The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 54: Blackbird Vampire Bat

Facing the question of the metal mentor, Kabataba impatiently said:

"If I run for the Minister of Demons, I will definitely fire you guys! Let me tell you, I have neither a genius or a genius to join the Death Eaters, except in the cellar below except for rats There are no genius masters outside of the spider girl net dust! A group of people just came here to make me smoke, and now you guys will continue to disturb my research! "

"Shut up, I have reason to believe that you are procrastinating." The metal teacher said coldly: "We sensed the Death Eater in the fireplace in your cellar, and the Ministry of Magic has sufficient reasons to suspect that you are engaged in non-dealing activities. .We will go in and try to study the specific orientation of your fireplace with flying powder. If there are any problems, wait for Azkaban. "

"Damn! You **** it." The old man started shouting: "Don't threaten me with Azkaban, okay, okay, you can stay in the cellar for as long as you want, it's important that you don't wrong me. "The metal teacher walked into the cellar of this house with a group of people. The core object here is a huge pot. Although there is no genius acolyte flame below, there is a strange black scent in the pot. Bubbling one by one, there are scattered things like toads beside it. It is estimated that it is inseparable from the black devil. The metal instructor didn't look at the pot at all, but walked to the fireplace at the end of the basement, and a contractor took out the flying powder very carefully and passed it. The metal instructor slaps him away, then observes a picture hanging above the fireplace, which is covered in dust, but leaves a few clear fingers.

Obviously, as the painting was removed, the fireplace moved towards the side, and a deep downward passage was exposed, because it was already cleared by the Banks gangsters, so what was the agency? Don't worry too much. The metal instructor stepped in, and immediately seemed very anxious. After the others entered, the fireplace returned to its original state.

This passage looks narrow and dark, but the more it goes down, the more spacious it appears, and there will be a slight light in the wall next to it. Although it makes the surroundings look gloomy, it also plays a considerable lighting effect. Underground seems to be a little damp everywhere you can see the luxuriant gray-green moss worship, but the air does not have the stink and filth expected by the genius, but it looks a bit fresh, if you pay attention to it, you can feel the breeze Brushing his cheek. If you are quite familiar with cave exploration, then you should know that the space below is quite large. To be sure, Deco, who holds the longbow of responsibility, gave a warning signal:

"Be careful I smell a **** smell!"

Everyone stopped at the same time, especially the two contract-holders who had been buried alive directly from the beginning, very simply dodging behind. It seemed that the metal mentor and slave knew that the words before Finley's death were quite affecting morale, so they both took the lead. And that terrifying plate armor stegosaurus was taken back, and in front of him was a gray wolf summoned by Phil.

Fang Senyan only knew when he was chatting with Phil that the contractor with the summoning ability is not so beautiful at this time. The most typical is that you must domesticate a creature before you get the qualification to summon it, and Once this creature dies, it is very regrettable that you will lose it permanently. Previously Phil sent desperately three gray wolves to attack Das, but Das was killed by two. Now the remaining one is already Phil's last summoner, and loyalty has fallen to the point, if it declines again In some cases, most of them will defect.

And according to Phil, if it is necessary to domesticate a powerful creature such as the plate armor stegosaurus then it is necessary to sign a life contract. Once this creature dies, the Summoner will also be unable to escape, and the life contract It's almost equal to the lack of domestication after signing the life contract! Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. After the life contract is signed, the contract creature and the owner will be more closely connected, and the attributes of both parties will increase.

The **** smell in front of it gradually thickened, and the tunnel has become a wide hall. Of course, the hall has been completely decayed, and the rich and luxurious curtains around it have become gray when touched. The stone sculptures next to it should be relics from the period of King Arthur, and several overturned cabinets have also become brown rotten wood residue.

The most striking is that a deep fissure appeared in the middle of the hall, and the tail of the crack can not be seen at all, and it is at least ten meters wide and bottomless, and the hall is logical. It is divided into two pieces. If you want to go to the opposite side, you must think of how to overcome this crack. In the hall near Fang Senyan, there was an open space in the middle of the Cretaceous, where a dead man was lying. It should be a plot character. The deceased was **** all over his body, the arteries on his neck were cut off, and a large piece of blood was flowing out, which was slightly dark. And a lot of black palm-sized things were distributed around the dead, and when I got closer, I realized that it was a furry bat. Although these bats were dead, they could still see the sharp sharpness in their mouths. The teeth, and even the wings, grow claws that have not yet been degraded.

"It's a black vampire bat." Phil immediately said that as a summoner who was interested in this, of course, remembering the characteristics of various creatures is a necessary skill. He also looked at the slave, who was still holding his dead face "and nodded.

The metal tutor sneered:

"Here is the habitat of the black pheasant vampire bat. If you want to get through this deep mark, you must first clear out the attacks of these very strong bats. The idiots of the Banks Symbiosis Society can save us. A lot of trouble. "

Although the fissure in front was wide, Fang Senyan found the Bank of the Rope Bridge that the Banks gang had previously spent without any effort, and passed through it without fear. After passing through this ancient hall of King Arthur's time, the entrance that appeared in front was a cave. It can be seen that the stones on the ground are scattered and fragmented, apparently opened directly on the original hall wall.

The more you go inside, the fewer artificial traces on the stone wall. In the end, Fang Senyan feels that they have entered a low-top natural karst group. The stalactites in the dogs are staggered. A slight smell of sulfur. After walking about three kilometers, the sound of rushing water came from the front. It can be seen by the light from the cave wall. There were two white creeks with white smoke in the front. , But the water quality is clear. Deco's wild survival experience seems to be quite rich. He took the first steps and then went to the water to smell it. "Taste a little:

"The water is not poisonous, it should be the kind of underground river of hot springs."

At this time, the metal instructor's complexion became heavy, and he suddenly looked forward and said:

"It doesn't seem right.

I saw a rough rocky shoal with an area of ​​at least one thousand square meters at the intersection of the two streams. After the two clear and turbulent underground rivers converged here, they suddenly reduced, and there were a few flats in the Fengyang location of the shoal. The huge stone, the metal teacher's change, is that there are several motionless black shadows lying on the top of the stone. Although these shadows are not huge, it is estimated that at least two or three people are long. Seeing gives a very dangerous illusion.

After the crowd got closer, they realized that the shadows were crocodiles! The skin of these crocodiles appears to be extraordinarily rough and has a rock-like texture. What's more, this skin is so black that it seems to completely absorb the surrounding light. If you want to move forward, you must pass by less than thirty meters from these crocodiles. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

After looking at these black shadows clearly, the metal teacher's face changed, and then he looked at the slave. "The slave stood up" in that affirmative tone:

"I've seen this kind of crocodile. It's called a black crocodile, and it's kind of temperament. But don't disturb them with a sound, just pass quickly." The next number is passed, it seems no problem. After the metal mentor was broken, the two weakest contracted contractors passed through in the middle. A group of people waded through the water without any surprise, and they had obviously reached the opposite bank. Suddenly, a black lizard raised its head vigilantly. Its tail flapped in the air at a rhythm, and it turned out to be a rattlesnake. Sound, then quickly twisted his body and crawled over here! With its action, several other black shadows also quickly climbed down the stone, winding like a snake in the water, and even the spray did not splash a half drop! "Go!" The metal tutor snapped. "They won't leave the nest too far. Don't delay here, you will definitely be able to throw them away."

After speaking, he took the lead and flew forward. With such a lead, of course, the rest of them were all learning and running forward. But at this time, there is no doubt that Fang Senyan and Deco will definitely have an advantage in terms of degrees, and the two contractor and Phil will most likely fall to the end. However, those black crocodile crocodile still bite the uninvited guest, and the closer they are to the three contractors who are behind!

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