last time. I have calculated that if we attack again, this right leg will be completely abolished! Immediately!"

Gree wiped the blood spilled from his mouth. He originally wanted to say something, but he insisted on patience, because he saw the crazy and excited look of the crowbar at this time, just like he was a person. Yes, he knew that no matter what crowbar he said at this time, he would never change his mind! Besides, in front of the high temptation to kill a legendary creature, he also rushed out with red eyes.

The muddy water under the feet was cold, and the indescribable stench of the mountain strange body fluid came out, and the trauma on his body was also painful. However, Gree felt that the timing, degree, and strength of his own attack were perfect, and he cleverly grasped the moment when the mountain monster showed up!

The sharp jagged blade penetrated deeply into the gray-white tendon. With a tear, the "jumping" sound of the tough and elastic elastomer cut by a sharp weapon made Gree extremely excited. Then he collapsed, closed his belly, bent down, forced, and flung out to the left. Although this would make a crackling sound when he touched the muddy ground, it was the only way to leave the mountain monster's body as quickly as possible, and With a crowbar yelling loudly as a cover, the newly blind mountain monster can never react in the first time!

At the time of the save, Gree's body was completely relaxed, and there was even a pleasant feeling of "finally over." However, he always felt that there was something uncomfortable, as if he forgot to lock the door when he left the house / forgot to bring the sleeves when he went / to forget to add salt when he was cooking, but he never remembered what was missing. It wasn't until he noticed that the fierce attacks of the mountain monsters followed, and then realized what the problem was ...


Nima B, there is no genius master shouting from the crowbar to cover himself!

At this time, the mountain monster had gradually adapted to the darkness of blindness even though its legs were severely damaged. Therefore, although the rain was still raging at this time, as long as it was settled down and listened carefully, the sound of Gree's rolling bands was also very recognizable. This huge monster was suppressed for so long, and his heart was full of resentment, and he screamed wildly in the direction of Gree.

At this time of life and death, Gree also screamed, and his heart was full of strong unwillingness and betrayed anger, which actually exploded the potential before death. His hands were smashed into the muddy water, even ten Blood was flowing from the crack of the nail on the root finger, and it was unconscious, and then rushed toward the nearby bush by the force of this fighting. If you can escape there, there will be no doubt that the voice will be much smaller, and the chances of survival will be greatly increased.

But there was a man in front of him!


The crowbar's face was wooden, and there was a bit of guilt in his eyes, and it was more of a relief and enthusiasm that had been suppressed for a long time!

Although the two belong to the Symbiosis Society, they will not cause harm if they attack each other. They must be confirmed after declaring war, and the active attack will pay a very heavy price. However, this does not mean that members of the Symbiotic Society can violate the laws of physics and penetrate each other as if the other party does not exist.

So Gree knocked off the crowbar, but his saving degree also stagnated. The monster's big feet were whistling down, and Gree's lower body was stepped into the muddy water from the air. The severe pain came, Gree's scream had just exited, he was kicked by the mountain monster and flew away. In the sound of the wind, he just felt that the surrounding scenery was blurred into a large area ~ ~ When I was out of sight, I went into a dying state and knew nothing directly.

Although the mountain monster looks clumsy and stupid, it actually has mastered a set of its own predatory skills, such as after the previous kick and kick, it would have taken a flutter. However, at this time, the right ankle was hit badly, and when it was habitually fluttering, the right foot came with severe pain and the band was completely helpless. The entire heavy body rushed forward. Then, Wolverine fell incomparably, and the mountain monster uttered a sore throat, but it was fiercely writhing in the mud, but it didn't stand up.

Seeing this scene, the crowbar laughed wildly in the sky, the laughter was sharp, the eardrums were hurt, and the laughter was filled with a contented relief. The mountain monster not far away heard his voice and tried to move over, but the bone at the right leg of his leg had been completely broken by his own weight, so that he could not make any force at all, and could only scream screaming!

Suddenly, the laughter of the crowbar came to an abrupt end! It felt like the abruptness of his neck was chopped, his face became extremely ugly, and there was an indescribable horror and anger in his eyes. He looked at the dark woods on the right, word by word:

"come out."

In the dark forest, a person slowly came out.

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