The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 45: Of course it was to grab it!

When Fang Senyan left for a while, the reef immersed in the mother's amniotic fluid opened his eyes, his eyes glowed with light, and the wounds on his body from time to time came out a stream of black-red blood. (Net) At this time, his strong body gradually recovered to the best condition, no longer the previous weakness, the muscles around his body are extremely tight, it looks like a sturdy cast of steel cast iron!

"This sailor seems to be really capable, and he can easily take me into the vital area of ​​this huge Zerg base to heal ..."

"Maybe I really don't fit in as a team leader, so just wait and see."

"Do n’t say thanks, this time the sailor and Mogansha saved me. Their loss is also great. If the talent of the sailor is indeed worthy of me, then it is not a bad thing to obey his order. If he is not worthy of trust , I left the life-saving kindness and left before leaving. "

The heart of the reef that had made up his mind suddenly widened, as if he had let go of a large rock and relaxed. At this time, you can see that the wound on the surface of his body is healing rapidly, and the cross-section of the bones in the body gradually begins to match. At last, he is smooth and smooth. He recovered from the amniotic fluid, and the scarlet mucus is like a waterfall. under.

"It's so comfortable that the fatigue is swept away!"


When the reef stepped out of the incubator's hatchery, Fang Senyan was still receiving treatment to remove the remaining acid damage. Therefore, the reef can only stay in place and dare not walk away. Suddenly I saw Mo Gansha, a black buddy walking with a golden smile on his face, and came over with a smile. I knew after asking, it turned out that Mo Gan The efficiency of the worker bee caught by Sha is very good. He can collect units of Pandora crystals and 5 units of rare ore on average every hour, at least twice as efficient as ordinary worker bees.

More intuitively, each worker bee can work 16 hours a day. The unit of Pandora crystals and unit ga rare ore that it produces daily can be sold directly to the Nightmare Mark or given to the mother of Blackthorn. If the sale price is ~ 1000 general points, it will undoubtedly be more cost-effective to exchange reputation, and you can earn thousands of reputations. The disadvantage is that both the Pandora crystals and rare ore collected are currently raw ore, and the price is higher if it can be refined.

The reef was surprised when he heard:

"The worker bee you caught really collected Pandora crystals and rare ore?"

Mo Gansha immediately took the reef to the scene to observe it. When the unlucky worker bee collected a trip and saw the sample, the reef couldn't help but sigh:

"I knew I could get Pandora crystals this way, so what am I going to do on that mainline mission?"

At this time, Fang Senyan also eliminated the residual acid in the body, and came over by the way, smelling strangely:

"What does the main mission have to do with this Pandora crystal?"

The reef shook his way:

"At the quartermaster at the Rum Outpost, there are Pandora crystals and associated ore ore sold. I have a need for this because I have learned the ability of forging, but the sale price of the quartermaster is really expensive. It's dreadful, that's why I insisted on completing the mainline missions to increase my reputation. Alas ... I didn't expect to have such a long stream of winners! "

Fang Senyan groaned:

"If you really need such crystals and associated mines, then there are quite a few ways. The most secure is that you only need to reach the respected reputation, then you can directly buy worker bees to collect for you, but the consumption The price is also quite high, and the reason I do not recommend this approach is because after the popularity of the Blackthorn tribe has reached worship, there are very good property exchanges. "

Speaking of Fang Senyan, he showed the previously recorded exchange menu to the reef. After the reef saw the exchange bar, he was also a guy who knew the goods, and of course understood the great benefits behind these exchanges. Can't help but ask Fong Sen Rock Road

"So what other way do you say?"

Fang Senyan smiled, and said it almost as pure water:

"Of course it was robbed."

Five minutes later, the three of them had rested properly, and once again boarded the purchased ordinary host. One mile ahead was the spore flying dragon exploring the road. Although in the current situation, the Blackthorn tribe has taken the absolute advantage in air control, but the red-striped tribe has no sign of genius masters to give up, and has replaced its own tactics with suicide mosquitoes and a lot of sting The snake came to deal with the current situation and broke the previous monopoly situation of the Blackthorn tribe. Therefore, Fang Senyan was careful to make the ship forever.

The reef was watching the electronic map in front of it attentively. On this map, Fang Senyan's previous annotation was still vivid, and his calm and confident voice sounded like a fork rang in the ear of the reef.

"There are only two Zerg tribes within a thousand kilometers of this neighborhood. One is our ally, and the other is our enemy. So it is clear that the target we chose to rob is the red-stripe tribe ... Ti (Mogansha), put away your **** expression of surprise and listen to what I said. Am I the kind of person who is stupid enough to attack the enemy's nest directly? The Redweave Tribe slaughter and swallowed up the rest This is the scale of the Zerg tribes, and the original sites of these Zerg tribes should also have the uncollected Pandora veins, but the content will not be so rich and left. Obviously, their former mother nests also It should have been used as a subbase by the Red Tribe. "

"It can be noticed that the connection between the Redweave tribe and these sub-bases is definitely not close. Even the nearest subbase is more than a kilometer away. For the Redweave tribe, they must use at least their lost air control. It takes half an hour to reinforce the base.

"At this time, we first attacked all the sub-bases of the Red-striped Tribe by harassment. Each attack lasted only a few minutes. The focus was to explore which sub-base of the Red-striped Tribe has a large amount of Pandora crystal deposits. Then After the tribal clans are so exhausted that they can't figure out our main attack direction, they will break down one of the bases in one fell swoop, and naturally they will be forcibly plundered. "

Looking at the map in front, the reef carefully pondered for a while, and finally looked at Fang Senyan, but stopped talking, Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"I may also be negligent in doing things. I will talk about the problem now, and it is better than having a gap after entering the battle."

Reef seriously said:

"The Red Tribe now loses air dominance, so his strength should be mainly concentrated near the main base, and the remaining branch bases are defensive. There is no doubt about it. But don't forget it. There is another inside the Zerg base. A powerful defensive organ, the tongue stabs the bunker. This thing is quite powerful, with strong attack power and a wide range of attacks. If there are three in the number, then we will have no chance of adding Zerg troops. "

Fang Senyan shook his head, saying crisply:

"No, look at the terrain near here. The main base of the Redweave tribe just happens to protect the rest of the subbases. Even if the Blackthorn tribe dares to attack, its ground troops cannot bypass the main base of the Redweave tribe without being attacked. Although the current Blackthorn tribe has occupied the air superiority, the thorn + explosive mosquito tactics of the red-striped tribe can still have the air dominance around the control area. This eliminates the possibility of using host airborne on a large scale. "

"So for the red-stripe tribe, the most important thing to guard against is the sudden attack of the highly mobile Spore Wyvern! Therefore, I am sure that its sub-base should only be able to add air to the spore air defense spit turret. The combination of fast beasts, which completely separates the air force from the enemy force, is enough to cope with most conditions. "

"Finally, the most important reason is that, from the economic situation, the current red-stripe tribe should be scarce of rare ore, so the combination of spore anti-aircraft spitting turrets and fast beasts does not consume any rare ore- ―This is also the most effective combination system that can choose to air-to-ground defense at the same time. There is no one who is talented. "

The reef silently said for a while:

"You're right, but if you have a certain number of fast beasts, it can be a headache."

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"You can safely leave this question to me."

"Right." Mo Gansha suddenly said, "Why have we not even seen a fire-spitting bug after so long in the war? Will we encounter this thing?"

Fang Senyan was very sure:

"I have already asked about the brain worms of the Blackthorn thorn tribe. After obtaining the tuberculosis of the scald mouthparts, it has basically solved the genetic code of this worm and has the ability to produce firebugs. According to the genetic code of the fire tortoise, the acid of the newly-produced Hydralisk after the Blackthorn tribe contained a hormone in it, which would cause fatal damage once it was contaminated by the fire tortoise. .Because the cost of hatching fire flames is extremely high, and even twenty spiny snakes can be produced with the same unit of crystal ore energy, the red-striped tribe will never produce fire flames again-of course, the blackthorn tribe's spray Fire bugs also suffer from such targeted treatment. "

Mogan Sha suddenly suddenly:

"It turned out to be like this ~ ~ then the fire-spitting creature should only have miraculous effects on zerg families that do not have their genetic code."

Fang Senyan nodded

"Probably that." H

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