The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 34: Black dude vomiting blood ...

Lieutenant Colonel Dundee's armor was naturally specially made, so it wasn't very hurt after being hit a few times, but a spore dragon had already caught the gap between his attacks and flew up! If you are hit by a head hit, then the form is quite bad! Fortunately, at this time, a figure suddenly emerged from the side, and his hands were like iron tongs to pinch the spore flying dragon's neck! His force was extremely great, and he just stuck to the center of gravity of this spore flying dragon after he saved it, immediately making the tragedy guy hissing a scream, flapping his wings and rolling helplessly.

In the dust, this spore dragon was struggling frantically, but the figure riding on it was firm and rocky. He raised his fist and smashed it straight down. There was really a feeling of complete suppression that I stood still! The other spore flying dragon saw that it wasn't looking good. He had flapped his wings and wanted to fly away, but there was a clear gunshot of "Da Da Da" in the distance. The first bullet hit its left eye and the second shot. However, the third bullet brought out a few Mars directly on the cliff next to it, and then a few rubbles splashed down. A huge rock rolled down and smashed the spore flying dragon from the air to the ground! Viscous blood flowed directly from the bottom of the boulder.

Three minutes later, the spore flying dragon captured by Fang Senyan was completely stunned. It can be seen that there are clear red stripes on its belly and wings, which looks very distinctive. It should be the logo of the ethnic group to which it belongs. The shape of the stripes is the same as the battlefield that Fang Senyan encountered in the battle with the searing mouthpiece. The death zergs on it are very similar. Mogansha had eaten barbecue with the zerg, and naturally confirmed Fang Senyan's judgment.

At this time, it is probably that the surviving host also handed the collected information to the mother's nest. It has been seen that many air defense-capable thorn snakes wriggled around on the ground and began to seize. Commanding heights around the base.

And soon, Fang Senyan they also received the teleportation of the brainworm:

"My friend, it seems you have caught an attacker, can you bring it to me?"

Fang Senyan naturally wanted to meet this requirement, and dragged the unlucky spore flying dragon to the mother's nest. After the evolution of the black spiny brain worm demon possessed its own carapace, it did not shrink into the heavily guarded mother's nest all day long to avoid risks, as in the former stage I, and usually brought a group of guards to inspect the territory. . So they met each other west of the base.

Fang Senyan threw the half-dead and half-lived spore flying dragon in front of him, and the black spiny brain worm magic juice let his men hold it down, then began to bury his head, and read his memory with brain waves, until the unlucky guy was able to bear Can't stop squeezing, the head smashed into blood, water, and mud with a pop.

"We're in big trouble." There was anxiety in the voice of the black spiny brain worm. He lifted his short forelimb and waved it on the ground, and the flesh and blood organs nearby dissolved automatically, and then formed a three-dimensional map of flesh and blood that looked extremely terrifying in front of Fang Senyan. Then the magic juice began to explain:

"My old enemy, the Redweave Tribe, also unified the surrounding tribes and advanced to the advanced base. Most of the Pandora crystal mines in the area it occupied were barren. And the red brain enemies have always been my deadly enemy. Yu Gong said that I have occupied the most abundant Pandora crystal mine. In private terms, the hatred between me and me is very unforgiving. There is an endless battle !!! "

Fang Senyan took the opportunity to raise his doubts:

"I had seen a battlefield on my way here before, and the Zerg troops fighting in it were like the black Zerg and a tribe with a clear red logo fighting each other. The black Zerg looked like Our troops, I don't know if this is related to the hatred between you? "

The black spiny brain worm's juice unfolded its huge shitshell-like crustacean wings and began to flap, looking quite anxious, and it took a while to send a wave of mind:

"That troop was the best I dispatched. Otherwise, the thick liquid tribe would not have the opportunity to plunder me. I did not expect that the red brainworm also concealed its strength. Although it was sent out, it was only an ordinary troop. , But with a few new powerful arms mixed in it, my army was wiped out. "

"New recruit?" Fang Senyan moved in his heart. Although he already had an approximate goal in his mind, he still started to transmit information with the black spiny brain juice.

"Our mother-in-law of the Zerg can absorb some of the genes of the original creatures, and then create some new combat weapons. Although these combat weapons are not necessarily suitable for combat in all planetary environments, but in its native place, The combat power is the most powerful. The mother's nest of the Red Stripe tribe absorbs and improves a giant spotted owl of the planet, and merges a huge fire-breathing beetle, which is quite powerful. Of course, its construction cost is very expensive, and the chance of successful hatching It's also very low. "

Fang Senyan Qidao:

"Then why can't the mother of blackthorn absorb the creation of such a service?"

The black spiny brain worm's juice continuously conveys his thoughts:

"This location we are tracing is not the kind of colorful origin, so the number of experimental bodies that can be captured is extremely limited. The high-energy Pandora crystal mines here just make it impossible for us to give up this base. So we are behind in translating the genetic code. Some. According to the information just obtained, the Red Tribe has been promoted to the level base three days in advance. At this time, it already has nearly ten Spitfire Beetles, and it is still hoarding its forces. It is necessary to break through and occupy us here, so , We need help !!! Please delay the attack time of the Red Tribe as much as possible! "

After obtaining this information, Mo Gansha had a faint feeling of being a big loser in his heart. After the black spines brain juice was finished, sure enough, he and Fang Senyan received a reminder at the same time:

"You got a side mission: the crisis of the Blackthorn Tribe."

"Mission Difficulty: B-."

"Mission: Try to do everything possible to delay the offensive time of the Red Tribe."

"Mission description: It takes at least forty-eight hours for the Blackthorn Clan to be promoted to the first-level mother's nest and have enough defensive power. You must earn forty-eight hours for it."

"Mission description: After forty-eight hours, each additional hour of delay will receive additional rewards and evaluations. Delays are capped at a maximum of four hours."

"Your current reputation among the Blackthorn tribe is: Respect. You cannot refuse this mission."

"If this mission fails, the highest basic attribute points will be reduced by 1 and the merit value will be reduced by 7."

"Wait!" Mo Gansha took a deep breath, and asked with some despair in his eyes: "Dear Lord Blackthorn .... Excuse me, where is the base of the Red Tribe?"

The Black Echinococcus Magic Juice answers very quickly:

"You must be able to find the tribe founded by that idiot four hundred kilometers east."

The black dude Mo Gansha was black, and almost no blood was sprayed out. Fang Senyan at this time thought of the dark mass in his private space. It was exactly the unknown tuberculosis that had killed the first legendary creature: the glowing mouthpiece. And the side note of this tuberculosis is: No human knows what this thing is useful for!

Nani ... Every creature of the Blackthorns tribe is not a human! !!

Is this suggesting something?

With this in mind, Fang Senyan directly gave this thing to the Goblin Gold Mine, then asked him to "play for free", and then presented it to the Blackthorn Clan. The gold mine was very willing to accept this task, and he seemed to be able to get great pleasure from this strange bargain. It didn't take long for Fang Senyan to get a hint:

"Your servant's gold mine will instead give you the core of the Searing Mouth to the Blackthorn Clan."

"The racial ability of your servant's gold mine: the baht will be more effective than LV15, and this gift will be defaulted to the world's charm of 50 points."

"Your servant's hiding power of blackmail and extortion comes into effect, the Blackthorn tribe's inventory is reduced by a few, the Blackthorn tribe's collection is reduced by a few, and the blackthorn tribe's robbery items are reduced by ~ ~ Blackthorn Brain Worm Juice And Mother of Blackthorns are very grateful to you. "

"Your reputation among the Blackthorns tribe has increased: 10,000."

Watching the gold mine ran away with a smile, Fang Senyan ran away, and Fang Senyan couldn't help expressing his condolences and deep condolences to the warehouse of the Blackthorn tribe. Just after more than ten seconds, the blackthorn brainworm magic juice sent a spiritual pass. come:

"My friend, thank you for your support. The mother nest has analyzed the perfect gene combination sequence of the firefly. It is expected that the finished product can be hatched in ten minutes. Its only drawback is that it requires a considerable amount of Pandora crystals and abundant GAS rare ore. "

Fang Senyan listened and was relieved. Now for the Blackthorn tribe, he also holds multiple Pandora crystal mineral resources, one of which is an enviable high-energy rich ore. As long as the horsepower worker bees are used for production, the crystals The energy unit should be more than adequate. Well, now that there are arms that can directly confront the fire-spitting insects of the opponent, and once the attacker's reinforcements are produced, they must travel a full 400 kilometers, and the guards' troops can immediately enter the battle as soon as they are produced. With a unique natural advantage, the chances of successfully defending will be much greater.

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