The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 4 Chapter 81: Custom-made equipment? (Repayment of debt X five)

Looking at this long list of special effects, Fang Senyan's mind suddenly flashed one thing. At the end of the Terminator world, many people were actually pursuing their own gold-shell pocket watches! Although this thing is just physical strength +1. At this point, it seems that the purpose of those people should be for the exclusive special effects that may appear on the jewelry!

More importantly, the cost of strengthening different equipment is also different. Fang Senyan previously noted that strengthening the silver plot equipment: the points and potential points spent on the fighting spirit of the monster are very amazing. Requires a universal point and 1 potential point. And to strengthen the gold shell pocket watch only need general points.

Most of those who want to buy and buy are coming for the strengthening of the gold shell pocket watch, so even if it is strengthened to +4, no talented master can get the attributes that they are satisfied with, then it can be reduced to +3 and then restart It is possible to brush out powerful miracle attributes at low cost.

There is no doubt that Fang Senyan directly chose the jewelry to enhance the exclusive miracle attribute: three random basic attributes +3. He silently prayed in his heart not to follow the charm. The reason ... naturally, there is no need to say more. What about the pitiful charm and the 3 points? At most, it's just the expressions that don't fling your plot characters.

The result of the extraction came out instantly. Fang Senyan did not see the word charm, and he was so impressed, but immediately he couldn't laugh or cry! Because of the three random +3 basic attributes that come out randomly, two that actually **** the egg are duplicates! These two attributes that are repeated are simply perception! The other plus 3 basic attribute is agility. The data attributes of the monster's fighting spirit at this time are as follows:

+5 monster fighting spirit

Equipment Rarity: Silver Story Level

Equip: Strength / Agility / Strength +2

Equipment: Charm-5

Equip Passive Ability: Pain accumulation

Equip Passive Ability: Mountain Monster Spirit increases your attack interval by 5%, but increases your chance to hit enemies by 8%.

Improved (+5) effect: Reduces all skill damage taken by the equipped person by 4%

+4 Gain exclusive miracle attributes for jewelry enhancement (unique): Wisdom + 3 / Wisdom + 3 / Dexterity +3 (for jewelry enhancement exclusive miracle attributes)

Combat effectiveness score for this equipment: 48

Looking at the fighting spirit of the monster at this time, Fang Senyan has no doubt that this silver plot equipment should be the top of the same level of equipment, and its attributes are likely to have reached the level of some dark gold-level equipment. It should be because the monster's fighting spirit was originally a jewelry with a very low drop rate, and it happened to use the rare type I metal dissolving and modulating liquid to achieve this powerful effect.

At this time, Fang Senyan's perception reached a terrible 23 points, and physical strength also reached 27 points! In the next world, it will be even more difficult for the rest of the world to discover his true strength.

At this time, the red light from the entire nightmare space suddenly dimmed. It felt like the lights suddenly flickered when the voltage was unstable! Immediately after Fang Senyan's mind got a prompt:

"Your rank is: Second Lieutenant, you can get information about the next adventure world to enter."

"Your rank is: Second Lieutenant, an emergency rescue mission (rare) currently appears! Would you like to join this rescue? If the rescue is successful, you will get additional honours. Countdown, 9, 8, 7 ... ... "

"Hint: once you have information on the next adventure world you are about to enter, you will no longer accept emergency rescue missions."

Obviously, the difficulty of that emergency rescue mission should be relatively large, but the rewards are bound to be much richer, and after Fang Senyan came out of the world of Harry Potter this time, it can be said that he has obtained a large all-round enhancement. Although the attack power has been reduced due to the damage of the butcher's boning axe, the survivability is at least nearly doubled! So when he counted down to the third second, he clicked confirm, and got the prompt:

"You will be forced into the world of emergency rescue missions in minutes. Due to the rush time of the rescue mission, no relevant information is currently provided."

"Minute ?!" Fang Senyan's eyes widened suddenly, you know, besides the powerful musket of his ambition at this time, he had not been able to buy a hand-to-hand weapon! The ambitious slow shot is doomed to use it as a main battle weapon. It's obviously not a good idea to go to the next mission empty-handed. So Fang Senyan hurriedly ran towards the exchange square. Suitable weapons and some convenient foods / medicines were included in the purchase target.

After some bargaining and hard work, Fang Senyan started another high-quality bandage in the US military field: the effect is to restore the health of the point within seconds. Cannot be attacked during this period. There is also a sandwich that increases health in seconds. These two things cost him a bit more general. Seeing the rapid loss of time, Fang Senyan was also very anxious, walking through the stalls one by one, can only shake his head and sigh.

Suddenly, a new booth attracted Fang Senyan's attention. The white color of the booth was all set with white weapons, but they all came with practical attributes to increase hits and crit. Therefore, there is still a certain value in sales, including Fang Senyan's favorite gloves, but the attributes are unsatisfactory. Seeing the hesitation of Fang Senyan, the contractor who set up the stall tentatively said:

"Hey, dude, there is no genius, the weapon you want? What do you want?"

Fang Senyan said with some surprise:

"you also have?"

This pact hits conceit:

"There is no genius, but if you are willing to pay a reasonable price, you can build it."

Fang Senyan Qidao:

"Custom-made? What attributes do I need?"

"Yes, but I can only provide standard weapons, and the grade of the weapon is limited to white. As for the additional attributes, it will be charged separately." The contractor proudly said.

"When can I pick up the goods?" Fang Senyan anxiously.

The contractor is probably the other customer, such as Moriyan, who sees too much and smiles:

"Just a few minutes."

Five minutes later, Fang Senyan paid the price of 3,000 universal points + one potential point, and started a pair of white finger tigers, which was attached with the passive ability of "parry and block". Under the strong demand of Fang Senyan, the pair of finger tigers were made particularly strong, with an additional attribute of increased durability. And although it doesn't have a talented master to strengthen the attack power, it can increase the overall attack power of the empty-handed Fang Senyan by more than 1/3 after wearing it. Incidentally, the contractor with forging ability was provided with a white ordinary shotgun and forty bullets.

The remaining general points and potential points Fang Senyan thought about it and invested in the debugging notes of the sixth-order strong orc.

First, the debugging experience was improved from LV1 to LV3. It is intuitive to increase the shelf life of the formulated medicine to seconds and the BuFF duration of drinking medicine to 45 minutes. Then the second layer of strong orc genetic fluid: Flesh Bear Power LV1 to LV2 was raised to LV2, so its increased strength value increased from 2 to 3 points.

At this point, the general point of Fang Senyan has returned to a three-digit low, and the potential point is nothing left. It ’s almost time, Fang Senyan went to find his own servant Goblin Gold Mine named “Servant”. I hope this guy will also prepare for it, at least not to see good things on the battlefield. Rush, he also invested a lot in him, but he can't just hang up.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered his own private space, Fang Senyan was stunned. A small tin can appeared in front of him and moved hard. The scumbag didn't know when to get a set of plate armor to put on, and From the crack of the tin can, two shiny little eyes and timid voices were revealed:

"Master, swear in the name of gold coins, you can't lie to me, will it be dangerous to go out this time!"

Fang Senyan was speechless, rolled his eyes and raised his hands:

"Okay, okay, dear David, I don't know if I have a genius, but you don't seem to be in danger."

A few minutes later, a light suddenly shot from above the space, enveloping Fang Senyan, and then his figure faded and disappeared into his own private space.


Fang Senyan was awakened by a violent shaking ~ ~ As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt as if he had returned to the Fuyuan in a typhoon. He felt that his body was huge along with the vehicle Strength and air waves are thrown away. There are two tight hoop on his body to fix the body, and his cheek has a cold and metallic feel, it should be wearing a helmet.

There was a faint "snoring" sound in the air, and there was a faint smell of drugs in the air. It should be that the oxygen supply device at the four corners kept ejecting artificial oxygen.

The whole room was dark, and the only light source was a row of red lights overhead, which flashed in a constant rhythm. It seems like a human heartbeat, and the corner of Fang Senyan's eyes suddenly saw the screen in front of the cockpit-that is a stark and black universe starry sky! At the bottom left, they are approaching a huge earthy planet.

There are also several space carrier ships flying next to them. They have smooth steel lines, a curved and large belly is embedded with a container-like carrier bay, and the orange-colored spacecraft exhaust jets out from the thick exhaust port , Pulled long, drawn long lines on a dark and mysterious background.

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