The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 78: Level 6 scroll! (Bottom 2)

In the face of such a good price reduction, Fang Senyan was extremely entangled in his heart at this time. If he had three thousand points, he would definitely not hesitate to come up with an identification at this time. Because the nightmare space is to quickly convert resources that are not available to combat power, and even the best things are not a waste. But the problem is-Fang Senyan really can't come up with three thousand universal points!

"You go." Fang Senyan tried to keep calm. At the same time, he repeatedly told himself in his heart that he must not be seen as lacking money, and he must not be seen as lacking money, otherwise he would be killed by the bargaining price that has been treacherous to the bones!

The contractor was a little crazy, and gritted his teeth:

"Don't you know that black materials can often make black-quality equipment? You identified it earlier and asked someone to make it, and it's a bit safer to enter the world next time!"

Fang Senyan continued calmly:

"Let's go. I'm not interested today."

The contractor was sluggish, numb, and long sighed:

"Well, I didn't see it, you are a connoisseur! Take it!"

This time it was Fang Senyan's turn:

"What are you bringing?"

The covenant angered:

"Of course I will help you identify it. If it wasn't for my apprenticeship proficiency, I would not have shot it for free! Are you a litter or a friend of Maddie? Only they know that I am stuck in this hurdle on."

Fang Senyan was overjoyed, but he did not expect that such a good thing was waiting for himself. He was about to take out a thick roll of leather, and a sharp, treacherous, harsh voice came next to him:

"Wait a minute! I'll get something common, and you can show me this."

Fang Senyan heard the voice a little familiar, and looked closely. Why was the old man with a cheeky monkey face wearing a bowler hat so familiar? Isn't this his Goblin gold mine? This guy seems to have changed his face with his skimmer again, he stabbed a cigar and said:

"Hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

The contractor sneered suddenly:

"Okay, let me, you give him a general point, and I watch you identify this black leather!"

Apparently, he had begun to suspect that Fang Senyan was colluding with the gold mine to deceive. Unexpectedly, the gold mine actually came up with big thorns, pulled the sleeves to reveal the thin wrists, and then there was a light white light on both hands, and it was necessary to press on the bundle of leather.

The contractor's eyes widened immediately, and he recognized the light that released the appraisal technique, and immediately rushed up and shouted:

"Wait! General, I'll make general! If you don't want to, just forget it."

The next thing was of course great joy. Fang Senyan was close to the dry wallet and received a rich injection of capital. The gold mine naturally also smiled and got a fortune. Fang Senyan also asked him if he would really appraise? The triumphant gold mine simply answered yes, but the next sentence made Fang Senyan's cold sweat burst out:

"But I cannot guarantee the result of the appraisal"

I don't know why, when the gold mine said this sentence, Fang Senyan suddenly thought of the pile of tatters in his house and couldn't help pinching the cold sweat. Then with a sense of gratitude began to look at the identified material attributes to:

Mountain Monster's Back Leather

Origin: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Category: Production materials

Material rarity: black

Material: protein / tannic acid

Weight: 7.14 kg.

Uses: It can be used to sew boots, jackets, pants and other armors.

Evaluation: It seems that the rumor that Shanguai never bathes is true, my God, this smell is really bad!

Note: The contractor / character with relevant ability has the ability to process the leather. Of course, if your military rank reaches a certain level, you can also process directly in the space. It must be noted that the equipment processed directly in the space are all standard, only the basic attributes of the equipment will be obtained, and no additional attribute bonus will appear.

At this time, those who really wanted to buy the black weapon: the monster with a huge leg bone of the mountain monster also came out. Fang Senyan knew that before entering the world, he would spend all the things that can be converted into immediate combat power. The contractor is stupid? After confirming that the **** guy Fang Senyan is a bone that does not penetrate into oil and salt, those longing guys finally succumbed, many things were taken out, and even a silver plot equipment appeared!

Unfortunately, the most powerful attribute of this silver plot equipment is the maximum mental power (mp) + 25% and intelligence +7. Fang Senyan could see tears. If it was + 25% health and +7 physical strength, how much better? He immediately changed the board. Now I can only endure pain.

What really struck him was a scroll.

A scroll up to level six!

This is the first time Fang Senyan has seen a scroll with ranks!

The scrolls played by Moriyan in front of them all show their preciousness by color. In addition, after using insights on Jack Sparrow in the Caribbean world, a special seventh-order passive ability was observed: true luck! This scroll is actually only one order lower than the protagonist's housekeeping ability, and its rarity can be imagined. Fang Senyan asked to check, and the seller simply sent the information over.

Debugging notes of the strong orc (incomplete) (Chapter 3, page 6 to Chapter 5, page 4)

Author: John Leonard Yi Ya Garza Luhrmann

Rank: Sixth rank

Use effect: Allows you to master the initiative ability, strong orc gene liquid deployment.

Requirements: 15 points of strength, point of perception, point of physical strength

Incidental note: The strong orc genetic fluid is prepared by using different application materials to produce different strong orc genetic fluids. Drinking this liquid can temporarily increase the target's basic attribute points, and the basic attribute points increased according to the different prepared materials. Because the strong orc gene fluid is very easy to oxidize in space, its drinking shelf life is only seconds, so it is only recommended to make and use it on the spot.

Tip: There can only be a strong orc genetic fluid fortification effect on the drinker.

Incidental note: It takes 5 potential points to learn this scroll.

Space evaluation: d level

Tip: People who want to use it must pass a genetic test. (The so-called **** confession)

Explanation: This is the residual page of the research notes of the well-known plot character White-Roman Wizard Saruman in the World of the Rings. When Saruman accepted the Orc Horde in the Misty Mountains, he farmed the Orcs in Essinger, and eventually created a strong Orc with a mix of Orcs and humans (possibly Dunrand). This is the note he left when he was modulating the strong orc, and although it is a broken page, it can be very beneficial.

However, what made Fang Senyan somewhat puzzled was that this sixth-order scroll only received a d-level evaluation from space! The seller's attitude is also very tough, that is, one for one, the scroll for weapons. At this time, although Fang Senyan was already tempted, he couldn't help but think of his servant's gold mine again. Although this guy was so cumbersome to sell fake and shoddy products, it was very useful. Especially the ones that come with it? ? ? ? Ability, although it seems to be a half-blind bluff, is enough.

"Gold mine? Gold mine?" Fang Senyan called a few times, and then no one agreed, and he directly offered his nirvana: "Gold mine, someone's wallet has fallen!"

Five seconds later, the insignificant man immediately ran over in panting, and his little eyes showed a greedy light:

"I like to hear this sentence, whose wallet is it and where did it fall?"

Fang Senyan said:

"Let me see if this scroll can change my weapon?"

The gold mine stared at the scroll for a while, and immediately his head shook like a grotesque weird:

"Time is money, my friend. This kind of scammer should be sent to Azkaban!"

The covenant angered:

"You bullshit!"

The gold mine sniffed:

"Do you dare to touch this scroll?"

The contractor changed his face, sighed, and finally relaxed. The gold mine waved his hand directly, sniffing and pulling Fang Senyan to his side, and the bombardment and the exaggerated body language of the dance directly turned the contract The man was forced to yield, sighed a long time, and exchanged this sixth-order scroll + universal point + 13 potential points for Fang Senyan's black weapon + two copies of black witch poison. Of course, it is estimated that the unlucky egg did not see the notes of the 5% usage rate behind the two black voodoo poisons.

Fang Senyan was surprised when he got the transaction ~ ~ I suddenly knew why the contractor was so willing to lose so much, because when his finger touched the sixth-order scroll, it suddenly came in his ears. prompt:

"An indescribable force of evil surrounds you."

"You came into contact: The debugging notes of the strong orc (Chapter 3, page 6 to Chapter 5, page 4), scanning ... Your physical value is 28 points, and your hidden talent ability is: tough, with this prop The agreement is 87.33%, and the chance of complete learning is 83%. "

After Fang Senyan got this hint, he immediately understood why the space was only given a d-level evaluation. It is estimated that this coincidence!

From your own body, you can see that this note seems to be used by those who tend to be intellectual and spiritual auxiliary contracts. In fact, its hidden requirements are high physical strength and defensive talent!

The narrow audience surface makes it unsuitable for most contractors, and naturally only has d-level evaluation. This situation is the same as that of Mercedes-Benz ’s **** models sold in the global limited edition. Although the Bull X is infinitely popular, it may not be as popular as Chery QQ because it is an unattainable one for most people. Picture only.

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