The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 21: Landing and survivors

Note: Trial production of a body electromagnetic cloud detonation bomb, which is a newly developed weapon with great lethality, but currently has a very high failure rate for launch detonation due to unknown reasons. After the detonation effect, it will cause 30 to 80 sonic damage to creatures within ten meters around the landing point. This damage will destroy the auditory balance organs such as the vestibule of the Zerg, so it will cause additional 10 seconds of vertigo while causing damage to the Zerg. effect.

Fang Senyan was impressed because he saw several machine gunners who had taken this thing to carry out suicide bombers before the emergency. So I tried to pick up one and suddenly felt very heavy. It looks like the size of the bowl. It is rarely said that there are close to 30 kilograms, and the procedures are complicated when detonating. No wonder those machine gunners could not use it as a grenade.

This thing is a chicken rib for the rest, but for Fang Senyan who has a health value of 530, he is not afraid of the 80 damage, because the damage effect is not affected by toughness, but it will also be reduced by defense. , The actual damage of the opponent's Mori will probably be around 40 points, even if it is held to detonate a couple of three, it will never be fatal. More than 40 points of health value in exchange for a range of damage with a strong stun ability, It can be called the killer and the more goods, the superb home travel,

So Fang Senyan did not hesitate to put it all in his pocket, not even one was left. However, the negative effects of this are also obvious. The commander's face immediately turned black like the bottom of the pot. Apparently he deeply regretted the previous sentence, and several people in the other side of the rock became obviously indifferent. Get up and directly ordered them.

Fortunately, the amiable Celtic expert should not be a person in the "Deadly Helmet" base, so Fang Senyan's greedy behavior has nothing to do with their immediate interests, so they are still amiable to them, and the former battlefield rescuers are still there. Listen They said they were leaving and said a few goodbyes. Fang Senyan's purpose here is to treat diseases. Since the purpose is achieved, it is of course a time saver. They can't go without the "lethal helmet". The commander's order-by-passion order is right for them. After saying goodbye, I rode on the previous scout locomotive, corrected my direction, and drove towards the nearest crash mark on the holographic map.

On the way, because of the need to avoid various dangerous areas, such as ionization explosion-prone areas, ground fissure worm areas, etc., the straight line clearly marked on the map is only 300 to 400 kilometers away. It took six hours to reach the designated area. But unfortunately, after a search, they did not find any traces of the landing of the troop carrier. Instead, they were a few protozoa that seemed to be walking for food.

Based on the principle that people don't offend me and I don't offend, neither Fang Senyan did not provoke these protozoa. They even found a giant spotted pheasant that resembled a fire-spitting insect that they had encountered before, but this protozoan was extremely docile, lying on a shady ground in an underground crack, eating sassafras and a black moss .

After the **** of the gold mine healed his illness, his spirit rejuvenated, and even the old man chatted with a young man, jumped on the back of this big bug, and proudly directed the big man forward, took a ride and walked for several kilometers before coming down. I want to come to that kind of fierce fire tortoise that the Zerg hatched after it absorbed its genes. However, the two are similar in appearance, but their temperament is ten thousand miles apart.

Under normal circumstances, overnight driving is a very dangerous thing, because for the driver, it may be that the mental strength is not concentrated, and the obstacles in front may not be clearly seen in the dark, which may cause a rollover. Fortunately, after the contractor's body has been digitalized, he can maintain a high degree of concentration for a long time, and the obstacles that can overturn the cushioned locomotive are mostly amazing in volume. Therefore, the two did not stay after a discussion and directly faced the next one marked on the map. The place was galloping directly, a thick sand dust was swept behind, and then the wind was flying away.

After nearly 100 kilometers of Mercedes-Benz again, it is less than ten kilometers from the next possible crash site. The physique of the two-person contractor was a little bit overwhelmed by the bumps of the night. The physical fatigue can be ignored, but the mental burnout is inevitable, so he got out of the car and drank in order to take a breather.

The mood of the two was also quite urgent at this time-because one hour ago, Fang Senyan had no intention to realize that his merit value had dropped by 1 point again, and the meaning behind this naturally represented that the reef side had suffered another risk. Once the protagonist dies on their side, it is likely that the owner of this temporary team will be forced to teleport out of the world. At that time, the mission fails, and Fang Senyan will naturally deduct the six points of merit and three points of the highest attribute value. Although this loss will not cause the two to hurt their bones, and they have already acquired a black accessory, it is always a depressing thing if the task on this side cannot be seen.

After ten minutes of recuperating, the two put on the combat armor, and after preparing for the battle, they started to search by air cushion locomotive. As a result, they saw the tail of the transport aircraft far away, and its belly was in the desert. In the middle, a deep trench of several hundred meters plowed out, just like a terrible scar in the desert, and then the transport aircraft plunged deeply into a sandy mountain in front, and it seemed that it was forced to land. It was quite successful. There was no explosion or fire, nor even too intense a collision. It is estimated that the greatest danger to the occupants' life is that they may be killed alive by the pouring sand.

However, as the distance from the wrecked ship diminished, their faces quickly became heavy. Although it seemed a quiet and peaceful atmosphere from a distance, it was a pity that as soon as you approached, you can see the obvious signs of battle here: **** pieces of battle armor, a pile of dried brown liquid, eat The abandoned pale white bones, clear earthy yellow craters, and even the surface of the body of the landed transporter are uniquely corroded by the snake snake acid. All this shows that this site of landfall has happened very Fierce battle!

Compared with Fang Senyan, a rookie in combat, there is no doubt that Mogansha, the veteran, has found more clues. After confirming that there is no danger here, he seems to inadvertently walk but has a very purpose: from time to time Under the stone, I found a corner of the clothes and touched it. I saw a shrapnel pinch in the sand pile, and lay on the ground like a dog and sniffed. At last I even put out my tongue and licked it. The dry blood on the beach finally came back to Moriyan Dori, whose face was heavy:

"They were attacked within half an hour after the forced landing. The attack was launched suddenly and swiftly, so that even some supplies on the forced landing ship were not taken away, and even several seriously injured companions trapped in the cabin were also taken away. Forced to abandon. "

Fang Senyan looked around, nodded his head to approve his judgment, and suddenly remembered something:

"What about the pilot of the spaceship?"

Mo Gansha shook her head slightly:

"The front end of the spacecraft is completely trapped in the sand hill. This guy is good. If he doesn't hit the sand hill, then he has to rush into the Gobi rocky beach in front of him ... but this forced landing will inevitably be the first time the cockpit is destroyed. Will be buried in hundreds of thousands of tons of sand, and there should only be more than ten people who have escaped. If they are all ordinary soldiers, then the chasing bugs will definitely catch up within an hour and their bones will be all There are no more than half left! "

Fang Senyan took a deep breath and said flatly:

"You should be able to track their retreat, right? Let's catch up and see."

Mogansha nodded:

"No problem, but the air-cushion locomotive is probably unusable, because the terrain here is becoming complicated, and we may be attacked at any time! I am afraid that the air-cushion locomotive will immediately break down, and it is easy to sit on the car Missing clues. "

If Fang Senyan is alone, then he is naturally not afraid of the onslaught of bugs, but Mogansha will be very dangerous even if he is approached by two fast beasts, so everything is naturally to be safe. The two simply buried the air-cushion locomotive with sand, then Fang Senyan picked up the flamethrower, which is a predator of the fierce beast, and walked in front. Mogansha walked seven or eight meters behind him. In this case, two People can look at each other end-to-end ~ ~ Mogansha can also take advantage of his long-range attack fire suppression.

There was silence all around, and the two chased westward following the clear and cluttered traces left, also thanks to the absence of sandstorms in the past two days, otherwise it would be quite difficult to track down. They just went around the wrecked ship. After a circle, Mo Gansha sighed again, but Fang Senyan also knew why he sighed --- because a trail appeared in the desert! Stepped out of the trail by various hoof prints and traces of life! !! !!

In this way, the Zerg who chased the fleeing survivors would be afraid to send a whole army! What's horrible is that they also mix the existence of long-range attacking disgusting creatures such as the Hydralisk. Mo Gansha looked at Fang Senyan, and he stopped talking. Fang Senyan thought seriously and said:

"I know you want to persuade me to give up, but have you considered it, we stayed at the steel outpost for a day after landing, and then we talked about the road for a day and a half. Even if there were two and a half days ago, there were amazing numbers here. The Zerg, but now I am afraid that it will disperse long ago. The reason why so many Zerg are gathered here should be the reason that the spaceship was too loud when it landed. If the two of us can lure the Zerg out of the nest, It is not too easy to adjust tigers to smash their old nests. I believe that this tribe of worms has been alive and destroyed a long time ago, so even if we encounter danger, we should be within the scope of coping. "

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