The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 31: First entry to Diagon Alley (1,380 to 1,430)

Looking at the three things obtained, Fang Senyan's first reaction was to combine the monster's Horcrux with the giant leg bones of the mountain monster, and get a silver plot out of it! Despite warnings that the Horcrux does not fit well with the equipment used, the Horcrux will be damaged. But even if you think about it with underwear, the fit of these two things must be%. But Fang Senyan just thought about it and immediately gave up the idea.

In this space where life and death threats may be faced at any time, there is no doubt that strengthening one's own strength is the first priority. The giant leg bone of the mountain monster obviously has no equipment for a long time, so selling it or bartering it is the best choice. Relatively speaking, it can change the black equipment from quantity to quality. The Horcrux should be left, because Fang Senyan already has two pieces of black equipment, and any one of them will be upgraded, which is a tremendous increase in strength!

After making up his mind, Morin made a query, but felt that the use of Horcrux must be used in the nightmare space, and it could only be temporarily suspended. Although there was no immediate improvement in the strength of the talented mentor, Fang Senyan was quite satisfied with the harvest. At this time, the whistle of the train rang, and all three got up and walked towards the train's carriage at the same time. You have to know that the stop time of this train is only fifteen minutes. If you miss it, you have to wait for tomorrow.

After ten minutes, all three sat in the car. Fang Senyan is also very tired. He also knows that time is precious, so of course he intends to make up for it during the journey, and then rushes to Diagon Alley to work hard for the title of all +3 attributes. During this period, he also asked Gree about the title synthesis issue, but it seems that this guy also did not know very well. The only thing Fang Senyan figured out was that title synthesis could exist.

While Fang Senyan was in the middle of the haze, suddenly someone outside the compartment knocked on the door. He immediately became vigilant, but did not want to reach both Gree and Gree and rushed up with joy, and hurriedly opened the door!

Fang Senyan was still a little stunned, and when she saw a middle-aged woman pushing a trolley outside, she asked with a smile on her face if she wanted to buy something to eat. He immediately realized that it should be a hidden incident. According to the original plot, the woman who sold goods would only sell goods in the car when school was on or during the holiday. At this point they hit, it should have been one of the three lucky enough to burst out.

Because of the slower relationship to catch up, Fang Senyan has no money and can't buy anything. The last items he snapped up are as follows:

Patty's full-flavored beans x2: Harry Potter World's unique foods. Randomly eat coconut, mint, spinach, liver, tripe, pepper ... and other flavors such as snot and earwax.

There is a% chance of eating a normal snack taste: Instantly restore 15% of maximum health.

When you have a 33% chance to eat weird flavors (such as liver, tripe, pepper): all basic attribute values ​​are temporarily +1 for 24 hours

There is a% chance to eat a disgusting taste: the maximum health is immediately reduced by 5%, but all attack power is increased by% for 12 hours.

Chocolate Frog x2: Harry Potter World's unique food, mental strength recovery +% after consumption, duration minutes.

After opening the package, there is a% chance to get a collectable magician card. General points can be sold for single leaflets.

After collecting all the sets (12 different magician cards), you will get a hidden mission.

Mars Chocolate Bar: Harry Potter World's unique food. After eating it, it will recover 33% of its health and 33% of its mental strength.

Buying these things can be paid directly with the wages previously given by Hager. Fang Senyan spent less than pounds (still a kind of non-valuable things), and he can sell general points by taking them back to the space. And it's very good to leave it for myself. After going through the rush to buy, there are no more incidents. While waiting for the train, Fang Senyan suddenly thought of a problem and couldn't help but raise it at this time:

"Why isn't there a genius to play Harry Potter? No matter how young he is, he's just a kid?"

Gree laughed as if he had heard something funny:

"Sailor, do you think Harry Potter is as safe and harmless as you see in the movie-a child that even a horrible guy like Voldemort has not killed! How can it be measured by a normal person? I have heard a guy ’s account before saying that Harry Potter alone has a triple blessing: his mother Lily ’s blessing of eighth-order love from life, with extremely terrifying reflex damage, his Seventh-order real lucky blessings from his father, and seventh-order magical blessings from Dumbledore! Once you attack him, you must be ready to see God in a few seconds! "

"Good." Das also said earnestly: "In addition to Gree's ability, Harry Potter had a very powerful ability to transform objects to other planes at a very young age. Remember that in the movie he and his uncle's family A shot of playing in a zoo? "

"Harry Potter wanted to make his cousin ugly, he removed the glass window that closed the snake, and it took a few minutes to recover! This proves that if he wants, he can also see anything similar Things are removed. If life threatening abilities are further enhanced, it may well include your weapons, your head, your arms, legs, or internal organs! "

After listening to their analysis, Fang Senyan suddenly felt where Harry Potter was a little kid. He was clearly a light armored self-propelled fortress. He immediately put away all the thoughts of bullying the child and fell into the seat of the carriage. After a deep sleep, he slept soundly and well, and was not awakened by the flight attendants until the 9th and 3rd quarters of platforms in London.

The three-and-a-half-hour sleep was already quite good for the contractor. After Fang Senyan hit the water inside the station and washed his face, his conscious spirit was restored. Then he got into a taxi called by Gree and returned to it again. A bar that recruited them-London Broken Cauldron Bar (bsp; it was still less than 5 pm at this time, there was no genius in the bar, only the old Nick was very seriously wiping the glass with a rag and saw Fang Senyan The three of them said slowly:

"Gentlemen, turn right 13 meters away when you go to the Migatha Cafe. The honey cookies there are good. If you have the courage to touch the number 13 waiter, then you will feel good-what are you doing? Still standing here? I swear to Barry that he will never sell half a drop of any liquid with alcohol until there is no genius.

The most charming Jess naturally stood out and dealt with the plot characters:

"Hey, Nick, I heard my friend said that the waiter at Cafe 13 next door is a man. Do you like to stir up? Also, we didn't come to drink, but we wanted to go behind the bar."

With that said, Jess took out the badge representing the Hogwarts hunting field worker. Old Nick said that he had no genius disagreement, but he checked the badges of the other two in turn before letting go. Fang Senyan was also very thirsty at this time. He knew that some charms of that area were not leaving a good impression on the plot characters, so he simply took a bottle of beer on the counter next to him and easily closed the bottle cap. He bit his head and grunted.

The old Jack yelled immediately:

"Hey! I said that no genius aide will never sell half a drop of any liquid with alcohol until six o'clock!"

Fang Senyan took a pleasant drink, shrugged his shoulders, and threw away the beer bottle:

"Old guy, isn't it a sale if I don't give money after drinking?"

Suddenly, Old Nick seemed to feel that there was something wrong, and for a while he couldn't say anything, and stood back at the counter with his head depressed.

At this time, Gree, who knew the process of entering Diagon Alley, had stood at the wall behind the bar. There seemed to be an old and worn red brick wall. The position of the eyes of the people was level. That depression is akin to the Chevrolet logo of a car. Gree curled his fingers and tapped clockwise next to the depression, and the brick wall began to rotate, giving way.

At this time, the old Nick's angry voice came from the front:

"You **** idiot ~ ~ you haven't paid for wine with a genius!"

Fang Senyan smiled, ran away, and quickly hid in the bustling crowd of people in Angle Lane. Gree and Das looked at the old Nick who was catching up panting, and raised his hands to show his innocence. Old Nick was already old. He looked at the dense head in Diagon Alley and rubbed his eyes. Where can I find half a figure?

Among them, Fang Senyan and Das are the first time to come to Diagon Alley. This is a vegetable market for all wizards, and its crowdedness and liveliness are not as much as those near Westminster Abbey. . The buildings here are mostly two-story or three-story wooden buildings of the sixteenth century. The eaves are covered with triangular tiles. These crooked houses are crowded together, and it feels like they are tight inside a crowded bus. The passengers who grabbed the handrails had a sense of fun.

Almost every house is a separate stand-alone shop, and its signboards have been carefully designed. Hanging under the eaves of the shop opposite Fang Senyan will automatically pull up the wind lamp, and the rusty signboard on the right shop will use a rag to wipe himself. Suddenly, Fang Senyan heard the whistle when the train entered the station, and hurriedly looked back. There was actually a teapot on the signboard of a shop in the back. He was spitting out steam. When he saw Fang Senyan, he blinked and blinked I took a few spit on his side ...

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