The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 10: never give up! (Repayment of debt X ten)

Shi Hanlank heard the roar of the reef, gritted his teeth and wanted to stand up, but immediately fell to the ground again. ^^ 诺 书 网 ^^ The weak constitution of the free contractor is undoubtedly revealed. A terrible scar clearly appeared on his calf, and almost half of his calf was ripped off by a savage beast. The blood was pouring out if money was not needed, and a blood pool was soon formed on the ground. If it weren't for the reefs blocking the front, they would often have a very powerful knockback effect when attacking. I believe the two have already been flooded by the sea of ​​insects.

"Come on, the reef is coming to the Central Hall, we cover you!" The mad Hanick and Joel had begun to yell, "Hanlank is not saved, don't take his life for him.

The reef roared:

"No! I have vowed to never discard any teammates!"

At this time, the remaining savage beasts rushed wildly, submerged the reef and Hanlanke, and blocked at the fracture, forming a huge fleshball! These short two or three seconds are as long as two or three years. But at this time, the sound of the reef came crazy again:

"no way!"

His two words are utterly roaring out of the sky, and it can be clearly seen that the center of the reef's mouth is a center, and an invisible oscillating wave is instantly transmitted, and then it explodes like a ripple, almost Swept across all creatures!

The area covered by this shock wave has reached hundreds of square meters. After being swept away by the savage beasts with only 50 hit points, it almost burst instantly and exploded into a pool of blood. Even two or three barbed snakes approaching were unfortunately dragged in. Although they had more health, they were squeezed by the sweeping shock wave and caused the green pulp to splatter and smash the carapace. status!

At this moment, everyone was stunned, and Fang Senyan couldn't help remembering the "Sorceress of the Banshee" he had encountered before, but obviously it was far from the scope of the attack or the deterrent effect attached to the attack Far beyond. [叶 * 子] [悠 * 悠] At this time, Master Han Lanke released a greasy technique to the breach again, successfully blocking the subsequent rapid beast offensive, and a group of SUVs also rushed over and launched the side. The engine of a temporarily constructed metal and steel supply station pushed it to the gap, and it was considered that the breach was barely blocked.

From the Central Hall, nearly a hundred machine gunners rushed to the front line, and after receiving reinforcements, all the people were so excited that they finally got a breather. \\\\ WM provides the latest group of fans of this chapter∴①⑺⑥⑥⑥㈢② \\\\

However, as long as a large number of Hydralisks cannot be dropped, the death of the machine gunner is inevitable. Once it reaches a critical value that is not enough to kill the fast beast ahead, it is no doubt that the breach is only a matter of time.

At this time, a few loud metal impact sounds of the hydraulic transmission were suddenly heard in everyone's ears, and of course, the squeaky whistling sound of the steam "嗤" was emitted. Turning around, I was immediately overjoyed.

I saw that the two mechanical siege heavy tanks that had been parked in the center of the base were completely changed. They had folded two short and thick mechanical feet that were folded on both sides of the body, and the braces were on the ground. Two white steams were ejected from the exhaust holes on both sides. After the cannon began to rotate a full circle, it showed a thirty-degree elevation angle, and the muzzle of the black hole pointed obliquely into the sky.

The sound of a huge blast of "Boom" sounded. When the artillery bombarded, it seemed that the whole land was trembling. These two mechanical siege heavy tanks escaped from the much larger bearing base and got the latest technology bonus. The attack power has reached full value. When two heavy guns cover the same area with firepower at the same time Often a 30-square-meter area can be emptied with a single volley, and it is inevitable whether it is a beast or a snake! After entering the siege mode of the mechanical siege heavy tank, the range is even more terrifying, at least three times that of the Hydralisk, and almost all the Zerg siege bases are within its fire suppression range!

After firing ten cannons in a row, at least thirty Hydralisks and nearly a hundred rapid beasts have died tragically under the fire of heavy artillery. The Hydralisks have greatly reduced the pressure on machine gunners and bunkers on the outer wall. (From the novel to the leaf · Yu ~ Yu M) The savage beasts that slammed the steel exterior walls were also shot and killed. In this case, some SUVs with armor armor dared to go out to urgently attack the bunker. During the repair work, the flames of the welding torch and the machine tongue of the machine gun tower were staggered together. Obviously, the situation has slowly begun to tilt back towards the base, but these zerg seem to have red eyes and resolutely fight back.

Under the deliberate attacks of Joel, the surrounding Hydralisks turned into blood and water one by one. Even the gunners who controlled the two tanks began to bombard the Hydralisks in a targeted manner. After the attack ability of the Hydralisk had been exhausted, the Zombies who wanted to rely on ground forces to capture the entire base were completely lost. However, the fierce beast is still madly impacting the steel fence, and it is really endless.

When the battle was basically over, a pungent and stinky smell emerged from the air, which should be the breath of the dead Zerg's body fluids. If it weren't for the thick smoke of gunpowder, there would be an illusion of eager vomiting. The front-line machine gunners in power armor have retreated one after another, sandwiching blood-stained helmets under their armpits, gathering cigarettes in pairs, jokingly punching each other occasionally, loudly showing off their achievements with rude words Talking about women.

From time to time, sporadic gunshots can be heard outside the fence. The soldiers who cleaned the battlefield added a shot to the dying Zerg. The savage beasts below the fence had piled up to a height of three or four meters, forming a brutal **** Suv drove the engineering machinery to remove large tracts like shovel, dig pits, and landfills. It seems that such battles often occur. Suv has been treated step by step in handling, and it is familiar with driving.

For the contractor, it was also a lucky thing to not reduce staff in the defensive battle. Although division Han Lanke was protected by the reef, his weak physical strength turned the fast beast's scratches into a fatal injury. And the mad Hanick was also chopped off his left hand. The good news is that after this battle, the reputation of everyone in the team increased from indifferent to more than friendly, and some also became respectful, which means that the cultivation tank in the central hall can be used for a small price. Device.

The principle of this device is to soak humans in the original stock solution of embryonic amniotic fluid, and then use the biochemical repair particle knife to efficiently catalyze and divide the wound cells according to the severity of the injury.

Therefore, injuries such as physical disability can be treated, and it takes only two or three hours! This speed of healing has weakened the strength of the team after combat downsizing to an acceptable level.

After a fierce battle in the daytime, the strength of everyone in the team probably has a clear understanding. Although Fang Senyan behaved tepidly, whether he is a strong auxiliary ability or exists as a melee contractor Both are very important to the team. Without making any mistakes, they are also included in the category of core team combatants. The craziness of the mad Hanick and Joel plummeted. Naturally, their vocal request to reef to abandon their partners at a critical moment had brought serious negative effects. Almost everyone regarded the reef as a team leader. It seems that even under the rebuke's rebuke, Tulip, whose personal strength has been seriously damaged, seems to have no objection.

At this time, a serviceman came to pass the message to the contractor's gate, saying that it was the base's commander Tommy Ficken to see them. Soon, the sergeant colonel stood in front of them with a somber expression. After walking back and forth a few steps back and forth:

"Even though I don't like you very much, yes! I confirm this again, but I still have to admit, you guys have done a good job, not only rescued the idiots who usually have eyes above their heads, but also It was the wield of the sly commander of the Hydralisk Commander, which reached the most critical condition for annihilating them. After this battle, the ground zerg nearby could not develop for a few months. You, out Column! "

Tommy Ficken pointed at Joel, and Joel's face showed a rush of ecstasy and stood up. The commander drew a medal from his pocket and said loudly:

"This is a special reward to reward you for getting rid of flagella!"

Jie Jingzhi's commander pointed to Fang Senyan:

"Soldier, get out!"

Fang Senyan stood up and actually received a Purple Star Medal. At this time, he knew that the large mutant explosive mosquito that had been killed was called bone wing, and it was also the most famous guy in the base ~ www ~ Although his total damage to this guy was not enough, Fang Senyan first entangled it, and then rescued a base soldier from under his claws, so it was considered to be a honour.

There is only one attribute of this Purple Star Medal: when the quartermaster buys prestige items, there is a 5% discount. I think it is the lowest level medal.

Then Tommy Ficken walked a few more steps back and forth:

"The message just came from the headquarters saying that they sent bombers to support the tough guys at Whiskey Base and airdropped supplies, so they persisted until tomorrow morning. Three iron cabinet bases were also sent to the south The vulture minecart team will cooperate with your actions. If there are no accidents, you will arrive here in three hours. At that time your companions should be cured, so that's the best time for you to leave.

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