The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 39: Herzrull. Death of the Bloodmark

Although his life value was also rapidly passing under the state of poison and bloodshed, Fang Senyan spotted Herzrull at this time. The blood mark was sore and hissing, and he sneered and took out a shiny stainless steel jug and drank it. He recovered 25 life points in one go, so after Fang Senyan waited for his injuries to stabilize, he still had more than 60 health points. With his defense of up to 15 points, the survivability is nothing compared to the heyday state of ordinary contractors. difference.

In contrast, Herzlur's bloodmark is much more miserable. Not only was the left front leg interrupted alive, but the poisoned lead bullet was also embedded in the body. There was no even a good weapon, which can be said to be an instant reversal. However, its character is still fierce. After recovering from severe pain, he collapsed to the ground, his arms still waving like a wind, roaring and yelling, and even holding stones to throw attacks from the ground from time to time. The attack is a great threat to Jess's long-range profession. For Fang Senyan, who is supported by a "tough" talent, he is forced to withdraw 1 point of blood and has no deterrent force.

After occupying the overall advantage, Fang Senyan was relieved for a long time. The reason why he used "ambition" at the expense of serious injuries was simple: pitifully he didn't even grasp the basic long-range combat lv1, and his firing accuracy was fair. As you can imagine, and he has no talent for shooting, for a weapon with an interval of up to one minute, such as ambition, once a shot misses the opponent, it will inevitably be prepared, and more importantly, a firearm. Weapon effects: The extra 50% crit brought by the potential is wasted!

Under the premise that Fang Senyan must hit a certain part of the enemy, Fang Senyan can only fight hand-to-hand, and even if he exchanges injuries with the enemy, it is possible to create the opportunity to shoot the muzzle straight on the enemy!

In fact, why didn't Fang Senyan want to kill the enemy directly with a single shot, then blow the smoke from the muzzle, put on his jacket handsomely, and pick up the loot in a chic way. However, the cruel fact is that when Fang Senyan acquired the powerful "tough" talent, he also lost the ability of long-range attack. Therefore, he can only use ambition as a melee weapon .... Incidentally, if Das can possess the horrible weapon of ambition, then his power will be at least twice that of Fang Senyan. !!

When Mingzhu secretly hated each other and never married ...

In the face of Herzrull. Bloodmark, which lost nearly 80% of its maneuverability, Fang Senyan's next attack was much easier. He strictly kept the side of this huge centaur in strict accordance with what was written in the manual. Give it an axe when it ’s not turning, and give it a shot after the one-minute long reload time of “ambition”. Although there is no crit and crit bonus at this time, up to 140 Point damage is also very horrible.

Three minutes later, the powerful centaur of Herzlur Bloodprint finally fell into the pool of blood, it can be said that it was dead, and it even wanted to use black magic to draw blood for the last fight, but Fang Senyan, who had already prepared, saw it. The chanting cast immediately jumped on without hesitation, and an axe split into this sloppy mouth, and the belt hit a critical strike because of the attack. Although Fang Senyan was also flying by a powerful heel, at least two ribs were broken, but he could withstand at least a few such attacks, and the last hope of Herzlur. Bloodmark was completely destroyed ...

After killing this powerful horseman, Fang Senyan received bad news through the Nightmare Mark:

"You lose 300 reputation among all horsemen!"

"All horsemen increase your hatred against you by +2 points."

Note: Priority of hate means that, for example, when Jess and Fang Senyan stood together, he shot a horseman and the horseman would definitely kill him, but if Fang Senyan's hatred priority becomes higher, then the horseman sees Fang Senyan Will change the target to chase Fang Senyan, and whatever Jess is behind, he will not care how to shoot the knife.

Picking up the key that Herzlur. Bloodmark had dropped, Fang Senyan shrugged helplessly. This guy only dropped a dark blue key. There is still a certain gap between the black key that Fang Senyan expected to drop in advance. . In fact, this can't be blamed for Herzrull's bloodmarking, but Fang Senyan's expectations are too high. For such a small b, it does have a chance to drop the black key, and even a low-level silver story-level item is extremely unlikely. Equipment, but this only has a certain chance and is definitely not inevitable. Fang Senyan is always out of luck and has always been super explosive. Everything is going to the extreme of benefits.

At this time, Fang Senyan had no time to look at the key properties, and the time was urgent. He could not determine whether the rest of the horses had noticed the surrounding movement at this time, so it was still best to restore his life as soon as possible. Looking at the face that was still very angry after Herzlur's bloodmark died, Fang Senyan moved in his heart and called the house elf, Raj, to run away with some blood directly on his feet, creating the illusion that the killer had left.

At the same time, Fang Senyan looked around and dragged the body of Herzlur. Bloodstain under a big tree. The big tree had a dense crown. For wounds, simple debridement and sutures are used. Although this does not work as quickly as space-approved drugs, it can also temporarily increase the rate of health recovery by 10%. Fang Senyan incidentally ate a packet of Patty's full-flavored beans. Fortunately, he did not eat a strange smell such as snot, which restored 15% of his life.

After waiting for about five or six minutes, Fang Senyan's health has recovered to more than one hundred and fifty. Suddenly there was a noise in the grass in the distance, but another horseman came out. After seeing Herzlur. Bloodstained corpse, he was shocked, and rushed up to cast, a little black light appeared on his hands, it seemed that he planned to use black magic for treatment.

Fang Senyan looked at the guy below, and first used an insight ability, and found that the horse was a more ordinary one that belonged to Herzrull. The poor man's version of the bloodstain did not even have his own special ability, and his health value With more than 800, I immediately jumped out of the air with confidence and boldness, and rode directly on the back of this unlucky child, waving the butcher's boning axe.

This ordinary horse did not have the powerful spear slaughter of Herzrull. Bloodmark, which was suddenly attacked. The most excellent shooting technique could not be exerted at all, and the speed advantage was even less. He was screaming in horror, trying to shake Fang Senyan off, but Fang Senyan gripped his neck with one hand, and then directly held the "ambition" fiercely against his head. It's the trigger!

Although this time the ambition has no potential effect to trigger, attacking the head of the head can also bring an extra crit rate! In particular, Fang Senyan's shameless method of directly using "ambition" as a melee weapon against the brain to pull the trigger is almost an inevitable hit, and the crit rate is naturally rising. One shot directly exploded the horse's head! Although it can't be as fatal as a blow in the real world, it is obviously made into a fatal loss state with no function! Screaming screaming and shaking his head in a circle, Fang Senyan took the opportunity to attack his leg violently, but just three minutes later, the unlucky horseman suffered Fang Senyan's poisonous hand again.

After picking up the keys dropped by this horseman, Fang Senyan continued his tricks, shamelessly hiding in the tree, accumulating a total of five horsemen who came one after another. Speaking of it, most of the horses' voices are very low, and the screams are not far from, and the little elf, Raj, can even cover up the **** smell, so this situation can cause such a long flow of water.

But with the exception of the original Herzlur. Bloodmark, the rest of the horsemen are ordinary goods, their strength is not strong, and there is no good gain. And I will also run out of supplies such as Patti's full-flavored beans. Although Mars chocolate bars and chocolate frogs are not used, it is not possible to consume all of the hole cards here ~ ~ When plotting the rest of the horsemen, Fang Senyan also encountered a thrill during his attack on one of the horsemen and hit the remaining half when he was running out, but from the nearby bush There was a reinforcement in the middle. If it was n’t for the song of ambition that rum was left unused, he would immediately kill the injured horseman with a single shot, otherwise it would be true that the enemy was the enemy. It ’s extremely dangerous, Rao is so, but also his life value has dropped to only 30 points, and he is too injured to dare to stay.

However, it seems that Fang Senyan has no difficulty in hunting and killing the horsemen. Because the horses can both attack long-range and melee, and their health is not low, they must meet two conditions to do them alone: ​​first, they must have sufficient resistance to attack, like gunners, wizards, crispy contractors, As soon as he came up, he was hit by a horse and a half with his spear and bow. The second is to have sufficient explosive power and attack power, not only to prevent the horses from escaping, but also to end the battle in a short time, to avoid the embarrassing situation of 1 enemy 2.

However, these two conditions seem simple, but for the rest of the contractor, they are no less than natural sounds! Under the environment where space promotes teamwork, it is almost impossible for Fang Senyan to have such a metamorphosis.

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