The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 35: A race that ignores charm (1,480 to 1,530 ...

After Fang Senyan looked around like a hooligan for a long time, and confirmed that there would be no charge items, he passed through the second silver gate and entered a spacious marble hall. There are about ten large and thick marble pillars in this hall, which look very luxurious and upscale. From time to time, an eye appears on the pillars, secretly blinking and then disappearing. If you dare to steal something here, then obviously Will be caught straight.

About a hundred goblin are sitting behind a long counter made of beech wood, waiting for customers to come. Because there are basically no talented customers at this time, some are grilled into small animal shapes while eating. Some cookies are using a magnifying glass to observe the flaws of certain gemstones, while others are boring with their fingers at the balance in front of them. These little green-skinned guys have an indescribable savvy in their eyes.

The goal of Fang Senyan's trip is to find the host of Gringotts, named Infinite Lang. Fortunately, in order to mark his unique identity, this guy specially dressed in a red tuxedo and a green bow tie sat in a conspicuous place, and still had a very proud moustache. Fang Senyan, in view of having to fight with this guy for a long time in the future Of course, the most important thing is that he has some poor charms, so he used the "insight" ability to this goblin.

Infiniti Lang


Height 3 feet 2 inches (o.92 meters), weight 33 kg

power? ? ?

agile? ? ?

physical strength? ? ?

Perception? ? ?

charm? ? ?

Intelligence point

spirit? ?

Basic attributes? ? ?

ability? ? ?

Introduction: Goblin is a greedy and intelligent creature. They are profit-oriented, but most of them are credible. They have a brilliant mind in business and institutional studies. As long as they give up money, they will work for anyone.

Some talented Goblin can even master some advanced arcane abilities, but they often use this ability to protect their wealth.

It is worth noting that Goblin is one of the few races in the nightmare world that is not disturbed by the basic attribute of "charm". The only thing that can affect their senses and favorability is one thing. Is money.

Fang Senyan looked at this series of introductions, but a surprise came out in his heart. It seems not bad at all. The main reason why the rest of the contractors are unwilling to deal with these Goblin is not because it will cost a lot of money, but just because the charm does not work for them, so there is no additional benefit. . But what does it matter for the waste material whose charm is far below the average? If it is invalid, it will be invalid. At most, it's spending money without discrimination!

"Mr. Infiniti, I'm sorry to interrupt your work." Fang Senyan came to the Goblin politely. However, the Mr. Infiniti seems to have no intention to deal with him.

Fang Senyan was well prepared:

"This is a letter of introduction from Mr. Isis at the door."

Infiniti lifted her green eyelids from behind the writing desk and continued to pick up the quill pen:

"Come at 7.59: 06 tomorrow morning, oh! Gold coins are on, and everyone who is not punctual will not be respected by others."

Then Infinite in front of Fang Senyan and threw the letter of introduction into the nearby basket. Fang Senyan sighed helplessly, but immediately thought of the guys with high charms The scene of eating goblet in front of this Mr. Goblin immediately felt refreshed, refreshing, and refreshed. So he immediately took out another "recommendation letter" that he had already prepared.

"Time is money, Mr. Infiniti, I always think so, so I am willing to use the most practical actions to compensate you for the time that has just been delayed."

"Compensation?" Infinite heard the two words, and his two long pointed ears flashed twice. Fang Senyan even clearly saw the fluff on the ear of the noble Goblin. One stood up.

"Yes, this is my sincere compensation." Fang Senyan sent a ten pound note.

Mr. Infinite's face finally kinded, but he continued to do his business without talking much. Fang Senyan gritted his teeth and took a pound (note: pound is the largest denomination of currency in Britain at present, just like the largest denomination of currency currently in circulation in China = yuan) and handed it over.

Immediately after that, Infiniti immediately walked down with a smile on his face, picked up the disposable paper cup next to him, and poured a glass of water. Although Fang Senyan was a little thirsty, he looked at the person who didn't know how many people he had received The disposable paper cup and the turbid liquid inside it were ignored. But I couldn't help but feel a little proud: Brother 31-pointed blood cow finally enjoyed a 31-point charm treatment!

"Time is money! My friend, you really said that deep down in my heart! Since our relationship is so cordial and friendly, then I will not hide it. Something really happened to me recently. Scorched, my skin has faded! "

With that said, Infinite waved his hands excitedly:

"Oh my god, swearing with gold coins, I really never experienced this kind of thing. From breastfeeding to adolescence to adulthood, my skin has always appeared healthy green, my dear Martha is my soul for my complexion. Upside down without extrication. But now, my skin has begun to show obvious bleaching, which means that the envy, jealousy, and even sexual encounters of others will leave me! So recently I can only bite my teeth and spend three Ling asked his father about this ... "

Having said that, the small eyes of the distinguished Mr. Infiniti narrowed his eyes everywhere, and lowered his voice:

"He told me that the livers of those strong horsemen might be useful. But they must be fresh, fresh! The steaming blood is not as solid as the genius master!"

Fang Senyan happened to see the introduction of the Ma people during the afternoon wandering. Of course, there are some related regulations. Immediately:

"However, Mr. Infiniti, although I have very little knowledge, I seem to have heard that the Ma people seem to be protected by the Ministry of Magic."

Infinite squeezed her little eyes secretly:

"My friend, the significance of the rule is that it will be broken."

Fang Senyan carefully recalled the information and clues provided in the symbiosis, probably because everyone was unwilling to deal with this greedy Goblindo, so the introduction and tasks of this Mr. Infiniti are Is the simplest. Therefore, there is no relevant description and detailed information about the talented masters about the task he received at this time, but Fang Senyan is also very resilient:

"Well, Mr. Infiniti, in view of our friendship, I will certainly help you, but with the gold coins on you, you can never let me find this **** creature throughout the kingdom of Great Britain. , Even if your skin can restore that charming green as soon as possible, I should get some details of this monster. "

Infinite's mouth widened, and he was glad to see that his interests were being considered in front of him everywhere, but the index finger and thumb of his left hand began to rub instinctively, Fang Senyan cursed in his heart, knowing he could not bear it The child could not wrap the wolf, and simply took out the remaining ordinary pounds in his body and stuffed them in his hands-anyway, someone in the team was willing to exchange the world's pounds for general points.

There is no doubt that this action of Fang Senyan once again won a lot of favor from Infiniti. This creature that completely ignored the "charm" even took the initiative to drag a stool to Fang Senyan to sit down, and his face was almost open. A brilliant chrysanthemum, it said in a lower voice:

"In No. 13 Overturned Lane, you will definitely find what you want. They will ask you for a password, and you answer the shining gold coins."

Overturned Alley? Fang Senyan has also been there, because one of the four major stores to complete the enthusiastic mission: Bo Jin-Bok Magic Store is located in the overturned lane. This is where black wizards haunt, shrunken human heads, huge black spiders, snakes, withered hands, bones, etc. are common commodities there ~ ~ but it is also full of crude and inferior products, Fake, it is said that one of the unlucky children in the team paid a high price for the magic wand, which is said to increase the power of skills, but it turned out to be an ordinary baton ...

However, Fang Senyan remembered it very well, because the Europeans were quite taboo about the number thirteen, so even in places where black wizards such as Tipping Lane run rampant, there didn't seem to be a talented master on the thirteenth. However, the look of Infiniti is very positive. In addition, although Goblin is famous for greed, the credit for handling money is still very good. So after Fang Senyan walked out of the Guling Pavilion, he rushed directly to the overturned lane.

The overturned lane during the day was originally very deserted, and it was even more scattered after nightfall. There were only a few solitary lights that were slightly green like fireflies, and there were also a few coughs and cries of shouts from time to time. In the cemetery. Fang Senyan was very daring, and when he came here, he couldn't help but have some drums in his heart—there are really ghosts and ghosts in this world. After finally walking to the end of the overturned lane, we can see that the No. 12 shop is a place where the operator's bone comb and matouqin are closed. At this moment, the portal is closed, and only a skeleton hand on the doorknob is holding it. A sign with "se" swayed up and down, there was a lot of open space next to it. Where did the number 13 come from?

In the public version of the book: Works related, update the technical post of an enthusiastic book lover Liu Qingyao, the analysis is quite comprehensive, if you have time, you can take a look.

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