The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 74: Black Iron Grade Title

Another man was in shock! Then bent down to copy the stool next to it. How could Fang Senyan give him this opportunity? He kicked in the past, the man only felt that a huge force came from his waist, couldn't help but flew up in the air, then crashed two wine tables and three people, rolled over on the ground a few times, His waist was almost painful and almost unconscious. This is obviously the result of Fang Senyan's staying.

The young girl was frightened at this time, watching Fang Senyan, whose blood was slowly flowing from under her forehead, as if a beast approached slowly, screaming loudly:

"You, what do you want to do?"

Fang Senyan grabbed her hand. The girl screamed loudly and cried. The other hand was scratching frantically. Fang Senyan slaps out mercilessly. She struggled even harder, and Fang Senyan slapped again. At this moment, her voice was dumb, her movements were honest, and the bar was also chaotic. Some people called the police, some sneaked away, some angered and yelled. However, because of the lessons learned by the two guardians of the flowers, there was no genius master who dared to mess with Fang Senyan.

"Let her go!" Then suddenly a strong self-suppressed anger came from the bar. Fang Senyan looked back indifferently but saw bar owner Pete holding a double-barreled shotgun and aiming.

Fang Sen raised a contemptuous smile and said:

"You dare not shoot. If you have the courage to shoot, it is impossible to stay here and open a small bar."

Fang Senyan held the girl's neck with one hand, and then she let her go. It was just like throwing a sack out of randomness. Of course, it was a whispering sound. Two or three tables and stools were completely brought down. Shrugged and said:

"You should lose weight."

Then he put his hands on his chest, turned around, and said lightly to Pete's incredible bar owner Pete:

"You see it at this time, too? I'm a cruel and **** bastard. If I were you, I would definitely consider accepting the 200,000 US dollars, and then put in a glass of Sharkanek brandy." … This is also the only way to get out of my way. "

Speaking of Fang Senyan, he had already reached the seat where he was sitting before, and threw the code box over. Peter shook his head:

"It's hard for me to believe that you are just here for a drink.

Fang Senyan said seriously:

"Reality is often more bizarre than fiction, sir. Why don't you put down the shotgun and try giving me a glass of sharkanek brandy? What will it cost you? Don't tell me now you have to stick to it That **** principle of only adjusting three cups a day, I believe it's just a tool for your money. "

Bar owner Pete had nothing to say, and he didn't know what to say at this time. Within 20 seconds, a glass of Schalkanek brandy was pushed in front of Fang Senyan. Fang Senyan gazed at this glass of hard-won wine, and then drank it, drank it, and finally got a hint from the nightmare's voice in the ears of the nightmare:

"You drank Schalkanek brandy."

"You successfully completed the milestone: a master tasting."

"You have won the title of black iron: a master of wine tasting. When you drink any alcoholic beverage, you will get a 6% increase in critical strike rate. You will also get an additional point of health healing effect. The effect of increasing the critical strike rate will continue. minute."

Looking at the special effects added by this wine tasting expert, Fang Senyan took a long sigh of satisfaction. If he is most satisfied with this title when he drinks any alcoholic beverage, he will receive additional health points when he is treated. Effect of treatment. This effect looks like chicken ribs, because unless the contractor is an alcoholic, who will run around with wine? And it just increases the effect of treatment, not direct treatment.

However, due to the existence of the endless fierce ambush and hip flask equipped by Fang Senyan's soul, Fang Senyan had a healing effect of only 25 points after drinking a sip of wine. At this time, a sip can increase the health of the witch point!

Of course, he also got an important message, that is, the title actually has a grade! It seems that the black iron grade is the most basic. Fang Senyan next inquired about the Nightmare Mark, but also only obtained the important information that "the title above the black iron grade can only be obtained through synthesis". At this time, the title was successfully obtained, and he did not want to stay here for a long time, so he walked out of the bar and left.

It was only after getting out of the bar that Mori was in the rear. There was a light drizzle outside, and there was a Maserati sports car outside the bar's door. It should be the rich lady. Suddenly a corner of the far corner killed a Ferrari sports car and drove to the bar door in an instant. The bright lights rushed towards Fang Senyan, and the little rain silk was like a dense needlework woven with a net.

"That's him!" A guest who just ran out of the bar's nose pointed at Fang Senyan.

Ferrari hasn't stopped yet, and a figure of a naa wearing a white training suit flew out of the car window and kicked Fang Senyan in a volley!

This foot came with great stability and accuracy, and the long leg was stretched straight in the air, and even made an urgent wind.

Fang Senyan was far from ordinary people at this time, even though he did not have the talented genius to support the naked attributes of good strength, physical strength, and the horror value of the three attributes reached, which is several times that of a normal person. Fang Senyan erected his elbow for a block and did not expect that this leg's kick in the air suddenly increased, "slap" swept across Fang Senyan's neck!

If it is an ordinary person, then I believe that Fang Senyan has been directly flew away, but for Fang Senyan who also has a horrible 24 point physical strength in the real world, this foot can only make him shake.

However, the white Sona figure supported the ground with her hands, and bounced back in the air by the force of the rebound on her feet. She was kicked out again in the homeopathy. Fang Senyan blocked it in time this time, but her third foot took a dance-like look. The beauty of it, followed by it, fell on Fang Senyan's knee. The angle and strength of this foot were just right, so Fang Senyan actually lost his balance and fell straight down.

Fang Senyan's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly realized that he was most likely to encounter the legendary master of the art of updating, and there was another possibility that the other party was also a contractor. However, Fang Senyan felt it. Although the woman's combat experience and skills seemed rich, she lacked the fierce murderousness that the contractor had struggled in life and death! So it does n’t pose a big threat to him.

Despite being out of balance by this woman, Fang Senyan's powerful strength as a contractor was also shown. He pressed his right hand to the ground and easily made a move similar to hip-hop and then pulled away.

When he was about to catch his breath, he felt that the woman was lying on her feet again! Once the woman in the white practice clothes stepped out, she acted like a spinning wheel. Once she started, she would continue to be kicked, even if she was picking and picking, she would be kicked by her. It was as suffocating as a storm.

This kick kicked Fang Senyan's left cheek relentlessly, and the power contained on it was also quite large. He slammed Fang Senyan directly into a tumbling roll and flew out, and he suddenly rolled all over his body and the mud was dripping. There was a burst of applause and sparse applause, and the drinkers who grabbed them all said that Miss Jin was great. The woman smiled a little, and looked at her ponytail with a chin tied in her head.

At this time, Fang Senyan did not have the humiliation of being stunned by the genius, but he felt that the close combat skills of Miss Jin were indeed quite practical. Some mechanical obscurities were also clear when he learned the "capture fighting" himself. He didn't have any special feeling after he was kicked open, and immediately stood up again, ticking his fingers at the Miss Jin.

Miss Jin's heart suddenly tightened. Her previous kick was almost full-strength. The previous test in the hall has been able to "break five boards," usually kicking a person's head will inevitably be dizzy ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ I didn't expect this person to be kicked, but he stood up casually. In addition to the scornful meaning of men's **** on women, it also has a sexually insulting sexuality in it. This Miss Jin suddenly became angry, and a run-up aimed at Fang Senyan and volleyed away!

Fang Senyan's strength was far better than her, and he stretched his hand lightly, only to be kicked back by half a step by this Miss Jin. This woman was followed by another round of storms like a storm, and the people watching nearby seemed to be choking her breath. She was really drunk and applauded.

In fact, Fang Senyan wants this effect. Anyway, he doesn't care if he is rough and thick. It is important to be able to learn some fighting skills in the battle with her. Not good at this moment of epiphany will determine the outcome of a life-and-death battle! So what's the point of delaying at this time?

As the duration of the battle was gradually lengthened, even the people nearby felt that there was something wrong with the battle. Although Miss Jin had long legs and kicked the tiger, and could still hit Zhong Fangyan from time to time, she was breathing like a princess who had just received three guests, and her voice was clear and audible. In fact, this is quite normal. Once there is a fight in the real world, usually it can be done in a minute or two, and it can be regarded as a tug-of-war battle if it can be carried out for five minutes, not to mention that the woman was originally in physical strength. Some disadvantages?

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