The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 26: Tough ..... Victory! (One hundred and twenty to one thousand ...

After firing this gun, Fang Senyan's eyes were also black and crumbling. When he fought with the crowbar, he looked like a wolf, but he had a solid chance to win, but after encountering the vampire Edward, his health had fallen to a point of danger. Online, it can crash at any time. However, Fang Senyan knew that Edward also had no time to attack himself at this time. He gave himself the last sip of today's endless vodka, healed to 55, and then immediately used himself from the crowbar. The extortion drug "Aspirin" has once again raised the health value to a point! Suddenly the spirit was refreshed, the left hand axe and the right pistol were waiting!

Edward the vampire flew away with a single shot, and fell directly into the cold muddy water, immediately rolling all over him, looking very embarrassed. But after it landed, it rolled up immediately after a roll, and it can be clearly seen that almost half of its head was completely blown away! But at the bright red wound, you can see that the muscles are growing crazily twisted, and there is a burst of black mist, and it returns to normal as soon as ten seconds. It was just that the vampire Edward had completely lost the gentleman's grace and calmness, and his eyes were congested and his fists were clenched and shouted loudly:

"You idiot who dares to offend the divine bloodline! Do you think you can kill me like that? No! Your behavior will only make you enjoy the indescribable pain before you die!"

Fang Senyan said:

"Is it? Of course I know that only holy water, silver weapons, the cross can give you fatal damage, ordinary attacks you can easily heal yourself, but ... * must understand that this is in the magic world of Harry Potter Ah! You, a monster that has been hungry for seven years and two months, does not belong to this world at all, and even the essence of your own life can only exist in this world by drawing on the talents of others! You will use the essence of life you draw The more you are healing your wound, it only represents one thing: the more time you spend in this world, the shorter. "

Having said that, Fang Senyan changed a stinging tone:

"Now, dear Mr. Edward, you can try and attack me again. How long can you have the rest of your life after you have treated the poor broken skull and the messy hypothalamus? One minute or thirty seconds? You If I were shot again, but without the essence of life to heal, I don't know what tragic consequences would have? "

Fang Senyan's words hit the vampire Edward's key point. If Fang Senyan was dying at this time with only 20 or 30 health, this vampire certainly didn't mind risking rushing up, but Fang Senyan still had his recovered card at this time and directly regained his health. It's tricky to pull back above the point. It was not only Edward's head that was shot in the previous shot, but his confidence was also defeated.

The so-called best offense is defensive. After Fang Senyan, who seemed to be harmless, suddenly tussled his fangs, it was not because he was not talented that he could hurt himself. The vampire Edward also had a lot of scruples in action. ——Of course, this is under the premise that he didn't know the ambition of the long interval of 1 minute, and the rifle weapon special effects: reserve a full crit rate of a full%, that is even longer Hours slowly pile up!

When the vampire Edward lacked the indomitable and unbridled momentum in the attack, his threat was naturally reduced sharply, but the flowing spirit of the vampire was vividly displayed. Still suppressing Fang Senyan in an all-round way, she kept passing through like wind, and quietly took away the piece of flesh and blood on Fang Senyan. In the rain, horribly bloodstains aroused. If enough time is given to Edward, this kind of restraint that hits the opposite side of Mori in a drizzle is also quite large, and the meat is slowly ground with a blunt knife! Sooner or later, Fang Senyan will be able to wear away the living wear and tear, but now the most missing thing for Edward is time!

However, such a level of attack was not fatal to Fang Senyan. As long as the dark weapon “ambition” was held in his hands, the vampire Edward was under tremendous psychological pressure invisibly, making him recall his head The sensation of a scorching lead bullet reminded him of the terrible encounter of the previous headshot! So after a three-minute attack, the vampire Edward finally stopped his figure more than ten meters away, and looked at Fang Senyan deeply and unwillingly again. The black mist disappeared in the rain and fog. Only a torn and muddy tuxedo was left.

Fang Senyan leaned against the tree for five or six seconds. After seeing no abnormalities, he was in front of him for a while, his legs were soft, and he almost collapsed on the ground. At this time, his health value had already At the brink of danger, Edward, the vampire, could make up for it two more times before he fell into a near-death state. If it weren't for the support of a will, it wouldn't be true at this time.

Rain silk was still scattered thinly. Fang Senyan was lying on his back in the cold muddy water. He didn't even want to move his fingers halfway. He opened his mouth wide and swallowed the falling rain greedily. After a while, his strength gradually recovered, and then he half-knelt on the ground. The muddy water on the ground was cold and turbid, but Fang Senyan was totally unafraid. He took the muddy water with a trembling hand and took a few sips. Then he turned to look at the pry next to him. stick.

At this time, the crowbar didn't have a talented master! Just entering the dying state, not only did Fang Senyan have his own hole cards, but also the crowbar, presumably he also took some special medicine. If the vampire succeeds in killing Fang Senyan, then the winner is naturally him. But now the crowbar ... can only be a piece of fish that can be slaughtered by anyone!

Fang Senyan didn't give the crowbar a chance to talk at all, and he struck his throat with a kick. The dying crowbar struck the blow, and of course he died immediately without a word. Natural eyes have a strong resentment and remorse. When the crowbar breathed, the exhausted Fang Senyan also got the hint of the Nightmare Mark:

"You killed a covenanter in a free scene."

"Since the contractor proactively declared war on you, you do not increase the kill value."

"Milestone: The suspect has been opened, you have killed the contractor. You can complete the milestone in any world. Complete progress 1 /."

Just when Fang Senyan was about to drag the crowbar's body to the mountain monster, he felt that a blood-red key slipped out of the crowbar! Fang Senyan immediately thought of one thing: that is, when entering the world, there is a reminder: killing the contractor will have a 33% chance to obtain benefits ... So this blood red key should be the benefits?

When Fang Senyan held the blood-red key, a prompt sounded in his ear:

"You get the key to the legacy of the contractor 33192. You will have the following options:"

"First, get the remaining% of potential points and common points before the death of the deceased."

"Second, there is a% chance of obtaining a piece of equipment worn by the character before his death. Note: The equipment is randomly selected."

"Three: Randomly get three items in the storage space before the character's death."

"Four: There is a 33% chance to obtain a scroll of a certain ability of this character. This scroll draws one item from all the abilities (including not limited to basic abilities, advanced basic abilities, and talent abilities) that the character masters, and can supply any The scroll of human learning. The ability level after the scroll learning is the original ability level / 2.

Example: If Fang Senyan chooses this, then randomly picked the basic meditation of crowbar LV6, then the obtained scroll is: basic meditation LV3. If there is inexhaustibility, rounding is used.

These four choices undoubtedly feel a bit tangled. If you choose the first one, how do you know that he has no talent to spend all his potential and general points? If you choose the second, there is a half chance that you will get nothing, and even if you get it, it may not be the item you covet. The odds of getting a third percent look a little better, but the chances of getting high-value items are slim. As for the fourth item, the talent ability flash of the crowbar is also an extremely powerful ability, but the odds drawn are difficult to compliment.

In the other cases, Fang Senyan may hesitate in this choice, but now facing the crowbar this heritage key ~ ~ is the third option without hesitation! Randomly obtain three items in the storage space before the character's death. Maybe this is not the option with the greatest chance of benefit, but for Fang Senyan, his Harry Potter world has not yet been completed with genius. If you get the thing prepared by the crowbar, it may even continue to lurk ... ...

The red light shone brightly, and a small blood-red black hole appeared. It was swirling slightly in front of Fang Senyan's eyes, and Fang Senyan gritted his teeth and reached into his hand. The blood-red small black hole disappeared, and three things fell out of thin air.

A key shining blue,

A translucent stone with a bluish luster,

A piece of British pound sterling issued by the Bank of England (feng1and).

Fang Senyan saw the blue key and burst into ecstasy in his heart! He had decided to use all kinds of drug props desperately for a crowbar, and he would have to do his best to implement this concealing plan, so when he died he would not have too many props, and he could extract them all Three props, then the chance of naturally drawing the key prepared in advance by this crowbar is extremely great. I just didn't expect to have two additional gains.

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