The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 42: A demon who has been imprisoned for 10,000 years (1,580 to 1,600 ...

Infiniti closed her eyes happily holding the yellow wrinkled paper cup and drank white water. After enjoying the thrill of fresh bird droppings mask for a while, she finally remembered another thing:

"Yes, my dear friend, can you do me a favor?"

Fang Senyan's Niu Mannian (I finally heard you say this), hurriedly said:

"Serving you, dear sir."

"My fifth child was born just three years ago ... You know, children have some weird thoughts, so we parents should satisfy him a lot-especially when this thought doesn't cost money Time-he is very stubborn and believes that the tree guardian pot has no genius master gallstones. I hope to correct his common-sense mistake. Can you help me? "

Infinite said seriously.

Fang Senyan was sluggish, numb, and stunned. According to the information he received from the Symbiotic Society, Infiniti will definitely give you another task-this task will cost a lot of pounds-and then this ultimate task "The gallstones of the tree guard pot" is up to you, but why does this prompt appear now? Is there any deviation, or did you touch the hidden plot yourself?

Looking at the prompt from the Nightmare Mark to accept the task, Fang Senyan gritted his teeth and chose Yes, but there was no accidental genius.

"Help Infinite to get the gallstones of the tree-protecting pot" This task was accepted, as if lying on the taskbar quietly like a big wave beauty who was waiting for the favor and got rid of it!

Fang Senyan was overjoyed and immediately left Gulin Pavilion, lest Infinite chase back at this time to take back the task. But what is so afraid of what comes? When Fang Senyan just left the gate of the Gringotts, an urgent and anxious call came from behind, which is the unique male duck voice of Infiniti:

"Wait a minute, wait, stop!"

Fang Senyan very much hated why his agility was only a dozen or so points. At this moment, if the agility value can be matched with physical strength, he is willing to pay any price!

Looking at the green-skinned dwarf who was gasping in front of him, Fang Senyan really couldn't wait to kick him, but he could only laugh at it:

"Mr. Infiniti, what else do you have?"

"I ... why are you running so fast?" Infinite said impatiently.

Fang Senyan shook his fist, was patient, and said in a constipated voice:

"I'm urgency."

Infinite suddenly realized, and blinked suddenly, a little embarrassed, stretched his face over, and lowered his voice:

"Well ... do you think that my genius looks smoother? Is it greener?"

"* & * &%) # A% !!!"

Under normal circumstances, obtaining gallstones from a tree guard pot is a seemingly easy and difficult process. This thing is sold in the old Hank in the overturned lane, but the old Hank is a weird person, and generally does not deal with outsiders.

In order to obtain the qualification to trade with the old Hank, it is necessary to specifically promote the relationship with him. It has been from indifference to respect, and this period has been a long journey. If Fang Senyan does it himself, it may not be enough to spend all of the remaining time on it according to his poor charms. Fortunately, Fang Senyan is in a team. He only needs to pay for the common points. Then the most attractive golden eyeglasses man Finley will be happy to help. Instead, he will buy the key props of this tangled final step. Pass it to him.

While trading with Finley, a male with gold glasses, by the way, Fang Senyan also exchanged current mission information with the rest of the team, but learned that the group of Banks gangsters was actually stuck at the horseman's step. In fact, what they need is exactly the horseman leather that they currently have. The higher the quality, the better. At least it is a general price point. It will be effective if they are sold before 2pm tomorrow afternoon. After that time they went out and hunted the horsemen themselves.

When Fang Senyan moved in his heart, he was seduced by the common point first, and then he was stunned, because it was difficult to say whether this was a deliberate test in the symbiosis or a smoke bomb released by the Banks gangster. If it was planted for the benefit of the common point, then It is the end of the book. So muffled, and rather let the remaining horseman's leather rotten hands go on with his task.

Although he had washed off the "beauty lotion" on his face when he saw Infiniti again, Fang Senyan still left a deep psychological shadow. When he handed over the gallstones of the tree guard pot to Infiniti In the future, Cheng also got tips:

You have completed Infinite's commission.

Milestone "enthusiastic people", Gringotts manager step completed.

Looking at this reminder, Fang Senyan felt a tearful feeling in his eyes. Dealing with this group of Goblin is as if the wallet is suffering from blunt knife cutting at any time. It is really too much psychological pressure. Also get some mental illness out. So he was immediately ready to turn back and vowed never to come again.

But at this time, Infiniti was deeply, melancholy, and sighed. The atmosphere that turned from Glantai to the sorrowful woman in the girlfriend immediately made Fang Senyan's goosebumps all over him. Grains rose, and although Fang Senyan had begun to go out, he could not help hearing a word:

"The legend in the depths of Guling Pavilion ..."

Gringotts ... deep ... legend? ?

Fang Senyan's ears suddenly erected. What is the Gulin Pavilion? Bank! And it is the most well-known bank in the world with the most well-known security system, the most complete reputation, and the largest! There is no doubt that it is the treasure room. Even the treasures such as the magic stone that can immortalize are hidden in it. What secrets are deeper? Suddenly he thought of the next step that he skipped when he was doing the task ... Is this the hidden task he touched?

However, when Fang Senyan rushed back, Infinite did not speak, just shook his head and kept sighing. According to the Goblin habits of Fang Senyan, it was clear that at this time, it was necessary to use sss-level killing props to make money. However, the magic sterling was thrown away, the magic sterling was thrown away, the magic sterling was thrown away ... Infiniti did not refuse to come, but still refused to speak!

Fang Senyan gritted his teeth and began to send physical objects to him, with a long black mane and horse leather ...

However, there is still no response from the talented masters. At this time, there is no doubt that Fang Senyan is already riding a tiger. If he walks away and re-outs for some pounds at this time, obviously according to all Goblin ’s great racial instincts, he will not recognize them. That is to say, most of the time, we have to start again-or there is no chance that geniuses will start from scratch. Fang Senyan gritted his teeth and pulled out the dark blue quality wooden spear from Herzlur Bloodmark, handed it over:

"Dear Infiniti, I think there seems to be a missing piece in your noble office ..."

Infinite finally opened his mouth while reaching out:

"Ah, I've been in this heart for a long time, my friend."

Fang Senyan breathed a long breath, and there was a kind of emptiness in his heart, and a sense of emptiness also appeared on his body. He couldn't care less, so he sat down on the stool next to him.

"Please tell me, Mr. Infinite, the tight-lipped sailor was not called in vain."

Infinite's eyes were blank, and he seemed to be caught in the memory:

"It has been nearly 10,000 years since the establishment of Gringotts, and 357 of them have been replaced. Only each manager has the right to know the final secret of Gringotts. This secret can only be Hidden deep in my heart, not allowed to leak to any tribe ... Otherwise, it will cause panic and anxiety in the entire world! "

Fang Senyan's investment in the heart of Lao Tzu finally paid off. At least six or seven thousand universal points are smashed out. You should be a beauty and take off your pants. If you do n’t give me a surprise point, how can you afford this burst of heartache? But I heard Infinite slowly said:

"Actually ... Gringotts is not a bank at all."

"What?" Fang Senyan stunned. In Harry Potter's Demon World, the Gringotts Wizarding Union Bank's reputation even surpasses the real world Swiss banks, but it is ridiculous that the manager of Gringotts actually took the initiative to say that Gringotts is not a bank. This is almost as unreliable as Jobs' resurrection claims that Apple will fully move into the oil industry / bin Laden is reborn as the chairman of the Red Cross!

"Gu Lingge ~ ~ is actually a prison!" Infinite seemed to be hypnotized, and his voice was full of fear:

"In the depths of Gringotts, there is a demon who is enough to bring down all Goblin! It is a ripper, a terrorist, a flogger, a saboteur, a screamer, it is a greedy fang , The plundering claw! Its name is shameless, despicable, and evil! Once it appears, it will ridicule and **** away all the visible gold coins, but still leave your life cruel! Oh my god, I ca n’t say Name it, I dare not say its name! I am a cowardly soft egg, I do not have the courage to be a genius!

I'm going to have a hard time with this interaction, it's still film related.

In this chapter, Infiniti describes the demon's parallelism as a classic line from a movie! From being a ripper to ~~~~~~ is evil for it! Is there a genius artist who can guess which movie this is?

If you guessed it, add 15 points for precision. .

ps: I doubt they will be wiped out.

So the deadline is tolerant until the day after tomorrow. hehe

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