The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 31: Swift Beast Leader

Under the constant spray of Fang Senyan, a few seconds later, the tough cage was burned a big hole alive by the flamethrower, and two elite savage beasts rushed in first. Jerking behind the juice. However, it is estimated that the action mode of the brain worm is similar to that of a footless creature such as a snake / tadpole. It relies on the muscle contraction to move forward on the ground. The black spiny brain worm magic juice seems to move even while maintaining the mental wall Unable to catch it, Fang Senyan saw a bad situation, and immediately greeted everyone to rush forward to help push and push, and finally everyone pushed the amazingly fat mane out of the danger zone in time.

After being out of danger, the black spiny brain worm juice just slumped to the ground, and it looks almost like a black dough that has been enlarged by dozens of times. The softness even has a bit of funny taste, and it seems to be directly tired. Take off. The violent acid on both sides of the pipeline lost the barrier and sprayed out directly. The acrid and unpleasant white smoke was tumbling, and several round table-sized ulcers were eroded on the surrounding red meat floor. The meat wall was still writhing in pain.

At this moment, Fang Senyan pointed to the entrance of the passage that everyone entered, and shouted:

"Be careful!"

His shout just sounded, and a small calf-sized elite swift beast had quietly rushed out. Blood was flowing from the ear holes of his ears, and his body was full of burns. It was clear that he had rushed through the series. Explosion sequence. The elite beast was running very fast, if it passed by like a wind, and then stepped in the air to the flesh-red wall next to it, and deftly and ingeniously made a turn in the air, it cleverly passed the fireman Byrons's shot. Zhang Yawu's claws rushed to the black spiny brain worm magic juice, five meters, four meters, three meters ...

In half a second, it will be able to plunge into the black spiny brain worm's body crazy, tear its skin with its claws, and devour its flesh with its sharp teeth! !! !!

But at this time, Mo Gansha had already pulled the trigger.

A series of sounds of "Da Da Da Da Da" sounded, Jinak's muzzle spit out the tongue of fire, two hot bullets hit its waist, and this strong fierce beast continued to flutter towards the Pushed two or three meters in the direction, and then a bullet hit its outstretched claw to prevent it from attacking the brainworm below. The last two bullets once again gave this elite fast beast enough pushing force to make it cross the black thorn brain worm juice below, and fell into the huge ulcer pit eroded by acid.

The swift beast screamed immediately. It was an elite constitution, and it was immediately eroded and stripped off flesh and blood. Even the hard bones were quickly dissolved. Finally, desperately plunged to death in the acid pool. Fang Senyan Shouted:

"The cerebral worms of the thick liquid tribe are dead! This means that only the mother nest can be actively mobilized to attack us! According to the practice of the blackthorn mother nest, this means that every time we receive Attacks will be limited, and there will never be a steady flow of conditions. "

"Adam Savage!" Fang Senyan began to order.

"Ye, sR!" Adam Savage stood out.

"You don't need to take part in the blocking battle. Don't forget that we are staying inside the mother emperor. Your task is to destroy, destroy, and destroy again! The sooner the better. Seeing that there is no genius in the pit there Teacher, I very much hope that more, bigger and deeper pits will appear in front of us. Also, don't you think these **** blood vessels hanging above us are very annoying? "

"I guarantee that your requirements will be met, sR." Adam Savage patted his backpack, chewing gum and said: "You really have vision, destruction is my specialty!"

Fang Senyan nodded:

"The rest of the people come to block the entrance of that entrance! By the way, Mr. Magic Juice, you don't want to hang up at this time? So your two men have to come and defend together until we put thick liquid This tribe's mother emperor is done. "

The black spiny brain worm magic juice seemed to slow down, the fat body crawled and crawled to the corner where the crystal ore was piled up, and its mental transmission also spread to everyone's heart at this time:

"Thank you, my ally, your request will be implemented, and please give me ten minutes."

At the same time, the two elite savage beasts also reached the entrance of the passage in accordance with Fang Senyan's requirements. Five minutes later, Fang Senyan annihilated the five elite elite beasts and a thorn snake. These guys probably had a high explosion rate because they were "guards", and they dropped three blue ones. The key, unfortunately, nothing good was released. At this time, everyone looked at the blackthorn again, and everyone was taken aback, because the Pandora crystal mines that were piled up beside them were actually steaming fast!

The black spiny worm lies on the ground, seeming to be meek and obedient, but the mental power coming out of its head is horrible. If there is a substantial point, even if people look up, there is a illusion of steaming and twisting. Under such a powerful mental power, those Pandora crystals and ores quickly disintegrated, and the overflowing energy was immersed into the body of the black spiny brain juice. Its surface quickly became smooth and full, and finally there was a crystal clear illusion.

This feeling lasted for less than a minute, and the surface of the black spiny body began to harden, turn black, and quickly formed a huge pimple, lying quietly on the flesh-red ground. Below the cricket, there was also a ring of blue ripples like a punch, and under the influence of this aura, Fang Senyan all got tips:

"You are affected by the Zerg Black Iron Lord Aura. Your attack power is increased by 5% and your attack power is increased by 5%."

"Allied Zerg creatures affected by this aura will receive a double boost."

"Enemy Zerg creatures affected by this aura will get double the weakening effect."

At this time, several Zerg creatures of the thick liquid tribe rushed into it. However, on the one hand, Fang Senyan gained a bonus, and on the other hand, the enemy was weakened. After this decline, the battle became easier. And Adam Savage also succeeded frequently, the explosion sounds one after another in the body of the mother's nest, the inside of the mother's nest from time to time violently twitching and trembling, Fang Senyan they felt as if there was an earthquake.

Within ten minutes, cracks appeared on the surface of the giant carcass formed by the black spines. It actually forcibly upgraded at this time! However, Fang Senyan thought it was the same reason. For the brain worms of the Blackthorn thorn tribe, it had swallowed the two brain worms of the other tribes in the previous killing. The accumulation has reached a very advanced level. Unfortunately, The promotion was interrupted after being interrupted. At this time, it became a Jedi counterattack, engulfing the cerebral worms of the thick liquid tribe, and there were enough Pandora crystals to provide energy. Naturally, it can break through into advanced in one fell swoop!

Soon, there was a steady stream of cracking sounds on the surface of the giant salamander. A large number of fragmented black salamander shells were continuously scattered, and a new form of black spines appeared. This guy is still as fat as ever, with a big belly, but there is an extra layer of shiny black carapace on the surface of the body. It has a diamond-like feel, and it looks a bit more defensive than the previous fat-buffed look. Times, and this guy also grows six stout giant legs, which looks quite similar to Shihulang who has been enlarged hundreds of times, and the motive force must also be greatly strengthened.

Under the command of the Blackthorn, the two elite swift beasts quickly returned to their side, and began to devour the scattered crustaceans. During the process of swallowing, the bones inside their bodies creaked, visible to the naked eye The degree of change is high. During the course of eating, one of the elite swift beasts suddenly twitched, and the epidermis all over the body constantly raised and sunken, and then a lot of distorted bones pierced out of the body, and a large number of wounds Numerous sticky pale green juices were ejected and died, and he saw that the genetic evolution had failed completely.

On the other hand, another elite fast beast continues to devour the shells, and from time to time, a low growl sounds from its throat ~ ~ Its body has expanded rapidly, its exoskeleton has gradually formed, and even evolution failed Similar corpses also ate cleanly, and finally became a blood-red boney zerg that covered the whole body. It seemed to be the enhanced version of the kind of bone-worm in the Star River Corps. It was fierce and fierce. And its name has also been replaced by the savage beast leader, it seems that it should be advanced to the level of legendary creatures.

With this guy at the gate of the aisle, he was madly suppressed by the husband, and the troops transferred by the mother's nest naturally died and died. The ordinary fierce beast snake in front of this guy was exactly one claw. Even the elites were crushed by being beaten alive.

After the elite troops died, the ordinary Zerg sent to see this savage beast leader was snoring out of fear of the superiors, and they could only use half their power. After Adam Savage destroyed the inside of the mother's nest, the attacking Zerg had no genius at all. Apparently, the inside of the mother's nest had been severely damaged and fell into a dormant state.

After seeing this situation, Fang Senyan and they simply counterattacked out. Naturally, the savage beast led the lead. Although the tongue-stab turret at the door was still playing a faithful role, the Zerg unit of the thick liquid unit lost its mother nest and The dominance of the brain worms is completely resistant to the strong suppression of the black spiny brain worm magic juice that has been advanced, and it can only escape in terror, and the tongue-stinging turret is beaten into **** blood within a minute.

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