The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 40: Little chance event: silver key!

Although Fang Senyan successfully killed a rare elite, because the body of "boiling slurry" blocked most of the power of the flamethrower, the other rare rare spiny snake called "concentrated acid" also suffered a considerable degree of burns and was also burned. The machine gunner was injured, but it was far from fatal. At least half of his life was left. After returning to normal status, he saw the tragic situation of a similar body being boiled and exploded. It had at least forty on his body. A lymphatic tube ruptured due to anger leading to uncontrolled hormones, and at the same time 173 muscles in the chest and abdomen relaxed at the same time and tightened to the limit!

A thick green sulphuric acid juice from Kankai's thick sulfuric acid was squeezed out of its body cavity, and hit the cheek of the damned human at a speed of 730 meters per second!

dead! dead! dead!

Fang Senyan did not escape, he stared at the rare rare spiny snake on the opposite side! The pungent acid dripped onto his left face, and the flesh was burnt and corroded alive. Even the bottom of Bai Sensen's face was burnt with a little pit. At the same time, Fang Senyan had flung Dropped the flamethrower in his hand and pulled out his ambition with his backhand when saving forward!

The wind gives up,

The tidal sound of the sea seemed to reverberate at this instant,

There seems to be a roar of roaring waves and then fell heavily!

There is also a rich and scent of rum in the air

The muzzle of the black hole blew a thunderous sound,

The Rum Song Moves!

A lead bullet flew out with a dark glow, and shot silently into the "sour acid" head of this Hydralisk! "Pop" a splash of yellow-green body fluid! Although its physical value does not reach the critical value of%, and it fails to activate the critical strike special effect, the high damage and stun effect of the ambition itself can still have a huge effect.

At this time, the stimulant effect on Fang Senyan still did not disappear. After pouring a strong vodka, he bent down and rushed to the "deep acid" of the thorn snake, which was trapped in dizziness. His ambition had been put away. However, there is a bit of metallic light shining on both fists, like tusks. By the time the "Sour Acid" of the Hydralisk woke up, Fang Senyan had hit his head with both fists!

Even though that layer of bone leather armor is good in protection, Fang Senyan at this time the cow has already had some strength and attacked the vital part of the Hydralisk. He immediately cracked the bone armor into several pieces. Yellow-green juice splashing. The "concentrated acid" of the Hydralisk compressed the muscles in the body cavity again, and sprayed a thick acidic liquid at the enemy in front of it.

Fang Senyan's eyes burned with a mixture of brutality and brutality. The acid acid combat armor splashed on his body could not be resisted at all, and directly eroded into the musculoskeletal, scorching white smoke, and corroded a terrible wound. But at the same time, Fang Senyan raised his hands high again, and after a few punches, the light on the iron finger tiger covered with his fingers flashed away, and he drove straight down into the "sour acid" of the thorn snake. The yellow-green body fluid in the deep part of his brain splashed all over Fang Senyan's face, and Fang Senyan screamed with both hands, violently tearing the elite hydralisk from his head into half! !! !! !!

"You killed the rare elite acid. Your reputation in humans + points."

"You killed the rare elite boiling pot, your prestige among humans + points."

After madly fighting, Fang Senyan felt the tear-like pain coming from his body, and even felt the crumbling feeling that the acid was corroding his body little by little. But his spirit was aroused because among the rotten wreckages of two Hydralisks, Fang Senyan appeared to have a silvery light scattered for a long time! Fang Senyan grabbed a glance and felt that the rare elite boiling liquid had dropped a silver key! However, the keys dropped by the rare elite acid are dark blue.

Obviously, Fang Senyan encountered a small probability event, because the danger of hunting this rare elite is also extremely great, especially in the initial contact, the risk taken is not inferior to attacking the legendary creature, so it There is indeed a chance to drop the key of the silver plot level, but the chance is only enough, the most likely is that Shan has the chance to drop the dark blue key, and the chance to drop the black key. Fang Senyan only hit the highest probability and the smallest probability at the same time, and it was far from being lucky.

Taken out the soul equipment: After the endless potent vodka's hip flask took a sip, Fang Senyan finally made the slowly falling health value rise. He tore off the tortured combat armor on his body, but the upper body was still scorching with white smoke, and even the wound showed a dark horror color, and it seemed that no genius master healed at all. Signs, as if the flesh and blood of the human body had candles, and Fang Senyan's left cheek was sprayed with acid.

Both form a yin and yang face, which is quite similar to the terminator's face poster, which is half human and half metal.

After confirming that he is no longer in danger for the genius guru, Fang Senyan took a deep breath and looked back at the plain below the mountain. At this time, the sun was burning obliquely, and the yellow sand under the Gobi was illuminated. They all seemed to be stained with gold. The bottom of the sea of ​​insects is about to be closed in at least another minute or two. Maybe those people in the bottom are still unknown in the game, but Fang Senyan sighed, slightly with regret. Shook his head.

Although the purpose of coming here can be said to be a total failure, for Fang Senyan, the benefits he has gained from the Blackthorn tribe and the human tribe mother star are enough. It can be said that it is more than enough to compensate the losses here, not to mention just returned Exploded a silver key? It's a bit of a miserable feeling for the mulberry elbow, and everything can't be perfect. When I thought of this, Fang Senyan couldn't bear to watch his teammates who had been side by side in the past die tragically in front of him, then turned back to the cave when he came back.

But Fang Senyan had just taken two steps, and his pupils suddenly shrunk ... because from the side of the cliff, a scarred crocodile flying dragon flew out. The body of the dragon had black bone spurs, followed by the tentacle limbs. Fluttering in the wind, a black host like a giant jellyfish slowly rises from below!

It was Mo Gansha who controlled the host to come immediately!

He protruded half of his body from the sacral cavity, reached out to Fang Senyan standing on the mountainside, and pulled him up.

"Hey, Boss, you seem to have just climbed out of hell. Hell, it looks like I'm late, but there are two good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Fang Senyan stared at the sea of ​​insects below and smiled:

"The bad news is that one of my dragons was sacrificed.

Well, one of the good news is that this Zerg tribe should be very scarce of rare ore, so it has not been able to upgrade to Tian Tier 4 base, so no air force will come to attack us. Then tell me the good news two. "

Mogansha spread her hands and rolled her eyes:

"Okay, okay, you are as insightful as a devil. After breaking up with you, I saw another sub-base of this Zerg tribe, and there have been a lot of worker bees constantly mining here. The team ’s poor buddies are vengeful, so I pulled the trigger on these abominable bugs, and then came * at least a few hundred thorn snakes, but fortunately the movement of these disgusting guys is not too fast, so I Successfully escaped, but in order to cover the host from range, there was some normal wear and tear. "

"No wonder I don't see any thorn snakes here." Fang Senyan suddenly said suddenly: "This Zerg tribe's main base is built with many small air defense pylons, although it certainly cannot reach the power of hitting outer space. But it's too late to deal with the normal flying forces, so the Hydralisks are all coming out of the nest and you are led away to protect the base. "

Mogan Shaqi said:

"How do you know that there are many small air defense pylons in this Zerg main base?"

Fang Sen's expressionless expression:

"You know when you look back."

It turned out that Mo Gansha had been watching whether there was any chasing soldiers with geniuses behind him. He also knew that the host had basic intelligence and would not automatically fly to dangerous places, so he didn't even see the scene below the plain and the distance. He extended his head to look at it, and suddenly opened his eyes and screamed:

"Hey, what do you want to do?"

It turned out that Fang Senyan was the purchaser of this host ~ ~ He could naturally use a brainwave command to this host, and Mo Gansha turned around and saw that the owner of this cell was actually descending against the hillside The amplitude was high and swept down towards the sea of ​​insects on the plain below!

Fang Senyan took a deep breath:

"The host is inherently capable of anti-stealth, so even if there are abyssal snakes capable of facing the air in the plain, then it can be seen far in advance! As long as it arrives to save people before the encirclement of the fierce beast sea, the situation Seems dangerous but we still have hope for the task! "

Mo Gansha swallowed a spit and looked out and said:

"This is really a crazy plan, but I like it. But there seem to be more people who survive, what should I do? Boss, staying with you for a long time will definitely suffer heart disease. Damn, why sit Can't you attack inside the host? "

Mo Gansha was not without a talented master trying to sit in the host to attack, but when he opened fire, the host in flight would sway wildly. The explanation of the Nightmare Mark was because he was in the host's body. Will affect the host's balance nerve alone ...

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