The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 38: Soul Equipment

Fangs! Battle of the Zerg! Recommended tickets

Updated: 11-12-1415: 17:13

As far as eyes are concerned, naturally there is no genius and a master can compare with the old churros of Mo Gansha. He squints his eyes and looks down through the gap of the host's tentacles, and screams anxiously before long! "Down, 500 meters to the left!

The host quickly fell after a sharp turn, and Moriya also saw it below. There are obvious traces of trample on the bottom. That is the scratch mark left by the claws of the team after the rapid beast! Looking down the path where this swift beast trampled out, you can see that it disappeared into the shadow of a protruding giant rock.

If you look closely, you can see the cave entrance of a black hole, like a giant monster's open mouth, chilling.

Because even ordinary hosts also have anti-cryptomorphic abilities, Fang Senyan is not afraid that there are bugs lying in the ground, and he jumps directly. He thought about it later on Mogansha:

"I leave Byrons to you. The two of you are out there to answer. I took two machine guns and entered with my hands. It can already form a cross fire. The cave is narrow, and no one can deploy more troops. If the enemy has Most of the squadrons came to help, so we must remember to kill the thorn snakes with air capability first! "

Mo Gansha knew that he could not be of much use in the complex terrain of caves, so he simply agreed to this matter. Fang Senyan is not afraid that he will run away in advance, because the interests of the two people are also closely connected at this time, common branch tasks, complementary professional strengths, and more importantly Mogansha ’s reputation of the Blackthorn tribe at this time has been Almost to zero, if he wants to buy and buy the remaining worship reputation rewards, such as increasing range and increasing mobility, he must land on Fang Senyan.

After the two separated, Fang Senyan poured himself a bottle of genetic medicine: the power of flesh and blood. Push the power value to the point directly! Then he took the Prometheus flamethrower and hung it around his neck. This cave is only five or six meters wide and less than four meters in height. It looks dark and oppressive. Fang Senyan estimates that the Zerg tribe team entering it should be based on fast beasts. Even if there are thorn snakes, there will not be many. Because in this environment, at most, it can only accommodate two or three Hydralisks to attack side by side, and the rest can only be crowded behind in vain. Wasted in vain, so the small and maneuverable fast beast must be the main combat force.

To be honest, in this environment, Fang Senyan alone is afraid of killing hundreds of ordinary fast beasts. If there is strong fire support in the rear, he can even support it longer. He led the two elite soldiers along the way, and gradually smelled a strong odor in his nose. Not too far away, he saw the savage beasts on the ground messed up, and the pale yellow body fluids were gathered into one. The stagnant water on the beach slammed on the steps.

Fang Senyan immediately wiped these liquid bodies all over the body regardless of the filth. This behavior may be useful and may not be used by geniuses. More likely, it may only delay those savage beasts that are sensitive to smell by half a second or Qingyi. I feel myself in seconds, but Fang Senyan always believes that if these things are done better than they are not done, even if they have no effect, there is no loss.

Suddenly, a machine gun pistol rushed forward and picked up a cracked helmet on the ground. There was a clear and terrifying hole in the broken part of the helmet. The end of the hole was covered with turbid blood and dead white pulp. This is a universal helmet for human soldiers, and apparently they also suffered casualties here.

Then the three continued to push forward, and the corpses seen in 6 continued to increase. Of course, the majority of the Zerg corpses accounted for this, but the Zerg tribe's corps could be continuously added. For these fugitives, however, One less is dead! The corpse of the tough guy corps soldiers began to appear in front of him. Fang Senyan turned the curve in front of him, and by the way broke a savage beast next to him, and immediately saw a familiar face.


The Joel who is good at using sniper shotguns.

The muscles on his face had been twisted, bloodstained, his eyes were open, the upper armour's combat armor was intact except for a few cracks, but his lower body was half-limbed ...

There is no genius.

It can be inferred that he was thrown to the ground by a fierce beast, and Joel waved his hands wildly to drive the fierce beast away, but at this time two or three fierce beasts had rushed wildly, sharp teeth and claws. In a short period of time, Joel caused fatal injuries, and because the upper body's armor was quite strong, he devoured only his lower body and then continued to pursue it.

Fang Senyan closed Joel's deadly eyes with ease. This man's powerful long-range attack was indeed awesome. It was a man who had wounded the metal mentor, but he had more ambition than his own strength. And in Fang Senyan's plan, the least needed are ambitious people ...

The more casualties that followed, Fang Senyan found familiar faces one after another. The light in the cave was very dim. He suddenly saw that a thin figure lying on the rock in front of him seemed to shake. It seemed that it was Hannick who had a good relationship with Joel. He was still alive?

Fang Senyan stepped forward and was about to reach out to move the mad Hanick's shoulder, and suddenly a blood-stained beast was thrown from under him, holding sharp teeth and pointing his claws at Fang Senyan's face. Plan up!

This attack really made Fang Senyan feel caught off guard. He fiercely slammed back, behaving as a way of avoiding this swift beast, but the key to his throat was exposed. The beast instinct of this swift beast is very powerful, and even when he stretches his head, he will go straight. Suddenly, his mouth was stuffed with a fist inside his mouth! Very rude and directly resisted the throat of this swift beast, and slammed it against the rock next to it.

This swift beast dying back, his jaws and jaws tried hard to close and bite, but felt that the toughness was transmitted from his teeth. Of course, his simple brain would not know the powerful meaning contained in it. Second, another fist smashed into the eyes of this swift beast, hitting the ears and the nostrils with the liquid squirting out, and then being kicked with a heavy kick, less than the life value. This fast beast was naturally killed instantly.

Fang Senyan looked at the crazy Hanick. He was basically intact. Unfortunately, a huge opening was ripped in his belly, and the five internal organs were almost completely hollowed out alive. . Although I have seen more blood and death, such a terrible method of death is unavoidable.

Fang Senyan looked at these familiar faces that he had fought side by side before, but a complex and unspeakable taste emerged in his heart. But at this moment, this faint sorrow was broken by a burst of lame laughter ...

Fang Senyan turned back suddenly:

"Hey, hey, it's dangerous here. What do you do when you suddenly run out of a gold mine?"

The gold mine's scumbag's eyes burst into tears, and his hands were clenched into a fist and put on his chest.

"Thank you for your concern. Can you discount it to show my condolences?"

Fang Senyan: "There is no such thing as a gifted genius for money! Wait, why do you have that red light in your hands?"

The beard of the rat of the gold mine immediately lifted up, and there was a little fluster in the look, and he smiled:

"How is that possible? Impossible, you must be wrong!"

Fang Senyan gave a high-five stun and said:

"I say! Your greedy lover is afraid of death and is so lazy, how can you suddenly get out in such a dangerous place! What great benefits must have been caught, is it the soul equipment !!!?"

The gold mine screamed and immediately covered her neckline:

"Gold coins are on, master you can't do this! Otherwise I swear I will reduce loyalty to o!"

As soon as the gold mine's big killer came out, Fang Senyan looked silent at once, and immediately changed his face and smiled:

"I'm just talking, you can use these five general points first, the soul equipment is not so easy to get, you have to do the task. It is better to sell me general points."

The gold mine unceremoniously quickly included the five common points in the bag, but was angrily by the way:

"The great Goblin will definitely protect his property. ~ Damn it. This is the soul equipment? Actually give me the task? Or the task of killing a thousand fast beasts? Oh my gosh I hate the task as much as I hate tipping! So I will use the mystery of the Goblins to erase this **** task !! "

Fang Senyan heard the saliva spit from the gold mine, and suddenly he couldn't help but opened his eyes and saw that the gold mine took out the red-lighted item. He took off his shoes and rubbed with his feet. He rubbed the medicine in the crotch in the way of Ji Gong rubbing medicine, then picked up the stone and smashed it, and finally spit it out with a cough and a thick sputum ... Fang Senyan couldn't help turning his head, lamenting that this guy is also It ’s been awkward to die of the mold of eight lives. Even after death, even the equipment was tossed by his unscrupulous servant. What's even more frightening is that I can't stop it, I can't grab that good thing ...

The gold mine then picked up the item, spit a little bit of water and wiped the sleeves with it ... As a result, the light of resentment on the soul equipment gradually drifted away. The insignificant goblin smiled instantly, almost unable to shut up. Fang Senyan's eyes were widened. Looking at the equipment, it was a ring worn on the finger of Mad Hanick. It seemed that the ring had a silver glow! ... Fang Senyan reluctantly glanced at the ring again, knowing that it was impossible to get cheap from this miser, and the inner cow turned firmly with all his face and continued to walk deep into the cave.

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