The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 43: Reef Terror

Watching the two men flattening the task, Mo Gansha saw a few flat eyes and the eyes were protruding. Don't forget that this bad man was not able to receive the task of "the destruction of the giant Shi Ziran jet air defense tower" . (Net) While the reef was looking at the mission description, Mo Gansha asked Fang Senyan to try to see if he could share the human side missions to himself, but the Immortal Mark immediately passed on his ruthless hint:

"You have rejected this mission once, so the mission number 18 shared with you cannot be accepted."

Facing the cruel reality, Mo Gansha could only hold her own gold than crying silently. In fact, as long as there are enough manpower and enough time, there are many branch missions nearby to dig: The destruction of the whisky base will inevitably lead to the turmoil of the surrounding human bases, and most of them should destroy the Zerg missions here, for example There will still be the task of re-establishing the whisky base. However, in the principle of chewing and chewing, Fang Senyan directly abandoned these mostly existing branch lines. At this time, they have left the Blackthorn Tribe for nearly four hours. They are also worried about red. The tribe made a total attack on the Blackthorn troops in advance, so they rushed back without stopping.

During the flight, Fang Senyan thought for a while, but also expressed his euphemism that he wanted to see the properties of the reef, so that he could decide the future arrangements conveniently. Reef has been betrayed by life and death, and he has belittled all rights.He has been frustrated and frustrated in his position as a team leader, and has no intention of doing so.He has completely opened all his information to Fang Senyan. :

Number 123 (The number is only a genetic code, and has nothing to do with the order of entry)

Power 21 points (18 + 2 + 1) 21

27 Dexterity (23 + 3 + 1)

38 points of physical strength (+ 3 + 4 + 1)

9 points (8 + 1)

8 points (7 + 1)

Intelligence 9 points (8 + 1)

Spirit Points (9 + 1)

Awakening Level A Talent: Steel reduces the physical damage taken by the owner by 22%, and reduces the duration of the anomaly on the owner by%.

Basic Melee LV7 Basic Footsteps LV7 Basic Endurance LV7 Basic Meditation LV2 Basic Perception LV2

Basic Advanced Ability: One-Handed Weapon Specialization LV6

Basic Ultimate Ability: You can only use the cooldown of 15 seconds on your allies. After using it, the target will take the next damage you will take, and the damage will be weakened, gills.

Basic Advanced Ability: Shield Mastery LV6 gives you additional bonuses when using shields)

Basic Ultimate Ability: Heavy Shield Mastery LV1 (enables you to use heavy shields and gains additional bonus effects)

Basic Attribute Reward Field (Based on the basic attribute of naked physical strength to reach the power point): Mr. Bodybuilding (Hit +)

Basic Attribute Reward 4 (Reward based on the naked attribute agility reach point based on the basic attribute): Obscure (+ 3% chance to dodge all attacks)

B + level passive ability: tyrannical LV3 (currently proficiency 1135/3, your normal attack on the enemy will have a certain chance of appearing a range of additional damage effects, the damage value is 15% of the normal attack damage, but it will not be lower than Enemies who have suffered damage will fall into the effect of reducing the degree of mobility and attack, and the duration will be rampant.

Each time this ability takes effect, the proficiency will increase by 1-3 points. The level of the ability must be increased after the proficiency has been increased.

A-level active ability: Heartbreaker (Cultivate a), ranting roar, causing 3 times physical damage to enemies within a meter, and reducing its mobility by%-% and its attack by 25%-%. Duration is the physical strength of the minus the affected person's physical strength. If the affected person's physical strength is higher than the caster's physical strength, they will only be harmed and will not be affected.

Additional special effects: This ability is performed without consumption, and the cooling time is one minute.

Additional effects: This ability can be cast again even during the cooldown period, but it will cost 25% of the current health (minimum must not be lower than the point) and reduce the damage effect by half. The reduction effect will remain the same.

LVa special effects: When Heartbreaker affects multiple enemies, each additional enemy number increases the Heartbreaker damage effect by an additional%, up to%.

The instinct reduction effect is in the battle with the contractor, and its duration will be affected by the% rule.

Tier 5 talent: The armor of faith (currently practiced to Tier 4) can immediately generate a layer of strong armor made by mental power on the body surface. The armor has a point of health, ten points of defense, lasts seconds, and is destroyed. After that, the owner will be restored to health within ten seconds. (It can be released to the rest after upgrading to the fifth level.) It takes a bit of mental energy to release this ability.

Main equipment:

Processed profiled skull

Output: Adult Alien

Equipment Rarity: Silver Story Level

Material: Chitin + androgen + formic acid + d + grass anthraldehyde ten interleukin, etc.

Attachment: Shield Spike

Equipment location: Left hand

Equipment Type: Medium Shield

weight / g.

Each piece of equipment used: the amount must reach 15 points or more, physical strength point or more

Durability 131 /

Equip: Reduce your critical strike rate by%.

Equip: Defense +15 (Shield Mastery LV6 gives you an additional 5 defense and life bonus)

Equip: Block enemy attack chance + 45%

Equipment: Stamina +4

Special effect: Acid blood, whenever you successfully block the opponent's attack, there will be a chance to induce the remaining acidic blood in the skull to splash to the opponent, causing them to not suffer 7-27 acid damage.

Special effects: Tough and dense. The shield made of a special-shaped skull is very tough. Even if it is used to block enemy attacks, it only has a 33% chance to consume the shield's durability.

Abilities: Tongue stabbing. When this shield absorbs a bit of damage, it will release the alien tongue hidden in it to stab an old person in front of it. This damage will ignore the enemy's% defense power, causing a fixed damage of ten strength damage 2 and making the enemy's stun reduction / stun time at least 1 second), the built-in cooling time in seconds.

This ability can be freely switched between active and passive. The switching interval is minutes.

Note: Only the special-shaped skulls processed by the Jagged Warrior can have both offense and defense, but you must know that not every special-shaped skull is suitable for making shields, so when the owner pays attention to defense, it will also be difficult to find the weakness of the old person. Already.

Centaurus Plasma Lightsaber (for drills)

Output: Star Wars

Equipment Rarity: Black

Equipment quality: repair after severe damage.

Material structure: energy loop card charge focusing transparent diffraction energy exciter ten conductors

Attachable: slot is damaged.

Weight: kg.

Equipment use conditions: power must reach more than points, agility must reach 15 points, each point must be consumed before the use of power points common points / degrees of force to charge the lightsaber. Regardless of whether it is used or not, it will expire after half an hour.

Durability: None

Equip: Increase attack power to Ringblade.

Equip: Increase attack power by 45%

Equip: Your attack has a chance to ignore the enemy's armor value by 5.

Passive ability: Refraction of light. When you block and dodge an enemy attack, Lin has a chance to make the energy of the lightsaber to form a barrier to protect you, and bounce back the enemy's long-range attack to protect the absorption of reflection damage.

Explanation: Its instrument soul has been permanently destroyed. You can no longer make it any spiritual.

(The rest of the reef's equipment is blue or dark blue, all simply increase the basic attributes or dodge chance, so I wo n’t write more)

Looking at the personal attributes of the reef, Fang Senyan also began to lament the importance and strength of the team. The sum of the basic attributes of the reef has reached, the mutual point, even if it does not include equipment, has also been reached, occupying the point, and Fang Senyan even if the temporary old point physical strength bonus of jewelry, plus the total basic attributes of equipment is only 8 points! And the reef's parry, block, and dodge probability are at least three times that of Fang Senyan. This is a standard melee defense warrior that combines the strength of the entire team. It has high hardness, high health, and has range control!

Then Fang Senyan saw the talent of the reef again, and he suddenly looked surprised.

"So you plant

On the side is what Mo Gansha used to say:

"It's normal, isn't it? In this new team, it's normal to disguise the data. You just need to prove that you have a defensive talent and the qualifications are sufficient."

Fang Senyan smiled bitterly:

"In terms of insight, it is indeed my weakness."

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of not knowing the goods, you are afraid of comparing goods. Compared with the long list of abilities and attributes of the reef, Fang Senyan is very unprofessional. However, Fang Senyan is strong in his layout and talents. He can often seize the opportunity that he can use his best skills. This is why the reef is far inferior to him. UU Kanshu

At this time, although the reef was dying, his heart was full of frustration and confusion. Mogansha did not quite understand why Fang Senyan gave up the main task and saved the reef. The host's body cavity also appeared indescribable for a time Cold situation. h

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[... Chapter 43 is the fastest renewal of horror text ...] a! !!

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