The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 17: Poison, cheap and personal income tax

Aside from his instinct for greed and fear of death, the Goblin Gold Mine is also armed to the teeth in the equipment. He also launched a lot of unscrupulous counterfeit medicine in space last time and made a fortune. During the big purchase, Fang Senyan seemed to have sighted it. It seems that even this kind of pale gold potion that the metal instructor had drunk before had brought a bottle with him! !! !! I do n’t know how to buy it from jailbreaking, what is the truth?

Mo Gansha also knew this treacherous goblin at this time, knowing that this gigantic and magical power was so vast, he simply passed a large piece of oily barbecue. The guy didn't immediately know where he quickly took out a large plate, wrapped a white napkin around his neck, and then had everything from stainless steel knives and forks. His eyes were as bright as those in the QQ expression. Holding the plate, and then ate it up, eating and obscuring the contented voice:

"Gold coins are on, things that don't need money taste really good ..."

Fang Senyan rolled his eyes and said:

"Be careful to eat tomorrow, you have convulsions, convulsions and vomiting."

The disdain of the gold mine:

"Free is the most wonderful word. There is no such thing as a gifted genius ... ah, sir, your taste of barbecue is really great, oh my gosh, I bet you do n’t know the taste of the oil dripping during the barbecue. Great, letting it drip into the fire and burning is a huge waste-I don't think you would mind me using a plate to get some oil. "

Mo Gansha smiled, and his teeth looked extremely white against the dark skin:

"It's my honor."

Driven by the free word, Mr. Goblin Gold Mine's appetite became surprisingly good. Mogansha then dragged a half-dead Hydralisk to open it and roast it. The two scumbags were eagerly discussing which part of the Zerg had the best meat quality, while cutting and roasting. When Mogansha served the gold mine with enough food and drink, this seemingly thick guy also revealed his true colors:

"Well, dear Mr. Gold Mine, I heard that you seem to be good at formulating some medicines."

The gold mine was drunkenly drunk, lying comfortably on the sand dunes, and immediately when he heard Mo Gansha's words, he immediately tightened his waist and warned:

"What do you want to do?"

Mo Gansha laughed very kindly:

"I just want to buy some poison that works for me. That ... You see, can we make a 20% discount on our friendship?"

When I heard that there was business, the gold mine immediately refreshed and laughed:

"Okay ... yes, what do you use? Is it a gun?"

With that in mind, he took out a small and worn out test stand behind him, test tube alcohol lamp crucibles, etc., and then started to mix and play, and seemed to be performing live. Fang Senyan has never seen this kind of thing, and looked curiously next to it. Suddenly, when the gold mine shook the thin-necked big belly bottle, the bottle exploded with a bang, and it spilled all over it. And even white smoke came out!

Fang Senyan was shocked. This old brother Bring gold mine is a very talented person. If he poisoned and died here, his loss would be great. When I saw the gold mine, my face was pale, oh, no, it was green, crumbling, and hurried to catch up, but I saw the poor Mr. gold mine with tears in his eyes, and the green wrinkles on his face were all piled up, suddenly said:

"Another bottle burst, oh my god! This will cost you another money."

Fang Senyan was about to inquire about the injury urgently. After hearing his painful confession, he barely caught his breath, and immediately fell down as soon as he saw the darkness. But the gold mine wiped her tears and wondered:

"Master, do you pick up too many girls, why are your legs soft?"

"Nima ..."

Next, Mr. Goblin Gold Mine performed the on-site deployment again. This time, it became a small bottle of white thick liquid. He shook his head with satisfaction, but then he instinctively pulled out a full bottle. The large plastic bucket of clear water intended to pour that small bottle of liquid into the clear water. Fang Senyan saw in his heart that it was no wonder that there was only a 5% chance of being poisoned. It turned out that this cheap man was simply using water against black voodoo, not black voodoo against water.

However, just when Mr. Gold Mine was about to make fakes, he suddenly heard a deliberate cough coming from the side. Looking back, he felt Mogansha squatting beside him and stared at him with a gaze. Around the gold mine, she has a very thick skin, and she can only laugh:

"Oh, I'm used to this. Forget that we are all so familiar ......... By the way, are you satisfied with my new product?"

The properties of this medicinal powder immediately appeared in front of Mo Gansha:

Black Voodoo (change): This is a poison specially modified by Mr. Goblin Gold Mine. After applying the deployed black voodoo to a long-range weapon, each time it damages the enemy, it has a 15% chance to give The enemy inflicts toxic damage that lasts 15 seconds, every 3 seconds, and the total damage is ~ points. (Depending on enemy resistance)

Tip: The application rate is 99%, and it lasts for minutes after application.

Warning: The black voodoo's damage may be critically hit every time it beats!

Mo Gansha immediately asked very simply:

"how much is it?"

Gold mine boldly said:

"Just give two thousand universal points."

Fang Senyan was stunned, this guy doesn't look like this kind of person anyway, but Mo Gansha immediately made a transaction without hesitation ... Ten minutes later, Mo Gansha holding his head was crying in pain. Resounded in the desert!

"Sailor! Sailor !!! Why your **** servant even collects taxes when trading, gosh, look at what this is all about, personal income tax, stamp duty, and his aunty youth loss Fei, can your servant lose his youth without making a **** bottle of medicine? "

Fang Senyan held back and laughed:

"Okay, okay, just get used to it."

Mogansha said in pain:

"Your servant is not Goblin! He is a devil with a Goblin skin ... Oh my god, my savings!"

Fang Senyan spread his helpless words:

"Don't look at me, I don't have the slightest benefit from a genius minister. You should know how proud of Phil and the slave's summons in the symbiosis. My servant is not a fuel-saving lamp. It can only be said to be worse. It's better than it has been. I just want not to be blackmailed and exploited by him, and don't want this guy to spit out the money he has earned. "

Mo Gansha knew that Fang Senyan was telling the truth, and he burst into tears and hid in a circle. After the two together, they decided to simply rest here before moving on. It was good that Fang Senyan first warned Mo Gansha to rest, but after a while, he saw Mo Gansha's face green and covering his stomach. Ran out and rushed to the back of the dunes, and then came the thunderous sound of banging, then rubbed his stomach bitterly and walked back slowly. Unfortunately, such a scene will appear every ten minutes ... simply simply let Fang Senyan rest first.

After Fang Senyan slept for two or three hours, he felt surprised that Mogansha was half dead and leaning on the rock, panting, and there was a sour smell on his body. It was even more funny to investigate his condition through the nightmare mark. At the time, I felt that there were a few more explanations:

Health: Deteriorating.

Obtaining the disease: diarrhea. The reason is that eating unfamiliar and strange animal meat causes large numbers of unknown pathogens to multiply.

Disease effect: before healing, all attributes are reduced by 15%, the maximum health is reduced by%, and the hit rate is reduced by%.

Disease Process: Deterioration

Fang Senyan saw that he was really angry and funny. Since he became a contractor, he has never been ill with a genius since he became a digitalized body. Even the mild rhinitis he changed when he was a sailor was cured. I did not expect that unfortunate things would happen. He secretly looked at the gold mine hidden not far away. Sure enough, the guy who ate Hosse when he saw the free food was more serious, his face was pale and breathless, and of course he was not close to it, and it was stinking.

In desperation, Fang Senyan hurriedly queried the electronic holographic map. He felt that there was also a human base called "Deadly Helmet" about two hundred kilometers away. After making his own hot mouthpiece, his reputation increased among all human forces. Point, anyway, in the past, I would not be killed by random guns or cannons, so I took the two unlucky eggs and moved the worn air cushion locomotive in the direction of the other side and drove past.

After driving about 100 kilometers, Fang Senyan heard intermittent gunshots from a distance, and the unique roar after the siege Tandok was lifted up. He followed the sound and saw, A thick black smoke erupted in the distance, and a human convoy was leaning against a rocky hill to resist the tide-like Zerg attack.

These zerg are all the most inferior fast beasts. Obviously, they rely on the high maneuverability of a single fast beast unit to catch up from behind, but there are many mixed with several heads that are at least two or three times larger than the collar. Their limbs have sharp feet, red eyes, and a few drops of sticky liquid from time to time. The teeth and claws are sharp, and the Zerg armor can be easily seen at a glance. Torn apart.

This human team also looks very elite, not only has nearly a hundred strong and round, wearing machine armor, guns and hands to build three temporary positions, but also has five or six vulture suspension chariots patrolling around The escort, as well as the three heavy siege tanks in the back, are even similar to armored vehicles, even if they are carried by civilian vehicles. They look very solid and are pushed to the front as a bunker. .

Mo Gansha gasped in the back seat and watched for a while:

"Human conditions don't look good."

The previous interactive questions for Naimen were too simple, or difficult, but there were answers on Baidu. Then this time a difficult one, hum. Top three points, first 45 points! !! !!

This topic is a couplet: the insignificant male software looks at the insignificant figure. Please note that the pronunciation is also insignificant. This event lasted for three days, and 1, 2, 3 were selected. Everyone will wave your flirtatiousness and insignificant thinking, see you in the book review area.

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