The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 47: Determine the target

Facing the inquiries of the reef, Mogansha smiled and said nothing, but her eyes were immersed in deep memories. The reef looked at Mogansha's expression and continued to say seriously:

"I remember that after you left, the mad Hanik and Joel studied the reasons very much at the time. They both thought that you were afraid that you had hacked some equipment in the team. This equipment should have at least a silver plot level. That ’s why I ran away violently. Otherwise, I ca n’t find your motivation to do so anyway. ”

Mo Gansha shook his head with a solemn wry smile and took a deep breath:

"The reason why I became a free man, strictly speaking, is that the boss created it with one hand."

The reef is even more amazing:

"The sailor made you a free man? How could this be true?"

Mogansha slowly shook her head and said:

"At the time, the Symbiosis Society used a set stone to make a desperate attempt to steal the Magic Stone of the Harry Potter World. As a result, it was blocked by the Banks gangster. As a result, the bankers gang was repelled, and the melee hands and crowbar were injured and killed In the end, the metal mentor plus Fanu entered the underground Lingling Pavilion with the rest of the people, and still wanted to successfully win the treasure. Among those who were treated as cannon fodder, everyone was a sailor who was a newcomer. . "

An incredible look had appeared on Jiaoshi's face, and he was not a fool. He had roughly guessed what Mo Gansha wanted to say:

"Don't ..."

"Yes, I don't know what happened underground in that Gringotts, but the end result is that the symbiosis will be disbanded because the founder and the designated deputy head of the group died ... the one who comes out is him! Sailor!"

Mo Gansha smiled bitterly:

"Before, the sailor was just a potential stock in my heart, but since I received the death news of the metal teacher and Faro, I have been calling him forever.

The reef chewed Mogansha's words for a while and couldn't help but admire the experience of the "sailor" guy. He thought about living out in such a dangerous situation, and Jiaozi thought he didn't have the ability, let alone kill the metal teacher and the slave.

In the chat between the two people, the life value of this spore anti-aircraft turret has been exhausted, and the sound of "pop" burst into **** sky. Fang Senyan no longer cares about fuel, and the Prometheus flamethrower turned on at full power, ejecting two long fire dragons, and burning seventeen or eight swift beasts running more than twenty meters away into a fire, and then Evacuate quickly. At this time after the reef was broken, Mogansha responded in the middle, Fang Senyan first withdrew, and the three went away after boarding the host. All three have very rich combat experience, and the first cooperation was seamless.

After taking the host's sac cavity, the three of them relaxed after taking off, after all, there was a spore flying dragon in front of them, and they could warn in advance if there was anything wrong. The reef was really curious about the other side at this time, so he asked out loud what his natural defense talent was. Fang Senyan originally wanted to pay for the reef, so there was nothing to hide, and he directly displayed his C + talent data. The reef suddenly realized, and he understood why Fang Senyan could persist in the fierce beast. The reason for so long.

Obviously, if you deal with 500 swift beasts at the same time, it is obvious that Fang Senyan will live longer, but if you deal with ten elite swift beasts at the same time, the reef will undoubtedly live longer. Next, the three attacked two red zerg bases one after another, and succeeded one after another. By the way, they also killed nearly two hundred fast beasts and dozens of spiny snakes, but when they rushed to the next zerg base, At the time, Fang Senyan terminated his action plan just before the attack.

The reason to give up is simple or even ridiculous: because he and Mo Gansha both felt a little wrong at the same time, this ominous feeling can be said to have no sign and no reason. But Fangfang Yanyan will end the plan abruptly. The use of perceptual warning as a reason is obviously unexplainable. In the nightmare world, it can be said that there are crises. As long as it is likely to endanger life, it will warn you. However, it is the so-called wealth insurance. It can also be said that there is no need to do anything because of decadence.

Therefore, the biggest use of perception is to protect people from sudden ambush, and to avoid fatal injuries in battle. Temporarily changing plans like Fang Senyan can be very rare in the nightmare world. But he didn't explain anything. He didn't say anything until he got away from the host:

"There was no sign of recent attacks on that base, but the number of savage beasts in the base was reduced by about a hundred heads. And the number of worker bees collecting Pandora ore in the remaining bases will not be less than fifty, but here There are only forty-five worker bees. In addition, the worker bees are very frequent with crystals entering and leaving the hatchery. "

Although Fang Senyan no longer spoke, Mogansha and the reef understood what he meant: Where did the hidden beast go? If the Zerg want to incubate all the organ buildings, they must sacrifice one worker bee as the core of the organ building. Where did the five missing worker bees go and what did they hatch? The frequency of worker bees entering and leaving the hatchery room is very diligent, which explains that a large number of eggs are constantly incubating, so it is necessary to replenish a lot of Pandora crystal mine energy!

If only one of these doubts appears, it may be a coincidence, but if they appear together, then most of them are traps. Of course, for the red streaks, this step is enough to coax the black streaks of the brain bugs. Unfortunately, their opponent is the contractor!

"Then what should we do now?" Jiao Yi could not help asking. There were already obvious thoughts in his words. Team leaders are not self-proclaimed, prestige is cultivated little by little in these small things. When others have developed a kind of dependence on you, then it is difficult for you to think of not sitting in this position.

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"The main purpose of our exploration this time was to confuse the sight and sound of R. cerevisiae, by the way to explore the false and true of each base. The ultimate goal is to plunder the ore in its sub-bases and obtain merits. Now that we have a target at this time, of course Directly passed. "

The reef took a deep breath:

"Your goal, is it referring to base 1?"

Fang Senyan nodded and said with certainty:


The light was dim, and a Hydralisk was loyally patrolling the base. Although there are still clear wounds on their surfaces, their injuries can be cured quickly and stably on their mucus carpets. Although the base was heavily damaged during the previous raid of spore dragons, and there were wounds sputtered by spore shells everywhere, the enemy was also deadly. The corpse of black spore dragons that was slowly digested in the mucus of the carpet. It's proof.

Suddenly, there was a message of fighting in the distance. During the battle, the Zerg would emit hormones like bees and ants. For the rest of the race, this kind of breath is completely undetectable, but for the same race, it is Very clear sign. There is no doubt that the Hydralisk immediately rushed towards the battlefield, but when it twisted its body and stepped out of the base, it suddenly spewed a tongue of fire a hundred meters away!

The sound of Da Da Da Da Da was clearly transmitted. The Hydra just turned his head and sprayed acid towards the enemy in the dark. It was overturned by the huge impact carried by the bullet, and the corpse exploded directly. Once opened, a piece of meat and blood was formed.

In the open space about a kilometer away, Fang Senyan and the reefs fought side by side. They have killed at least nearly a hundred swift beasts here. The spore fly dragon and the host hovered on the main road on the east and west sides. If Red Cerebral Army sent reinforcements on the ground to support it, then no doubt they could get early warning.

However, according to the neurological contact of the Blackthorn tribe half an hour ago, the Blackthorn Cerebral Devil Juice has mobilized nearly a quarter of the troops and started attacking the No. 4 sub-base of the Red Cerebral Cerebrate 300 kilometers away. Among the veins there, the reserves of Pandora ore even exceed the output of the main base of the Red Tribe! This time the attack can be said to be both an assault and a comprehensive assault in the shortest possible time!

Therefore, for the red brainworm, it is currently the most important thing to keep the No. 4 sub-base, and the surprise attack of the three people on the No. 1 base should not be valued by the red brain brain ~ www. ~ More importantly: Among the current veins at Base 1, Pandora's ore stock is about to be depleted, which naturally means that it has lost most of its existing value.

"It's almost there." The reef cleanly pulled his black lightsaber backhand out of the mouth of a swift beast. The green body fluid contaminated on it quickly evaporated, and the "squeak" smoke disappeared instantly. "If new forces are not hatched, the troops in this subbase should be exhausted."

The two back-to-back looked rather embarrassed, but in fact they were both injured by the skin. They raised their hands and feet to be healthy and neat, and had no effect on their personal combat strength. Fang Senyan nodded:

"AK, how's your situation over there."

"Hell, the Hydralisk actually sprayed acid into my Majesty! God, if my sexual function is damaged in the future, then I swear I will kill all Hydralisks I see!" Mogansha cried angrily.

Fang Senyan said badly:

"I'm not at all interested in what you sprayed with Hydralisks. I'm asking you to see how many troops are still in the base."

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