The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 23: The root of the war

"You are hit by the special ability of the Zerg Queen: Trap."

"Your movement speed and attack speed will each decrease by 50%."

"If you are invisible, you will be revealed immediately."

The two immediately covered their body with that pale green slime, raising their hands and throwing their feet as if bound by elastic ropes, and became extremely difficult. Even taking a step would take a lot of effort. Mo Gansha gritted his teeth and wanted to raise his gun to let this monster taste his own power, but Fang Senyan held his gun in his hand. Because on the high ground next to them, more than a dozen black creeping monsters appeared suddenly. The acid was brewed in their bodies, and they even made a shooting and aiming posture. Fang Senyan and Mogansha have the most headaches of the unit snake.

"If they are going to attack us, they have already attacked." Fang Senyan said calmly at this time.

Mo Gansha nodded slightly. At this moment, a sound suddenly sounded next to his ear. This sound was actually the same as if the nightmare mark made a reminder, without passing through the air, the eardrum was transmitted in the soul, it sounded It was as if an old woman was speaking.

"His ... human, ga, don't make any dangerous moves, hiss, otherwise I will have a hard time controlling the instinct of the children to tear you to pieces."

"Is this ability a teleportation?" Fang Senyan flashed the word in his heart, and he also began to try to send a message using the Nightmare Mark: "Who are you?"

The voice responded immediately:

"I am the mother of the Blackthorn. Deep Palace, and I am communicating with you through my child."

Mogansha said something incredible:

"Child? Is your child the monster in the sky?"

"I don't agree with you." The mother of blackthorn said calmly: "In our eyes, Janie's film is full of sexy, her lines are perfect and seductive. On the contrary, human beings are monsters, but I still treat you. Show respect, although I can kill and eat you at any time. "

Mogansha spread his hand:

"Okay, okay, dear lady, we have no intention of being against you. The real purpose of our coming here is not to capture or plunder anything, but to find a companion, that's all."

Mother of Blackthorn gave a concise and crisp response:

"Follow my children, humans, you will see them soon, but please don't take our goodwill as weakness."

Soon, Fang Senyan and Mogansha walked to the side under the **** of a group of Hydralisks and Swift Beasts. Gradually, a thick layer of lilac organic matter appeared under their feet, like a carpet. Generally, stepping on it is like walking on a soft river beach.

These materials are also involved in the data collected by Fang Senyan. Their name is Creep (organic spread), which can digest all nutrients to provide the necessary nutrition for the Zerg, and provide organs for the Zerg larvae and drones to help them deform. It has evolved into other large forms. Under normal circumstances, the spread of organic matter is difficult to eradicate. For Zerg, these things can provide them with additional recovery capabilities.

In addition, the emergence of CREEP already represents one thing: that is already the core area that Zerg must be guarded. Once you have not been approved by the Zerg, you will be attacked by extremely fierce and crazy! Fang Senyan went all the way. They could see crowded Zerg creatures everywhere. There was a mass of brown jellyfish floating on the sky. If you want to visualize it, it looks like human brain tissue. The trunk-like nerves are connected below.

According to the data, this thing is called the host. It should be another Zerg form, without any attack ability, but similar to the organic synthesis factory, it can provide necessary nutrition to the Zerg organisms that have hatched. Size, just look at the number of hosts. In addition, because the host detects the surrounding environment through biological perception, and does not have the eyes normally defined, it can detect invisible creatures in a certain range around it.

Among them, Fang Senyan did not walk out of the worm's nest for a long time, and saw several military tents in the mountains not far away. A soldier sitting on a dry rock and smoking a cigar saw Fang Senyan and immediately stood up in surprise:

"Wow, man! Please don't tell me that you are also survivors of the crash."

Although Mo Gansha's charm is not high, but it is still maintained at a normal level, so he usually carries out the negotiations.

"On the contrary, soldiers, we are here to confirm whether you are still alive and to find a way to take you home."

The soldier laughed:

"Dude, seriously, this is the most joyful joke I've heard in the last 48 hours."

Mo Gansha sighed:

"If I were you, I would never have spoken to a lifesaver like this."

"Savior?" Said the soldier, surprised.

Mo Gansha took the harmonica made by pilot Kitt from his arms:

"If Lieutenant Colonel Dundee is alive, then I know if I'm saying true or false."

The soldier immediately surprised:

"Are you the one who chased away the predatory spore dragon? The master who can use Camille's cannon to make an adhesive pursuit?"

Of course, the black guy Mo Gansha will not show the humility of the East, and naturally immediately fluttered his golden AK loudly:

"Of course! If it weren't for the machine gun, it would feel as bad as the chest of a 60-year-old aunt! I can shoot the **** of that **** idiot out of my mouth!"

The soldier immediately looked at Lao Mo with adoring eyes, and then ran to the tent. Within a few minutes, more than ten soldiers emerged from the tent, neatly arranged in two rows, and straightened his body to salute. !! At the same time, shouting with all his strength:

"Salute to you! Sergeant!" (Sergeant is the space rank of Mogansha, which is common in all worlds)

Mo Gansha learned how to pay him back, and then a lieutenant colonel with white gauze on his left arm stood out, and reached out to Mo Gansha with a serious expression:

"I am Lieutenant Colonel Dundee, Captain of the Gravel Special Forces. Thank you for your bravery and your bravery to come and rescue us, but to be honest, I really do not want to see you here. Because of the situation here .... I'm afraid worse than you think. "

Mo Gansha reached out and shook it:

"Oh, Colonel Dundee, I knew it was definitely a difficult journey when I set off, so please don't worry too much, and tell us the truth about the situation."

Lieutenant Colonel Dunde turned around and looked at the heavily armed Fang Senyan:

"he is?"

Fang Senyan took a step forward, Li Zheng loudly:

"Special Ensign Sailor reports to you, R."

"Sailor." Dunde recalled, before his eyes brightened: "I seem to have heard people praise your courage before!"

This is the benefit of the +1 legend. Although Fang Senyan has a low charm, after having this preconceived impression, he can naturally do more with less in the communication. Then he watched Colonel Dunde very difficult and took a few steps on the spot. Then this looked up firmly and said:

"Okay, I'll talk to you about the current situation. First of all, I have to tell you, the root cause of human and zerg fighting ... It's not like the politicians talk nonsense about the environment. Conquering racial contradictions is due to a kind of ore! A very rare resource even in the universe! Crystal superconducting ore (um)! "

Speaking of Lieutenant Colonel Dundee, he took out a crystal-looking crystal from his arms. The crystal showed a silver-blue color, and the surface even had a metallic luster. Amazingly, it could float automatically from the palm of his hand. Centimeter in the air!

"This is the superconducting crystal ore named Pandora by those who are full of copper odor. Its performance surpasses all superconductors ever made by humans. It can be maintained at a high temperature of 1516 degrees Celsius (2761 degrees Fahrenheit). Superconducting performance ~ ~ Superconducting ore also has strong antimagnetic performance, even if it is placed in a magnetic field with a strength of 1 billion Gauss (100,000 Tesla), the superconducting performance can be maintained. This 1000 times stronger than any other substance on the earth ... Even at the time of the Star Alliance's most deteriorating economy, the price of um of raw ore has never been less than 40 million US dollars, please note that it has not yet passed Purified raw ore! "

Mo Gansha shrugged his shoulders and said:

"Wow, lieutenant colonel, I'm numb to this number. It sounds like all these money piled up can crush me alive ------- This is being caught in the **** of big **** Another happy way of suffocating. "

Colonel Dundee sighed and continued:

"Pandora crystal is the most perfect energy known to mankind. No uranium ore or oil is worth comparing with it! So it is worth all the people to find it in the entire universe and willing to pay any price for it. The only disadvantage of Pandora crystals is that besides humans, there are many other alien races that also need the energy contained in them. This includes the Zerg, which is the only reason we fight these **** bugs. . This is also the only reason for the separation between human bases and human bases, and sometimes friction between bugs! "

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